Toombs-Montgomery County GaArchives Biographies.....McQueen, Alexander S. 1889 - living in 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 15, 2004, 2:12 pm Author: William Harden p. 719 ALEXANDER S. MCQUEEN. Energetic, enterprising and progressive, A. S. McQueen has acquired prominence in business and political circles, being connected with the Citizens Bank of Vidalia, and is now in 1912, running, without opposition, as candidate for justice of the peace in the fifty-first district. A son of the late Philip A. McQueen, he was born, October 4, 1889, in that part of Montgomery county, Georgia, that is now included within the boundaries of Toombs county. He is of pioneer stock, his paternal grandparents, Angus and Harriet (McMillin) McQueen, having migrated from North Carolina to Georgia, settling in this state as planters, the grandfather subsequently serving in the Confederate army during the Civil war. Philip A. McQueen was for many years one of the leading citizens of Toombs county. He served as county school commissioner for five years, in that position doing much to advance the educational standards. In June, 1908, in company with A. F. Sawyer, R. D. McQueen established The Toombs County Local, and on January 1, 1909, Mr. Philip A. McQueen bought Mr. Sawyer's interest in the paper, of which he was subsequently editor and general manager until his death, in July, 1911. Philip A. McQueen married Minnie R. McLeod, whose father was born in Toombs county, about four miles from Vidalia, where his ancestors settled on coming from North Carolina to Georgia. Her father served as a soldier in the Civil war, being a member of General Wheeler's, cavalry. Eight children were born of their union, all of whom are living, the five sons being as follows: H. M., assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Lyons, Georgia; R. D.; A. S., whose name we have placed at the head of this sketch; George D.; and Archibald A. R. D. McQueen was born on the home farm, in Toombs county, July 8, 1887, and as a boy and youth received excellent educational advantages. Since the death of his father he has had the entire control of the Toombs County Local, a weekly publication issued Thursday of each week, and is managing it ably and successfully. He is a young man of considerable prominence in the community, and an active member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. A. S. McQueen is a man of fine scholarly attainments, as a pupil in the Vidalia high school having won the state and first congressional district medals for the best essays, while at the Vidalia Collegiate Institute he Avas graduated with honors, being valedictorian of his class. He has since studied law and is now justice of the peace. He is a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, being now secretary of the local lodge, and belongs to the Oriental Order of Pilgrim Knights. Religiously he is a member of the Presbyterian church of Vidalia. Additional Comments: A HISTORY OF SAVANNAH AND SOUTH GEORGIA BY WILLIAM HARDEN VOLUME II ILLUSTRATED THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1913 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb