TROUP HEARD COUNTY, GA - Civil War Pension Joseph L. Hammond 1907 Kneelys Brigade; 1st GA Reserves ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle Civil War Pension application of Joseph L. Hammond, filed in 1907 in Troup County, Georgia J. L. Hammond, Troup Co. Indigent Pension 1907 Name: Hammond, J.L. County: Troup Co./Reg't: Kneelys Brigade; 1st GA Reserves Sept 18, 1907 Power of Attorney State of Georgia, Troup County I, J.L. Hammond hereby authorize Phillip Cook of Atlanta to receive and receipt for the pension allowed and request that he remit same to H. P. Woodyard, LaGrange, by check. Witness my hand and seal this 18th day of Sept 1907. J.L. Hammond, X, his mark Executed in the presence of H. Woodyard Sept 18, 1907 State of Georgia, Troup County Questions for Applicant for Pension J. L. Hammond of said State and County, desiring to avail himself of the Pension Act, hereby submits his proofs and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Joseph L. Hammond, GA., Troup, West Point. 2. How long and since when have you been a resident of this State? 6 years. January 1901. 3. When and where were you born? Heard Co. Georgia Mch 4th 1847. 4. When and where and in what company and regiment did you enlist or serve? 1863. Company A First GA. Reserves Col. Fanning's Regt, Kneely's Brigade. Gen. Gartrell. 5. How long did you remain in such company and regiment? Till discharged at close of War 1865. 6. When and where was your company and regiment surrendered and discharged? Discharged at Albany, GA. Spring, April or May 1865. 7. Were you present with your company and regiment when it was surrendered? Yes. 8. N/A 9. How much can you earn gross per annum by your own exertions or labor? Very little. 10. What has been your occupation since 1865? Farming. 11. Upon which of the following grounds do you base your application for pension, viz.; first "age and poverty, second infirmity and poverty or third blindness and poverty?" Second, infirmity and poverty. 12. How long have you been in such condition that you could not earn your support? Rheumatism for several years. Broken shoulder by being thrown from wagon in 1902. 13. What property, real and personal or income do you possess and its gross value? Cattle and hogs and household furniture. $70. 14. What property, real or personal did you possess in 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904 and 1905 and what disposition if any by sale or gift have you made of same? Mule and wagon, sold. 15. In what county did you reside during those years and what property did you return for taxation? Troup Co. GA. 16. How were you supported during the years 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904 and 1905? By managing farm. 17. How much did your support cost for each of those year and what portion did you contribute thereto by your own labor or income? Very little. 18. What was your employment during 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904 and 1905? What pay did you receive in each year? Farmer. 19. Have you a family, if so, who composes such family? Give their means of support. Have they a homestead or other property? Their ages and how employed? Yes, wife. By such means as I can provide. No homestead or property. Age 60 years. Household, domestic duties. 20. Are you receiving a pension, if so, what amount and for what disability? No. 21. Have you ever made an application for pension before? No. 22. How many applications have you ever made and under what class? None. J. L. Hammond, X, his mark Sworn to and subscribed before mt his 18th day of Sept 1907. H.P. Woodyard, Ordinary of Troup County. June 29, 1907 Questions for Witness State of ____, Randolph County B. Hammond, of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of J.L. Hammond for pension, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? B. Hammond, Graham, Ala and John B. Hammond, Sewell, Ala. 2. Are you acquainted with J.L. Hammond the applicant; if so how long have you known him? All his and my life. 3. Where does he reside and how long and since when has he been a resident of this State? Borned and raised in Georgia. 4. When, where and in what company and regiment did he enlist and how do you know? First Georgia Reserves, Co. A. 5. Were you a member of the same company and regiment? Yes. 6. How long did he perform regular military duty? 2 years. 7. When and where was his command surrendered? Aulbany?, GA. 8. Were you present when it surrendered? Yes. 9. Was applicant present? Yes. 10. When did he leave his command? At surrender. For what cause: Discharged. By what authority he left? Discharged from duty. How do you know all of this? I was present at the time. 11. What property, effects or income has the applicant? No property; farming on rented land. 12. What property, effects or income did the applicant possess in 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905? None. 13. Has he conveyed away any of his property in the last four years, if so what was it and to whom? No. 14. What is the applicant's occupation and physical condition? Farming and health bad. 15. Is the applicant unable to support himself by labor of any sort, if so why? Old age and afflictions. 16. How was he supported during the years 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905? Farming. 17. What portion of his support for these four years was derived from his own labor or income? None. 18. Give a full and complete statement of the applicant's physical condition that entitles him to a pension? Disabled by getting his shoulder broke. 19. Who composes family, what property do they have; children's ages and their earning capacity? Himself and wife in family only. 20. What interest have you in the recovery of pension by this applicant? None. B. Hammond, X, his mark, John B. Hammond, X, his mark Sworn to this July 1, 1907, John T Kaylor, Judge of Probate. Sept 18th 1907 Affadavit of Physicians State of Georgia, Troup County Personally came before me, J.M. Poer, M.D. and P.A. Tatum of said County who being severally sworn say on oath that they have examined carefully Mr. J.L. Hammond, applicant for pension and after such personal examination say that his precise physical condition is as follows: Has had rheumatism for several years in right arm and shoulder. Left shoulder was broken by being thrown from wagon. Heart action? inter?. Suffers with indigestion ?. These physical informities render him unable to labor at any work or calling sufficient to earn a living. J.M. Poer, M.D., P.A. Tatus, M.D. Sept 18, 1907 Ordinary's Certificate State of Georgia, Troup County I, H.P. Woodyard, Ordinary, in and for said County, hereby certify that the applicant J.L. Hammond resides in said County and that the witnesses J.M. Poer and P.A. Tatum are of trustworthy character and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credit. I further certify that the tax digest of Troup County shows that applicant returned for taxation in his name in 1901, $61. of property and in 1902, nothing, and in 1903 $92. of property and in 1904, Nothing and in 1905 Nothing. In my opinion, the foregoing claim is made in good faith. Witness my hand and seal of office this 18th day of Sept 1907. H.P. Woodyard, Ordinary of Troup County. October 16, 1935 State of Georgia, Troup County Application for Expenses of Last Illness and Funeral (Under Act of 1919). Daniel Johnson, Ordinary Name of Pensioner: J.L. Hammond Date of Death: 10-16-1935 Paid to Ordinary on this Claim: $150. Certificate of Death Georgia Department of Public Health Bureau of Vital Statistics Full Name of Deceased: Joseph L. Hammond Place of Death: Troup County City of Town: West Point Personal and Statistical Particulars: White, widowed, male Date of Birth: Left Blank Age at Death: 88 years Date of Death: Oct 16, 1935 (7. a.m.) Birthplace: Troup Co. GA Occupation: Farming Name of Father: Barswell Hammond Birthplace of Father: Georgia Maiden name of Mother: Amanda Miller Birthplace of Mother: Georgia Cause of Death: Fractured hip caused by a fall. Attending physician: R.O'Neal, MD., West Point, GA. Informant for Death Certificate information: Mrs. T.J. Latimer, West Point, GA Burial Place: Pinewood Cemetery, West Point, GA. Undertaker: Schnedl - Jones, West Point, GA. Oct 24, 1935 Receipt from Funeral Director Schnedl-Jones West Point, GA to: Mrs. T.J. Latimer, City in Account with Schnedl-Jones Furniture Company, Complete Home Outfitters, Funeral Directors, Telephone 137 Oct 16 Embalming and Service Casket Shirt Underwear Sox Burial of Joseph Hammond ________________ $250.50 County of Troup, State of Georgia Before me Lillian Sands a Notary Public in and for said state and county; personally appeared Thos. T. Jones known to me who being duly sworn says that the above is a true, correct and unpaid statement of burial expenses of Mr. Joseph L. Hammonds. Thos. T. Jones Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of October 1935. Lillian Sands, N.P. October 26, 1935 Application for Payment of Expenses of Last Illness and Funeral Georgia, Troup Before me the Ordinary of said County, comes F.M. Peppers of said County who after being duly sworn on oath says that he knew J.L. Hammond late of said county, a Confederate Pensioner, and that said person is the identical person named and described in the attached certified copy of burial certificate; and that said pensioner left no widow and no estate of any kind or value sufficient to pay the expenses of the last illness and funeral which amounted to the sum of $250. as shown by sworn statements fully and completely itemized, hereto attached. F. M. Pepper Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 26th day of October 1935. J. Forest Johnson, Ordinary. **********************************************************************************************************************