Unknown County GaArchives Military Records.....1st Reserves Co K Civilwar - Rosters 1st Reserves Co K ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jane Benson jab50@bellsouth.net September 24, 2004, 5:51 pm 1st Reserves Co K MUSTER ROLL of Captain J. D. Watson Company K First Reg’t Ga Reserves , Army of the Confederate States , Colonel J. H. Fannin, from the 27th day of April 1864, when mustered into the Service of the Confederate States. Note: This muster roll contains the original entries of the men who enlisted in the First Georgia Reserves, Company K. It includes the number (order in which their names were written), name, rank, enlistment data of when, where, and by whom, time period of enlistment, age, height in terms of feet & inches, complexion, color of eyes, color of hair, occupation and few whose place of residence was noted. The first four officers were not so noted and neither was the men numbered 69-81. Although it was noted that all privates should be listed in alphabetical order, not all were done so, and in order to keep this muster roll authentic, I’ve listed them according to the way they were written on the original document. The soldiers who made up Company K of the 1st Georgia Reserves were nearly all from Carroll County, Georgia. Of those whose place of residence was not written down, I have no knowledge of where they might have been a resident at the time of enlistment. Of the occupations listed, every single soldier listed was a farmer. That made 68 privates, 5 sergeants and 4 corporals for a total number of 77 farmers. All transcriptions contain errors. That is only human nature. However, I have tried diligently to make this roster as error free as possible. In transcribing the original document, I found that quite a number of men were listed whose names had been left off other reference sources and quite a number whose names had not been spelled correctly. I have corrected those errors where possible. Due to the sometimes poor quality of the microfilm, especially on the bottom portion of the document where the ink has faded over time making the names almost illegible, I have done the best I can. When possible, I will update or correct any mistakes I find or new data becomes available. OFFICERS: 1. J. D. Watson – enlisted as a Captain 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. No physical description or place of residence noted. 2. H. S. Jones – enlisted as a 1st Lieutenant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. No physical description of place of residence noted. 3. I.E.C.W. Smith – enlisted as a Sr. 2nd Lieutenant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. No physical description or place of residence noted. 4. W.M. Jones – enlisted as a Jr. 2nd Lieutenant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. No physical description or place of residence noted. 1. J.T. Norman – enlisted as a 1st Sergeant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 2. J. J. Johnson – enlisted as a 2nd Sergeant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 48, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. Died at Camp Douglas Prison in Chicago, Illinois on November 22, 1864. 3. J. H. Laseter – enlisted as a 3rd Sergeant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 46, 5’ 10” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 4. W. T. Cook – enlisted as a 4th Sergeant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 5. C. C. Wager – enlisted as a 5th Sergeant 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 48, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 1. Wm. Williams – enlisted as a 1st Corporal 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 2. Hy Carter – enlisted as a 2nd Corporal 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 3. Benj. Derrett – enlisted as a 3rd Corporal 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 6’ 2” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. *See list below. 4. Phillip Vines – enlisted as a 4th Corporal 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. PRIVATES: 1. Atchinson, A. W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 2. Avery, J. W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 3. Adeholt, Milton – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 4. Adeholt, B. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 5. Brown, Christopher – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ ?” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 6. Brown, Thomas – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 7. Barnett, W. H. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 8. Burnett, P. C. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 7” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 9. Benefield, S. E. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. *See list below. 10. Barron, O. G. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. *See list below. 11. Collins, C. J. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 5’ ?” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 12. Carter, M. S. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 10” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 13. Cantrell, J. M. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 48, 6’ in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 14. Carter, Wm. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 15. Cook, W. T. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 16. Cook, J. W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 48, 6’ 2” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 17. Driver, Allen – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 18. Driver, Berry – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with light eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 19. Dory, Owen – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 6’ in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and blue (?) hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. NOTE: I think there was a clerical error on this man for the original enlistment entry definitely gives his hair color as “blue” and is not an error on my part. 20. Dun, William – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 6’ in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and blue (?) hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 21. Eart, H. S. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 22. Garner, J. W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 23. Glass, Erastus – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 24. Goodwin, W. H. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 48, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 25. Gaines, M. E. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 26. Glaze, Daniel – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 5’ 6” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and blue (?) hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 27. Glaze, A. J. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6 (?)” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and blue (?) hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 28. Hodge, P. M. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 29. Henderson, Jas. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 46, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 30. Houston, J. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 9” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 31. Hensley, Wm. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 32. Johnson, J. J. enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 48, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 33. Jacobs, A. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 34. Jones, S. M. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 35. Kelly, R. F. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 36. Kinney, Thomas – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 37. Lang, F. B. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 4” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 38. Lenderman, H. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 39. Lewis, John – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 46, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 40. Lasiter, J. W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 46, 5’ 10” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 41. McWharter, E. H. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 42. McWharter, W. J. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 43. McWharter, Rich. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. *See list below. 44. McCargne, Jos. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 45. Morgan, Henry – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 48, 6’ 2” in height, fair complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. *See list below. 46. Norman, J. T. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 47. O’Neal, Leroy – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 5’ 6” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 48. Pearson, Wesley – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 9” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 49. Phillips, Robert – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 50. Phillips, Thomas – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 46, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 51. Parks, James – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 52. Parks, J. C. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 46, 6’ in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. *See list below. 53. Robertson, W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 10” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 54. Robinson, Jack – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 9” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 55. Stitia, Jasper – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 56. Stephens, Levi – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 57. Scroggins, W. H. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 10” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 58. Smith, Welcomb – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 59. Smith, J. R. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 30, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 60. Tinney, H. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 6’ in height, fair complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 61. Todd, W. W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 6’ in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 62. Thurmond, Chas. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 63. Vines, Phillip – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 49, 6’ in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 64. Wilson, F. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 65. Williams, A. W. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 66. Wager, C. C. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 47, 5’ 10” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 67. Wood, A. S. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 8” in height, dark complexioned with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. 68. Carter, W. H. – enlisted as a Private 27th April 1864 in Atlanta, Ga by Captain W.L. Hubbard for the duration of the War. He was age 17, 5’ 6” in height, dark complexioned with dark eyes and light hair. He was a farmer from Carroll County, Georgia. Macon Daily Telegraph, October 1, 1864, page 2 $30 REWARD Hd Qrs 1st Reg’t Geo. Reserves } Andersonville, Ga. } Macon, September 30, 1864 } Thirty Dollars reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery at this camp of each of the following named Absentees without leave. District and County Enrolling Officers will use every effort to arrest and return these men to their commands. Names Company  :County and State Post Office Henry Morgan K Campbell County Counsy Line Henry Davenport K “ “ “ O. G. Barron K Carroll County “ Benj. Derrett K “ “ “ R. L. McWhorter K “ “ Sand Hill Thos. Willis K “ “ “ S. E. Benefield K “ “ “ J. M. Duncan K “ “ Brownsville J. C. Parks K Coweta County Newnan A. J. Hall K Bibb County Macon, Ga. J. R. Wills K Terrill County Dawson George Moses K “ “ “ The Patient Register of the Wayside (1st Louisiana) Confederate Hospital, Charleston, SC 1862-1865, transcribed & extracted by Fred Knudsen, Columbia, SC shows one soldier attached to this company: Pvt. Anderson Farr was admitted to the General (Encampment) Hospital No. 2, Summerville on 4 December 1864 with Debility and discharged on December 5. Compiled Service Records show that he enlisted as a Private at Macon, GA on September 10, 1864 in Company K. Muster roll cards for September & October show him to be present. In the 1864 Census for Re-organizing the Georgia Militia, he is shown as Anderson Farr, 48 years 2 months, farmer, living in Warren County, Georgia. Contact: Bev Barnes BBarnes525@aol.com · GDAH Microfilm Drawer 279 Roll # 70. · Broadfoot “Roster of Confederate Soldiers 1861-1865”. · Nancy Jones Cornell “1864 Census for Re-Organizing the Georgia Militia”. · Virgil D. White “Index to Georgia Confederate Pension Files”. · These lists were typed up and filed by unit in the Georgia Civil War Miscellaneous Collection, on microfilm at the GDAH, Atlanta, GA & on file at Wallace State College, Hanceville, AL - Robert S. Davis, Professor of History & Genealogy. · Roster of known dead at Camp Douglas Prison, Chicago, Illinois. Newspaper dated 1866. · Patient Register of the Wayside (1st Louisiana) Confederate Hospital, Charleston, SC 1862-1865, transcribed & extracted by Fred Knudsen, Columbia, SC File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/unknown/military/civilwar/rosters/gmt90u1streser.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 25.9 Kb