I REMEMBER By Hartford Pryor A few Sundays ago in our Sunday School class, we learned about Zac- chaeus being in the Sycamore tree (Luke 19). The lesson brought back fond memories of a great preacher. It happened when Herbert Morgan was pastor of the East Thomaston Bap- tist Church. One Sunday, instead of reading his scripture. Brother Morgan began quoting it from memory. He started with the story about the people gathering in the streets of Jericho to see Jesus. Rev. Morgan said that there was a small man by the name ofNicodemas who wouldn't get to see Jesus because he was too short to see over the crowd, so he ran down the street and climbed a sycamore tree. When Jesus came by and saw Nicodemas in the tree he told .,-::::,;-!, : •i sap: ' him to make haste and come down be- cause he was going to his house to eat. The crowd of people didn't like this at all because Nicodemas was a tax col- lector who charged the people more money than he was suppose to collect. Then all at once he stopped (Herbert Morgan was absolutely un- flappable) and said, "Nicodemas come down from that tree, you're not sup- pose to be up there." Then he added, "Zacchaeus, you get up in that tree." After he got the cast of characters straightened out, he told how Jesus went home with Zacchaeus and that Zacchaeus had a change of heart and told the people if he charged them too much tax he would repay them four- fold. Whenever I hear the story of Zac- chaeus, I think of this and laugh.