Upson County GaArchives Military Records..... Beall, Thomas 1836 Indian - Rosters Upson Light Dragoon ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Fred Bennett August 27, 2004, 8:58 pm Vol 7 1836 Georgia Military Affairs WPA Project N. 5993 pg 323-24 Thomaston Upson Co Geo 21 May 1836 Sir: The order from the Executive for the men drafted in this county in February last, to proceed forthwith to West Point was rec'd by last mail, & the proper measures adopted to have them march on Wednesday next. In the mean time having an opportunity of communicating with your Excellency previous to that time, I have thought proper to make the following statement: Many of those drafted have left; Some by permanent removal; Some now sick; others have joined the Troop of Horse which left here on Maond last to join Major Howard, and some have gone to Columbus to join companies there. These causes have reduced the number drafted perhaps half (originally only Seventy) When information was received of the exposed condition of our frontiers a number of our Most worthy citizens promptly stepped forward to organize an additional volunteer corps in this County for Service, but in consequence of the number drafted, and a volunteer Trrop of those having already gone on Service, they were unable to tender to your Excellency such number as would have been accepted. These individuals now wish, with such of the drafted men as are here and able to go, to form a volunteer company which would also be in readiness to March on Wednesday next to West Point. This arrangement is believed to be more to the public welfar, and such as one as will meet your Excellency's approbation -- and while the commander of this Regiment cannot meet the wishes of his fellow citizens, in their behalf he would respectfully ask the privilege of adopting such measures as will permit from the County another full Volunteer Company -- a number of the Drafted men also express much anxiety for the privilege above mentioned, that they may obtain such offices as they desire. The Commander of this Regiment confidently believes, that upon the plan suggested, the volunteer corps would be at the post of destruction as early as the drafted men could do; and would further state that their Services would be herewith tendered had there been time allowed. Mr. Brown will communicate further with your Excellency. I am Sir. Yr obt svt [your obedient servant] Thomas Beall, Col. Commg. 51st Reg Ga. His Excy Wm Schley Gov. & Commrd in Chief & c Milledgeville, GA Reverse Letter Colo. Thos E. Beall Mr. Bowdre) Col Bell Answered 23rd May 1836 pg 325 [Note: Became Capt. Carey W. Allen's Company Porter's 1st GA Infantry] 21 May 1836 Creek War [for alphabetical listing -- see below] *Beall, Jeremiah *Goode, Thomas W. [3rd Lt. Brown's Co - Porter's] Dickinson, Levi D [1st Corp Brown's Co - Porter's Gibson, Mitchel Torbert, James [2nd Lieut Brown's Co. Porter's] Collier, William M. Thomas, Johnathan J. Richardson, John A Cole, Willis Duncan, Jesse [1st Lieut Brown's Co Porter's] Moore, Jesse Harrell, Green B. Roberts, James C. Hunt, Jordan Nosworthy, Daniel Byers, John Perryman, William G. Davis, Elisha Revere, Frank Morgan, Jesse King, B. Norman, Wm Clark, Benjamin W. Cotton, James K. Wheat, Francis A. Tomlin, John Moye, James White, James Garnit, Anderson Reed, Andrew B. Beall, Cashi [Bell ?] Orear, Daniel Moore, Mordecai Thweatt, John T. Carraway, William Goolsby, Benjamin McVay, John Marion, John Smith, Oliver McKeel, Richard Eves, Alfred Caldwell, Spencer Ashburn, Baldwin Moore, Jackson Thwett, John W. Brown, William Wilkerson, Smith Hudmon, Ichabod Willingham, James Richardson, Thomas Hutchison, Albert G. Elliott, John Garrett, James Crawford, William J. Cattenhead, Willis [Cadenhead] McCoy, Hezekiah Stewart, Alexander Verdin, Samuel J. Hambric, J.W. [Hambrick] Hartsfield, Jackson Rose, Thomas Wood, William Meadows, Edward Ford, William Orear, William Callaway, Lourence Jones, Nathan Gibson, O.C. Beall, Thomas [Col] Arrant, William Brown, Alfred H. [Capt. Porter's 1st GA Inf] McAfee, Robert G. Upson Co. Georgia At an election held at the Court house in Thomaston for the purpose of electing officers to command the Upson Volunteers, and upon counting out the votes it appears that Thomas Beall was duly elected Captain, Alfred H. Brown, 1st Lieutenant, James Torbert, 2nd Lieutenant, and Thomas W. Goode, Ensign which your Excellency may see by reference to a list of the poles Thomas Beall, Capt 71 votes Alfred H. Brown, 1st Lieut 72 votes James Torbert, 2n Lieut 71 Thomas W. Goode, Ensign 71 votes William A. Cobb 1 vote O.C. Gibson 1 vote Jesse Morgan 1 vote Given under our hands and seals, this May 25th 1836. Curren Rogers, F.H. Edmund A. Pearce F.H. Edward Birdsong, J.P. And we further certify after the organization of said company by the Election of officers the following preamble and resolutions has been introduced by O.C. Gibson and unanimously adopted by said company. Whereas Col Thomas Beall has accepted the office of Captain in said Company & which may be an obstacle to his receiving an appointment in the line from the Governro Resolved that as a company we respectfully recommend Col Thomas Beall to his Excellency the Governor, as a faithful & efficient Military Officer & request that his Elections as Captain of this company may not interfere with any appointment which his Excellency, the Governro might think fit to bestow on him. Given under our hands and seals, this May 25, 1836 Curren Rogers, F.H. Edmund A. Pearce F.H. Edward Birdsong, J.P. Reverse Upson Volunteers 51st Reg Thomas Beall Capt Alfred H. Brown 1st Lieut James Torbert, 2nd Lieut Thomas W. Goode, Ensign Election of Upson Volunteers 4th June No commission yet issued Commission 4th June 1836 *Beall, Jeremiah, Surgeon for Beall's 1st GA Militia *Goode, Thomas W. born 1802 Hancock Co moved to Upson with parents Attorney - died 18590 Alphabetical listing Arrant, William Ashburn, Baldwin Beall, Cashi [Bell ?] Beall, Jeremiah Beall, Thomas Brown, Alfred H. Brown, William Byers, John Caldwell, Spencer Callaway, Lourence Carraway, William Cattenhead, Willis [Cadenhead] Clark, Benjamin W. Cole, Willis Collier, William M. Cotton, James K. Crawford, William J. Davis, Elisha Dickinson, Levi D Duncan, Jesse Elliott, John Eves, Alfred Ford, William Garnit, Anderson Garrett, James Gibson, Mitchel Gibson, O.C. Goode, Thomas W. Goolsby, Benjamin Hambric, J.W. [Hambrick] Harrell, Green B. Hartsfield, Jackson Hudmon, Ichabod Hunt, Jordan Hutchison, Albert G. Jones, Nathan King, B. Marion, John McAfee, Robert G. McCoy, Hezekiah McKeel, Richard McVay, John Meadows, Edward Moore, Jackson Moore, Jesse Moore, Mordecai Morgan, Jesse Moye, James Norman, Wm Nosworthy, Daniel Orear, Daniel Orear, William Perryman, William G. Reed, Andrew B. Revere, Frank Richardson, John A Richardson, Thomas Roberts, James C. Rose, Thomas Smith, Oliver Stewart, Alexander Thomas, Johnathan Thweatt, John T. Thwett, John W. Tomlin, John Torbert, James Verdin, Samuel J. Wheat, Francis A. White, James Wilkerson, Smith Willingham, James Wood, William