Walker County GaArchives Military Records.....Confederate Pensioners 1932 Civilwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 October 14, 2004, 10:06 pm Confederate Pensioners Pensioners The following roster of names of Confederate veterans with other data attached is taken from the Pension Rolls in the Ordinary's office: (Note: These old Pension Rolls are greatly worn and are rapidly falling to pieces. Unless something is done to preserve them, they will soon be gone. It is suggested that the county, or more properly, perhaps, some patriotic organization take the matter in hand and see that they are carefully preserved. With what devotion we examine and care for records of Revolutionary soldiers, and who knows but that our posterity will feel similarly about the records of Confederate soldiers. It is only a matter of sentiment, but one that greatly appeals to our patriotism.) Name Co. Regt. Cause for Pen. Enlisted Died John Agnew B 9Ga Leg Disabled 1862 1900 A. A. Bearden D 6Ga Lost Eye 1921 James Burke B 60Ga Arm Disabled 1862 Jeremiah Burns H 23Ga Foot Disabled J. D. Catlett G 16Ga Lost Left Arm 1862 J. B. Day C 16Ga Arm Disabled 1862 Robert Daugherty K 3Ga Lost Arm 1864 A. P. Ellison F 16Ga Lost Arm 1862 Samuel Ezell B 6Ga Body Injury 1863 Wm. Faulkner G 9Vol Lost Leg 1862 W. B. Foster H 23Ga Lost Eye 1862 W. A. Foster J. B. Hill E 39Ga Lost Leg 1864 C. R. Hood E 6Ga Invalid 1865 G. W. Innman I 60Ga Lost Arm 1863 Peter Jones I 60Ga Body-Arm Inj. 1931 Lewis Jones I 60Ga Wounded 1864 R. R. Johnson B 45Ga Lost Hand 1862 D. C. Jackson C 60Ga Lost Both Eyes 1862 J. N. King B 39Ga Lost 2 Toes 1863 W. R. Lindsay B 9Ga Wounds 1864 J. A. Lewallen D 1Con Lost Right Arm 1863 J. L. Neal B 9Ga Left Arm Dis. 1864 W. S. Owings E 3Ga Leg Wound 1862 1914 M. G. O'Bryant F 2SC Foot-Leg Wound 1863 G. W. Patterson I 1Ga Body Wound 1864 J. A. Park, Sr. F 39Ga Lost Hand 1864 J. L. Perryman D 20Ga Lost Leg 1863 C. W. Richster D 3Ga Arm Disabled 1863 J. A. Smith I 35Ga Hand Disabled 1862 G. W. Smith K 21Ga Lost Arm 1862 1915 D. H. Styles E 39Ga Lost Toe 1862 1914 A. F. Shaw F 4Ga Arm Disabled Wm. M. Underwood G 19Ga Body Wound 1909 S. Venable A 8Ga Leg Disabled 1864 1912 H. C. Weaver D 4Ga Lost Eye 1862 1900 Jesse Williams B 9Ga Leg Disabled 1864 1905 N. C. Napier K 6Cav Lost Eye 1862 Additional Comments: From: HISTORY OF WALKER COUNTY GEORGIA BY JAMES ALFRED SARTAIN VOLUME I Published by THE A. J. SHOWALTER COMPANY. Dalton, Ga. 1932 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/walker/military/civilwar/pensions/gmt116confeder.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.8 Kb