Ware County, GA 1860 Federal Census -- INDEX File 1 of 2 This Census was transcribed by Ross Jones and proofread by Christopher Boyd for the USGenWeb Archives Census Project, http://www.usgwarchives.net/census/ Copyright (c) 1999 by Ross Jones. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ THIS IS AN INDEX. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE NAME COLUMN. ============================================================================== Page# Line# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place File Name ============================================================================== 118 2 ****** **** 20 Georgia pg00113.txt 118 3 ****** Susan C. 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 141 17 Adkins James 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 15 Adkins John C. 11 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 14 Adkins Margareth 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 16 Adkins Nancy 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 13 Adkins William 24 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 12 Adkins Wrey 38 Georgia pg00137.txt 122 37 Aggey Andrew J. 22 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 36 Aggey Carolina 46 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 2 Aggey Charles L. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 40 Aggey Eliza 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 38 Aggey John H. 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 35 Aggey Joshua 60 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 39 Aggey Mary J. 20 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 1 Aggey Zachariah 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 33 Aldridge Jesse 13 Ga. pg00113.txt 148 11 Allbriten Andrew 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 15 Allbriten Eliza A. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 13 Allbriten Gicon 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 16 Allbriten James B. 8/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 12 Allbriten Nancy 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 14 Allbriten Sarah A. *. 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 123 8 Allcox Church 70 N. C. pg00113.txt 123 9 Allcox Susasanah 52 N. C. pg00113.txt 115 36 Amolee Eugenia 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 39 Amolee Harriet R. 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 34 Amolee James 56 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 37 Amolee John 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 38 Amolee Joseph 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 35 Amolee Mary 50 Georgia pg00113.txt 152 4 Ansh**ty John J. 37 Pennsylvania pg00137.txt 149 30 Antney Charity 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 23 Antney Locane 40 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 28 Antney Lounia 11 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 27 Antney Rutha 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 26 Antney Samuel 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 24 Antney Sarah A. 41 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 29 Antney Sarah A. J. 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 25 Antney Wm. 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 17 Arnold Elizabeth 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 19 Arnold James 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 15 Arnold Manine 32 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 16 Arnold Mary J. 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 21 Arnold Mildred 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 18 Arnold Nathan 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 20 Arnold Princis 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 19 Arnold Wm. 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 38 Bagerley Benson 44 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 3 Bagerley Caroline 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 1 Bagerley Charles T. 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 39 Bagerley Mary 44 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 40 Bagerley Mary Ann 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 2 Bagerley Racheal 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 33 Bagley Barrien 33 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 4 Bagley Benjamin 37 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 7 Bagley Benjamin 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 34 Bagley Eliza H. 28 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 8 Bagley Ellen 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 10 Bagley Jane 40 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 6 Bagley John 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 16 Bagley John H. 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 37 Bagley Julia 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 17 Bagley Lotta 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 9 Bagley Martha 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 13 Bagley Mary 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 35 Bagley Mary 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 5 Bagley Mary C. 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 15 Bagley Penope 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 14 Bagley Rachel 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 36 Bagley Rachel 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 11 Bagley Riley 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 11 Bagley Sarah 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 12 Bagley William 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 10 Bagley William 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 9 Bagley Wm. 40 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 38 Baley Eliza 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 35 Baley James 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 40 Baley John F. 4/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 39 Baley Josephina 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 37 Baley Mary 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 34 Baley Mary E. 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 36 Baley William 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 33 Baley Wm. 42 Maine pg00137.txt 121 1 Bane John H. 65 Pennsylvania pg00113.txt 121 2 Bane Matilda 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 158 32 Bayausa Morris 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 31 Bayausa William 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 1 Bedell Eliza 48 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 2 Bedell James K. 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 4 Bedell Jane M. 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 3 Bedell Lucius M. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 40 Bedell Melon 53 N. C. pg00113.txt 127 39 Bedford James J. A. 8 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 40 Bedford John W. 4 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 36 Bedford P. B. 31 N. C. pg00113.txt 127 37 Bedford Sarah E. 31 . pg00113.txt 127 38 Bedford Wm. P. 11 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 3 Bennet James 28 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 4 Bennet Nancy 55 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 34 Bennett Daniel 16 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 36 Bennett David 12 Ga. pg00113.txt 124 40 Bennett Diannah 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 13 Bennett Elizabeth 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 5 Bennett Elizabeth 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 39 Bennett Elizabeth 8 Ga. pg00113.txt 124 39 Bennett Fanny 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 7 Bennett Floso 61 N. C. pg00113.txt 125 1 Bennett Hampton 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 12 Bennett Henry 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 11 Bennett Jacob 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 33 Bennett James 17 Ga. pg00113.txt 124 36 Bennett John 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 38 Bennett John 7 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 4 Bennett Lemuel 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 10 Bennett Lucindy 27 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 37 Bennett Martha 35 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 2 Bennett Mary 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 40 Bennett Mary 4 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 31 Bennett Mary An 40 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 3 Bennett Maudina 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 38 Bennett Nancy 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 30 Bennett Richard 42 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 1 Bennett Serena 1 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 35 Bennett Thos. 14 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 37 Bennett Walter S. 10 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 32 Bennett William 19 Ga. pg00113.txt 150 34 Benton Elly 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 35 Benton Lavenia 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 36 Benton Mary 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 34 Beverly Cerina 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 38 Beverly Dilla 11 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 1 Beverly Eliza J. 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 30 Beverly Elizabeth 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 2 Beverly James R. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 39 Beverly Jasper 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 33 Beverly Jincy 44 Georgia pg00137.txt 139 5 Beverly Jincy 77 S. C. pg00137.txt 137 28 Beverly John 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 31 Beverly Martha 3/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 29 Beverly Matilda 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 35 Beverly Matilda 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 40 Beverly Newton 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 36 Beverly Rachel 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 32 Beverly Wm. 47 S. C. pg00137.txt 137 37 Beverly Wm. 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 119 32 Bird Riley 35 Virginia pg00113.txt 158 19 Bishop Charity 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 34 Bishop Elizabeth 50 S. C. pg00137.txt 149 9 Bishop James 66 S. C. pg00137.txt 153 29 Blackburn Daniel 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 28 Blackburn Elizabeth 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 31 Blackburn Margreth 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 32 Blackburn Martha 4/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 26 Blackburn Martin E. L. 34 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 27 Blackburn Mary 33 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 30 Blackburn Mary 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 1 Blitch James E. 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 3 Blitch James N. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 2 Blitch Nancy 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 118 32 Boatright C. J. D. 33 S. C. pg00113.txt 118 33 Boatright Levina 19 Ga. pg00113.txt 118 34 Boatright Mary E. 2 Ga. pg00113.txt 118 31 Boon Elizabeth 22 Ga. pg00113.txt 118 30 Boon F. M. 27 Ga. pg00113.txt 146 39 Booth Calvin R. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 123 5 Booth Cerina 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 146 38 Booth Christopher 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 131 33 Booth David A. 29 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 27 Booth David W. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 20 Booth Irwin R. 37 S. C. pg00113.txt 124 22 Booth James 16 S. C. pg00113.txt 123 6 Booth James R. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 23 Booth Jane E. 15 S. C. pg00113.txt 146 37 Booth Jefsey *. 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 123 3 Booth Jesse B. 26 S. C. pg00113.txt 124 28 Booth Jesse J. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 5 Booth Jesse N. C. 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 25 Booth John E. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 146 35 Booth John M. 29 S. C. pg00137.txt 120 6 Booth Margaret A. B. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 29 Booth Margreth 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 21 Booth Margreth E. 34 S. C. pg00113.txt 124 26 Booth Mary M. 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 4 Booth Matilda 20 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 4 Booth Mazetta 23 S. C. pg00113.txt 146 36 Booth Prescilla 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 120 8 Booth Randal Mc. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 24 Booth Rebecca 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 30 Booth Thomas G. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 7 Booth William H. 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 3 Booth Wm. B. 34 S. C. pg00113.txt 122 32 Boothe Carthrine 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 26 Boothe James E. 41 S. C. pg00113.txt 122 31 Boothe James E. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 29 Boothe Jesse B. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 33 Boothe Jesse R. 67 S. C. pg00113.txt 122 34 Boothe Margreth 63 S. C. pg00113.txt 122 30 Boothe Margreth E. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 27 Boothe Preceila 26 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 28 Boothe William T. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 21 Bowell Amanda 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 19 Bowell Cinthy 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 16 Bowell Cullen 55 . pg00113.txt 122 20 Bowell Henry 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 17 Bowell Mary 39 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 23 Bowell Moses 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 18 Bowell Nancy 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 24 Bowell Rebecca 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 25 Bowell Thomas 6/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 122 22 Bowell William 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 141 21 Branch Eliza 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 18 Branch Henry 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 20 Branch James 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 19 Branch Mary 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 22 Branch Mary 3/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 139 18 Branch Rachel 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 139 15 Branch Thomas 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 131 31 Brantly Benjamin A. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 26 Brantly Eliza J. 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 25 Brantly Hester 37 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 30 Brantly Hester A. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 3 Brantly James D. 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 32 Brantly Jasahan 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 5 Brantly Nancy 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 27 Brantly Nathan 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 28 Brantly Permila 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 4 Brantly Sarah 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 24 Brantly William 43 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 29 Brantly William 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 154 39 Brewton David 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 38 Brewton Henry 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 40 Brewton Martha 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 36 Brewton Mary 48 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 35 Brewton Nathan 57 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 37 Brewton Susan 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 128 3 Butler Eliza J. 6 Ga. pg00113.txt 128 5 Butler James S. 1 Ga. pg00113.txt 128 6 Butler Jane 66 N. C. pg00113.txt 128 1 Butler Jesse C. 30 N. C. pg00113.txt 128 2 Butler Sarah 28 Ga. pg00113.txt 128 4 Butler Wm. C. 4 Ga. pg00113.txt 147 18 Campbell William 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 21 Carnes Joshua 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 22 Carnes Nancy M. 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 5 Carter David 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 8 Carter Elenor 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 5 Carter Eliza 24 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 4 Carter Elizabeth 48 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 7 Carter Hariet 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 9 Carter Jacob 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 34 Carter James 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 3 Carter Jesse H. 21 S. C. pg00137.txt 148 10 Carter Jincy 3 Florida pg00137.txt 143 6 Carter John 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 38 Carter John 10/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 4 Carter John 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 3 Carter Joseph 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 7 Carter Julia 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 2 Carter Junatha 48 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 10 Carter Margareth 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 33 Carter Mary 32 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 37 Carter Mary 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 6 Carter Nancy 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 32 Carter Raford 31 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 35 Carter Raford R. 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 36 Carter Rhoda 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 9 Carter Willis 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 6 Cason Alexander 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 13 Cason Calvin 11 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 16 Cason David 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 14 Cason Fredrick 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 17 Cason Henry 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 15 Cason Hillery 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 10 Cason Hillery W. 36 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 4 Cason James 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 3 Cason John B. 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 18 Cason Martin 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 5 Cason Mary 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 7 Cason McQuinta 44 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 11 Cason Phebe 34 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 2 Cason Sarah 48 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 12 Cason Wm. 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 37 Catlin *illen 2 Florida pg00137.txt 148 35 Catlin David 32 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 36 Catlin Mary 32 Georgia pg00137.txt 148 38 Catlin William 1 Florida pg00137.txt 145 32 Cobb Andrew J. 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 31 Cobb Barion 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 26 Cobb James 75 S. C. pg00137.txt 145 34 Cobb James L. 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 28 Cobb Jane M. 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 27 Cobb Rosado 72 S. C. pg00137.txt 145 30 Cobb Sarah 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 33 Cobb Seborn L. 2/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 29 Cobb Tun**** 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 116 8 Cohen A. M. 26 Polland pg00113.txt 128 18 Cohen Moses 28 Polland pg00113.txt 117 14 Cohill Annie 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 13 Cohill Bridget 26 Irland, Wister River pg00113.txt 117 15 Cohill Jno. J. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 12 Cohill Thomas 32 Irland, Wister River pg00113.txt 117 16 Cohill Thomas F. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 143 28 Colins Charlot 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 30 Colins James B. 8/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 25 Colins Jason 46 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 27 Colins Jesse 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 29 Colins Samatha A. 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 26 Colins Sharlot 27 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 23 Conner Francis 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 20 Conner John 39 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 24 Conner John 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 21 Conner Sarah 46 Georgia pg00137.txt 143 22 Conner Sugena 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 129 26 Cooner Andrew 25 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 27 Cooner Ann S. 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 28 Cooner William W. 7/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 153 12 Corbit Susan 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 125 31 Corbitt Caroline 1 Ga. pg00113.txt 114 10 Corbitt Daniel 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 16 Corbitt Edmund 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 14 Corbitt Edmund 30 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 15 Corbitt Elenor 25 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 39 Corbitt Eliza 35 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 20 Corbitt Elizabeth 39 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 27 Corbitt Elizabeth 7 Ga. pg00113.txt 114 12 Corbitt Fanny 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 9 Corbitt Francis 30 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 18 Corbitt George 1 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 29 Corbitt Jacob J. 4 Ga. pg00113.txt 114 15 Corbitt James 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 19 Corbitt James 38 S. C. pg00113.txt 125 26 Corbitt James 8 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 16 Corbitt Jane E. 5 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 25 Corbitt Martha 10 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 22 Corbitt Mary A. 15 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 1 Corbitt Milly 14 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 2 Corbitt Moses 12 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 17 Corbitt Nancy 3 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 23 Corbitt Nancy 13 Ga. pg00113.txt 114 11 Corbitt Penny 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 21 Corbitt Penny 17 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 34 Corbitt Penny 70 S. C. pg00113.txt 125 28 Corbitt Rebecca 5 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 24 Corbitt Sarah 11 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 40 Corbitt Susan 16 Ga. pg00113.txt 114 13 Corbitt Thomas 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 14 Corbitt William 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 8 Corbitt Wm. 40 S.C. pg00113.txt 125 30 Corbitt Wm. T. 2 Ga. pg00113.txt 146 18 Cosin Adolene 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 16 Cosin Alford 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 15 Cosin Anny 37 S. C. pg00137.txt 146 26 Cosin Barbra 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 17 Cosin Caroline 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 19 Cosin Cathorine 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 13 Cosin Elizabeth 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 10 Cosin Isac C. 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 27 Cosin John 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 14 Cosin John R. 43 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 25 Cosin Lavina 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 24 Cosin Martha 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 23 Cosin Randal 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 20 Cosin Susan 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 11 Cosin Tabitha 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 12 Cosin Thomas P. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 22 Cosin Willeby 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 21 Cosin William 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 115 6 Cosmer Wm. 20 Georgia pg00113.txt 151 27 Coursen John L. 52 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 30 Coursen John T. 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 26 Coursen Maning 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 29 Coursen Martha 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 25 Coursen Pling 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 28 Coursen Sarah 52 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 15 Cox Mary 59 S. C. pg00113.txt 130 20 Cox Mary 24 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 22 Cox Mary A. 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 17 Cox Nancy 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 16 Cox Rhoda 20 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 18 Cox Susannah 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 19 Cox Thomas 26 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 21 Cox William 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 27 Crawford Georg 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 31 Crawford Harriet 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 30 Crawford James 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 150 12 Crawford James 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 13 Crawford John 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 10 Crawford John G. 38 Georgia pg00137.txt 123 28 Crawford Leeta 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 25 Crawford Nancy 35 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 26 Crawford Rebecca 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 24 Crawford Reuben 53 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 29 Crawford Reuben 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 32 Crawford Samuel 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 33 Crawford Sarah 3/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 150 14 Crawford Sarah 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 11 Crawford Winey 38 Georgia pg00137.txt 127 27 Cribb Daniel 27 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 31 Cribb Ellen E. 14 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 32 Cribb J. A. 8 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 30 Cribb J. B. 22 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 29 Cribb Jane S. 23 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 35 Cribb Joseph M. 5/12 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 34 Cribb Mary A. E. 4 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 28 Cribb Michael E. 25 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 26 Cribb Sarah 63 N. C. pg00113.txt 127 33 Cribb Wm. W. W. W. 6 Ga. pg00113.txt 136 7 Crops James P. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 136 2 Crops Jesse R. 32 S. C. pg00113.txt 136 8 Crops Joseph A. 19 S. C. pg00113.txt 136 4 Crops Mary E. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 136 3 Crops Nancy 32 Georgia pg00113.txt 136 5 Crops Sarah P. 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 136 6 Crops William H. 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 145 23 Daley Elizabeth L. 7 S. C. pg00137.txt 145 25 Daley Frances F. * S. C. pg00137.txt 145 24 Daley Henry D. 1 S. C. pg00137.txt 145 21 Daley Mary 25 S. C. pg00137.txt 145 20 Daley Thedolus 35 S. C. pg00137.txt 145 22 Daley Thomas 9 S. C. pg00137.txt 151 8 Dandy David 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 14 Dandy Martha 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 13 Dandy Mary A. E. 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 9 Dandy Nancy 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 12 Dandy Sarah 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 11 Dandy Thomas 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 10 Dandy Willey 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 1 Dasher James 24 Georgia pg00137.txt 129 14 Davidson Amma A. 9/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 11 Davidson David 26 Prussia Polland pg00113.txt 129 13 Davidson Joseph N. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 12 Davidson Mary E. 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 137 7 Davis Absalom 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 11 Davis Americus 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 5 Davis Delila 37 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 4 Davis Easley 39 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 9 Davis Francis 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 6 Davis Joel 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 10 Davis Margareth 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 117 39 Davis Prisy 60 Georgia pg00113.txt 137 8 Davis Rhoda 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 118 1 Davis Warin 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 155 40 Davis Wm. 75 S. C. pg00137.txt 113 10 Deen Catharine 42 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 20 Deen Catherine M. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 18 Deen Civilty 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 17 Deen Eli 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 157 1 Deen Eliza A. 28 Georgia pg00137.txt 113 13 Deen George W. 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 15 Deen James 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 9 Deen Jesse 49 N.C. pg00113.txt 157 3 Deen Nancy 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 113 12 Deen Nancy E. 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 16 Deen Nathan 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 157 4 Deen Nathaniel 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 39 Deen Nathaniel 108 Virginia pg00137.txt 113 19 Deen Rachel 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 157 2 Deen Rebeca E. 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 113 11 Deen Robbert H. 23 Georgia pg00113.txt 158 40 Deen Sarah 73 N. S. pg00137.txt 157 5 Deen Sarah A. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 113 14 Deen Willis 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 144 14 Denmark Elendor 39 S. C. pg00137.txt 144 9 Denmark James 35 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 15 Denmark James 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 17 Denmark John B. 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 19 Denmark Lovy 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 11 Denmark Martin 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 10 Denmark Matilda 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 16 Denmark Nancy E. 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 13 Denmark Stephen 40 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 18 Denmark Stephen 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 12 Denmark Weltha 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 20 Denmark Weltha 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 12 Douglass Alexander 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 14 Douglass Eaton 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 9 Douglass Elizabeth 34 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 13 Douglass Frederic 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 8 Douglass Hesakiah 34 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 11 Douglass James 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 10 Douglass Wm. F. 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 1 Drigers Luvicy 50 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 7 Driggers Lord 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 6 Driggers Samel 24 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 8 Driggers Walter 2/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 133 7 Dryden Aaron 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 8 Dryden Benjamin 22 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 36 Dryden Elizabeth 28 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 5 Dryden Hester 52 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 39 Dryden Hester A. 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 4 Dryden John 58 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 10 Dryden John 1 S. C. pg00113.txt 133 37 Dryden John 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 40 Dryden Martha E. 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 6 Dryden Mary 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 134 1 Dryden Mary 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 38 Dryden Mina 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 9 Dryden Sarah A. R. 20 S. C. pg00113.txt 133 35 Dryden William 32 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 7 Dunaway Ziphemia 22 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 10 Dyess Caroline 30 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 13 Dyess Henry 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 12 Dyess Mary 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 15 Dyess Pricilla 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 14 Dyess Sarah 5 Florida pg00113.txt 120 11 Dyess Winaford 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 31 Edenfield Georg W. 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 153 6 Erver James 10 Florida pg00137.txt 153 4 Erver Julia 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 19 Evans Wm. L. 25 S. C. pg00137.txt 129 22 Falks Chancy M. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 21 Falks Franklin C. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 23 Falks Gustavus P. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 19 Falks Mary J. 30 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 20 Falks Rosa F. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 18 Falks William B. 29 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 39 Finarh John 25 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 2 Finarh Joseph 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 1 Finarh Matilda 29 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 3 Finarh William 11/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 156 32 Frasir Mary 63 Georgia pg00137.txt 119 39 Friggers Bryant 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 36 Friggers Emily 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 38 Friggers Hiram 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 34 Friggers Jeremiah 40 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 37 Friggers Jonas 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 2 Friggers Martha 4/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 1 Friggers Mary E. 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 35 Friggers Susan 33 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 40 Friggers Wiley H. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 149 3 Fullwood Eliza 50 N. C. pg00137.txt 149 7 Fullwood Eliza J. 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 4 Fullwood Elizabeth 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 149 8 Fullwood James 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 37 Fullwood James 73 N. C. pg00137.txt 149 5 Fullwood John 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 33 Fullwood John 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 38 Fullwood Mary 55 N. C. pg00137.txt 149 6 Fullwood William 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 131 14 Garber Ancy E. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 11 Garber Benjamin 35 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 16 Garber Eliza 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 12 Garber Mary 22 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 13 Garber Serina 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 15 Garber William H. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 5 Giger Asa 61 Ga. pg00113.txt 154 28 Goettee Elizabeth 21 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 29 Goettee Francis 18 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 26 Goettee Georg 41 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 33 Goettee Georg 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 27 Goettee Harriet 36 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 31 Goettee Joseph L. 7 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 32 Goettee Julia C. 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 30 Goettee Thomas 15 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 21 Goettse Asan B. 15 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 20 Goettse Wm. H. 21 S. C. pg00137.txt 139 36 Gray Calier B. 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 139 37 Gray Cerina 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 136 34 Green Elijah 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 136 32 Green James 32 S. C. pg00113.txt 136 33 Green Mary L. 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 144 35 Gryse Georg 39 S. C. pg00137.txt 144 36 Gryse Hariet 37 S. C. pg00137.txt 144 39 Gryse John 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 37 Gryse Martha 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 38 Gryse Mary 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 1 Gryse Reuben 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 144 40 Gryse William I. 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 23 Guest Almira J. 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 11 Guest Benjamin 46 Georgia pg00137.txt 119 27 Guest Benjamin F. 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 147 16 Guest Benjamin J. 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 22 Guest Benjamin M. 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 119 31 Guest Candorsy 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 28 Guest Dorcas 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 25 Guest Elizabeth 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 147 21 Guest Elizabeth 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 15 Guest Ellen 11 Florida pg00137.txt 147 20 Guest Elvira 40 Georgia pg00137.txt 119 29 Guest Francis 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 147 12 Guest Georgia A. 42 S. C. pg00137.txt 147 14 Guest Henry 13 Florida pg00137.txt 119 23 Guest Hiram B. W. 27 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 22 Guest Hucey 50 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 24 Guest James E. 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 2 Guest John G. 23 Georgia pg00113.txt 147 13 Guest Julius 16 Florida pg00137.txt 147 24 Guest Lorin P. 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 119 26 Guest Mary 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 21 Guest Miles J. 50 S. C. pg00113.txt 147 25 Guest Miles J. 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 26 Guest Milla 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 17 Guest Patrick *. 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 119 3 Guest Sarah 23 Georgia pg00113.txt 147 19 Guest William J. 60 S. C. pg00137.txt 119 30 Guest Willis J. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 119 4 Guest Wm. H. W. 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 146 34 Hall Nancy 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 33 Hall P. F. 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 18 Hamel Barsheba 6/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 11 Hamel Joseph 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 17 Hamel Nancy 24 S. C. pg00137.txt 137 25 Hamer Cathrina 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 23 Hamer Mary 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 26 Hamer Nancy L. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 24 Hamer Thomas S. 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 27 Hamer William D. 2/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 22 Hamer Wm. 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 129 25 Hammac Eliza 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 138 9 Hargraves Alis 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 8 Hargraves Eliza 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 4 Hargraves Elizabeth 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 10 Hargraves Elizabeth 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 5 Hargraves John 4/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 6 Hargraves Nancy 50 S. C. pg00137.txt 138 3 Hargraves Thomas 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 7 Hargraves Wm. 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 134 10 Harmon Absalom 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 134 8 Harmon Kisam 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 134 7 Harmon Mary A. 43 Georgia pg00113.txt 134 9 Harmon Ouy 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 150 24 Harris Elizabeth 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 123 14 Harris John 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 150 25 Harris John S. 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 26 Harris Mary 6/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 23 Harris Mary J. 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 22 Harris Roberson 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 135 32 Hays Eliza 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 30 Hays Gideon 27 Florida pg00113.txt 135 31 Hays Margareth 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 33 Hays Tobitha 6/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 35 Heecox Cathrina 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 34 Heecox David 21 S. C. pg00113.txt 123 37 Heecox Elizabeth 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 123 36 Heecox Rebecca 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 154 5 Henderson Ezikel 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 4 Henderson James 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 2 Henderson Lewis 32 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 3 Henderson Martha 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 14 Henderson Mical 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 39 Henderson Nancy 91 N. C. pg00137.txt 154 6 Henderson Nancy E. 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 156 1 Henderson William 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 39 Hercy Joshua 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 40 Hercy Nancy 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 17 Hickson Hirum 24 Georgia pg00137.txt 127 16 Hilliard Abraham 3 Ga. pg00113.txt 128 35 Hilliard Barbery A. 58 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 11 Hilliard C. W. 34 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 15 Hilliard Margaret E. 6 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 13 Hilliard Safronia S. 10 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 17 Hilliard Silas 90 N. C. pg00113.txt 128 34 Hilliard Thos. 54 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 14 Hilliard Thos. B. 8 Ga. pg00113.txt 127 12 Hilliard Zhursse 30 Ga. pg00113.txt 116 25 Hillman Joseph 23 Bavaria pg00113.txt 145 15 Hirgrad Abraham 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 16 Hirgrad Mary E. 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 120 28 Hite Anna 55 S. C. pg00113.txt 120 31 Hite Hiram 21 Ga. pg00113.txt 120 30 Hite Thomas 22 Ga. pg00113.txt 120 27 Hite Thos. 59 S. C. pg00113.txt 120 29 Hite William 24 Ga. pg00113.txt 148 34 Holland Sarah 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 114 25 Holton Martha A. 31 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 28 Holton Maske 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 24 Holton Nancy 59 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 26 Holton Tempy A. 27 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 27 Holton Wm. C. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 126 18 Hoopage Anna S. 2 Fla. pg00113.txt 126 13 Hoopage E. 32 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 19 Hoopage Frietta 1 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 17 Hoopage Geo. A. 4 Fla. pg00113.txt 126 16 Hoopage Jno. W. H. 6 Fla. pg00113.txt 126 14 Hoopage Nancy 31 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 15 Hoopage Rachel 9 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 21 Hunter Ann 8 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 22 Hunter Georgia A. 6 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 23 Hunter Hester A. 9/12 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 20 Hunter Martha 32 Ga. pg00113.txt 130 36 Hurey Bernian 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 1 Hurey Crecy 22 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 2 Hurey Georg W. 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 40 Hurey George 59 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 35 Hurey Hariet 38 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 37 Hurey Nancy 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 140 7 Huscy Caroline 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 4 Huscy Charlot 23 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 3 Huscy Ecena 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 5 Huscy Francis 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 8 Huscy Warren 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 6 Huscy Wm. R. 22 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 12 Inasterman Annie 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 11 Inasterman Augustus 28 Georgia pg00137.txt 154 13 Inasterman Maltri 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 2 Inman Alford H. 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 40 Inman Anguish Mc. 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 3 Inman Charles 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 39 Inman Eliza 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 38 Inman Hesstial 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 33 Inman James 45 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 36 Inman John R. 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 1 Inman Nancy E. 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 35 Inman Presilia 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 34 Inman Serina 39 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 37 Inman Wm. D. 11 Georgia pg00137.txt 124 10 James Benjamin M. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 12 James Fanny 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 9 James John B. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 7 James Lettisha 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 11 James Richard A. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 6 James Sarah A. 27 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 14 James Sarah A. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 13 James Thomas J. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 8 James Tobitha 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 5 James William T. 33 Georgia pg00113.txt 152 32 Jeffords Benjamin 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 31 Jeffords David 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 29 Jeffords Harmon 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 23 Jeffords Harmon V. 62 New York pg00137.txt 152 27 Jeffords Jeremiah 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 25 Jeffords John C. 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 28 Jeffords Peter 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 30 Jeffords Stephen 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 26 Jeffords Susan 19 Georgia pg00137.txt 152 24 Jeffords Uradise 47 Georgia pg00137.txt 125 35 Johnson Acia C. 76 N. C. pg00113.txt 125 37 Johnson Acy 24 Ga. pg00113.txt 142 32 Johnson Andrew 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 31 Johnson Kisey C. 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 34 Johnson Levinia 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 125 38 Johnson Martha 24 Ga. pg00113.txt 125 36 Johnson Nancy 60 Ga. pg00113.txt 142 30 Johnson Samuel 27 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 35 Johnson Samuel 2/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 33 Johnson Thomas 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 132 16 Jordan Abraham 34 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 17 Jordan Daniel F. 30 Alabama pg00113.txt 132 18 Jordan David 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 34 Jordan David 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 37 Jordan Delpha 60 N. C. pg00113.txt 132 27 Jordan Eliza 24 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 29 Jordan Elizabeth 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 26 Jordan Henry 29 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 30 Jordan James R. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 28 Jordan John 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 35 Jordan Julia 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 21 Jordan Lonvicy 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 20 Jordan Louisa 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 23 Jordan Martha 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 22 Jordan Mary 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 36 Jordan Mary 3/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 17 Jordan Matilda 30 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 24 Jordan Rachal 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 38 Jordan Rachal 35 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 32 Jordan Randal 25 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 19 Jordan Rebeca 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 25 Jordan Susan 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 33 Jordan Susan 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 157 10 Jordon Elizabeth 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 157 11 Jordon Fhebe 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 157 8 Jordon Henry 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 157 6 Jordon Joseph 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 157 7 Jordon Rebeca 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 157 9 Jordon William 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 116 26 Joyner Joseph E. 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 39 Judah D. J. 27 Georgia pg00113.txt 142 38 Keel Joseph H. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 37 Keel Mary A. 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 36 Keel Wm. 23 S. C. pg00137.txt 128 17 King A. J. 24 Ga. pg00113.txt 133 12 King Hester 29 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 14 King Martha A. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 17 King Mary 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 16 King Nancy 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 13 King Randol 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 15 King Timothy 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 133 11 King William H. 29 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 2 Knoles Carey E. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 37 Knoles Charlott 31 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 39 Knoles Cuyler W. 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 36 Knoles Daniel E. 37 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 4 Knoles Laura J. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 3 Knoles Martha F. 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 1 Knoles Mary E. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 38 Knoles Nancy E. 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 40 Knoles Tobitha 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 118 39 Lain Absalem 5 Ga. pg00113.txt 118 38 Lain Archibald 9 Ga. pg00113.txt 118 35 Lain David 32 Ga. pg00113.txt 118 37 Lain Nancy 10 Ga. pg00113.txt 118 36 Lain Precilla 24 Ga. pg00113.txt 119 1 Lain Susan 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 34 Lane Beril 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 15 Lane Bryant 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 14 Lane Durcas 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 30 Lane George 45 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 38 Lane George 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 5 Lane H. Louisa 22 Penn. pg00113.txt 121 10 Lane Hanah L. 37 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 12 Lane Henlda 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 17 Lane James 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 33 Lane Mary 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 11 Lane Mary 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 35 Lane Mathew 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 32 Lane Matilda 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 36 Lane Rebecca 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 31 Lane Sarah 35 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 16 Lane Sarah 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 37 Lane Susan 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 9 Lane Thomas 35 Georgia pg00113.txt 121 13 Lane Thomas 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 125 32 Lawfton John 22 Ga. pg00113.txt 134 23 Lawson James 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 118 6 Lee Cricy 26 Georgia pg00113.txt 155 25 Lee Dellia 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 118 5 Lee Elizabeth 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 127 20 Lee Ella E. 16 Ga. pg00113.txt 155 19 Lee Georg 60 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 22 Lee Georg 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 118 7 Lee George 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 118 8 Lee John 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 127 18 Lee John 28 Fla. pg00113.txt 155 24 Lee Millia 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 20 Lee Rebecca 45 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 23 Lee Rebecca 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 118 4 Lee Richard 22 Georgia pg00113.txt 155 21 Lee Solomon 33 Georgia pg00137.txt 126 8 Legget William 15 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 25 Lines Amy 36 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 26 Lines David 13 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 24 Lines James 34 S. C. pg00113.txt 126 29 Lines James 7 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 28 Lines John 7 Ga. pg00113.txt 126 27 Lines Rachel 9 Ga. pg00113.txt 140 25 Little Calvacy 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 27 Little Elen 2/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 20 Little Elmira 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 123 23 Little John J. 22 S. C. pg00113.txt 140 24 Little Lorra 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 22 Little Luares 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 26 Little Lucy 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 23 Little Margareth 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 21 Little Thomas 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 140 19 Little Tolbert 31 Georgia pg00137.txt 117 6 Lockrey Mary 62 N. C. pg00113.txt 117 5 Lockrey Wm. 50 North Irland, Carigal pg00113.txt 131 9 Lott Baby 1/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 2 Lott Daniel 32 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 4 Lott Elizabeth 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 7 Lott Francis 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 139 12 Lott Joel 62 Georgia pg00137.txt 131 5 Lott John 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 139 13 Lott Rhoda 55 Georgia pg00137.txt 131 3 Lott Susan 31 Georgia pg00113.txt 139 14 Lott Thomas 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 131 8 Lott Walter 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 6 Lott Warner 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 27 Lyon Charles R. 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 33 Lyon Luciane 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 32 Lyon Sarah 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 9 M***d George 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 6 M***d Jane 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 8 M***d Jeferson 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 3 M***d John 55 S. C. pg00113.txt 129 10 M***d John 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 5 M***d Mary 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 4 M***d Nancy 40 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 7 M***d Rebeca 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 142 29 Macearth Samuel 4/12 Alabama pg00137.txt 142 26 Macreth Mary 25 N. C. pg00137.txt 142 27 Macreth Nancy E. 6 Alabama pg00137.txt 142 25 Macreth Ray 40 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 28 Macreth William 4 Alabama pg00137.txt 124 17 Malony Hannah 40 Md pg00113.txt 124 18 Malony John 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 16 Malony Thomas 49 Md pg00113.txt 124 19 Malony Thomas 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 30 Martin Catharine 21 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 20 Martin Daniel 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 18 Martin Dicy 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 23 Martin Dicy 8/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 29 Martin Eli 23 Georgia pg00113.txt 152 22 Martin Eli 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 120 19 Martin Joseph J. 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 21 Martin Martha A. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 31 Martin Mary 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 16 Martin Mary A. 34 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 17 Martin Samuel L. 17 Georgia pg00113.txt 120 22 Martin Sarah A. 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 28 Martin Wm. 26 Georgia pg00113.txt 152 21 Martin Wm. 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 38 Mccarth Adline 32 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 3 Mccarth Andrew C. 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 40 Mccarth Cinta 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 142 2 Mccarth Henry N. 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 37 Mccarth John 34 New York pg00137.txt 142 1 Mccarth John A. 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 39 Mccarth Wm. R. 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 113 25 McDonald Annie E. 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 146 10 McDonald Cathrine 60 Georgia pg00137.txt 113 24 McDonald Cyrenia C. 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 128 36 McDonald J. S. 34 S. C. pg00113.txt 113 23 McDonald James M. 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 31 McDonald John C. 6/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 128 37 McDonald Martha 24 Ga. pg00113.txt 113 27 McDonald Martha M. 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 22 McDonald Mary A. 19 Georgia pg00113.txt 128 39 McDonald Mary E. 4 Ga. pg00113.txt 146 9 McDonald Randal 62 Scotland pg00137.txt 113 26 McDonald Randal Y. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 30 McDonald Thos. B. 6/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 29 McDonald Tobitha 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 21 McDonald Wm. A. 42 Georgia pg00113.txt 113 28 McDonald Wm. A. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 128 38 McDonald Wm. H. 7 Ga. pg00113.txt 131 23 McMillan William H. 25 N. C. pg00113.txt 135 13 McQuaige Alexander 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 25 McQuaige Caroline 23 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 39 McQuaige Charity 59 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 15 McQuaige Epsey A. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 28 McQuaige James M. 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 10 McQuaige James M. 45 Georgia pg00113.txt 131 17 McQuaige John 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 129 38 McQuaige Joseph 23 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 16 McQuaige Lanvia 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 14 McQuaige Margareth 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 26 McQuaige Mary 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 11 McQuaige Nancy J. 37 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 24 McQuaige Quincy N. 34 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 27 McQuaige Randal J. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 135 12 McQuaige Sarah 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 29 McQuaige William A. 1 Georgia pg00113.txt 150 3 McSwain Alexander 13 Florida pg00137.txt 150 4 McSwain Daniel 11 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 5 McSwain Eliza 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 8 McSwain Elvy 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 1 McSwain John 38 N. C. pg00137.txt 150 6 McSwain John 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 2 McSwain Margreth 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 9 McSwain Neel A. 1/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 150 7 McSwain Thomas 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 31 Meeks America 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 30 Meeks Francis 28 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 34 Meeks Francis E. 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 29 Meeks John 32 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 32 Meeks John 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 33 Meeks Mary 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 124 33 Messer Christopher 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 35 Messer Joseph 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 31 Messer Malicah 38 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 34 Messer Mary A. 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 124 32 Messer Sarah 50 Georgia pg00113.txt 153 21 Miller Aminda 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 9 Miller Andrew J. 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 15 Miller Barbara 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 117 17 Miller David J. 51 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 21 Miller David J. 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 153 14 Miller Eleanor 46 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 22 Miller Elenor 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 13 Miller Ezikel S. 48 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 37 Miller Henry J. 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 10 Miller James A. 1/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 117 19 Miller James B. 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 158 35 Miller John 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 25 Miller John H. 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 31 Miller John T. 63 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 24 Miller Lemuel 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 117 18 Miller Louiza 50 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 22 Miller Louiza 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 153 8 Miller Mariah 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 17 Miller Martin L. 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 38 Miller Mary A. 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 23 Miller Miran 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 18 Miller Moses 14 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 32 Miller Nancy 65 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 34 Miller Nancy 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 16 Miller Nathan 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 36 Miller Rebeca E. 7 Georgia pg00137.txt 117 20 Miller Serena 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 117 23 Miller Stephen F. 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 153 20 Miller Victory 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 158 33 Miller William C. 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 7 Miller Wm H. 28 Georgia pg00137.txt 153 19 Miller Wm. 12 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 4 Mincy Abraham 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 40 Mincy Ester 13 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 39 Mincy Fanney 15 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 35 Mincy Jacob 51 N. C. pg00137.txt 146 3 Mincy Jacob 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 2 Mincy John R. 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 38 Mincy Lewis M. 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 1 Mincy Rachel 10 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 36 Mincy Sarah An 40 Georgia pg00137.txt 145 37 Mincy Williby 18 Georgia pg00137.txt 132 14 Miney Abraham 8 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 15 Miney Alcy 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 12 Miney David 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 13 Miney Elenor 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 11 Miney Faney 18 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 8 Miney Isaac 53 N. C. pg00113.txt 132 10 Miney Kisah 20 Georgia pg00113.txt 132 9 Miney Mary 50 Georgia pg00113.txt 154 24 Miteford Henryetta 23 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 25 Miteford Wm. 6 S. C. pg00137.txt 154 23 Miteford Wm. T. 38 Virginia pg00137.txt 155 4 Moncreaf Austin 28 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 8 Moncreaf Eliza 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 5 Moncreaf Georgia A. 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 9 Moncreaf James 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 7 Moncreaf John 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 155 6 Moncreaf William 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 146 11 Moneregh John 25 Georgia pg00137.txt 151 24 More John J. 30 Georgia pg00137.txt 123 7 Morris Sarah M. 24 Georgia pg00113.txt 153 5 Morris Wm. J. 21 Florida pg00137.txt 129 15 Murphy John 25 Irland pg00113.txt 114 30 Murray Amanda 25 Florida pg00113.txt 114 31 Murray Anna J. 6 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 20 Murray Eliza 40 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 35 Murray Francis M. 4/12 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 29 Murray Jno. J. S. 29 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 23 Murray John 14 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 22 Murray Kinchen 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 32 Murray Laura J. 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 24 Murray Lucy 12 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 34 Murray Lucy A. 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 114 33 Murray Margaret 4 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 21 Murray Stephen 16 Georgia pg00113.txt 115 19 Murray Wm. I. 59 Georgia pg00113.txt 138 27 Murry A. Mary 26 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 23 Murry Abry 75 S. C. pg00137.txt 138 32 Murry Daniel 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 132 7 Murry Dari A. 20 Georgia pg00113.txt 138 31 Murry Elias 2 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 15 Murry Hester A. 17 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 16 Murry James 16 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 12 Murry John G. 45 Georgia pg00137.txt 132 6 Murry John J. 22 Georgia pg00113.txt 137 14 Murry Julia A. 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 25 Murry Lira J. H. 9 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 24 Murry Lucy 42 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 30 Murry Lucy 4 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 28 Murry Mary Ann 8 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 28 Murry Mary C. 21 Georgia pg00137.txt 137 13 Murry Rachel 55 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 29 Murry Samanntha 6 Georgia pg00137.txt 138 26 Murry Stephen E. 41 Georgia pg00137.txt 147 27 Murry William *. 20 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 32 Music Abraham 5 Georgia pg00113.txt 141 28 Music Andrew 6/12 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 26 Music Jehisda 15 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 31 Music Joel 7 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 29 Music John 10 Georgia pg00113.txt 141 26 Music John 3 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 27 Music Mahala 13 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 24 Music Martha A. 41 Georgia pg00113.txt 141 27 Music Mellendan 1 Georgia pg00137.txt 141 23 Music Mills 27 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 25 Music Nancy 23 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 33 Music Pensylvania 3 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 28 Music Sarah 11 Georgia pg00113.txt 141 24 Music Sarah 29 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 34 Music Timmithy 2 Georgia pg00113.txt 141 25 Music Tobitha 5 Georgia pg00137.txt 130 23 Music William 53 Georgia pg00113.txt 130 30 Music William N. 9 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 38 Myers Geo. C. 24 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 35 Myers Mary A. 33 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 36 Myers Miney S. 6 S.C. pg00113.txt 116 34 Myers Wm. H. 32 Georgia pg00113.txt 116 37 Myers Wm. H. 4 Georgia pg00113.txt