Peter Castleberry Land Warrant 02 Feb 1795 Warren County, GA Georgia By the Court of Justices of Warren County. M.Hardin J.P. To Richard Thomas Esq., Surveyor for Said Jas. McCormick J.P. County. L. Pruitt J.P. You are hereby authorized and required to admeasure and lay out or cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Peter Castleberry a track of land which shall contain one hundred and twenty acres in Warren County located adjacent to J. Castleburry. (An Headrights) Taking especial care that the same has not heretofore been laid out to any person or persons, and you are hereby required to record the plat of the same in your office, and transmit a copy thereof, together with this warrant, within two years from the date hereof. Given under ourhands as presiding justices of said court This 2nd day of February 1795 T. Persons C.T.C. Executed 28 February 1796 Georgia By the Land Court of Warren County. To C. Thomas Esq., N. Williams J. P. Surveyor for the County. You are hereby L. Mathews J.P. authorized and empowered to admeasure and Jas. McCormick J.P. lay out or cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Peter Castleberry a tract of land which shall contain six hundred & fifty acres in Warren County. (On headrights) Takeing especial care that the same has not heretofore been laid out to any person or persons and your are required to record the a plat of the same in your office, and transmit a copy thereof together with this warrant to the Surveyor General within two years from the date hereof. Given under our hands as presiding justices of said court this 6th day of April 1801. Test. L. Persons Clk Executed April 9 1808 by E. Thomas Georgia. To Francis Tinerall, Esquire County Surveyor for the County of Washington. You are hereby authorized and required to admeasure and lay out of cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Peter Castleberry a Tract of Land, which shall contain two hundred eighty seven and half acres in the said county of Washington Duplicate/Bounty Taking especial care that the same has not heretofore been laid out to any person or persons: and you are hereby also directed and required to record the plat of the same in your office, and transmit a copy thereof, together with this warrant to the Surveyor General, within three months from this date. Given under my hand this first Day of February 1785. T. Elbert Washington County Warrant Number 3095 State of Georgia Richmond County This is to certify that Peter Castleburry has stedfastly dun hisduty from the passing an act at Augusta to wit on the 20th day of August 1781 until the total expulsion of the British from this state and the said Peter Castlebery cannot to my knowledge be convicted of plundering of distressing the county and is therefore under the said act, entitled to a Bounty of two hundred and fifty acres of good Land free from taxes for ten years. Given under my hand this 28th day of Oct 1789 As per certificat Capt. James Donely (name not readable) ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Linda L. Green ====================================================================