WARREN COUNTY, GA - DEEDS McCallister, Charles to Batt Kitchens 1815 ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Karen Mouton mouton@usunwired.net CHARLES MCCALLISTER-BATT KITCHENS Georgia Warren County} This indenture made this twenty fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, between Charles McCallister of said State and County of the one part and Batt Kitchens of the same state and county of the other part, witnessed, that the said Charles Mc Callister, do for the inconsideration of the Just and full… of two hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the said Batt Kitchens, at or before the signing and delivering of these presents, the receipt of ….. is hereby acknoledged, by him the said Charles McCallister, witnessed, that the said Charles McCallister hath bargained sold conveyed and made over, and doth warrant & forever defend, for myself, my heirs ans assigns, and all other persons, whomsoever shall come, unto him the….. Batt Kitchens his heirs and assigns, to their own proper use, and no other person or persons, all that Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the aforesaid County on the waters of Rocky Comfort containing 127 acres, beginning at the mouth of Bridge Branch, thence up little….. to a poplar x. thence to red oak x thence S. to a pine x. thence SE to a black Jack x thence to a pine x. thence S. E. to the Bridge Branch to a pine x thence SE to a black Jack x thence S. to a pine x thence SE to the Bridge branch, thence across on out to a hickory x thence down said branch to the beginning x. this land surveyed for Thomas McClendon—with all and singular the rights, and appertainances, there unto belonging, or in any manner appertaining there unto, to him the said Batt Kitching, his heirs and assigns forever, in fee simple to his and their own proper use, benefit and behoof. In witness whereof, the said Charles McCallister hath here unto set his hand and seal, the day and year above written Signed, sealed & delivered Charles McCallister in presence of us Test, Larry Kitchens Pruitt. J. P. Recorded this 25th of November 1815 Transcribed from Book II Folio 117 118 July 13th 1854 T W Shivers James Neal Clk