Washington COUNTY GA Cemetery Old City Confederate Veterans File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by alogue@accucomm.net Table of Contents page: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/washington.htm Georgia Table of Contents: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm Confederate Vets in Old City Cemetery CONFEDERATE VETERANS BURIED IN OLD CITY CEMETERY Sandersville, Georgia RANK NAME REGIMENT BIRTH DEATH LOCATION William B. Barwick 1st GA Volunteers Co. E c. 1835 12/17/02 Row 12, Lot 108 Mirabeau H. Boyer 15th GA Regiment Co. E 4/26/1841 3/21/1898 Row 5 Lot 4 Private Harris H. Brantley 59th GA Infantry, Co. D 2/12/1804 10/25/1875 Row 7 Lots 79,81 Solomon D. Brantley 32nd GA Infantry, Co. E 3/7/1821 1/2/1897 Row 1, Lot 46 2nd Lt. Clement C. Brown 15th GA Infantry, Co E Row 6, Lot Z Thomas E. Brown C.S.A. Marker 12/20/1820 12/6/1888 Row 7 Captain William Gainer Brown 59th GA Vols., Co. D 2/14/1828 10/19/1870 Row 3, Lot 31 Private Richard P. Bynum 28th GA Infantry, Co. B 10/12/1834 1/11/12 Row 14, lot 208 Surgeon David Lewis Cheatham C.S.A. Marker 9/6/1849 1/25/09 Row 17, Lot 108 Doctor A. T. Cheatham 9/16/1831 3/25/06 Row 17, Lot 198 John Thomas Cook 13th GA Militia, 2nd Co. 1830 1910 Row 4, Lot 1 Joseph G. Davis C.S.A. Marker 1833 9/30/1874 Row 9, Lot 95 Charles I. Duggan 14th GA Infantry, Co. F 12/15/1842 1/18/21 Row 3, Lot H Colonel Beverly Daniel Evans 1st GA Infantry, Co. E 2/6/1826 3/21/1897 Row 5, Lot 20 Captain Robert W. Flournoy 28th GA Infantry, Co. B 12/13/41 6/8/1869 Row 4, Lot 15 Sgt. Major William Gallaher 49th GA Vol. Inf., Co. H 7/27/29 7/23/03 Row 13, Lot 128 Private Alexander L.D. Gilmore 59th GA Vols., Co. B 11/10/1828 2/12/1863 Row 10 Lot 102 1st Sgt. John Newton Gilmore 1st GA Vols., Co. E Row 4, Lot 11 Jr. 2nd Lt. Thomas J. gilmore 1st GA Vols., Co. E 5/15/1838 10/6/1882 Row 1, Lot E/B 1st Lt. William J. Gray 1st GA Vols., Co. E 12/10/1833 Row 12 1st Lt. Draughton Stith Haynes 49th GA Vol. Inf., Co. I 11/16/1837 2/16/1879 Row 5, Lot 12 Sgt. Major Thomas H. Haynes 1st GA Vols., Co. E 12/17/1839 2/16/1879 Row 5, Lot 12 Captain Issac Hermann 1st GA Vols., Co. E 1838 1917 Row 17, Lot 199 Daniel Webster Hitt 1st GA Vols., Co. I 1841 2/22/21 Row 17, Lot 160 B. H. Holt C.S.A. Marker Row 19 Capt/Surg Horatio Nelson Hollifield 2nd State Forces 12/1/1832 12/23/1895 Row 9, Lot 91 A. Washington Jackson 12th GA Bttn. Co. B 11/15/1828 7/31/1898 Row 18, Lot 205 5th Cpl. Andrew J. Jernigan Washington Co. Cavalry 1830 1900 Row 3, Lot 5 1st . Lt. Stephen Gilmore Jordan 49th GA Vols., Co. H 5/11/1846 5/25/1904 Row 4, Lot 19 1st Sgt. Virgil S. Joyner 28th GA Infantry, Co. A 12/20/1839 3/5/1889 Row 6, Lot 61 Sgt. Major William Hugh Lawson 49th GA Vols., Co. C 5/28/1842 2/2/1893 Row 7 William Martin C.S.A. Marker 6/22/1834 6/4/1897 Row 8, Lot 76 Surg. Aylesbury M. Mathis 37th GA Infantry, Co B 6/6/1835 12/31/06 Row 1, Lot 49 Private Eli J. Matthews 49th GA Vols., Co. C 11/29/1841 9/24/03 Row 6, Lot 69 3rd Sgt. L. C. Matthews 45th regiment, Co. E 8/6/1864 Row 6, Lot 59 Captain William Collins Matthews 38th Regiment, Co. G 7/25/1839 12/13/1894 Row 6, Lot 59 3rd Sgt. Steven May 59th GA Infantry, Co. B c. 1842 7/30/21 Row 17, Lot 166 1st . Lt. Reuben Frazier Mayo 28th GA Vols., Co. B 1812 1880 Row 1, Lot 50 Silas F. McIntyre 3rd GA Militia, Co. D 1/16/1834 1/24/31 Row 11, Lot 111 George W. Mills 12th GA Lt. Art., Co.B 11/18/1848 7/9/20 Row 8, Lot 74 Private John F. Mills 6th GA Infantry, Co. G 5/13/1825 3/29/1892 Row 17, Lot 168 Major Mark N. Newman 49th GA Vols., Co. C 1/9/1827 3/12/1906 Row 4, Lot 7 Private Charles Rawlings 1st GA Infantry ., Co. E 10/6/1850 1/18/1936 Row Colonel John Washington Renfroe 21st MS Regt., Co.K 1/9/1832 4/23/06 Row 1, Lot 43 Private Lawrence RenFroe 28th Regt., Co. B 1882 Row 1, Lot 43 Major William Haynes Renfroe 1st GA Regt., Co. E 11/17/1839 1/13/00 Row 2, Lot 34,36 1st Lt. William Green Robson 1st GA Vols., Co. E 10/7/1831 10/7/1895 Row 12, Lot 114 Z.H. Roughton GA. Conscripts, C.S.A. 4/27/1830 3/23/1875 Row 6, Lot 65 George M. Schwall 48th GA Infantry, Co. E 1908 Row 1, Lot A Alexander Smith C.S.A. Marker 12/1822 5/1876 Row 10, Lot 102 Benjamin R. Smith C.S.A. Marker 10/14/1826 8/20/1896 Row 3, Lot C (53?) John T. Smith 49th Vols., Co. K 11/14/1844 3/6/24 Row 1, Lot 43 Samuel J. Smith 1st GA Vols., Co. E 7/10/1829 5/25/1881 Row 6, Lot 53 Musician Thomas Harris Sparks 59th GA Infantry, Co. B 11/18/1843 12/9/20 Row 18, Lot 183 3rd Lt. Richard Benjamin Strange Washington Co. Cavalry 4/8/1827 2/2/1876 Row 5, Lot 18 Private Francis Marion Stubbs 12th GA Battn, Co. E 10/20/1845 11/7/11 Row 6, Lot 63 Gabriel W. Stubbs 1st GA Infantry, Co. E 1/25/1807 11/15/1882 Row 6, Lot 63 Edward Arthur Sullivan Regular MS Vols. 1837 1907 Row 3, Lot 27 C.D. Summerlin C.S.A. Marker 9/1/1818 12/5/1883 Row 7, Lot 83 Captain Patrick R. Taliaferro 1st GA Vols., Co. E 1/19/1837 5/18/1919 Row 6, Lot 51 Private G. Augustus Tarbutton 1st GA Regt., Co. E 1808 12/8/1878 Row 2, Lot 26 Capt./Dr. Absalom C.C. Thompson 3rd GA Regt., Co. I 1821 1877 Row 3, Lot 35 Private K.J.N. Walden 28th GA Regt., Co. I 12/18/1838 7/13/1899 Row 11, Lot 107 Private Joshua T. Walker 49th GA Vols., Co.B 2/7/1850 12/11/22 Row 7, Lot 77 Sergeant Charles A. Wall 1st GA Vols., Co. E Row 11, Lot 117 2nd Sgt. George Washington Warthen 1st GA Vols., Co. E 1/17/1835 9/23/1861 Row 3, Lot 33 Thomas Columbus Warthen Howell's Battery, Co. H 6/11/1845 2/9/35 Row 16, Lot 152 Captain William Warthen 28th GA Regt., Co. B 10/1/1815 7/23/1881 Row 16, Lot 152 Captain Jackson E. Weddon Macon Light Artillery 1/31/1887 Sgt./Surg. George W.H. Whitaker 8th GA Cavalry, Co. E 1840 1890 Row 3, Lot 31 Corporal John Richard Wicker 1st GA Vols., Co. E 9/4/1829 11/29/05 Row 13, Lot 123 Private Thomas Oscar Wicker 1st GA Vols., Co. E 8/19/1835 10/1/00 Row 14, Lot 196 Captain Joseph T. Youngblood 1st GA Vols., Co. E 4/26/1833 3/11/1896 Row 1, Lot 48 5th Sgt. John T. Youngblood 1st GA Vols., Co. E 5/22/1822 3/18/1890 Row 14, From History of Old City Cemetery, Washington County Historical Society Submitted by Amanda Logue at: alogue@accucomm.net ======================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============