Washington County GaArchives Deed.....Crittendon, John ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda L. Green linda_green@email.msn.com Jul 1998 (email address no longer valid as of Nov 2011) John Crittendon Land Warrant 06 Nov 1786 Washington County, GA Georgia By the Court of Justices of the Washington County to the re County Surveyor for the said County You are hereby authorized and required to admeasure and lay out or cause to be admeasured and laid out unto John Crittendon a tract of land which shall contain one hundred and twenty acres in the said county of Washington on his own headright taking especial care that the same has not heretofore been laid out to any other person or persons and you are hereby also directed and required to record the plat of the same in your office and trasmit a copy thereof together with this warrant to the Surveyor General within the term of six months from this date. Given under my hand as Senior Justice of said Court this sixth day of November 1786. Attest Alexander Lavin CWC John Watts A.J.