Washington County GaArchives Wills.....Harrison, Joseph February 10, 1858 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gwen Brooks nimaweh@outlook.com September 2, 2017, 4:19 pm Source: Family Search Http://familysearch.org : 14 June 2016. County Probate Courthouses, Georgia Written: February 10, 1858 State of Georgia Washington Co. Wills 1852-1903 Book vol B pg. 169 Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990." Images. FamilySearch. http://FamilySearch.org : 14 June 2016. County probate courthouses, Georgia. Joseph Harrison (Ohoope) In the name of God Amen. I Joseph Harrison of the said State and County, being of advanced years and knowing that I must shortly depart this life, deem it right and proper both as respects my family and myself, that I should make a disposition of the property with which a kind providence has blessed me. Do therefore make this my last Will and testament, hereby revoking all other heretofore made by me. 1st I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition in life. My soul I trust shall return to rest with God who gave it. 2nd I desire and direct that all my just debts be paid without delay by my Executors hereinafter appointed. 3rd I desire and direct that in case my beloved and afflicted wife Easter should be living when I depart this life that all my Estate remain undivided during her natural life and that my Executors hereinafter appointed see that she is decently supported from the proceeds of the same, and at her decease to be distributed as follows 4th I desire and direct that my three slaves, vi. Charlotte ?Southy? and Ginny, with, their increase with all the notes accounts and money for me in my possession except ten Dollars be equally divided among my beloved Sons, viz John Ennett Harrison Lewis Jenkins Harrison Drury Washington Harrison Joseph Daniel Harrison, James Madison Harrison Seaborn Uriah Harrison Benjamin Thomas Harrison to them and their issue. And if any of my beloved Sons above named, should die without issue, that his part of said Estate be equally divided among the remaining Sons. 5th I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Nancy Jones New Ten Dollars. 6th I hereby constitute and appoint my beloved Sons Lewis Jenkins Harrison and Drury Washington Harrison Executors of this my last Will and testament this 10th of February 1858. Signed sealed declared and published by Joseph Harrison as his last Will and testament in presence of us the subscribers who subscribed our names hereto in the presence of said testator and at his special ??? and request and of each other this 10th of February 1858. Philip Clark Henry Terlington William P. King James M. Donaldson Additional Comments: Joseph Ennett Harrison was a Baptist Minister and farmer. His wife was Esther Jenkins. I have no date of death for him nor for Esther. I am descended from their son, John Ennett Harrison and wife Sarah Elizabeth Frost. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/washington/wills/harrison869gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.3 Kb