Whitfield County GaArchives History .....History of Whitfield County- Judges, Inferior Court 1936 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 October 3, 2004, 1:41 am p. 186 JUSTICES OF THE INFERIOR COURT WHITFIELD COUNTY Created December 30, 1851 John Hamilton 2/ 6/1852—1/ 8/1853 Winston Gordon 2/ 6/1852—1/ 8/1853 Francis W. McCurdy 2/ 6/1852 James Robinson (Robison) 2/ 6/1852—1/ 8/1853 Hughs (Hughes) Burk 2/ 6/1852—1/ 8/1853 Edward H Edwards 9/18/1852—1/ 8/1853 Archibald Sloan 1/ 8/1852—1/12/1857 Edward H. Edwards 1/ 8/1853—1/12/1857 Francis W. McCurdy 1/ 8/1853—1/12/1857 John Hamilton 1/ 8/1853— 1854* Philip Minis 1/ 8/1853— 1854 Harrison Rogers 1/24/1854—1/12/1857 Joshua Harlan 8/10/1854—1/12/1857 William Hammond 1/12/1857—1/10/1861 Ethelred J. Tarver 1/12/1857—1/10/1861 James Greon 1/12/1857—1/10/1861 William J. Underwood 1/12/1857—1/10/1861 William P. Chester 1/12/1857—1/10/1861 William J. Underwood 1/10/1861 P. B. Morris 1/10/1861 Thomas C. Davis 1/10/1861 W. T. Campbell 1/10/1861 Baxter B. Brown 1/10/1861 Lawrence W. Earnest 2/17/1864—1/23/1865 Baxter B. Brown 1/23/1865—1/23/1868 L. W. Earnest 1/23/65 J. H. King 1/23/65 S. B. Sloan 1/23/65 T. A. Jackson 1/23/65— 9/ 8/66 W. J. Underwood 9/ 8/66 Additional Comments: From: OFFICIAL HISTORY OF WHITFIELD COUNTY, GEORGIA BY WHITFIELD COUNTY HISTORY COMMISSION File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/whitfield/history/other/gms198historyo.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 2.2 Kb