Whitfield County GaArchives History .....History of Whitfield County - 36th GA Vols. Officers 1936 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 October 11, 2004, 12:37 pm p. 218-219 Return of 36th Regiment Georgia Volunteers July 31, 1862, stationed at Camp Hatton, East Tennessee. Company A, Joseph Glenn, Capt 112 Men Company B, George A. Cooper, Capt 109 Men Company C, F. M. Dwight, Capt 90 Men Company D, John Loudermilk, Capt 113 Men Company E, J. E. Gilbert, Capt 97 Men Company F, C. L. Martan, Capt 98 Men Company G, D. H. Elledge, Capt 88 Men Company H. A. P. Roberts, Capt 82 Men Company I, J. L. Morgan, Capt 72 Men Company K, A. Dyer, Capt 71 Men OFFICERS OF COMPANIES OF 36TH GEORGIA VOLUNTEERS, JULY 31, 1862 Company A— Jesse A. Glenn, Colonel Dr. J. B. McAfee, Acting Surgeon Samuel H. Baker, 1st Lieutenant Daniel Connor, 2nd Lieutenant Johnson Sanson, 3rd Lieutenant Isreal Hallman, 1st Sergeant S. W. Pile, or Pike, 2nd Sergeant C. B. W. Buece, 3rd Sergeant S. T. Mote, 4th Sergeant Thomas Ring, 5th Sergeant Jackson Couch, 1st Corporal Alfred North, 2nd Corporal P. M. Jennings, 3rd Corporal H. D. Lymance, 4th Corporal Company B— G. A. Cooper, Captain Wm. H. Hill, 1st Lieutenant E. Hollin, 2nd Lieutenant James A. Edwards, 3rd Lieutenant Company C— F. M. Dwight, Captain J. B. Griffin, 1st Lieutenant E. S. Hill, 2nd Lieutenant J. J. Suttle, 3rd Lieutenant Company D— John Loudermilk, Captain John Davis, 1st Lieutenant Willis Martin, 2nd Lieutenant Henry Young, 3rd Lieutenant Company E— J. D. Gilbert, Captain L. E. Jefferson, 1st Lieutenant W. B. Hilhards, 2nd Lieutenant J. J. Leonard, 3rd Lieutenant Company F— E. L. Morton, Captain C. M. Jones, 1st Lieutenant G. B. Hudson, 2nd Lieutenant W. E. C. Wilson, 3rd Lieutenant Company G— D. H. Elledge, Captain J. B. Smith, 1st Lieutenant J. N. Rogers, 2nd Lieutenant R. T. Bridges, 3rd Lieutenant Company H— A. P. Roberts, Captain W. G. Harris, 1st Lieutenant J. Smither, 2nd Lieutenant T. B. Kelptyne, 3rd Lieutenant Company I— Jacob L. Morgan, Captain L. R. Willis, 1st Lieutenant R. R. Grant, 2nd Lieutenant V. D. Lyles, 3rd Lieutenant Company K— A. A. Dyer, Captain J. C. Carroll, 1st Lieutenant T. J. Curler 2nd Lieutenant N. L. Wallace, 3rd Lieutenant Captain B. B. White, Company C, of Whitfield, resigned July 8, 1862. D. F. M. Dwight promoted July 8, 1862 to captain; Lieutenant J. B Griffin to First Lieutenant; Lieutenant E. S. Hill to Second Lieutenant, and J. J. Suttle from First Sergeant to Third Lieutenant. Additional Comments: From: OFFICIAL HISTORY OF WHITFIELD COUNTY, GEORGIA BY WHITFIELD COUNTY HISTORY COMMISSION (1936) File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/whitfield/history/other/gms363historyo.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.3 Kb