Wilcox-Pulaski County GaArchives News.....Relatives of W. I. Futch Meet at Birthday Party October 1, 1937 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Elaine Turk Nell emturk1976@hotmail.com October 13, 2005, 11:09 pm Macon Telegraph October 1, 1937 The sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters of W. I. Futch of the Ryals Mill district of Wilcox county gathered last Sunday for a birthday celebration at the old home place. This is an annual celebration. Mr. Futch is 73 years old, and is stilll in possession of all faculties and is as active as other men at 40 or 50. The father and mother of a big family are usually honored in this way by their children in Wilcox county. Other counties have their clan gatherings, where all of the relatives get together, but in Wilcox the custom is for the children to show special honor to their parents. They finance the party and prepare the food. The parents have nothing to do but be guests of honor. Occasionally there is a program of entertainment, but generally the feast and good fellowship and chats about early days fill up the time. The Futches came to the party from nearby and from afar; some were there from Florida, and some sent excuses and regrets. Mr. Futch has reared a large and honorable family. His home is not more than three or four miles from Cedar Creek church, where once was a flourishing schoo, attended by the Futches, Stathams, Wootens, McNalleys, Johnsons, Dosters, McDuffies and others--75 students in attendance. The old blue back speller and Wentworth's arithmetic and algebra played a part, and students often went out to teach school licensed by the state. It stood opposite the present church building, on the paved highway between Hawkinsville and Abbeville. Mr. Futch's first wife was a McDuffie, a niece of James B. McDuffie of Hawkinsville, and grandniece of Norman McDuffie, a member of the state legislature. The present wife was Miss Allie [Alice] Cook. Mr. Futch remembers the wagon trains that once passed slowly along that way to get to Hawkinsville to buy supplies and to carry cotton. They came from as far down as the Florida line, and camped on the way, requiring two weeks sometimes to make the distance. Often the travelers slept on the ground, covered only by the stars. "But they went to town only twice a year," said Mr. Futch. "The Government came in here to drain the water away from these cypress bottom lands," he continued, "but after spending thousands of dollars the money gave out, and the project was abandoned before any draining was done. Only a ditch was dug." Those attending the party included Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Futch, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Futch, Reuben A. Futch, William A. Futch, Mrs. Geraldine Futch Ford, B. P. Ford, Harry Futch, Berner Futch, Thurmond Futch, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Futch, Mrs. Russell Newnan, Mildred and Norton Futch, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Futch, William Otis Futch, Mrs. J. A. Hearn, Paul Hearn and Adele Shirley, Billie Jean and Jackie Sue Hearn; Albert Hearn and Wilma, Jane, Thomas, and Lary Hearn; Mrs. Weldon Hitchcock and Charles Hitchcock; Mrs. C. D. Good and Virginia Carol Good; Mrs. O. B. Adams, Billy Hearn Adams; Christine Hearn, Johnnie Clifford, Eton Hearn and Hansel Hearn; mrs. H. H. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Cohen and children, Jeanette, Robert, Ralph and Patsy Ann; Lois Futch, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Johnnie Harold Coook, Mrs. A. W. Cobb, Aurella, Frances, Edwin, Windel and Peggie Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and family; Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Statham and family; Mrs. Dewey Veal and children; Edna, W. C. and Homer Cook; Robert Barnes, Lonnie Bruce, Red Rollins; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Futch, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Futch and Mrs. W. G. Henry, Mrs. W. E. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Means. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/wilcox/newspapers/relative2356nw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 4.2 Kb