Augusta Chronicle Articles re: the McGuire Family 1796 - 1802 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Rebecca Miller ==================================================================== Augusta Chronicle Articles re: the McGuire Family 1796 - 1802 The Augusta Chronicle September 1796 to March 1802 1796/10/29 Collector’s Sales. On Saturday the 3rd of December, at the Courthouse of Oglethorpe Co. Will be Sold, for the taxes of the year 1795, the following tracts of land, viz. 100 acres the property of MERRY MCGUIRE on the water of Grove creek, adjoining Jones and Ector; tax 3f. 3.4d. John Collier, C.T.O.C. October 19, 1796 1797/03/11 NOTICE: That on the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, we shall make application of the Interior court for the county of Oglethorpe, in terms of the act made and provided, for an order of sale of all the real estate or lands belonging to TIMOTHY MCGUIRE deceased, in the aforesaid, and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Jas Rutledge, JOHN MCGUIRE Adm’rs. August 27, 1796 1797/10/28 Agreeable to an order of the honorable the Interior Court of the county of Oglethorpe WILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the courthouse of said county, between the hours of ten and two o’clock the following tracts of land, the property of TIMOTHY MCGUIRE deceased, viz. Two tracts of land, each containing, 250 acres on Ogechee, adjoining lands of Jesse Lacy and Wm. Perkins, with good improvements on each; the land is very good for tabacco and other produce. Condition of sale. . . credit for 12 months, giving notes of 25 dollars and approved security. James Rutledge, Adm’r October 23, 1797 1798/04/28 Georgia,(L.S) Oglethorpe country By Matthew Rainey Esq. Register of Probates for said county. Whereas LYDIA GOOLSBY and ISAAC GOOLSBY, have applied to me for letter of administration on the estate of DANIEL GOOLSBY, late of this county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be appear at my office, on or before the 28th day of May next, to show cause if any they have, why letter of administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my office the 28th day of April 1798; and in the 22nd year of the Independence of the United States of America.(This family daugher married Frederick McGuire, the son of Thompson.) 1798/05/20 SHERIFF’S SALE On the first Tuesday in July next, at the court- house in Wilkes county, will be sold 200 acres of land more of less lying in Elbert county, on Cold water creek, with very good improvements, adjoins Jonathan Fair, it being the place where THOMPSON MCGUYERE now lives; taken by execution as the property of said THOMPSON MCGUYERE to satisfy a judgment obtained by Leroy Pope against him. Robert Middleton S. May 20, 1798 1799/12/31 The following is a list of defaulter in Green county for the year 1797, agreeable to the list returned to me by the commanding officer of each district, vix.In capt. Wm Watson’s district MOSSES MCGUIER 1799/01/12 SHERIFF’S SALE At Elbert the court-house On the first Tuesday in March next, WILL BE SOLD 185 acres of land lying in Elbert county, on Coldwater creek, more or less, it being the place where THOMPSON MCGUIRE formerly lived, not in the possession of WM. MCGUIRE and F. MCGUIRE, joining Thos. Dooley and Jonathan Phair; taken as the property of THOMPSON MCGUIRE at the suits of Leroy Pope, John Greenwood and others. 1799/05/11 SHERIFF’S SALE On the first Tuesday in June next, at the court- house in Elbert county, WILL BE SOLD the following tracts of land, viz.66 2-3 acres of land, it being the third part of a 200 acre tract that Wm. Elliott now lives on, Thos. Ewin and Daniel Orr; taken at the property of James Elliett, return by Daniel Orr, constable.Also, 200 acres as the property of Samuel Baker; 200 acres as the property of THOMPSON and FREDERICK MCGUIRE; taken to satisfy sundry executions, and returned by James Alexander, constable. Also, one house and lot in the town of Elberton; taken as the property of Jocob Dier, and returned by Thomas Aconia constable. 1799/12/14 SHERIFF’S SALE At the court-house in Elbert county On the first Tuesday in January next, , WILL BE SOLD 255 acres of land, Elbert county, lying on Coldwater creek, with good improvements. It being the place where ALLIGANY MCGUIRE lives, joins Richard Tiner and James Jones180 acres said county, Coldwater with good improvements, it being the place where WM. and F. MCGUIRE lives joins Jonathan Phair and Dooley; both tracts take as the property of FREDERICK and ALLEGANY MCGUIRER. Middleton Sheriff November 10, 1799 1800/08/02 SHERIFF’S SALE At the court-house in Elbert county On the first Tuesday in September next, , WILL BE SOLD 300 acres more or less, Elbert county, Coldwater creek, is being the place where Aleganis McGuire now lives with good improvements, joins James Jones and Tiner; taken as the property of said McGuire to satisfy Jonathan Phair. R. Cosby Sheriff July 23, 1800 1800/08/08 SHERIFF’S SALE At the court-house in Elbert county On the first Tuesday in October next, , WILL BE SOLD 90 acres of land, Elbert county lying on Cold Water creek, is being part of a tract formerly occupied by John Chester, joins Langhlin Curry; taken as the property of William and Allagany McGuire and returned to the constable. R. Cosby Sheriff August 7, 1800 1801/08/08 GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY by Thomas Carleton, clerk of the court of Ordinary for said county. Whereas John McGuire has this day applied to for letter of disposition From the administration of Timothy McGuire, late of this county de ????. These are therefore to cite and admonish all said deceased, to file their ??? ???? office, on or before the 25th day of August next ????, otherwise letter of ???? will be granted him.Give under my hand this 25th day of July 1801 Tho. Carleton, C.C.O.