Wilkes County GaArchives Obituaries.....Toombs, Gabriel November 29, 1901 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marshall Styles marshallstyles@yahoo.com December 15, 2006, 1:22 pm The Constitution Atlanta, 27 November 1901 - 2 December 1901 All of the items below were published in The Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia: Wednesday 27 November 1901 - Gabriel Toombs Paralyzed. Paralytic a Brother of the late General Toombs. Washington, Ga., November 26 (Special) - Gabriel Toombs, the oldest citizen of this place, being eighty eight years old, was stricken with paralysis this morning. His face was seriously affected. Mr. Toombs condition was extremely precarious during the day, but there was a slight rally toward evening. Thursday 28 November 1901 - Mr. Toombs' Condition Unchanged. Washington, Ga. November 27 (Special) - The condition of Gabriel Toombs, who was stricken yesterday with paralysis, remains unchanged. He is in a most critical state and the end is expected hourly. Relatives from all parts of the state have been summoned to his bedside. Friday 29 November 1901 - Mrs. Henry B. Tompkins, Miss Cora Toombs and Mr. Gabriel Palmer left [Atlanta] yesterday afternoon for Washington, Ga., where they were called by a telegram announcing the very critical illness of their grandfather, Gabriel Toombs. Sunday 1 December 1901: Gabriel Toombs Died Yesterday - Death Was the Result of a Stroke of Paralysis - Funeral To Be Held Today - Deceased Was a Brother of the Late General Robert Toombs and Was One of the Most Prominent Citizens of Wilkes Washington, Ga., November 30 - (Special) - Gabriel Toombs, 88 years old, and one of the most prominent citizens of this place, died at his home here at an early hour this morning. Mr. Toombs was stricken on Monday last with paralysis and from that time until the end came he remained in an unconscious state. The funeral service will be held in the Methodist church here tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The body will be laid beside that of his brother, the late General Robert Toombs, in the Washington Cemetery. A Sketch Of His Life In the death of Gabriel Toombs, brother of the illustrious Robert, there passes from the world the last of a family which has left its imprint upon the state's history. There were three brothers - James, Robert, and Gabriel - and one sister. Gabriel, the subject of this sketch, was the youngest and was the peer and equal of his brilliant brother, the general, in every respect robustness of constitution. In physique and personal appearance he was not unlike Alexander Stephens. When quite an immature lad he was compelled to leave college on account of ill health. He was sent by his parents to Baltimore to consult the highest medical authority at that time in the United States. His physician gave him no encouragement whatsoever and added that if he wished to see his friends again he must lose no time in hastening back to them. That was seventy years ago. This same delicate youth lived to be 88 years old, and to fulfill the highest destiny bequeathed by God to man - that of an honored citizen, an unswerving Christian and a pure, unspotted name. His long life was din to constant obedience to the laws of nature and health; his habits were regular, he rarely ever took medicine, and never indulged to excess any harmful appetite. Up to the day of his death his mind was clear, he attended to all of his business affairs, attended church regularly, and took his daily walk or drive. On last Sunday he attended the Presbyterian Church to witness the installation of a new minister. He asked the choir to sing “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” to the tune of “Old Hundred,” saying he hoped it would be the last thing he heard on earth and the first in heaven. On account of his weak constitution Mr. Toombs gave up all thought of a processional career and followed the south's leading industry, cotton planting. He was the owner of many slaves, and of large landed estates, both in Wilkes County and in south Georgia, near Columbus. Before the ware he counted his cotton bales by the thousands, and when the great crash came he never lost his balance, as did so many of his fellows, but with a shrewdness for which he was unequaled quickly shifted his methods to suit the changed conditions, and went on planting cotton and making money. No greater contrast ever existed between two brothers than that between General Robert Toombs and his brother Gabriel. The one possessing great physical strength, aggressive brilliancy and audacity, while the other, frail and delicate, held the “divine spark” in his soul only for those nearest and dearest to him. Mr. Gabriel Toombs was, so to speak, the power behind the throne in all of General Toombs' movement, that is, so far as any power on earth could control the movements of one so impulsive and spontaneous as General Toombs. The older brother always consulted the younger in politics, finance and business, saying that his judgment was as unerring as instinct. Mr. Gabriel Toombs told the writer of this sketch that during the whole of his experience in agriculture, as a cotton planter before the war and a landlord since, he had never lost a year's income but once, and that was due to a fatal drought. Mr. Toombs was born in 1813 on the old Toombs place in Wilkes County, near Washington. This place has never passed out of the family, but belongs to Mr. Toombs estate at the present. Here are the graves of four generations. Mr. Toombs' father was Robert Toombs, an officer in the Revolution, and his grandfather was Gabriel Toombs, an officer under Braddock. His mother was Catherine Huling, of Wilkes County. Toombs (or Tombs), the original emigrant, was a follower of Charles II, and fled to this country on the rise of Cromwell. He settled in Virginia, as did all the cavaliers, and his descendants came to Georgia about the close of the Revolution. Mr. Gabriel Toombs married at the age of 26, Miss Mary Richardson, of Elbert County. She was an aunt of Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin of Atlanta. Mary Richardson was one of the most beautiful women of her day, and retained her beauty to the day of her death. The daughters of this union inherited a rate beauty and charm of manner, which seems destined to be transmitted indefinitely to posterity. Mrs. Henry B. Tompkins and Miss Cora Toombs of Atlanta, are granddaughters, and representative types of the house. Mr. Toombs' daughters are Mrs. F.H. Colley [Kate], Mrs. Thomas E. Fortson, Mrs. S.R. Palmer and the late Mrs. Samuel Hardeman [Julia]. They were all famous belles and beauties of a generation ago. Mr. Toombs also leaves three sons, Judge William H. Toombs, Robert Toombs and Augustus Toombs. The two last are unmarried. Judge Toombs is a leading citizen of Washington, a lawyer of high standing, and judge of the city court. Mr. Toombs leaves twenty grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Mr. Frank Hardeman of Athens is a grandson, also Gabriel Toombs Palmer and Blanton Fortson of Atlanta; Miss Kathleen Colley, of Atlanta, and Miss Marion Colley, of Washington, are granddaughters. – Written By Mrs. T.M. Green. Monday 2 December 1901 Funeral of Gabriel Toombs - Body Now Rests Beside That of His Brother. Washington, Ga., December 1 (Special) - The funeral of Gabriel Toombs occurred today at1 o'clock from the Methodist Church, and was largely attended. The service was conducted by the Rev. J.B. Robins, presiding elder of the Athens district, assisted by the Rev. Ellison R. Cook, the Rev. Frank Willis Barnett and the Rev. E.M. Bounds. Dr. Robins officiated at the request of Mr. Toombs. His remarks were eloquent and appropriate. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Frank W. Barnett, M.A. Pharrr, R.L .Foreman, H.O. [Henry Owens] Colley, Hugh Quinn, Benjamin Irvin, Joseph Terry and Wylie DuBose. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Additional Comments: Initially buried on the family plantation outside of Washington, both Gabriel and Robert Toombs were moved to separate family plots in the town of Washington at Resthaven Cemetery. Although Gabriel was reburied in the same cemetery as his brother Robert, each was buried in his own family plot, Gabriel's being considerably larger than that in which the General is buried. Both plots are enclosed within ornately crafter wrought iron fencing. Washington Cemetery was later renamed to Resthaven, a short 5-minute drive west of the town square. Also buried in the Gabriel Toombs plot are his children and many of his grandchildren. Alexander Stephens, a weakly individual, is the same as the former Vice President of the Confederate States of America and former Governor of the State of Georgia. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/wilkes/obits/t/toombs9017ob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 9.1 Kb