Wilkes County GaArchives Wills.....Colley, John November 27, 1815 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marshall Styles marshallstyles@yahoo.com February 5, 2007, 8:24 am Source: Wilkes County Ga Returns Book 1830-1836 Written: November 27, 1815 Estate Appraisal of John Colley, Wilkes County, Georgia, Returns Book 1830- 1836, pages 231 - 234; Son of Edward Colley & Mary Strong of Mecklenburg County, Virginia Copied at the Wilkes County Courthouse in Washington, Georgia, September 2006, transcribed & [annotated] by Marshall Styles: We the appraisers have appraised the Estate of John Colly, deceased, agreeable to a warrant and have now returned said inventory of the same to Francis Colly, Executor of the Said Estate: [Slaves and their value] Julius $500; Cain(?) $525; Israel $600; Cherry $450; Jacob $475; Lot $450; Judge $325 [or $525]; Margueritt $400; Nancy $400; Abram $200; York $100; Guilford $100; Cherry $450; Sophia $100; Chancey $100; Billie $300; Mary $275; Aniky $150; [Other] 1 white horse $30; 1 white mare $50; 1 bay mare $85; 1 bay horse $40; 1 Sorrell colt $40; 1 bay colt $25; 1 bay mare $10; 55 hogs and twenty one pigs $16; 1 yoke of Oxen $45; 12 head cattle $157; 1 waggon $11; 11 axes $11; 5 chisels and four augers $5; 1 lot of old tools $6.50; 1 lock chain $1.50; 7 pair buckskins; 1 odd lot of harrow hoes $3.50; 6 plows $4; 8 half-shear plows $2.50; 3 barn plows $4; 9 milking stands $9; 1 60-gallon still $47.50; 9 quarters cash $2.25; 1 lot plows $4.50; 5 cribbing hoes; Seven beds and bed steads $980; 1 Side board $50; 1 Desk $30; 2 Side tables $55; 12 Windsor chairs $20; 10 common chairs $5; 1 Folding and three plain tables $12; 1 Shott Gun $10; 1 Large and Small Bible $6; 7 Books $6; 10 Tumblers & Decanters $6.25; 1 lot Crockery $10; 1 Sugar Canister $2; 1 lot Pewter $12; 1 Pine Side Board $5; 1 Looking Glass $2; 1 Loom $8; 1 Large Kettle $4; 1 Small Kettle $1.50; 1 Grind Stone $1.50; 1 pair Irons $1.25; 2 large Tin Pans $1; 1 Spitter [a spittoon?] $1.25; 1 Carding Machine [for cotton & wool] $25; 1 Coffee Mill $25.50; 2 Pots – Oven & Baker $7.50; 3 Saddles & Bridles $6; 1 Flax Wheel $2.50; 1 Shoe Hammer and Pincers $1; 1 Clock Reel $2; 3 Shovels and two pair of Tongs $3.75; 6 Spinning Wheels $12; 600 pounds clean cotton 7 1800 pounds seed $1156; 12 bushels of Wheat $12; 1 Jug $1; 2 pair of Fire Dogs $4; 80 Barrels Corn $150; Four thousand pounds fodder $30; 1 pair Stretchers & Spade $2; 1 Jug & 2 Bridles $3; 1 Broad Axe $3 Total $7566.25 November 27th 1815 {Signed}Isaac Callaway; R.T. Foster; Job Callaway; Joseph Callaway; Peter B. Terrell File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/wilkes/wills/colley701wl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.0 Kb