Wilkes County GaArchives Wills.....Stinson, Phebe October 8, 1831 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis R. Thomas http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00016.html#0003785 April 12, 2008, 2:29 pm Source: Wilkes County Ga Wills 1819-1836, Pages 401-404 Written: October 8, 1831 Recorded: September 8, 1836 Georgia Wilkes County In the name of God amen I Phebe Stinson of the County and State aforesaid being of sound disposing mind & memory do make and ordain the following Instrument of writing my last will and Testament in the manner and form following that is to say--- First I lend to my Daughter Sarah Binns a Negro girl named Selona during her natural life and after her death I give said negro to the heirs of her body--- Secondly I give to my grandchildren the children of my son Dudly Stinson dec’d that he had by his wife Susan a negro Girl by the name of Betsey, and a negro boy named Harry to them and their heirs forever---Thirdly I Give to my Daughter Patsey wife of Robt Killgore one hundred Dollars and tenth part of all my bed clothes---Fourth-I give to my Daughter Susan Stinson a negro girl by the name of Amy and her future increase to her during her natural life and after her death to the heirs of her body and also one bed and furniture---Fifth I give to my Daughter Jane Groces (sic) wife of Ellison Groce a negro boy named Frank during her natural life and at the death of my said Daughter Jane the said negro boy Frank I give to the heirs of my said Daughters body, and the said Negro boy shall in no wise be subject to any debts that her husband Ellison Groce may now owe or any the (sic) he may hereafter contract or owe but shall be for the sole use of my said Daughter during her life and afterwards to the heirs of her own body---Sixth I lend to my Daughter Polly Jones wife of Edward Jones a negro woman named Sarah and her child named Emily during her natural life and at the death of my said Daughter Polly the said the said (sic) negro woman & and (sic) child and their future increase if any I give to the heirs of my said daughter’s body and the said negroes and their increase shall in no wise be subject to any debts that her husband Edward Jones may be now owing or any that he may hereafter contract or owe but shall be for the sole use of my said daughter during her natural life and afterwards to the heirs of her own body---Seventh-I Give to my daughter Phebe Stinson a negro Woman by the name of Hannah and her future increase and a boy named Cyrus to her and her heirs forever---Eighth all the rest of my residue of my property of every kind and description that I own and possess after the payment of all my just debts I wish to be equally Divided among all my children except Patsey Killgore and it is my will that Susan Stinson wife of Dudly Stinson dec’d should have an Equal Share with my other children of all the residue of my property mentioned in this Eighth item during her natural life and at her death to go to the children of my said Son Dudly Stinson dec’d and Elizabeth Anthony wife of Mark Anthony, Nancy Boatwright wife of James Boatwright and Barthona Reeves wife of Thomas Reeves their Respective Shares of the residue of my Estate as mentioned in this the Eighth Item. My will and desire is to loan the same to them during their lives and at their Respective deaths I give the Same to the heirs of their bodies—My Will further is that Negro woman Molly shall choose whom she may prefer to be her owner of my Said Children and Said owner pay into the Estate what She may be considered to be worth by refence and my desire and intention hereby is that Mark Anthony, James Boatwright and Thomas Reeves the husbands of my Said daughters shall have no power or control over the parts that my Respective Daughters may be entitled to out of the residue of my Estate nor shall it be subject to their disposition but shall be the separate and distinct rights and property of my said daughters and at their respective deaths to be the property of the heirs of their bodies. It is my will and intention that the part drawn out of the residue of my Estate by Susan Stinson wife of Dudly Stinson be the part which should belong to the children of said Dudly dec’d but loan it to said Susan during her natural (sic). It is farther my will that the negroes not especially willed be lotted of and drawn for not sold---Ninth I hereby constitue and appoint my Trusty friends Nicholas G Barksdale Thomas Douglas and William I Anderson the Executors of this my last will & Testament hereby ratifying and confirming every act of theirs touching the same and declaring this only to be my last will and Testament—In Testimony whereof & I have hereto set my hand and seal this Eight day of October Eighteen hundred and thirty one. Signed Seal (sic) and published her and declared before us by the Phebe X Stinson {seal} Testatrix and in our presence mark at her request we witness the same the date above written William I. Anderson Georgia Wilkes County Personally appeared in open court Wm I Anderson the subscribing Witness to the within will who being sworn says that he saw the Testatrix Phebe Stinson Sign & seal and heard her acknowledge the same to be her last will and Testament and at the time of her so doing she was of sound & disposing mind & memory and that he subscribed the same as a Witness in her presence and at her request Sworn to in open court--- September 6th 1836 JH Dyson CCO } William I Anderson Recorded September 8th 1836 Additional Comments: Transcribed from photocopy of the will book pages. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/wilkes/wills/stinson698gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 6.1 Kb