WILKISON COUNTY, GA -HISTORY - Davidson's History of Wilkinson County Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Nolan Stuckey nolanstuckey@attbi.com Table of Contents page: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/wilkinson.htm Georgia Table of Contents: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm DAVIDSON'S HISTORY OF WILKINSON COUNTY GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX Compiler's Note It will be noted that many of the family sketches in this volume have been prepared by members of these families. Those written by the compiler of this history were based on information and family traditions furnished by members of these families, except where he was personally familiar with the family history. Every competent genealogist recognizes the fact that it is extremely hard to prevent errors creeping into such sketches, and while the compiler cannot vouch for the absolute accuracy of these family histories, yet, every possible effort has been made to eliminate mistakes. BLANK PAGE THE JOHN BALL CHAPTER DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION At the invitation of Mrs. W.T. Wall, a member of the Old Marion Chapter of the D.A.R., twenty-two ladies from Wilkinson county met at the court house in Irwinton, Ga., to organize a local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. J.W. Hooks, Gordon, Ga., appointed by Mrs. Julius Talmadge, State Regent, was the organizing regent. Mrs. A.K. Smith was chosen temporary secretary. At the March meeting, Mrs. Hooks announced that the required number of application papers to organize were on file in the office of the organizing secretary-general in Washington and that after the National Board meeting in April everything would be in readiness to organize. The organization was perfected April 9, 1926. The following officers were elected: Mrs. J.W. Hooks, regent; Miss Nan Wood, first vice-regent; Mrs. C.G. Chapman, second vice-regent; Mrs. A.K. Smith, recording secretary; Miss Addigene Cason, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J.H. Duggan, treasurer; Mrs. C.G. Kitchens, registrar; Mrs. N.H. Bacon, historian; Miss Ida Hughes, chaplain. The name "John Ball" was chosen for the chapter. The following were charter members: Mesdames J.W. Hooks, C.G.. Chapman, A.K. Smith, J.H. Duggan, C.G. Kitchens, N.H. Bacon, H.G. Lindsey, Victor Davidson, J.F. Porter, Sr., J.F. Porter, Jr., W.A. Jones, L.P. Player, Ruth Porter McKee, A.C. Todd, J.H. Chandler, F.N. Reynolds, Gertrude Carswell, E.L. Carswell, G.P. Bugg, and Misses Ida Hughes, Nan Wood, Lily Brown, Addigene Cason, Izetta and Willie Davis. The chapter unveiled a marker at the grave of Robert Barnett, a revolutionary soldier, in March, 1927. Markers for the graves of David Clay and William Mitchell have been secured and will be erected at an early date. On the Macon highway, a marker, commemorating the old Hartford Trail, was unveiled October 9, 1927. The greatest piece of work that the chapter has undertaken has been the sponsoring of the Wilkinson County History. The following members have been added: Mesdames Fulmer Armstrong, E.J. Murphy, N.T. Nichols as an associate member, and Miss May Lamb. (By Miss Willis Davis, Sec.) JOHN BALL Senator John Ball, in whose honor, the John Ball Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was named, according to family traditions, was born near Fredericksburg, Virginia, date unknown, but presumably about 1740, and according to these family traditions, was closely connected with the famous Ball Family of which Martha Washington was a member. It seems that John Ball removed to Camden District, South Carolina, just prior to the American Revolution, and was living there at the beginning of that struggle. We find on page twenty-five of Knight's "Roster of the Revolution," where he is certified as having served in the Revolution, by Col. Samuel Jack, who states further that Ball was of Camden District, S.C., and that he served in a Georgia Regiment. Page 404 of the same book gives the roster of the Regiment of Col. John Stewart, in which John Ball served as a private. On page 397, we find him receiving a Bounty Warrant as a veteran of the Revolution, bearing date of 1784. He evidently moved first to Warren County, Georgia, about the close of the Revolution, as Mrs. J.H. Duggan, a descendant, gives the information that he is buried at Warrenton. He later moved to his bounty lands in Washington County and established Ball's Ferry near by. When Wilkinson County was opened up for settlement by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson and the later acts of the JOHN BALL Legislature, there was a deluge of settlers seeking new lands. John Ball, himself, was one of these, though, at the same time, he retained his Washington County plantations, and apparently merely moved a short distance across the river from the ferry. As a mark of the esteem in which he was being held by his neighbors, those who knew him best, we find John Ball being elected to the highest office that the people of Wilkinson County could offer, that of State Senator. He served in this capacity for two terms. According to the records found at the courthouse at Irwinton, John Ball amassed quite a fortune for that day. At his death in 1815, he owned in addition to his plantations in Washington and Wilkinson Counties, his ferry, which was considered valuable property in that day, besides numerous slaves; large quantities of livestock, and other personal property. In every generation among John Ball's descendants in this county are numbered many of the most prominent men and women that the county has afforded. Senator Wesley King married a daughter of his son, Anson Ball. Captain Green B. Burney who commanded the Wilkinson Greys in the Indian War of 1836, later a member of the Legislature married another daughter of Anson Ball. GORDON WOMAN'S CLUB On December 30, 1915, a small band of Gordon's progressive women met and organized the Wimodausis Club, whose name was later changed to the Gordon Woman's Club. The club immediately federated with the Georgia Federation of Women's clubs and joined the General Federation April 6, 1916. The object of the organization was mutual council, helpfulness, and service of women in promoting educational, civic, social and moral advancement in the community. It might well have been called a Benevolent Society for the members have looked after the sick, poor, needy and distressed, besides contributing to all worthy calls, both in the District and State Federation. If the history of the Gordon Woman's club could be written in full from the early days to the present era of glorious achievement and worthy tribute could be paid the women, who have given time and strength, and love, in the service of others, there would be a volume of absorbing human interest of lofty purpose and splendid deeds that would be a beacon light to the generations to come. It is non-partisan and non-sectarian and the poor is as welcome to membership as the well-to-do. Its motto is: "The best is yet to be." The club colors are white and green and the flower is the pink carnation. The first president was Mrs. J.W. Hooks who was followed by Mrs. W.W. Lee, Mrs. J.W. Daniel, Mrs. S.H. Brantley, Mrs. J.J. Preece, Mrs. L.M. White, Miss Tom Elam, Mrs. S.R. Owen, Mrs. Nelle Newman Downs and Mrs. G.H. Miller. If space permitted a glorious history might be recorded of the services of the presidents of the club since organization to the highly developed body of women of 1929 under the leadership of the present president Mrs. J.W. Brooks, Jr., with the following officers and active members: Mrs. S.R. Owen, first vice-president; Mrs. Sol Isenberg, second vice-president; Mrs. D.P. Lee, recording secretary; Mrs. G.H. Miller, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J.W. Hooks, treasurer; Mrs. R.L. Sanders, chaplain; Mrs. J.B. Butts, press reporter. Misses Louise Brookins, Annie Lou Camp, Rosa Isenberg and Janie Elam. Mesdames R.P. Anderson, R.H. Camp, T.L. Davis, J.L. Dennard, G.W. DuPree, Lilly Etheridge, J.F. Hall, I.A. Henderson, W.D. Irby, W.A. Jones, E.C. Knight, C.G. Kitchens, E.H. Lewis, Tom Lewis, J.G. Methvin, G.S. Powell, Thurman Sanders, and Janie Walker Frasuer. Mrs. J.W. Hooks. ROBERT TOOMBS CHAPTER UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY TOOMBSBORO, GEORGIA "Motto — Remembering the Past, We Build for the Future." The first preliminary meeting of Robert Toombs, Chapter U.D.C., was held in the summer of 1923 at the Christian Church, Toombsboro, Ga. Those present decided to ask Miss Louise Sullivan, President of Mary Ann Williams Chapter U.D.C., Sandersville, Ga., to help in organizing the chapter, and after meetings at the home of Miss Addigene Cason and Mrs. T.H. Bridwell, Jr., the organization was completed and a committee was appointed to draw up the constitution and by-laws. The charter of Robert Toombs Chapter was granted in August, 1924, No. 1844. The first regular meeting was held at the home of Mrs. F.B. Chambers and officers elected as follows: President, Mrs. L.R. Cason, Jr. (Mary Ligon); First Vice-Pres., Mrs. Victor Davidson (Edna Nesbit); 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. H.E. Stephens (Mayme Hughes); Rec. Sec., Mrs. E.M. Boone (Daisy Thomas); Treas., Miss Addigene Cason; Cor. Sec., Mrs. T.H. Bridwell, Jr. (Alice Freeman); Historian, Mrs. P.M. Jackson (Leila Florence Boyd); Registrar, Mrs. A.C. Todd (Sarah Cason). Among those who afterward served as officers were: Mrs. Victor Davidson, three years as President; Mrs. W.H. Freeman (Lorah Brannan) three years as 1st Vice-Pres.; and Mrs. Roy Cannon (Lillian Roberts) one year as Historian. The officers at present (1929- 1930) are: Pres., Mrs. E.M. Boone; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. J.H. Shelton (Mary Player); 2nd Vic-Pres., Mrs. Victor Davidson; Rec. Sec., Mrs L.R. Cason, Jr.: Treas., Miss Addigene Cason; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Marvin Hall (Ruby Culpepper); Historian, Mrs. A.C. Todd; Registrar, Mrs. F.B. Chambers, (Lamar Albea); Chaplain, Mrs. N.H. Bacon (Elizabeth Brett Camp). When first organized, the chapter held ten meetings yearly, but with the growth of interest the number was raised to eleven. The Chapter has never failed of its regular monthly meeting, with a historical program at each meeting, and all anniversaries have been observed. From a Charter membership of fifteen the chapter has grown to number forty-four and new members are being added steadily. As set forth in its articles of Incorporation, the objects of the U.D.C. are historical, benevolent, educational and social. Striving ever to remember these aims and with a real appreciation of the privilege of having a part in this great work, the members of Robert Toombs Chapter are proud of their heritage. (Chapter Committee.) WILKINSON COUNTY CHAPTER UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY The Wilkinson County Chapter U.D.C., was organized April 26, 1919, by the State President, Mrs. Herbert Franklin. The first president was Mrs. J.W. Hooks. Under her leadership and with the warmest good will of the following members: Mesdames Annie Burke Branan, Clifford Lewis Brooks, Gussie Cummings Davis, Clara Hartfield Davis, Mary Davis Fountain, Janie Walker Frasuer, Jessie Brundage Gibbs, Lizzie Conyers Key, Annie Dumas Miller, Daisy Robertson Padgett, Gillie Sanders Powell, Arvilla Fountain Sanders, Willie Parker Tinsley, Moses Register, Misses Pearl Byington, Izetta Davis, Willie Davis, Sadie Davis, Stattie Viola McCook, Annie Laurie McCook, Sara Jane McCook, Mary Fountain and Mary Lizzie Stripling, the chapter began its career. The community's attitude is worthy of note because it was partly in response to a patriotic public desire for annual observances of Memorial Day in Gordon, that the work of the Chapter was begun. Since that day it has become an annual custom to invite the Confederate Veterans of the county, their wives and widows, to the memorial exercises and basket dinner following. Prior to this the people of the town met a few times at WILKINSON COUNTY CHAPTER DAR the cemetery and placed flowers and Confederate flags on the graves of the veterans who lay calmly sleeping there, and held a short program of singing and speaking to attest the love and admiration for the "noble dead" and to the "noble living." Gordon's interest in the lost, but ever-living cause has deepened and widened and while to tall shafts of marble have been reared to commemorate the memory of those who fought for a noble cause, the members of the chapter have worked zealously to do all the good they could to alleviate as much suffering and distress among the remaining veterans and their wives as was possible with a small treasury. The present active officers and members of the chapter are as follows: Mrs. C.F. Gladden, President; Mrs. J.W. Brooks, Jr., Vice-President; Mrs. W.D. Dewell, Recording Secretary; Mrs. T.J. Finney, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. L. J. Fountain, Treasurer; Mrs. J.W. Hooks, Historian; Mrs. Janie W. Frasuer, Registrar; Mrs. R. L. Sanders, Chaplain, and Mesdames T.B. Dennard, G.W. DuPree, J.F. Hall, J.S. Miller, Misses Pearl Byington, Izetta Davis, Willie Davis and Emma McArthur. (Mrs. J.W. Hooks.) W.C. ADAMS FAMILY Few families have produced more men of ability than has been found among the descendants of Wyriott Cason Adams. His father, Peter Adams, came from North Carolina as one of the first settlers of Wilkinson County, building his home in what is now Laurens County about two miles from Blackshear's Ferry. So well did he select the material that the house is yet standing. Here he reared his family, his son, Wyriott Cason, being born Oct. 2, 1823. The latter was married Oct. 29, 1846, to Martha Ann Hall (Jan. 27, 1828-Oct. 11, 1903) the daughter of Isaac and Susanna (Ross) Hall. (See Hall Sketches.) They made their home near where their son, Edgar, now lives. Their children were: Abilean Horace, Isaac Wyriott, Cuyler Hall, Dorah, Oscar Cason, Edgar and Josie Homer. W.C. Adams proved a successful planter and was highly regarded by his fellow men. The war coming on he served in Co. D. 8th Ga. Reg. with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Although a man of ability, he was not one to push himself into the forefront in public lite, and was not what is commonly called a politician. However, in 1872 when the contest was on which was to result in the restoration of the Democratic party to power, while at home at work W.A. Hall returning from the County Democratic Convention notified him of the fact that he had been nominated for Representative. At first refusing to enter politics, the urging that it was for the success of the party induced him to accept. One of the first bills he introduced was that creating a Board of County Commissioners. His son, Cuyler Hall Adams (Dec. 16, 1854-May 26, 1919), was reared on his father's farm and attended school at Red Level. He first married Eula Beall, daughter of T.N. Beall, and their children were: Alva, m:Rachel Lassiter; Lallah,: Leon Hall; F. Cuylker, m: Leo White; Sybil, m: 1st Chas. Butler, 2nd H.A. Green. After the death of Eula, he married Grace Rogers and to this union were born: Sam. m: Annette Butler; Lucile, m: J.O. Cannon; and Dewry Cecil (Pat). His third wife was Dora Stripling of Macon. Their children: Hazel W.C. ADAMS and Calton. C.H. Adams was also a successful farmer as well as a successful merchant, he with his son Alva, operated a store for many years, located where Walnut Creek School now stands., He accumulated considerable property and was one of the foremost citizens of the County. Public spirited, friendly and hospitable, he was highly regarded by his fellowmen. Aspiring to the office so ably filled by his father, he was elected and served during 1905-6-7- 8 as Representative. He also served as County Commissioner for several years. This sketch would be incomplete were it not to include a brief mention of Alva, the oldest son of C.H. and Eula B. Adams, one of the best friends the schools of Wilkinson ever had — Walnut Creek, the improvements in the Danville Schools are monuments to his leadership. Intensely loyal to his friends, generous to a fault, his untimely passing was indeed a blow to Wilkinson County. Oscar Cason and Abilean Horace Adams are successful planters residing in Laurens County. Wiley Adams, a son of A.H., is Sheriff of the City Court of Dublin. Edgar is the only son of W.C. Adams now in Wilkinson County and is still living at the old home of the Adams. He has never married having assumed the care of his widowed mother until her death. He takes great pride in his father's honorable record and has striven to maintain the high standards of honesty and uprightness fixed by his father's example. He is one of the county's prominent farmers and is respected by all those who know him best as a man of integrity. He served in 1911-14 as County Commissioner and through the years 1921-1923 as Superintendent of County Chaingang. His efficient handling of this, the most expensive phase of the County's operations, proved him to be conscientious in the discharge of his duties. WILLIS ALLEN Willis Allen was born in Pulaski County and moved later to Cool Springs, now known as Allentown, where he engaged in the mercantile business and had vast farming interests. He was successful in business, public spirited and noted for his generosity and helpfulness to those in trouble. During the War Between the States when Sherman's troops marched through Wilkinson, leaving a trail of desolation, Willis Allen came to the aid of those in distress and sent wagon loads of food, clothing and other necessities. He was a member of Cool Springs Masonic Lodge. According to tradition, the Allens came from Belfast, Ireland. James Allen, father of Willis Allen, was born June 29, 1782, died May 22, 1837. He married Jane Coleman, born Sept. 30, 1778, died Sept. 23, 1851. Their children were Mary (1806-1865) Married Linkfield Perkins. After his death she married Wyatt Meredith. (No children.) William born 1811, married Nancy Lee. Their children were Mary (married Tom Sanders), Hiram, Willis, William, Coleman, John, Jesse, Crawford, Clifford, John W., born Sept. 15, 1812, died Feb. 28, 1850. Married Mary Ellen ——. No children. Willis, born Dec. 16, 1815, died Feb. 21, 1871. Married first to Mary Ann Meredith, daughter of Wyatt Meredith, born Aug. 22, 1829, died June 7, 1857. Of their six children, only two lived, John,born Dec. 21, 1845, died June 7, 1894. Married Isabel King, 1869. Served in War Between the States. Willis, Jr., born Feb. 15, 1857. Willis Allen's second wife was Sarah Rebecca Meredith, born Nov. 16, 1838, died July 4, 1926. She was a daughter of Samuel Meredith and Elizabeth (Burke) Meredith. Mrs. Allen was a leader in her community, where she was active in church and public affairs. She acted as steward in the church for twenty- five years and superintended Sunday School for forty years. She was one of the founders of the Allentown Methodist Church and gave the lot for the church and parsonage. The children of Willis and Sarah Allen were: Susan, born 1860, married Washington Baker, Jan. 12, 1882, died May 30, 1883. Jane Coleman, born Nov. 3, 1861, WILLIS ALLEN married George Orinthus Allen Daughtry, Nov. 5, 1882. James born March 15, 1861, married Lilla King, Oct. 30, 1894. Elizabeth, born Feb. 24, 1866, died Aug. 30, 1867. Sarah Burke, born May 4, 1868 married Frederick Shepherd who died 1890. Then married John J. King Sept. 26, 1894. Wyatt Meredith born May 4, 1868, married Mary Louise King Sept. 16, 1913. Robert Carroll, born Feb. 13, 1871, married Nettie Pickron, 1894, died May 14, 1926. Jane Coleman Allen married G.O.A. Daughtry. Their children are: Helen Virginia, Jennie Sue, Allen Willis (married Rebecca Hearn Nov. 12, 1927.). George O.A., Jr., Sarah Elizabeth :(married Drane D. Smith Nov. 15, 1916), Annie Moore Daughtry. Allen Willis Daughtry and George O.A. Daughtry, Jr., served in the World War. The children of Sarah Elizabeth and Drane Smith are Helen Virginia, Jane Estelle and George Daughtry. (By Miss Jennie Daughtry.) NATHANIEL HUNTER BACON Nathaniel Hunter Bacon was born October 24, 1880, Lexington, Georgia, the son of Lewis Howard Bacon and Annie Mae Hunter, grandson of Nathan Hunter and Sarah Richter. Joel John Bacon and Emily Susan Howard; great grandson of Nathan Hunter and Annie H. Smith. He traces his Revolutionary ancestry to Lewis DuPre who served his country as Captain during the War and as a member of the Provincial Congress. He was raised to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel during the War. Although not a native of Wilkinson County yet Mr. Bacon has adapted this as his home and is recognized as one of its leading and public spirited citizens. He is Mayor of Irwinton; a member of the Masonic Lodge; is now serving as a member of the Trustees of the Wilkinson County High School and is a consistent Democrat. Mr. Bacon served as Bank Auditor before coming to Irwinton in 1919, when he resigned his position to become cashier of the Irwinton Bank, which position he has filled ever since. His business-like methods of operating the bank has won for him the approbation of its officials. In addition to his duties as banker, Mr. Bacon operates very successfully his model farm, growing on it the finest varieties of fruits, vegetables, and other food products. Besides his fine milch cows, Mr. Bacon is a breeder of pure-bred Poland-China hogs for which he finds a ready market. He was married February 3, 1916 to Elizabeth Brett Camp, the daughter of Dr. B.F. Camp (1852-1928) and Annie Slade Brett Camp grand-daughter of George and Sallie (Cutchins) Camp and of George Augustus Brett and Mary (Slade) Brett; great-grand-daughter of William and Penelope Slade; great-great-great grand-daughter of William and Anne (Gainor) Slade. Mrs. Bacon is justly proud of her Virginia and North Carolina lineage tracing her ancestry also to Colonel Benjamin Blount who served as Colonel during the Revolutionary War and whose line goes back to the Danes who came to England in the seventh century. She is a member of the John Ball Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and is now serving as Vice-Regent of the Chapter. She is a degree graduate of Hollins College, Virginia, and is serving as one of the teachers in the Wilkinson County High School. She is active in the work of the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bacon have six children; Nathaniel Hunter, Jr., Franklin Camp, John Brett, Paul Howard, Anne Elizabeth, and Catherine Virginia. ALEXANDER BAUM AND AMELIA FRIED BAUM Alexander Baum was born in Sohern, Germany, in the year 1822, and came to America at the age of 25 years and located in Irwinton, Ga. In the year 1850 he was married to Amelia Fried, who was born in Monzinger, Germany, and came to this country with her sister, Mrs. Louis Gardner, at whose home she was married. Unto this union eleven children were born, ten of whom reached manhood and womanhood. They were N.B. Baum, A.W. Baum, Mrs. Matilda B. Kohn, Mrs. Rebecca B. ALEXANDER BAUM Fenchel, Mrs. Georgia B. Brunson, Mrs. Annie B. Hughs, Emmett M. Baum, D.B. Baum, Miss Caroline Baum and Warren J. Baum. Alexander Baum was a successful business man, who began poor but accumulated a sufficiency of this world's goods. He was of a noble, generous, kindly nature, and those less fortunate than he found in him a friend ever ready to give and give generously of his possessions. When the War Between the States was declared, though of foreign birth, he championed the cause of the Confederacy and enlisted in the Militia and fought bravely and well throughout the conflict. Being appointed keeper over the Commissary, he personally looked after the wants and comforts of his comrades, as it was humanly possible in those trying times, helping to make them comfortable and contented. While he was away in the conflict, his family suffered severely at the hands of Sherman's men, who put his wife and children out in the rain till they ransacked his home and took all their valuables and left Mrs. Baum with a severe cold that resulted in her total deafness, from which she never could hear again. Alexander Baum died in Atlanta, Ga., in September, 1885, and was buried in Savannah, Ga., in the family burial ground. Too much cannot be said of Amelia Baum. She was truly a noble woman in Israel; and in every walk of life, as wife, mother and friend she gave living proof of the traditions of her fore-fathers faith. Religious, generous, kind, charitable, noble and good, no one ever left her presence, however heavily ladened with sorrow and care, but who was inspired with her religious faith. To be religious means to be good; and this was truly exemplified in every act of hers. To the proud, she was tolerant, to the oppressed, she was inspiring, to the poor, charitable, to the sick, comforting, and most helpful to those who had lost their way in this life. She died in Irwinton, Ga., in October, 1910 at the age of 85 years, leaving a mental picture of all that was beautiful and good in life. She is buried by the side of her husband in Savannah, Ga., in Laurel Grove Cemetery. (Written by a member of the family.) JAMES MORRIS BEALL At Carnesville, Ga., Dec. 10, 1824, was born James Morris Beall, fifth son of Gen. William and Nancy Chandler Beall. His father, a descendant of that great Indian fighter of colonial days, Col. Ninian Beall, and of Thaddeus Beall, who was Brigadier Major on the staff of Gen. Resin Beall in the Revolution, was himself a soldier of the War of 1812, and later, Assistant Adjutant General of Georgia. His mother, a woman of prayer and strong faith, was from a pious, intelligent family. In 1832, his family moved to Carroll, then a frontier county. There on the farm which they cleared he grew to young manhood, developing mind, character and muscle. He next clerked in a store at Carrollton. Then he organized the firm of Beall and Thomason, and became manager. This was a success. Later he wound up an estate in Texas for some Georgia heirs. The exposure incident to the long, arduous trip and return on horseback, brought on rheumatism, which rendered him an invalid for five years. His capital exhausted, but undaunted when able to ride he bought horses on credit and drove them to Florida, thus financing his winters in that climate. Thus recuperated he was soon able to enter the store of his brother, T.N. Beall, at Irwinton. In Oct. 1861, he followed the family traditions, enlisting and becoming 1st Lieutenant of Company G, 2nd Ga. State Troops, with Capt. R.I. Storey which were detailed by Gov. Brown for coast and bridge defense. After six months there he joined a company for service in the Confederate army, but was unable to pass the physical test. Appointed clerk in the Comptroller General's Office at Milledgeville he remained there till the war closed. While a soldier, he had, April 22, 1862, married Miss Mattie A.F. Hughs, daughter of Rev. G.B. Hughs. They now bravely set to work and through their united efforts acquired a farm in Wilkinson County making there a happy home in JAMES MORRIS BEALL which their family of six children was reared. No man ever had the help of a more plucky or devoted wife. Having united her fortunes with his under clouds of war, she remained his comfort and stay till he fell asleep Sept. 12, 1906. One of his comrades wrote of him: "He was a good man, a fine officer: he was so patient with the men, even when they were inclined to be disobedient. If ever angry he never showed it. During the whole service I never saw a thing in him but the best a man could be." With the tenderness of a woman, the temperament of a poet, the courage of a Bayard, the sense of honor that made his word his bond, he was faithful and true in all the relationships of life. His children are: James, Green, and Thomas A. Beall, Mattie, (Mrs. Drew Davidson), Sallie, Mrs. Nobie Ward Dykes, and the grandchildren are: Misses Clara and Mattie Will Beall, Arthur and J.B. Davidson. (By Mrs. Nobie Ward Dykes.) ROSS AUGUSTUS BELL Ross Augustus Bell, late Tax Collector of Wilkinson County, was born a few miles Southwest of Irwinton, March 14, 1864, the son of John Ross Bell and Mary Webster (Brooks) Bell, (the daughter of Philip Brooks, a veteran of the War of 1812). John Ross Bell was the son of John Bartlett and Elizabeth (Herndon) Bell. The Bells are of Scotch descent, having migrated first to Ireland and later to Virginia. John Bartlett Bell was born in Virginia and removed from there to North Carolina first and later to Wilkinson County, he died about 1868. His son, John Ross Bell, served faithfully in Co. D, 57th Ga. Regiment during the War Between the States. When he first enlisted he could not write his name but the necessity of writing home caused him to get other members of the Company to teach him and in three months he was writing his own letters. Our subject's education was obtained mainly at Bethel, Lindsey and Irwinton Schools. Growing up as he did during the terrible Reconstruction Era, when the youth of Wilkinson was so busy rebuilding the losses inflicted by Sherman's Army and the aftermath of the war, his schooling was necessarily limited but he took advantage of the opportunities he had and made the most of them. Honest, honorable and upright, Mr. Bell won the respect of all those who knew him best. He owned, at his death, January 8, 1930, a well kept farm where he lived and was considered one of the best and most progressive farmers of his section. Mr. Bell, at the insistence of his many friends, entered the race for Tax Collector in 1924, and was elected. So well did he fill the position to the satisfaction of the voters that in 1928, he was re- elected to this office. Mr. Bell was married April 3rd, 1890, to Sarah Hatfield, the daughter of John Richard and Sarah (Hughs) Hatfield, who was the daughter of Whitfield Hughs and granddaughter of Rev. John Hughs, one of the most prominent Baptist preachers in the history of the county. Richard Hatfield was the son of Joseph and Martha (Freeman) Hatfield who was the daughter of George Washington Freeman, a descendant of John Freeman. Joseph Hatfield was the son of Richard (1765-1859) and Rebecca (Player, [Brown?], 1767-1860) Hatfield. Both Joseph and his son, John Richard, served in the War Between the States. Joseph died on the march of Western Confederate army from Kentucky. John Richard was detailed to guard prisoners in Andersonville and was there at the close of the war, bringing home his sword and blanket. One of Mrs. Bell's most cherished possessions is her father's sword. After the creation of the Board of County Commissioners he served as a member for several years. According to family traditions, Richard's father was a Scotch sailor on a vessel plying between Charleston and the Old Country, and brought Richard with him from Scotland when only seven years of age. Richard's daughter, Frankie, who married Fletcher Reed, had the Scotch brogue. Richard's children were: Jane, Mary Ann, Bernetta, Martha, Frankie, Caleb, John, Samuel William, Joe, Huckaby and James. On all ROSS AUGUSTUS BELL their lines of ancestry, both Mr. and Mrs. Bell can justly claim descent from the best original pioneer stock of Wilkinson County and on the Hughs line, Mrs. Bell can trace her ancestry to the Revolution. Mrs. Bell is one of nature's sweet and lovable, noble women, kind and considerate, neighborly and hospitable. She visits the sick and ministers to the needy. To know her is to love her. She is a faithful member of the Ball's Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have reared four children: Jack Ross, L. Wesley, Otho W., Raleigh, and had one daughter, Mary Lora, who died 1912. They have given their children all the advantages of the best school the county afforded. Their oldest son, J.R., was married to Emmie Ruth Pennington, Dec. 17, 1916, and in 1925 while in the employ of the Pynetree Paper Company at Gordon, he was accidentally killed by a heavy roll of paper falling on him. He left two sons, Jack, Jr., and Billy. L. Wesley was married in 1925 to Jessie Mae Shepherd and is farming near Irwinton. Otho W., after graduating at the Irwinton High School, assisted his father in the management of the duties of the Tax Collector's Office until his death and was appointed to fill the vacancy until an election could be held, which resulted in his favor. He, in all probability, holds the record for being the youngest Tax Collector in Georgia. He was married in 1928 to Ethel Jackson, a successful school teacher of the county. Raleigh is a student at the Irwinton High School. THE BILLUE FAMILY Stephen Billue came to America among a band of Hugenots from France before the Revolutionary War (supposedly about 1765, and settled in Waxhaw, North Carolina, the birthplace of Andrew Jackson.) According to family tradition he left with Jackson's two older brothers to fight in America's behalf. He served through the war and came back to Waxhaw. (Jackson's brothers were killed and brought back and buried on the church ground of the "Old Round Top" Presbyterian Church near Waxhaw, of which the Jacksons and Stephen Billue were the founders) Stephen Billue and all his descendants that remained in North Carolina are buried at "Old Round Top." (See church record now in possession of Mrs. Bessie Steel Ardrey, Pineville, North Carolina, Route 16.) He married Elizabeth Williams (a native of Ireland who came over before the war about the year 1780). Only two children were born to them, Stephen, Jr., born 1802 who lived and died in North Carolina and James Richmond born 1804 who was the first of the Billues to settle in Georgia. He came at the age of about thirty five and settled near Big Sandy Church, "The Old Billue Place." He bought approximately one thousand acres of land, mostly forest then. James Richmond married at the age of thirty-eight, Miss Sallie Dupree, who died about a year later. Then at the age of forty-three he married Miss Elizabeth Fordham who was the daughter of Benjamin Fordham and came from North Carolina in 1812 when she was only two years old. The crossed the Oconee River about the mouth of Big Sandy Creek. They carved their names and date on a beech tree that stood on the bank. There was only one child, the late James Franklin Billue, born 1850 (March 1). On October 19, 1883, James Richmond Billue died and is buried at the Fordham Cemetery in the lower part of Wilkinson County (near Oconee Church). His wife, Elizabeth Fordham Billue, lived several years longer and died on May 31, 1912, at the age of 102 years. She is also buried in the Fordham Cemetery which is near the old Fordham home. James Franklin Billue was very active in politics, being Justice of the Peace in his early life and Clerk of Commissioners in his later years. No one loved his friends better than "Squire" as he was commonly called. He was a special friend of Thomas F. Watson and for many years his leading support in this county. He was a member of the Big THE BILLUE FAMILEY Sandy Baptist Church practically all of his life. He was married to Miss Dora Viola Adams, the only daughter of W.C. and Martha Hall Adams (See W.C. Adams sketch). Seven children were born to them, namely: Isaac Franklin, Minnie Viola, Bessie Belva, Dotha Vivian, Dora Agnes, J.F., Jr., and Mattie Sue. Isaac Franklin, the oldest, born October 1, 1875, like his father was also active in politics in his earlier years. He has been a member of the Irwinton Baptist Church for thirty years and for the last fifteen years a deacon. Also a director of the Irwinton Bank since it was founded in 1911. He is a lover of music, and for many years taught singing schools in different parts of the state. Being the first Rural Letter Carrier in the County he has served Uncle Sam twenty-eight years and has refused the Presidency of Tenth District Association. He married first in 1902, Fannie G. Hartley, daughter of Hiram A. and Anna Jane Hoover Hartley, granddaughter of Hillery and Rhoda (Mason) Hartley. Hillery Hartley was a veteran of the Indian War in 1836, being a member of the Wilkinson Grays under the command of Capt. G.B. Burney. Isaac F. had one child, Louise, by his first marriage. He was married second to Emma Clifford Hartley in 1907 youngest sister of Fannie G. Hartley. They have nine children, namely: Dorothy Jacqualin, Isaac Felix, Helen Winona, James Richmond, Martha Elizabeth, John Hiram, Marion Adams, Edythe Lorraine, and Carolyn Dolores. Mr. Billue is justly proud of his ancestors and among his highly prized possessions is a letter from Stephen Billue, Jr., son of Stephen Billue, Sr., from Walkerville, N.C. written at the age of 82 years to the widow of James Richmond, his brother's wife. (Prepared by Miss Dorothy Billue.) JOHN PINK BLOODWORTH Of all the families of Wilkinson County none exceeds in numerous descendants and family connections of the Bloodworth family. And of such a family which has produced so many notable men of the county, none has excelled John Pink Bloodworth in sterling character and integrity. His grandfather, Henry Bloodworth, for whom Bloodworth District was named, a pioneer settler of the county, came from North Carolina with his two brothers, Timothy and William, neither of whom ever married. Henry married first a Miss Temples. Their children were James and Miles Bloodworth. Henry's second wife was a Miss Philips. Their children were: John, born 1827, Chesley, Thomas and William. John married Louie Nalos, born 1831, whose mother was Mary McClary Fountain who first married Nalos, and after his death married James Webb. John Pink Bloodworth, the son of John and Louie, was born May 17, 1855, near Ivey in Wilkinson County. The war coming on his father enlisted in the Confederate army. After the war was over his father gave him the best education the schools of the county afforded, and under the tutelage of Dr. E.Z.F. Golden, he was prepared to enter Mercer University. However, he decided to enter the timber business and farming. In this he was a success. In 1885 he was married to Miss Alice Pauline Whitehurst, born 1859, the daughter of Thomas C. and Rebecca (Walters) Whitehurst. She was educated at Monroe Female College, now Bessie Tift. To them were born three sons: Julian F., John Fleming, T. Edwin (See sketches of Whitehurst family and of J. Fleming Bloodworth). In 1886 Mr. Bloodworth acquired and moved to the Thomas C. Whitehurst ante-bellum home which he rebuilt into a modern residence. He was a faithful member of the Gordon Methodist Church; served for years as Worshipful Master of the Gordon Masonic Lodge. Not only did he give his own children every educational advantage but he encouraged his neighbors likewise to JOHN PINK BLOODWORTH educate theirs. It might be well said of him to his memory Wilkinson County can never do too much honor. JOHN FLEMING BLOODWORTH John Fleming Bloodworth was born on the 27th day of March, 1893, at the old homestead near Lewiston, the son of John Pink Bloodworth and Alice Pauline (Whitehurst) Bloodworth. On his mother's side he descended from Thomas C. and Rebecca (Walters) Whitehurst, a family of the ante-bellum aristocracy of Wilkinson for generations unexcelled in culture and refinement. (See Whitehurst Sketch.) On his father's side he sprang from a long line of worthy forbears, who for more than a century held high place in the affections of the people, from the day his great- grandfather for whom Bloodworth District was named, arrived as a pioneer settler on down to date. (See sketch of John Pink Bloodworth.) Though small in stature, frail of body, yet Fleming Bloodworth's iron will and ambition might well be an inspiration to those more favorably endowed. His education was mainly obtained at the Gordon High School where he graduated in 1911. During his boyhood and young manhood, there was awakened in him the worthy ambition to enter the political arena and to take his place among those who were guiding the affairs of State. From his earliest boyhood he would often assert that he would become a lawyer and that he would go to the Legislature as his father had gone before him. He had no sooner graduated in High School than he began making plans to enter the Mercer Law Class. For two years he pursued his studies there, finishing in the class of 1918 with the B.L. degree. Unlike many to whose eyes the far off pastures appear greener, Fleming's ambition led him to return to his native home. He had caught the vision of the needs of his home county, and he felt that his mission in life called him back to labor for its uplift. From his boyhood he took a most active part in the politics of the county and his aid was eagerly sought by candidates., Whenever a campaign was on he was accustomed not only to espouse the cause of his favorite candidates, but to labor earnestly for their election. Especially was he strongly partisan in the political campaigns of his father's friend, Judge John S. Davis. Appointed in 1917 to succeed Judge Davis as Solicitor of the County Court he held that office and also the office of County Attorney until 1925, part of which time serving as Clerk for the County Commissioners. The summer of 1924 found him at the insistence of his friends entering the first political contest where he himself was a candidate. Two other candidates were offering for the Legislature but he was elected. In 1926 he offered for re-election with two candidates opposing him and again he was successful. At the same time his friend, Geo. H. Carswell, was running for Governor. At the mass meeting held at Irwinton in June, 1926, for the purpose of organizing Wilkinson county as a whole for Carswell as the gubernatorial candidate, it was decided to open a Home Headquarters at Irwinton in addition to the Atlanta Headquarters. Although in the midst of his own campaign, yet at the request of his friends he took active charge as Manager of the Home Headquarters keeping a corps of assistants busy circularizing the State, rising funds, and in every way possible arousing enthusiasm for Wilkinson's candidate., Though with failing health his iron will kept him going. His record in the Legislature was a most creditable one. He was given prominent place on Committee assignments, and at all times was found at his post of duty until disease prevented his further attendance. He had planned to offer for the State Senate upon the expiration of his second term in the Legislature and would doubtless have been elected. JOHN FLEMING BLOODWORTH After the declaration of war in 1917, the attorneys were asked to aid in filling out the questionnaires of all men within the draft age. Fleming Bloodworth responded to the call and day after day from morning until night he gave his services in this work, and without charge. Later as those who were drafted were sent to the camps he did all in his power to cheer them, provided entertainment, etc. And while in camp and on European fields, the men from Wilkinson were often reminded by the letters from him that the folks back home had not forgotten them. Likewise, when the war was ended, it was truthfully said of him that many a Wilkinson County man got his discharge and returned home earlier by his intercession through the Congressmen and Senators. To the day of his death among his staunchest friends he numbered these World War veterans in whose behalf he had so ardently exerted himself. When the call was sounded to America to unite behind the Red Cross, Fleming Bloodworth was chosen Chairman for Wilkinson County. No better selection could have been made. Day and night he unselfishly gave his time and attention to this duty and so well did he succeed that few counties excelled Wilkinson in the amount of funds paid in. In 1919, he with his friend, Lamar Tigner, purchased the Irwinton Bulletin and as associate editor he contributed editorials and articles as long as he was physically able. The association and friendship with his friend "Tig" as he called his partner was most extraordinary. For years they roomed together, and when Fleming bought his home in Irwinton, it was to call on Tigner to share it with him. Their intimate association in business and in the home only the more closely cemented their friendship. In the operation of this paper his attention was called to the advertising possibilities of small weekly newspapers and he developed a syndicated plan of advertising which he copyrighted and sold, a plan which is now adopted and used throughout the United States. No one in the county realized the mining possibilities of Wilkinson more than he or did more to interest outsiders in the clay resources. He had posters in prominent places telling of the great wealth lying underfoot in this county and he advertised these deposits in every state in the Union without any compensation. In 1922 he saw the need of a Federal Farm Loan Association for the County and although the advent of this plan of financing meant a loss to his loan business yet he urged the farmers to take advantage of this opportunity to borrow funds at cheaper rates than he could offer. Mainly through his activities the organization was perfected. Of all his many diverse activities perhaps none equalled the interest he had in his corporation, the Fleming Bloodworth Loan Co. He started this business in 1918 with a small beginning but the care and attention he gave the enterprise it grew by leaps and bounds until he was obliged to associate E.R. Pierce with him. In this business of investing the money of others on real estate loans he had the utmost confidence of his clients, many of whom were widows with meager funds to lend and the loss by a bad investment, would have meant ruin. The care he used in placing those funds won for him the deserved praise of all his clients. In one case rather than let one of these clients suffer a loss by the failure of a borrower whom he had recommended he assumed the obligations. And when no longer he was able to look after this business, and it was apparent that he would be compelled to go away for treatment, one of his greatest regrets was he would have to relinquish the duty of seeing that his clients received back the funds he had invested for them. It can be truthfully said of Fleming Bloodworth that no friend of his fell sick that he did not visit and speak words of encouragement, carry small gifts of fruit, or other things that would be pleasing. None went away to hospitals for treatment that he did not visit or write or send magazines and books., Many a sick room was made brighter, many a life cheered by the fact he had lived. And thus it was with him even after he himself was stricken. While making his plans to leave his JOHN FLEMING BLOODWORTH business in the hands of others, and in a few weeks go to Asheville for treatment although this would be a drain upon his resources, considerably diminished by his inability to practice his profession, as it required, yet no one asked him for aid in vain. The writer knows personally of an instance where a distant relative of Fleming's was suffering from the same malady as he himself was and for lack of funds could not go away for treatment. Searching him out Fleming placed him on the train, and provided out of his own funds what was necessary. Innumerable instances of similar acts of helping those who needed help could be mentioned. One of the dreams of Fleming Bloodworth's was to see a good highway connecting Irwinton, Gordon and Macon. A dream he never lived to see completed. For years he had been agitating the building of this road, but lack of funds prevented. Largely through his efforts it was made a part of the State Highway System and in 1926 it became known that State and Federal funds had been provided for the co-operation with the county in the building of the road. At the time he was serving as Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and County Attorney and the duty of getting a right of way for the proposed road devolved upon him. Although realizing that his disease was closing down its hold upon him, instead of going to the mountains to combat it, as he was urged to do by his friends, he unselfishly devoted himslef to the great task of getting the large number of landowners wherever they would, to give the right of way, and the others to sell to the county as reasonable as possible, a task that meant much effort and which doubtless did much to hasten the end. Could he have lived only a short time longer he would have known that so far as Wilkinson County was concerned, the road would be completed and his dream realized. He became a member of the Gordon Methodist Church in his early manhood later moving his membership to Irwinton upon his removal here. As a steward of the Irwinton Methodist Church contributed freely to the needs of the cause, took an active interest in advancing every uplifting movement, and at all times could be counted on to do anything asked him by his pastor. He joined the Irwinton Masonic Lodge during the latter part of 1919 and the early part of 1920. The beauties of the Masonic order so appealed to him that he proceeded through the Scottish Rite and in June of 1920 took the Shrine degree in the Al Sihah Temple at Macon. In his family life never was there a deeper love than that which existed between him and his father and brothers, Julian F. and Edwin. Seldom a week passed after he moved to Irwinton but that he made several visits home to be with them, and it was a rule for him to spend every Sunday with them. During the summer of 1928 he was gradually growing weaker until the early part of August when the end came. His funeral and interment, with Masonic honors by the Irwinton and Gordon Lodges, was held at Snow Hill cemetery, where his ancestors for the past century have been sleeping. BOONE FAMILY According to records of the "Boone Family Association" of Washington, D.C., William Boone Douglas, President. The Boones are of Viking descent, from Northern Europe. They settled in Normandy, France, when the Northmen conquered and gave their name to that territory. They crossed the Channel to England with William The Conqueror in 1066. The name at that time being "Bohun." One Bohun being an officer under the Great Conqueror. The Crest of the family in England went in name of "Bohun-Boone Crest," and was in form of a lion couchant, surmounted by a human hand grasping three arrows. Evidence perhaps of their side in the Wars of the Trinity. One Mary Boone or Bohun became the wife of King Henry the Fourth. First of name to emigrate to America being a Doctor Lawrence Boone in 1620. Later arrivals settled in Pennsylvania with William Penn and thence emigrated to every new region of North America. Some of the name being pioneers in nearly every state of the Union. Georgetown, D.C., BOONE FAMILY named after George Boone who once owned the land where the city now stands. Religion: Mainly Quakers and Presbyterians. During the silent and dreadful march of many a fecund century, even for all of a thousand recorded years, men of the Boone name and blood have been up and doing, in high endeavor, in every clime of all the world. In Wilkinson County, Georgia: Tradition is that some of the name emigrated from North Carolina and settled in Washington county, Georgia, about 1800 and thence into Wilkinson county about 1802. Jacob Boone settled near what is now Toomsboro, Ga., about 1802. Sallie Franklin, wife of Jacob Boone, daughter of George Franklin, a Baptist Preacher. George Franklin was son of William Franklin, a Baptist preacher. Sallie Mercer, wife of William Franklin was a sister of Silas and Jesse Mercer. Jesse Mercer was founder of Mercer University. Children of Jacob Boone and Sallie Franklin: Daniel Mercer, Joseph Marvin, Ratleth, Edwin R., James, Freeman, John Mitchell, William, Henry, Robert and Sallie, and two other sons, names unknown. John Mitchell Boone, son of Jacob Boone and Sallie Franklin. Died at Toomsboro, Ga., about 1890. Lucretia Lord, wife of John Mitchell Boone, daughter of John Lord and Nancy Minton. Children of John Mitchell Boone and Lucretia Lord: Thomas E., James, Frank. Frank Boone, supra. Tax Collector Wilkinson county about 1880. Died at Indian Springs, Ga., about 1895. James Boone, supra. Died at Chauncey, Ga., about 1900. Thomas E. Boone, supra. Died at Toomsboro, Ga., 1929. Katie Granade, wife of Thomas E. Boone, sister of Adam Granade. Children of Thomas E. Boone and Katie Granade: James, Sallie, Ella. Sallie Boone, supra. Wife of H.A. Watts. Children of H.A. Watts and Sallie Boone: Horace, Ellis, Emmett and Elna May. Maudelle Sanders, wife of Ellis Watts, supra. Elna May Watts, supra, wife of J.B. Burke. Daniel Mercer Boone, son of Jacob Boone and Sallie Franklin, grandson of William Franklin and Sallie Mercer. Emigrated to Louisiana about 1850. Amelia Lord, wife of Daniel Mercer Boone, daughter of John Lord and Nancy Minton, Born 1813, died 1883. John Lord, son of William Lord, father of Amelia Lord, supra. Born 1781. Nancy Minton, supra. Wife of John Lord, born 1783. Children of Daniel Mercer Boone and Amelia Lord, supra.: Joshua Minton, John David, Moses West, Jacob, Henry. Jacob and Henry died in youth. John David died in 1892. No descendants. Moses West Boone, supra. Died 1905 at Toomsboro. Amanda Hooks, wife of Moses West Boone, daughter of John Hooks and Almety Etheridge. Children of Moses West Boone and Amanda Hooks: Emma, Lula, Ethel, Pearl, Ben L. Emma Boone, supra. Wife of John W. Smith. Lula supra. Died 1905. Ethel Boone, supra, wife of W. Wall. Pearl Boone, supra. Wife of Henry C. Parker. Henry Dell Parker, daughter of Pearl Boone and Henry C. Parker. Ben L. Boone, supra. Son of Moses West Boone and Amanda Hooks. Lydia Bloodworth, wife of Ben L. Boone, daughter of Timothy Bloodworth and Emma Collins. Bloodworth District No. 328 G.M. named in honor of foreparents of Lydia Bloodworth. Children of Ben L. Boone and Lydia Bloodworth: Louise, Ben L. Jr., Henry, Edward, Robert, Mitchell, Ray BOONE FAMILY Minton, Richard. Joshua Minton Boone, son of Daniel Mercer Boone and Amelia Lord. Grandson of Jacob Boone and Sallie Franklin. Gr. Gr. of George Franklin, Baptist preacher. Gr. Gr. Gr. of William Franklin and Sallie Mercer. Born Oct. 23rd, 1843. Died Oct. 19th, 1908. Confederate veteran. School teacher. Graduate Business College of Baltimore, Md. Farmer, Merchant. Justice of Peace 330th District (Lord's). Mason. Minister of Christian church, held pastorates at Toomsboro and Butler school house in Wilkinson county. Held many places of trust but of little profit. Died proud of the fact that he had never tried to amass wealth and that he paid every debt owed 100 cents in the dollar. Student all of his days. Lord's District, No. 330 G.M., Wilkinson county, named in honor of maternal gr. gr. grandfather of Joshua Minton Boone, viz: William Lord. Sarah Elizabeth Ivey, widow of J.M. Davis of Savannah, Ga., wife of Joshua Minton Boone, daughter of James Ivey and Mary Barbee of Baldwin County, Ga. Ivey R.R. Station and Ivey 1505 G.M. District, Wilkinson county, so named in honor of Ivey family. Born 1848, married J.M. Davis, 1864. Married Joshua Minton Boone Oct. 23rd, 1873. Died Feb. 10th, 1887. Beloved. Mary Barbee, supra. Family from North Carolina. James Ivey, supra, husband of Mary Barbee, died 1869, of Welsh descent. Anna Chambers, 2nd wife of Joshua Minton Boone, daughter of William I. Chambers of Irwinton, Ga. Children born to Joshua Minton Boone and Sarah Elizabeth Ivey Davis Boone: Mamie Elizabeth, Edwin Mortimer, Gertrude, Alexander Stephens, Addie May, James Ivey. Mamie Elizabeth Boone, supra. Born 1875, died 1887. James Ivey Boon, supra. Died 1887. Gertrude Boone, supra. Wife of Gerald Mercer. Addie May Boone supra, born at Toomsboro, Ga., 1886. Married 1922 to Thomas M. McIntosh of Weston, Miss. Member Christian Church. Edwin Mortimer Boone, supra. Born Feb. 26th, 1877, at Toomsboro, Ga. Attended Elementary and Grammar Schools. Attended Georgia Military College at Milledgeville, Ga. Member Town Council, Mayor Toomsboro. Merchant. Farmer. Mason. Member Christian Church. Davis Thomas, wife of Edwin Mortimer Boone, daughter of Ella Caston and W.F. Thomas. Born in Jackson, Butts County, Ga. Children of Edwin Mortimer Boone and Daisy Thomas: Thomas, Sarah Elizabeth, Mary. Alexander Stephens Boone, supra. Born near Toomsboro, Oct. 3, 1882. Worked on farm until 20th year. Had but few months schooling. Clerk in store and Express Agent for seven years. Appointed Special Agent for Census Dept. of Washington, D.C. in 1907. Member Town Council of Toomsboro 8 years. Appointed Post Master at Toomsboro on Nov. 20th, 1914. Re-appointed Post Master by President Woodrow Wilson on Feb. 4th, 1920. Nominated for Clerk Superior Court and re-appointed Postmaster on same date. Re-elected Clerk, 1924, re-elected Clerk, 1928. Stood State Bar Examination June 27th, 1923. Admitted to Bar Ocmulgee Circuit on birthday, Oct. 3rd, 1923. Secretary Wilkinson County Bar Association since 1925. Mason, for three years Worshipful Master Toomsboro Lodge No. 290 F.& A.M. Worshipful Master Wilkinson County Masonic Association 1929-30. Consul Commander Sweet Gum Camp No. 281 Toomsboro, Ga., Consul Commander Elm Camp No. 510. W.O.W. McIntyre, Ga. Member Christian Church. Married Dec. 26th, 1906 to Opal Marie Meadows of Toomsboro, formerly of Siloam, Green County, Georgia. Amongst his treasures are letters of commendation from High Government Officials in Washington, D.C., commending him in highest terms for efficient service in carrying out the War Program, in his vicinity, during the World War. Under his leadership it is believed that Toomsboro, Ga., led every town of its population and wealth in the U.S.A. in the BOONE FAMILY celerity shown in getting it and in the amount of money furnished the Government during the World War. Opal Marie Meadows Boone, supra, born in Greene County, Ga., Aug. 18th, 1889. Daughter of John E. Meadows and Mary Moore of Offerman, Ga., formerly of Greene and Taliaferro Counties. Both parents of Scotch-Irish descent. Served as Assistant Post Master at Toomsboro, Ga., from 1914 to 1920. Deputy Clerk Superior Court Wilkinson county twelve years. Member Christian Church. Children of Alexander Stephens Boone and Opal Marie Meadows: James Minton, Alexander Stephens, Jr., Joseph Wilson, and Edwin Mercer. James Minton Boone, supra. Born Toomsboro, Ga., Sept. 24th 1907. Attended Elementary and High School at Toomsboro, Wilkinson County High School at Irwinton. Clerk in store in Toomsboro and in Irwinton. Clerk in Post Office at Toomsboro. Clerk in office Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Board Tax Assessors Wilkinson County, 1929- 30. Graduate Young Harris College, class 1929-30. Secretary Student Body Government. Member Phi Chi Society. Alexander Stephens Boone, Jr., supra. Born at Toomsboro, Jan. 23rd, 1910. Attended elementary school at Toomsboro and Wilkinson County High School at Irwinton. Served as Page State Senate 1922. Clerk in Office Clerk Superior Court. Worked in office County Commissioners, Wilkinson County. Served as assistant to Clerk House of Representatives, 1929 session. Attended Young Harris Academy 1925. Freshman University of Ga., 1926-7. Graduate Young Harris College Class 1928-9. Honor student. Inter-collegiate Debater. Member Phi Chi Society. Successfully stood State Bar Examination at Madison, Ga., on Dec. 11th, 1929. Admitted to Bar of Ocmulgee Circuit at Irwinton, April 7th, 1930. License as Attorney issued by father as Clerk of Court. Member Christian Church. Joseph Wilson Boone, supra. Born at Toomsboro, Aug. 8, 1912. Attended Elementary Schools at Toomsboro. Graduated Wilkinson County High School at Irwinton, Ga., Class 1929. President of Class and Valedictorian. Worked in Office of Clerk Superior Court. Worked in Office County Commissioners, Wilkinson County. Junior Young Harris College, Class 1929-30. Member Phi Chi Society. Edwin Mercer Boone, supra. Born Toomsboro, Ga., Sept. 1, 1915. Attended Elementary and High School at Irwinton, Ga. Part of Chronology of Boone Family from authentic records extant and part leans on long repeated tradition. (Prepared by member of Boone Family.) THE JAMES C. BOWER AND RELATED FAMILIES The ancestor of the James C. Bower (Bauer) family immigrated from Holland to Rhode Island. The father of Isaac Bower was a sculptor of Providence. Isaac was born in 1783 and came to Savannah about 1800 as a cabin boy on a sailing vessel, and then on up to Augusta. For a while he remained in Burke County where he married Frances C. White, born in S.C., 1788, and died in Arkansas, 1842. (William Steele, her grandfather, was a trader, carrying trains of pack horses from Charleston laden with merchandise to the Indian nation, trading from one Indian village to another and frequently being gone eight months on such journeys, and returning with his horses loaded with skins and furs.) Isaac and Frances settled at Milledgeville where he maintained a large mercantile establishment, with boats running up and down the Oconee river. Their children were: John White Bower, 1808-1850, went to Texas; Isaac E. Bower, 1811, m. Adaline Breedlove of Talbot County; Bernard Larry Bower, 1812-1843; James Cuthbert Bower, 1814-1887, m. Martha Davis, 1848; Honor M.A. Bower, 1817; William Steele Bower, 1820, went to New Orleans; Elizabeth Laura A. Bower, 1822, m. Isaac Hand of Newton; Mississippi Bower, 1825, m. Ben Lester of Savannah; Columbia Bower, 1828, m. Columbus Hand of Sumter County. Business reverses occurring in the financial depression about 1820, Isaac disposed of his mercantile business and JAMES C. BOWER AND RELATED FAMILIES moved, first to Jones County, then to Arkansas with his family. His son, James C., became postmaster at Big Creek, Phillip County, Arkansas in 1838, later returning to Muscogee County, Georgia, where he read law in his brother Eben's office and was admitted to the bar in 1839. He located at Cuthbert and practiced law there for several years, moving to Irwinton in 1847. The next year he was made Justice of the Inferior Court. In 1858 he succeeded Samuel Beall as Ordinary though continuing his law practice. The following tribute is found in his obituary: "In his profession he labored assiduously. No client ever intrusted his cause to more faithful hands. He carried into all his cases profound study, original conception, and withal such indomitable perseverance and industry that success more frequently than not crowned his efforts. His was a busy, useful life." In his family Bible where the birth of his daughter, Aurora, is recorded there is written in his hand a poem to his infant "Aurora," never published, but one whose poetic beauty and imagery pronounces its writer a poet of no mean ability. Judge Bower was opposed to Secession but once in the war he was as patriotic as any. Few suffered any worse from the ravages of Sherman's Army than did he. The history of the three days of terror as experienced by her father and mother during Sherman's visit here is vividly depicted by Mrs. W.C. Matthews in her history of this occasion. Immediately after the advance guard arrived an officer stopped at the door and advised them to conceal all their property. Everything possible was brought into the house and next day a guard was posted by the Yankees. Soon, however, the looting began. Corn cribs, potato hills, smokehouses, and chicken houses were broken open and their contents taken away. At the Bower plantation near Irwinton they knocked the top off Bower's carriage and, loading it full of sheep, hitched two oxen to it and drove into town, pausing long enough to shout to the Judge "Here is your fine carriage, Old Reb." While the work of destruction was going on at his plantation his fine Devon Bull took fright and at the head of thirty of the Judge's cows never paused in his flight until he reached the secure depths of Big Sandy Swamp, from which haven he and his herd did not emerge until all the Yankees were gone. On the third day the army left Irwinton but the stragglers now proved a serious menace. Two of them seeing Judge Bower's overcoat, took it from him by force. He saved his fine watch by hiding it in a stump hole, while Mrs. Bower saved her silver by wrapping it up and tossing it into the palmetto hedge. THE DAVIS FAMILY Henry Davis of North Carolina, was married to Nancy Potts of Kentucky in 1796. Their children were: Margaret, b. 1797, m. Colson; Hansford, b. 1799, m. Peggy Eady; Oren, b. in 1800. Henry with his wife and children migrated to Wilkinson County as one of the first settlers in a "schooner" wagon, bringing with him two slaves, and a number of cattle and horses, the journey requiring more than forty days, they having to ford streams, and stop frequently for the animals to forage. They settled on what is known as the Old Davis Place now owned by Mrs. W.C. Matthews. According to traditions, Henry Davis was in the Seminole War of 1818 but becoming disabled his seventeen year old son, Oren, took his place. His job was to haul supplies for the army in Andrew Jackson's famous Florida Campaign. He was granted lots No. 186-187 in Cherokee County for his services. JOHN EADY SR., who emigrated from Ireland, whose Revolutionary service was certified by General Elijah Clarke, was one of the early settlers of the county, building a mill on Black Creek still known as "Eady's Mill." His son, Henry, (b. 1786-1847) was married in 1807 to Elizabeth Gay (b. 1790, daughter of Allen and Abigail (Castleberry) Gay. Henry became very wealthy, owning a great many slaves. Henry's daughter, Temperance, married Oren Davis. DAVIS FAMILY Having traced the ancestral families, we now return to James C. Bower who was married in 1848 to Martha, the daughter of Oren and Temperance (Eady) Davis (Oren gave Martha, as bridal present, the house and lot where the granddaughter, Mrs. W.C. Matthews, now lives, and a negro woman and a negro baby.) Their children were: Isaac Oren, James White, Aurora Imogene, Henrietta Flora. Isaac O. married Olive Bishop, the daughter of the gallant Captain George Bishop, who commanded Company I of the 57th Georgia Regiment. Their son, Omar B., of Hawkinsville, still owns his grandfather's sword. Another son of Isaac and Olive was George who married Bessie Boatwright, of Lovett, Georgia. Their son, James C. Bower, the second, proudly and honorably bears his great grandfather's name. Although born in Laurens County in 1905, Wilkinson is glad to claim James C. Bowers, the second, as her own, he having spent a portion of his boyhood here attending school and living with his aunt, Mrs. Matthews. In 1922 he enlisted in Company A, 29th Infantry at Fort Benning. During his term of service he was transferred to the Medical Department at Fort Benning. At the expiration of his term he re-enlisted in the Medical Department of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, where he is serving as Record Clerk and Statistician. Those who know him best predict a brilliant career. James Byron Bower, the son of James W., enlisted June 15, 1917, shortly after the entrance of America into the World War, in the 17th Engineers, (Ry) and served with honor throughout the war, as Regimental Photographer, his foreign service dating from August 12, 1917, to March 11, 1919. He was one of the first to go across, and one of the last to return. He married Mary Julia Jordan. Two daughters of James W. are: Bernice, m. V.P. Stevens, resides at Poulan, Georgia, they have one son, Bower; Ione, m. John Merritt, and has one girl, Ann Eleanor. Aurora was one of the most accomplished young women Irwinton has ever produced. Many remember her as a belle of Wilkinson. And with it all she was lovable, charming and possessed every trait of character essential to a noble womanhood. She inherited all that was best from her forbears, - nobility of mind, and purity of heart. In August, 1880, she was married to Charles Hodges, (his grandfather, Chas. Rice, was Secretary of State, at Milledgeville), editor of the Southerner and Appeal. He sold his newspaper interest and went to Washington, D.C., having accepted a government position in the Postoffice Department where he labored thirty years, then was pensioned by the government. Their children: Celestine, Washington, D.C., Bower, Washington, D.C.; Aurora Spransy, Milwaukee, Wis.; Chas. R., Pittsburg, Penn. Henrietta Flora Bower, who first married W.H. Avant of Oconee, Ga., where she lived for a number of years, now the wife of W.C. Matthews, a most estimable gentleman, is at present the only representative of these prominent families living in Irwinton. Justly proud of her ancestors, she has painstakingly prepared a family history running back for centuries, and it is from her records the greater portion of the foregoing sketch is compiled, many of the most interesting incidents, for lack of space, being omitted. In addition to her historical writings which contain other interesting matters relating to Georgia history. Mrs. Matthews has inherited her father's artistic temperament, her painting indicating an artist of merit.. CASWELL BRANAN Of the sturdy pioneers of Wilkinson whose strength of body was only exceeded by their strength of character may well be mentioned Caswell Branan (1807-1897). Born in Morgan County, Georgia, August 10, 1807, the son of James and Sarah Tommy Branan, both natives of Virginia, and grandson of Kenyon Branan, originally from Wales, he with his parents moved to Wilkinson in 1810. James and his wife are buried in the family cemetery in Ivey District once known as the Fairchild, now the Lord Cemetery. He seems to have been a successful planter of his day CASWELL BRANAN and to have amassed considerable wealth on his plantation where the home of C.E. Gladin now stands. In 1854 the tax digest indicates his wealth to be considerable. In addition to his slaves and land he owned a very valuable cotton ginnery which was destroyed by Sherman's army, while he was serving his country by looking after and providing for women and their families, whose husbands were serving in the army. He was too old to enlist in the army, but furnished four sons, who bravely defended the noble cause. After the war, with his slaves freed and his property swept away, undismayed he went to work and rebuilt much of his shattered fortunes. Prized for more than his material wealth by his descendants, is that reputation for honor, uprightness and high regard for duty, which he bore. He lived an honest, temperate, Christian life, always observing the Golden Rule. He never used vulgarity, profanity, nor spoke ill of others. Unusual, in his day he never used tobacco and he was one of the original advocates of prohibition in Wilkinson, all his life being a total abstainer. He was married June 14, 1832, to Gracie Barnett Herndon. Their children were: Sarah Jane (b. 1833, m. William Montgomery of Taylor Co.). James Franklin (1835-1897, m. Emily Gardner about 1860, their children were: Ellen, Iverson, Alonza, Pleona, Wallie, Alvah and Horace). George Iverson (1837-1897, m. Nancy Anne Balkcom of Twiggs County. Their children were: William I., b. Nov. 23, 1864, Ophelia L., b. Dec. 12, 1866; Virgil C., Aug. 14, 1868-Sept. 7, 1891; Paris G., b. June 4, 1870; James C., b. May 28, 1873; Vannie E., April 16, 1875-Jan. 27, 1891; Cicero F., b. March 30, 1877; Mabel C., b. April 19, 1879; Lora M., b. Aug. 5, 1881; Daisy E., b Nov. 13, 1883. Iverson served faithfully throughout the War Between the States in Company K, 57th Georgia Regiment.) Melissa Magdalene (1839-1893, m. Captain J.A. Mason. Their children were: Fernando, Ada, Joseph, Pauline, Caswell, Sallie, Amanda, William and Augusta). Amanda (m. Clopas Ivey, their children were: Wilkie, Nannie, Caswell, Mary and John). Jasper Newton (b. 1843 and served in the War Between the States, contracted disease and died in service). John Harris (b. 1845, served in the War Between the States and was killed in battle). Gracie (b. March 12, 1847-Jan. 12, 1912, m. James T. Lingo, they had no children). Robert (m. Katie Cooper of Baldwin County, their children were: Claude, Beulah, Bonnie and Robert, Jr.). His wife, who preceded him to the grave twenty-six years, died of a stroke of paralysis, Feb. 9, 1871. After this he lived a quiet home life, faithful to the memory of her, by remaining a widower the rest of his life. He had house-keepers who cared for his home and welfare, and treated him with the utmost respect, always addressing him as "Uncle Caswell." His daughter, Mrs. Gracie Lingo, and her husband, moved into his house with him a few years before his death, and administered to his needs the rest of his life. He always enjoyed the best of health, owing to his temperate and regular habits. He was never sick enough to be in bed or have a physician until five weeks prior to his death, he had a partial stroke of paralysis, from which he never recovered. He died March the 15th, 1897, and his remains were interred in the family cemetery near his home. (Sketch prepared by Mrs. C.F. Gladin) MRS. FANNIE BURNEY BROADFIELD Mrs. Fannie (Burney) Broadfield was born Nov. 14, 1863 in Wilkinson County at "Elmvale", the beautiful country home near Jeffersonville, the daughter of John Franklin and Jane F. (Stanley) Burney. In 1871 her parents moved to Macon in order that their children might have the benefit of good schools. After finishing the graded schools and two years of MRS. FANNIE BURNEY BROADFIELD high school, she completed her education at Wesleyan then "Wesleyan Female College" in the class of 1881. She was married in 1886 to Walter B. Broadfield of Dennis, Putnam County, Ga. Their children were: Lila Dean, (m. Dr. J.H. Duggan of Wilkinson Co., Ga., May 1917); Janie Burney, (m. N.D. Horton of Davisboro, Ga., Oct. 1927); Mrs. Broadfield is a most excellent business woman, possessing executive ability to an extraordinary degree. During her husband's lifetime she was an able help meet and since his death she has successfully managed her large farm and other property. Mrs. Broadfield is descended from one of the antebellum aristocratic families of the county. The history of the Burney family has been traced back for centuries and in every generation there are outstanding members. The first of this family to settle in Wilkinson was Arthur Burney, (b. Oct. 3, 1773, d. May 10, 1842), the great-grandfather of Mrs. Broadfield, and is frequently mentioned in the public affairs of the county. He married Sarah Catherine Blount, (b. 1775, daughter of Edmond Blount, of Burke Co.) in 1799, and his children as shown by his will which is in the possession of Mrs. J.H. Duggan were: Gatsy, (b. Oct. 20, 1799, m. 1st Joseph Brown, 2nd Frederick; Greene Blount, (b. Apr. 7, 1800, m. 1822, died in Twiggs Co.); Eleanor (Nelly), (b. Aug. 211, 1802, m. John Cason of Leon Co., Fla, d. Sept. 6, 1840); Nancy, (b. June 30, 1811, m. Israel Beard, Esq.); Mary, (b. Apr. 7, 1807, m. Benjamin Byrd, Esq., d. 1848); Penelope, (b. Jan. 30, 1808, m. James Lawrence Hart of Leon Co. Fla., the son of Edward Hart); William, (b. June 6, 1809, m. Martha Slater); Susan, (b. Apr. 17, 1814, m. John Sandford Hart, Leon Co., Fla., son of Edward Hart of Twiggs Co., Ga.); David, (b. June 6, 1816, d. June 14, 1849, unmarried); Arthur (b. Feb. 24, 1820). Green Blount Burney, the grandfather of our subject was for many years considered one of Wilkinson County's ablest men and took a deep interest in all the public affairs of the county. He first comes into prominence in the Indian War of 1836, when as Captain of the Wilkinson Greys, a Company of mounted infantry, he distinguished himself. When Talmage Institute was incorporated by action of the Legislature, Green Blount Burney was made one of the original trustees and is said to have given the land upon which the Institute was built. He was married in 1822 to Sarah, (b. Jan 10, 1802, d. 1870), the daughter of Anson Ball and his wife, Phebie (Jenkins) Ball, (granddaughter of Senator John Ball and wife —— Robinson) and their children were: John Frank, (b. June 22, 1823, m. 1st Jan. 17, 1849, Margaret Elizabeth Stanley (b. Oct. 15, 1828, d. Aug. 16, 1855). Their children were: Julius A. (b. Oct. 16, 1850, m. July 8, 1873, d. Aug. 16. 1914, m. 1st Ella Jordan, 2nd Sarah Mariah Ware, (b. Aug. 3, 1851, m. July 8, 1873, d. Apr. 16, 1896; his second marriage was to Jane E. Stanley, (b. Aug. 8, 1840, m. Sept. 1, 1858, d. Oct. 15, 1915), their children were: Rowell Adolphus (b. Sept. 16, 1859, m. Dec. 6, 1883, d. Feb. 14, 1896), Arthur Eugene Burney (b. June 30, 1862, d. Oct. 30, 1914), Fannie Janette, b. Nov. 14, 1863, m. Feb. 25, 1886), Robert Emmet (b. Nov. 3, 1866, m. Sept. 17, 1891, d. Mar. 14, 1906); Milton A. Burney, (b. Aug. 18, 1824, m. 1st Mary Ann Smith, who died 1857, married second Narcissus Elizabeth Fulton, d. June, 1908; Malinda Emily, (b. Aug. 20, 1825, married Mackintyre E. Boatwright; Gilford E., m. Madge Hughes. Green Blount Burney lived for many years prior to the war on his plantation. Among his possessions was the old water mill just above Long Bridge which is still known as Burney's Mill. He died in 1866, and is buried in the old family cemetery near the county line, west of Ball's Church. It is handed down that Sarah Ball was one of the flower girls at the Lafayette reception in 1825 at Milledgeville. Arthur Eugene, the son of John F. and Jane Stanley Burney was born June 30, 1862. He served as Clerk of the Superior Court for several years. Possessing a magnetic personality, an inherent spirit of friendliness, and an unquestioned loyalty, he attracted to himself a wide circle of friends. He was of that unusual type of politician whose manifestations J.W. BROOKS, SR. of friendship sprang not from a fawning desire to curry favor but carried the weight of sincerity. He died October 30, 1914, and is buried in the Masonic Cemetery at Irwinton by the side of his mother. J.W. BROOKS, SR. James Wesley Brooks, Sr., son of John Brooks and Martha (Mercer) Brooks, was born Dec. 3, 1849, in Wilkinson County. Mr. Brooks first attended the Johnson School. In 1858 his father moved to Murphy, Ala., but forseeing the war, returned to Wilkinson. His next school was Bethel. When Sherman's Army arrived, Mr. Brooks and his brother, John Pink, had been sent to Durham's Mill, each riding a swift horse. Suddenly almost upon them they saw a large body of blue clad horsemen coming at a gallop. As they turned their horses about, the leader of the Yankees commanded. "Halt! Halt!" "Lie down on your horse and lay the whip!" Mr. Brooks cried to his brother, doing the same, each expecting a volley of bullets to be fired at them. For some reason the pursuers did not fire, evidently bent on capturing the boys' horses. Though hotly pressed they gained on the enemy. Passing the home of Henry Wood, Mr. Brooks called to the family to tell the Yankees they had gone another direction (later he learned they did). Fearing to ride home lest the enemy would overtake them, after two miles at a dead run, the boys turned and made for "Beachtree Hammock" in Big Sandy Swamp, which they could reach by crossing a marsh, and where they knew no Yankee would ever find them. All afternoon they waited here. Near night leaving their horses securely tied they walked to the edge of the swamp where Mr. Brooks climbed a tall tree to reconnoitre. No Yankees visible, the boys ventured home. Mr. Brooks was first married to Miss Narcissa Caroline Sanders. Their children: Luella, m. Ira B. Stinson; Emma, m. Charles H. Sapp; Lizzie (deceased) m. Homer Lindsey; Frances, m. Walter McWilliams; Lydia, m. Erasmus H. Lewis; Carrie, m. C.A. Smith; William Wesley, m. Gussie Simpson. His second marriage was to Mrs. Delonie Farmer Lord. Mr. Brooks as a Democrat has always taken a prominent part to politics. In 1896 he was elected Tax Receiver; has served several years as Alderman of Gordon, one unexpired term as Mayor and also Trustee of the Gordon School; is a consistent member of the Baptist Church and a Mason. In the business world Mr. Brooks has proved a success. He has amassed a competence for his declining years, owns considerable property and successfully operates his mercantile business in Gordon. His business acumen together with his sterling character has won for him the confidence of his fellow men. J.W. BROOKS, JR. James Wesley Brooks, Jr., son of John Pink Brooks and Sara Frances (Ward) Brooks, was born August 21, 1883, near Gordon. His great-grand father, Philip Brooks, was one of the pioneer settlers of the county, coming here from South Carolina, his wife's maiden name being Elizabeth Ingram. Their son, John, the grand-father of the subject of this sketch, was born 1830 and married Martha Mercer who was born in 1833, the daughter of Hyman and Nicy (Brewer) Mercer. In October 1861, when the Companies of the 57th Georgia Regiment were being organized, John Brooks enlisted in the Barkaloo Guards, Co. D, and was promptly elected 2nd Corporal. Shortly thereafter he was chosen Color Sergeant of the Regiment. His regiment being ordered to Kentucky, he bore these colors in the battle of Richmond, Kentucky. Later the 57th being ordered to join Pemberton's army in Mississippi, he arrived in time to take part in the bloody battle of Baker's Creek. In the crisis of this battle, when Pemberton's line was breaking, orders came for the 57th which had been kept in reserve, to advance and close the gaps through which the Federals were pouring. As the regiment moved forward in charge formation it was subjected to a heavy barrage of shot and shell, and as the Colors appeared the fire was concentrated on them. Man after man carrying the flag was shot down until J.W. BROOKS, JR. the entire color guard with the exception of Brooks had been killed. As the last man fell and the flag was falling he leaped forward, seized the staff and through the thickest of the fight bore it onward until he too fell mortally wounded. Mr. Brooks obtained his education in the public schools of Wilkinson; is a member of the Gordon Baptist Church; a member of the Masonic fraternity. He was married February 5, 1905, to Miss Clifford Gertrude Lewis, the daughter of William Green and Clifford Caledonia (Hughes) Lewis. (See Lewis Family sketch). On her father's side, Mrs. Brooks comes of a line of notable ancestry. On her mother's side she is descended from the prominent Hughes family, from which so many able men and women have sprung. It is quite a coincidence that Jonathan Brooks, the Virginia Revolutionary patriot, believed by some to be Mr. Brooks great-great-great-grandfather, was married to Miss Annie Lewis, who had emigrated from Wales. Especially so in view of the fact that the Lewis family of which Mrs. Brooks is a member claims to be of Welch descent. (See History of Ga. Baptists). Mrs. Brooks is recognized as one of the prominent women of the county, has served as President of the Wilkinson County Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy; is a member of the Gordon Baptist Church, President of the B.W.M.U. and also President of the Gordon Woman's Club. For the past twenty years Mr. Brooks has played a prominent part in the public life of Wilkinson County, is perhaps as widely known as any other man in the county. His jovial disposition makes friends easily. During the years, 1918 and 1919, he served as County Commissioner. For the past six years he has served as Superintendent of Roads, and Warden of the Wilkinson County chaingang. Although during this time the roads of the county have been greatly improved, Mr. Brooks is planning for much greater improvement in the months to come. The vast mileage which he has to keep in repair prevents as rapid a construction of permanent roads as he would like, but in spite of his handicaps he has been able to construct according to State and Federal specifications the greater portion of the Macon-Irwinton highway. In addition to this he has built an excellent highway from Gordon to the Baldwin County line, another from the Baldwin County line to Toomsboro, thence to the Laurens County line. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks have one son, Cosby, born July 7, 1906, and one daughter, Miss Leila May, born December 2, 1907. The former, after finishing the Gordon High School in 1925 attended the Georgia-Alabama Business College in Macon and now holds a responsible position with the Macon Terminal Co. The latter, after graduating the same time with her brother attended the Georgia State College for Women at Milledgeville, receiving her B.S. Degree from that institution in 1929. WILLIAM HENRY BRYAN No one ever saw William Henry Bryan without having a lasting impression made upon him by this noble-hearted veteran of the War Between the States. All who knew him loved "Daddy", as he was familiarly called. The son of Nathan Bryan, originally from North Carolina, and Mary (Griggs) Bryan, our subject was born in Houston County, between Perry and Marshallville, Nov. 17, 1843. The family moving to Green County, he received his schooling in the latter county. Just before the war, his father bought a farm near Andersonville and they moved to it. Though only eighteen years of age, he was among the very first to enlist, and left Macon, May 11, 1861, as a member of Co. G, 5th Georgia Regiment. For eight or nine months his Regiment was stationed at Pensacola, Fla. While there volunteers were called for to go to burn a Yankee provision depot. He was one of the number. Armed largely with chop knives and canteens of turpentine with which to start the fire, they crossed the intervening water and landing two miles below their objective they made a forced march and destroyed the WILLIAM HENRY BRYAN depot with the loss of a man. In June, 1862, he was transferred to Co. D, 2nd Battalion Sharpshooters. He served through the entire four years of the War, took part in the battles of Kennesaw Mountain, Atlanta, and Jonesboro, being wounded in the latter. He was with his command at Greensboro, N.C., at the time of the surrender. After the war he was married to Mary Law, Oct. 28, 1866, and lived in Macon County until 1872, when he moved to his farm a few miles southwest of Danville in Twiggs Co. In 1906 he moved to Danville, Wilkinson Co. where he spent the rest of his life. Mr. Bryan became a member of Cool Spring Lodge No. 185 in 1884. He was in every sense of the word a Mason. He shaped his life by the square, the level and the plumb. He was an active member and Steward of the Danville Methodist Church and served for many years as School Trustee. His was a life of service to his fellow man - noble and well spent. His son, Stephen Alexander Bryan, was born in Macon County, Sept. 28, 1867, and was married to Lucia Ussery (b. Aug. 30, 1870, at Irwinton) Oct. 28, 1890. He has served as Mayor of Danville, on the School Board, Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge and is highly esteemed wherever known. MRS. MAUDE TAYLOR BUGG, 1892-1927 A native of Pulaski County, yet adopting Wilkinson as her home, Mrs. Bugg's life is inseparably entwined with this county. She gave the best years of her life to the service of the children of Wilkinson and nearby counties, to her church, to her community and to her beloved Eastern Star, of which she long served as Worthy Matron and as Grand Chapter Official. Mrs. Bugg was educated in the schools of Pulaski, Danville, University of Georgia, and Wesleyan, where she studied voice and piano. She taught at Cool Springs, Soperton, Montrose, Irwinton, and Danville. As a teacher she won the praise of every community where she taught. No one became ill or in trouble without her ready aid and sympathy. Her home life with her aged father and mother, and her husband, G. Parks Bugg, whom she married in 1920, was beautiful. Mrs. Bugg was a member of the John Ball Chapter, D.A.R., she being descended from Revolutionary forbears on both her father's and her mother's sides. Her father, James A. Taylor, 1853-1928, (son of Isaac Dennard Taylor, m. Mary McCoy in 1841, both from Houston County) was an educator of note and one of the ablest ministers of the Primitive Baptist faith, serving numerous churches, one of which was Bay Springs, from its organization to 1928. Her grandfather Taylor was the son of James Taylor, b. 1773 and his second wife, Rebecca (Dennard) Taylor, 1779- 1808 m. in Wilkinson or Washington County. He received a pension for his service during the War Between the States. Her great-great-grandfather, Colonel Robert Taylor, 1736- 1801, m. Jane Alexander, 1739-1819, in 1759 at Boston, Mass., served during the Revolution as Captain of the United States Artillery of Providence, R.I., later Colonel. Tradition says he was buried in Wilkinson County. Mrs. Bugg's mother, Frances (Thompson) Taylor was the daughter of Stephen Lester Thompson, 1816-1890, and Margaret Elizabeth Meadows, 1826-1910, m. 1842 - and the granddaughter of Daniel Thompson, d. 1853, and Sarah Murray, 1781-1851, approximately, who was the daughter of John Murray and his second wife Mary (Kimbrough) d. 1844. John Murray was born in Dauphin County, Pa., 1745, and died in Orange County, N.C. in 1799, having served as Sergeant in the American Revolution. DANIEL BURKE Daniel Burke, planter, soldier, Judge, and Legislator, the oldest son of Nimrod Burke, Jr., and Elizabeth (Butler) DANIEL BURKE Burke, was born May 13, 1836, at the old Burke Plantation in Turkey Creek District. He died at his home in Allentown, Wilkinson County, Georgia, on April 24, 1907, and his remains were laid to rest in the cemetery of Pleasant Plains Church. His early education was obtained at the Turkey Creek Academy, and Harrison Academy. For two years he studied in the State of North Carolina. He completed his study in school at Macon, Georgia. His father, Nimrod Burke, Jr., was one of the original trustees of the Harrison Academy. He acquired a good education. He was married on July 3, 1856, in Wilkinson County, Georgia, to Miss Millie A. Hardie, the daughter of Joel Hardie and Margaret (Patterson) Hardie. She made her home for more than ten years immediately before her death, with a daughter, Annie Mae, wife of Walter B. Branan, of Gordon, Georgia, where she died on June 4, 1920, and was buried by the side of her husband, Daniel Burke. He contributed liberally of his time and substance to the upbuilding of the state and the community in which he lived. He was one of the principal builders of the old Pleasant Plains School, where he served as trustee for a number of years. He was a churchman, a Mason, and a Democrat. He was a loyal member of the New Providence Church (Baptist). He served as Worshipful Master of the Irwinton, Georgia, Masonic Lodge, of which he was a member. He volunteered as a soldier in behalf of the principles for which the Southern Confederacy stood and in which he and the people of the South firmly believed to be right, and on August 22, 1862, enlisted in Company F of the historic Third Georgia Regiment, in Wright's Brigade, and served in the army of Virginia under General Robert E. Lee. He fought throughout the War between the States, until he was wounded almost mortally on May 14, 1864, while engaged in the Battle of Spottsylvania Courthouse, Virginia. No man fought more bravely than did he in the terrific battles in which this regiment was engaged. He was in that magnifi cent charge made by this regiment on the slopes of Cemetery Ridge at the Battle of Gettysburg, which immortalized these men. While engaged in the Battle of Spottsylvania Courthouse he was wounded, being shot in the right eye, a fragment of the shell passing through and out of his right ear. His comrade, W.F. (One Armed Frank) Cannon, seeing him lying in a pool of water, dragged him out, and carried him, on his back, off the battlefield. He recuperated in a hospital in Virginia, where he was nursed by Mrs. Morgan, who kept his wound treated and provided him with food. He returned to his home in Wilkinson County, Georgia, on June 9, 1864. In appreciation of the services tendered to him by Mrs. Morgan, he gave her thirty dollars each month as long as she lived. He received a pension. He was loved by those who knew him and regarded as a good business man. As the holder of considerable Confederate money and as owner of a large number of slaves, he sustained a great loss as a result of the War Between the States. He was a Democrat and took an active interest in politics. In 1865 he was made a Justice of the Inferior Court, a position he held until the court was abolished. Later he served as Representative from Wilkinson County in the General Assembly of Georgia. He was a large planter and land owner. He erected, at large expense, a mill on Cedar Creek, known as Burke's Mill. He amassed considerable property and at one time was the largest taxpayer in the county. At his death he was perhaps the wealthiest man living in that section of Wilkinson County. JOSEPH EDWARD BUTLER Among the first settlers of Wilkinson County came Ford Butler and his wife, Martha (Patsy) from South Carolina. His service in the Revolution had enabled him to acquire a great deal of land in other counties (see Knight's Roster of the Revolution). Soon after his arrival he purchased many other tracts of land and at his death about 1818, he was one of the largest landowners of the county. His widow and his son, JOSEPH EDWARD BUTLER Malachi, administered on his estate, Joel another of his sons, was born in South Carolina, 1787. He first married a Miss Culpepper, his second wife being the former Belinda Ashley. He rapidly amassed wealth and became one of the wealthiest land and slave owners of Wilkinson County. He was a strong believer in the Primitive Baptist Church. Late in life he moved to Irwinton. Among his sons was George Washington Butler, who inherited much of his father's property as well as much of his business sagacity. He served in Co. D, 8th Georgia Regiment during the War Between the States. He was married Jan. 13, 1857, to Adeline Elizabeth Howell (b. 1837, d. July 19, 1912). She was a member of a large and influential Methodist family, being the daughter of David and Noami (Edwards) Howell, of Waynesville, N.C. She came to this county about 1856, accepting a position as music teacher. Their children: Rufus Howell, Martha Fleta, Joseph Edward, George Raymond, Charles Oscar, Julia Adeline, William Thomas, Hattie Elizabeth, Mary Washington. Their son, Joseph Edward, the subject of this sketch, was born Dec. 20, 1862, at Irwinton. He was educated at Pleasant Plains Grammar School and Talmadge Institute, graduating with first honors in the class of 1880. At the age of seventeen he entered the farming and mercantile business at Boxwood, eight miles from Irwinton. He joined New Providence Baptist Church in 1882, and has attended its meetings regularly ever since. He has from date to the present time been a delegate and attended the Ebenezer Baptist Association for forty-four years, during which time served as Moderator of same for a period of three years and is now Clerk of same; was Superintendent of Irwinton Sunday School fifteen years and was County Superintendent for Georgia Sunday School Association in Wilkinson County fourteen years. He was also President of Ebenezer Sunday School Association three years. He has attended every Association meeting held by the Ebenezer Association since 1882, with the exception of three, a record possibly unsurpassed by any Baptist in Georgia. Judge Butler has been a member of the Irwinton Masonic Lodge since 1900 and served as Worshipful Master for a long period, has been a member of the Odd Fellows for several years. In politics, Judge Butler is a Democrat; was nominated for Clerk of the Superior Court in 1896, but declined to run; was elected Ordinary of the county in 1890, and so well did he fill the office that each election year he was repeatedly re-elected. The office of Judge of the County Court became vacant, there being such a few lawyers in Irwinton the Legislature passed a special act making the Ordinary ex-officio the Judge of the County Court, the only instance of its kind in all the state. He served without interruption until 1917, and for the next eight years he was engaged in the mercantile, livestock and lumber business, a portion of the same time serving as Clerk for the County Commissioners. In 1924, he was re-elected as Ordinary. During his terms of office as Ordinary he has officiated in approximately two hundred marriage ceremonies. Judge Butler was married March 4, 1909, to Fleta Jane Nesbit, the daughter of Alexander H. and Sarah J. Nesbit (see their sketch). Mrs. Butler completed a course at Talmadge Institute, attended Wesleyan College and received her B.S. Degree from Brenau College in 1908, after which she taught for a while. She has been a member of the Irwinton Baptist Church since childhood. Her hospitality is known throughout the County and every one who has ever once been to her home is always glad to return. Her table is always filled with the good things to eat she has grown in her garden, from her flocks of the finest chickens of the county, from her overflowing smokehouse or from her fine herd of dairy cattle. In the latter she takes a great deal of well-merited pride for they are perhaps unexcelled in the entire county. In addition to the cares of her home and children, Mrs. Butler assists her husband in the office, performing much of the clerical work. She has, indeed, been a great help- meet. Her friendly disposition and magnetic personality wins friends easily. JOSEPH EDWARD BUTLER Their children are: Adelyn Elizabeth, Joseph Edward, Jr., Sara Nesbit, and Marion Edna. GEORGE HENRY CARSWELL Lawyer — Statesman Of all the families of Wilkinson County, none have exceeded the Carswell family in prominence. In every generation it has produced one or more outstanding men who have attained leadership in county or state affairs, such men as Matthew Carswell, N.A. Carswell, H.F. Carswell and last but by no means least, George H. Carswell. His great-great-grandfather, Alexander Carswell, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, and was a veteran of the Revolution. His great-grandfather, Matthew Carswell, born February 17, 1768, was one of the early settlers of Wilkinson County, settling on what is still known as the Old Carswell Place in Turkey Creek District, and soon became one of the largest landowners of that section. His wife was Sarah Martin, born 1766. From his earliest arrival here he began taking an active interest in county affairs. He was appointed Commissioner of the Wilkinson County Academy in 1810, and served as Representative of the County during 1814 and 1815. A few years later when the Stage Road leading from Macon by way of Dublin to Savannah was being established, he was appointed to serve as Commissioner for Wilkinson County. As an evidence of the faithful performance of his duty of selecting the best route, sixty-five years later the Macon and Atlantic Railroad surveyed the route for a road-bed parallel with the old stage road. He died in 1829, his wife following him nine years later. His sons, Samuel Martin and William E., became prominent planters of that section, the latter being by far the wealthiest man in Wilkinson County. The former, the grandfather of George H., built the old ante-bellum home on his father's old plantation, and lived there until his death. His wife was Jane Manson, of another prominent ante-bellum family of the county. One of their sons, Matthew James, except for a few years at Society Hill, Alabama, spent the whole of his life in Wilkinson County, moving to Irwinton before the war. He was married to Miss Ellen Huff Dupree in 1858, the daughter of Dr. Ira Ellis-Dupree, who was born in 1800, and who served as a delegate from Twiggs County to the Constitutional Convention of 1865, and Frances (Bryan) Dupree. Matthew James served in the War Between the States and, his home being in the path of Sherman's army, the end of the war found his property swept away. On his farm near Irwinton his son George Henry Carswell was born Oct. 21, 1874. Business reverses occurring, the latter was unable to obtain a college education after completing Talmage Institute. For a while he taught a country school in Appling County. In 1895, he with John Todd, his brother- in-law, began the publication of the Bulletin. A few months later he purchased Mr. Todd's interest and continued it alone. In 1899 having determined upon the law as his chosen profession, he attended Mercer University Law School and was admitted to the bar, The County Court of Wilkinson County having recently been created, he was appointed its first Solicitor. However, finding the defense side much more to his liking, he soon resigned. AS A LAWYER In the practice of law, Mr. Carswell has been a most decided success. On the cross examination of witnesses he has few equals; his knowledge of the rules of evidence often stand him in good stead. Especially is he in his element when pleading his cause before the jury. The writer has seen him on innumerable occasions when his case appeared lost, but when he finished speaking it would have a different aspect. Not only does he hold the attention of the jurors but whenever it is known that he is to address a jury, he has a large audience of others. No lawyer who has ever crossed swords with him in the legal arena, but henceforth has a wholesome respect for his abilities. At one time, Mr. Carswell had amassed considerable GEORGE HENRY CARSWELL property, but the advent of the boll weevil, the post war deflation and illness in his family swept away what he owned. As President of the Irwinton Bank, which he assisted in organizing and of which he has served as President ever since, he has on more than one occasion demonstrated his ability to inspire confidence in the people of his home town. Several times crises have confronted it, one or more times a run on it was impending when other banks throughout the country were closing their doors, but in each instance, he was able to avert it. ADVOCATE OF EDUCATION For several years Mr. Carswell was Chairman of the Wilkinson County Board of Education and during his term of office, largely through his influence and efforts, a great deal of improvements were made in the schools of the county. He was thus aware of the great needs of the poor children of Georgia for better educational advantages. He has served several terms in the Legislature, nine years in the House, and six years in the Senate. In 1918 having been again elected to represent the county he was asked to sponsor the famous Elder-Carswell bill authorizing counties to supplement school funds with local taxation. For several years past this bill had been introduced but failed to receive the required majority. Mr. Carswell, however, threw himself wholeheartedly into the fight and successfully carried it through. No law in recent years has benefited more the schools of Georgia, unless it is that allowing State Aid for High Schools, which was another of his measures, the latter also a Constitutional Amendment permitting the support of High Schools which heretofore was forbidden. Legislator In 1917-20 he served as Floor Leader of the House for Governor Dorsey and as such engineered the passage of the bill creating the State Highway Department. Likewise, as Floor Leader, there was entrusted to him the passage of the Workmen's Compensation Insurance Bill which has had such a revolutionary effect in the collection of damages for injuries. Perhaps no law ever enacted by the Georgia Legislature has so revolutionized conditions for those engaged in industrial occupations and their families. It has lessened enormously the number of actions filed in the courts to enforce the claims for injuries and has also made it possible for untold numbers of destitute families to recover aid where under the existing laws they would have been totally debarred from recovering any compensation at all. Another bill which he was largely instrumental in passing was the Child Labor Bill which has meant so much to the children who hitherto had been driven like slaves in industrial plants, but never were given a chance for the schooling that other children received. His experience in banking caused him to be selected to pilot two other measures through: the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Bill, which made the laws of Georgia governing Bills and Notes conform to the general law in force in practically all the states of the Union. The other was the re-organization of the Banking laws of Georgia, the workings of which is rapidly becoming recognized as being a masterful piece of legislation, as the real intents of the framers of the act are now being put into practice. In 1919-20 he served as Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee most creditably. Likewise, in 1917-18, he served as Chairman of the Senate Appropriation Committee, which chairmanships were considered the most important that could be given. PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE At the beginning of the 1925 term of the Senate he stood for the Presidency. although with considerable opposition at the outset his strength continued to grow until the date of the convening found him the unanimous choice of that body. It was while President of the Senate that a bill came up for a vote in which he was vitally interested, the creation of the Alto Sanitarium for tuberculosis victims. The vote was a tie. He left his Chair and took the floor in its behalf. Those who GEORGE HENRY CARSWELL were in the Senate chamber at the time say he made the speech of his life. That in his speech he said, "Back in the little town of Irwinton there are two people slowly dying of this terrible plague. One of these is a poor carpenter, his daily earnings have been supporting his large family of helpless children. He is not able to go to high priced sanitariums. For such as he, I cast the deciding vote in favor of Alto Sanitarium." Mr. Carswell has for several years been one of the Trustees of Georgia School of Technology. GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE - SECRETARY OF STATE In 1926, Mr. Carswell made the race for Governor. It was then the people of Georgia recognized his ability as a campaigner. His caustic wit and ready repartee make of him a dangerous antagonist in a political debate. Though unsuccessful in the race yet it is acknowledged by his political enemies that he was a determining factor in the final outcome of that election. In 1928, upon the death of W.G. McLendon, Secretary of State, he was appointed by Governor L.G. Hardeman to fill the unexpired term. He was thereafter elected to succeed himself. It was while serving in this capacity that he began making changes in the management of the duties of his office, tending towards a much greater efficiency. Immediate improvements were evident. A careful check on auto tags alone poured in excess of $500.000.00 more funds into the State coffers than had ever been received before in one year. Another of his plans was the manufacture of all auto tags by convicts, at the State Farm at Milledgeville, which has begun and which already promises a saving of many thousands of dollars to the State annually. Announcement of his candidacy for Governor in the 1930 campaign is believed to be imminent and it is generally conceded he stands a most excellent chance of being elected. In this event there is every reason to believe that he will put into practice more ideas of economy in the management of the affairs of state. Mr. Carswell was married November 26, 1902, to Miss Ethel Wood, daughter of Dr. Joshua S. Wood, of Irwinton. Their children are: Claire; Ellen (who is the wife of David Ramsey Simmons, of Bainbridge, Georgia and has one little girl. (Virginia Claire); George H. Jr,; Harold; and Hubert, who died at the age of two years. On her father's side Mrs. Carswell was descended from the Wood family of Washington County, Tully Choice, a Captain in the Revolutionary War, Kinman and other historic families; on her mother's side from the Graybills, the prominent Tucker family and others. Mrs. Carswell was considered one of the most beautiful women Irwinton has ever produced; her well cultivated soprano voice, as she sang the old familiar hymns in the church, still linger pleasantly in the memories of hundreds who heard her; — and ideal mother and home- maker. LEVI RICHARDSON CASON Levi Richardson Cason was born near Sandersville, Washington County, Georgia, April 19, 1839. About two years after the War Between the States he located in Toomsboro, Wilkinson County, and except for a year at Forsyth, Ga., and three years at Jackson, Ga., he lived there until his death. He first clerked for Judge Cannon, later for Mr. Ira Deese and he also taught school for a short while. About 1877 he went into business for himself and when he retired forty-five years afterwards he had long been one of the leading merchants of the county. He built the first brick mercantile buildings in the county, at the same time putting up the Wilkinson County Bank Building, the first bank in the county. He served as one of the Directors of this bank from its beginning until about two years before his death, and before it was organized he acted in the capacity of private banker for numbers of his customers. He was an elder in the Toomsboro Christian Church. He had served both as Mayor and Councilman of his town, and was a member of Camp Warthen, U.C.V. He enlisted in the Confederate army, April 19, 1861, age twenty two, in Co. A. 28th LEVI RICHARDSON CASON Regiment Georgia Vol., and served the full four years. He was in many notable engagements and was wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville. Mr. Cason died at Toomsboro, Ga., May 13, 1928, age eighty-eight years, and was buried at the Stephens family cemetery. He was survived by his wife, four daughters, two sons and eleven grandchildren. William Cason, grandfather of L.R. Cason, settled in Washington County between Sandersville and Oconee about 1800, moving there with his wife, Rhoda, from Tar River, N.C. They had one daughter, (Mrs. Stuart) and three sons, Henry (Ala.). John Justin (Fla.) and Dennis, father of L.R. Cason, born in Washington County 1805, died December 2, 1862. Dennis Cason married Sarah Massey, born in N.C. 1806, died Nov. 1887. Sarah was a daughter of Abel Massey and Elizabeth (Jones) Massey, who moved to Washington County from North Carolina in 1814. L.R. Cason had three brothers who also served during the War Between the States. Abel, 1802-65, with First Georgia Battalion; William, 1814-65, with First Georgia Regiment, later with First Georgia Battalion; and John, enlisted in 1861 in Co. B. 28th Georgia Regiment, died of illness May, '62, and was buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. When Mr. Cason visited Richmond a few years before his death he had a marker placed there for the family, in addition to the Confederate marker. These four soldier brothers had three sisters widowed by the war: Mary, m. Owen Elkins, d. Nov., '62, at Seven Pines; Rhoda, m. H.L. Hodges, d. '62 at Sharpsburg; Nellie, m. Tom Tucker, d. June '62, in Seven Days' fight around Richmond. Jan. 4, 1874, L.R. Cason married Martha Virginia Stephens, of Toomsboro, granddaughter of John Stephens and Elizabeth (Matthews) Stephens, who moved to Wilkinson County from N.C. in 1822. John Stephens served with the N.C. Militia during the Revolutionary War, and his grave, two miles south of Toomsboro, was marked April, 1925, by Major General Samuel Elbert Chapter, D.A.R. Tennille, Ga., the first grave in the county to be so honored. James, the oldest child of John and Elizabeth, was born in N.C. Feb. 27, 1817, and was married in 1840 to Jerusha Barnes, daughter of William Barnes and Cecelia (Vickers) Barnes. Of the six daughters (they had no sons) of James and Jerusha, four became the wives of ex-Confederate soldiers. Martha Virginia being the wife of L.R. Cason. During the War Between the States James Stephens did home service which entitles his descendants to membership in the S.C.V. and the U.D.C. (By Mrs. Sarah Cason Todd and Addigene Cason) WILLIAM IRWIN CHAMBERS Was born in Washington county, September 15, 1812, died December 31, 1893. He was the son of Lucy (Johnson) and Simon Peter Chambers, Jr., who was the son of Simon Peter Chambers, Sr., who came to this country from France when he was sixteen years of age, he was one of the first settlers of Savannah, Ga., and was one of the first to rebel against King George. (See Whites History of Ga.) He married a Miss Stewart, sister of Gov. Jared Irwin's wife, relatives of Gen Stewart for whom Stewart County was named. They had only one child, Simon Peter, Jr., who had seven children: William Irwin, David, James, John, Nancy, Rebeckah, Susan. William Irwin Chambers in 1841 married Hannah Jane Hall, the daughter of Zilpha (Jones) and Ira Hall, born Dec. 10, 1825, died March 17, 1888. She ministered unto all with whom she came in contact, her loving words and deeds of kindness still live in the hearts who knew her. Her memory is like a guardian angel, always with us. There were twelve children in this family: Franklin, Ira, Andrew, Joel, Oscar, Julia, Anna, Laura, Ada, Nora, Ruth, one son died in infancy. William Irwin Chambers was the grandfather of forty-four children, and great grandfather of seventy. He was an old landmark of Irwinton, Ga., came here in 1849, and lived in the same house for forty-four years, he was one among the few settlers who lived here, when Irwinton was nothing more than a forest of tall pines. He was a very intelligent man and had a far reaching insight into the future; he was at one time the leading merchant of Irwinton as well as a practical farmer; he WILLIAM IRWIN CHAMBERS believed in raising home supplies; he was also County Treasurer for a number of years, and in this capacity made a worthy officer, no man was more bitterly opposed to the Civil War and although three of his sons enlisted and did gallant work for their home and country he declared that such a conflict would bring ruin and destruction to this country; though he vigorously opposed the war, he did his part at home, (being too old to enlist), by furnishing supplies to the wives and children of those who were at the front; he was also Postmaster during this period. When the Homestead Law was being discussed, he openly opposed it, with all the vigor born to the human soul; he was the type of honesty that looked upon the dishonesty of his day with unspeakable condemnation; he abhorred profanity and did not even tolerate slang in his family; he was chaste in his language and had ideals of the highest type; he dealt fairly and squarely with his fellowman and left his family a good name, which is rather to be chosen than great riches. (By Ruth Chambers Everett.) FRANKLIN CHAMBERS July 27, 1842 - November 26, 1928 No son of Wilkinson ever loved his native country more, none ever gave to her more patriotic, more unselfish, more unstinted service as its public servant than did Franklin Chambers, lawyer, Confederate Soldier, Ordinary, Delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1877 for the 21st District, Representative, State Senator and Presidential Elector. He was born in Irwinton, the oldest son of William Irwin and Jane (Hall) Chambers. (See W.I. Chambers Sketch.) William I. Chambers was indeed a most remarkable man, and one whose outspoken opinions carried great weight in his day. Stern and uncompromising in matters relating to public duty, he held the utmost confidence of the people of the county. In 1860 when the vote on the secession question was held, it is said that he made the political fight of his life against seceding, and when the Convention at Milledgeville cast the deciding ballot, he predicted the ruin which later followed. Although only nineteen years of age when Co. F 3rd Ga. Reg. was organized at Irwinton, the subject of this sketch, fired with the spirit of patriotism which was sweeping the county, he was one of the first to enlist for service, April 26, 1861. His intrepid spirit, coolness under fire and power of leadership, caused his promotion one year later to 1st Sergeant of the Company, even though yet a mere boy. At the second Battle of Manassas, August 30, 1862, he received a wound. January 1, 1864, at the age of twenty-two having been elected Ordinary of Wilkinson County, he received his discharge and returned to Irwinton to perform the duties of this office. During this time he also assisted the Inferior Court in the discharge of its duties. When Sherman's Army was approaching Irwinton, it seems he was the only person who thought about removing the County Records from the courthouse in anticipation of its being burned. Calling Leroy Fleetwood to his assistance the two piled all the most important Records and Documents, into boxes, and loading them on a wagon carried them into the heart of Big Sandy swamp and buried them. Dampness seeping into the boxes injured some which may yet be noticed. But for this one act of his many chapters of this history would have had to be omitted. He studied law while Ordinary and was admitted to the bar. His ability as a lawyer soon brought him to the forefront and earned for him the recognition as one of the ablest members of the bar in this section. In 1876 he was chosen as an Elector to the National Democratic Convention of Tilden and Hendricks. The next year he served as a delegate from the Twenty-First Senatorial District to the Constitutional Convention. During the two succeeding years he served as Representative from Wilkinson. In 1892 and 1893 he was Senator for the 21st District. After this he practiced law at Irwinton until 1895 when he moved to Macon and opened an office with Hon. Hoke Polhill where he continued his practice as long as his health permitted. Mr. Chambers was married in 1868 to Elmina Hughes, FRANKLIN CHAMBERS daughter of Heywood and Elizabeth (Wynne) Hughes, of a prominent Twiggs County family. Their children are: Franklin Breckinbridge, born April 28, 1875, President of the Wilkinson County Bank, a leading merchant of Toomsboro; one of Wilkinson County's most progressive and substantial citizens; a man whose integrity is unquestioned; who married November 20, 1912 to Lamar Albea of Sandersville, and whose children are: Frank, Jr., Barbara, William Thomas and Kathleen. Hugh, born March 8, 1872, graduated Mercer University, A.B. Degree, 1892; University of Georgia, B.L. Degree, 1895; began the practice of law in June 3, 1895 in Sandersville, Ga., moved to Macon, Ga., January, 1899, joining his father; married June 17, 1899 in Millen, Ga., Elizabeth Butts, the daughter of Lawrence Butts, Confederate Solder; Solicitor Washington County Court, 1896-98; Judge, Municipal Court Macon, January 1, 1915, to day; children, Sue (m. M.R. Gardner), Elmina. Elbert, who has been engaged continuously in the Railway Mail Service since seventeen years of age, was married to Julia Davis and lives at Decatur, Ga. Children: Davis (accidentally killed in a football game), Effie, (Mrs. Montgomery), Franklin, Helen, Elbert and Katherine. Effie, married James Baker of Macon and lives in Macon. Her numerous friends in Irwinton frequently speak of her grace and charm, her utter unselfishness and her love and care for her aged father and mother. ANDREW CHAMBERS Was the son of William Irwin, and Jane (Hall) Chambers. He was born March 16, 1848, died Aug. 3, 1917. He joined the army at sixteen years of age; was wounded in the Battle of Griswoldville, was Agent for the Central Railroad at McIntyre, Georgia for fifteen years; also did a large mercantile business up to the time his health failed him. He was married to Maxie B. Jackson, daughter of James and Elizabeth Pittman Jackson, born October 17, 1850, died September 10, 1906. She was a wonderful example of true womanhood; their home was "A house by the side of the road, and was truly a friend to man." Their hospitality was unexcelled. They had only one child. James Jackson Chambers, of Macon, Georgia. He inherited a big, generous heart from his parents, and has been successful in the business world. He married Julia Schall, also of Macon, Ga., daughter of Margaret (Merkel) and Jacob Schall. Andrew Chambers was very active in a political way, and had a wide influence; often he was urged by his friends to run for office, but always preferred to use his influence for others. He had a magnetism about his personality that drew people to him and although frank and outspoken on all issues, he numbered his friends by all who knew him. He was steadfast in his convictions and the embodiment of sincerity. (By Ruth Chambers Everett) GEORGE W. EVERETT The son of Elizabeth (Corbett) and James Brickus Everett, of Oconee, Ga., Washington County, born Feb. 22nd, 1862. James Brickus Everett was born in Raleigh, N.C., and came to Georgia in boyhood. He enlisted in the Confederate Army and gave four years service for his country. He was a successful farmer, and one of the pillars in the old Bay Spring Church, Washington County; he was upright and honest in all his dealings with his fellowman. George W. Everett came to Irwinton, Georgia, Wilkinson County and entered Talmage Institute, Jan. 1st, 1882. For a number of years he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1903 he was appointed Rural Carrier on Route No. 2, Irwinton, Ga., and has already completed twenty-seven years of service. Jan. 16, 1887, he was married to Ruth Chambers, youngest daughter of Jane (Hall) and William GEORGE W. EVERETT Irwin Chambers. There were seven children in this family: James William, born Dec. 24, 1887, married Eva Snell, they have one child, James William, Jr.; Floy Lee, born Aug. 24, 1889; Myrtle, born April 7, 1891, married Gainer E. Fulford, Wrightsville, Ga.; George Frederick, born April 7, 1893, married Beulah Pennington; Oscar Chambers, born June 9, 1897, died May 19, 1905; Irwin Emory, born July 29, 1899, married Alma Skipper, they have one child, Irwin Edwin; Malcom Hall, born Aug. 14, 1900. George W. Everett was reared in a Methodist family and true to his ancestry he has not departed from the faith. For a number of years he has been Chairman of the Board of Stewards of the Irwinton Charge. He not only collects and looks after the affairs of his own church, but is very diligent and keeps in close touch with the country churches and in every way tries to strengthen and encourage the work of each church. The interest of his pastor is always on his heart; he gives freely, and puts forth great efforts to bring up the assessments in full. May he continue in usefulness and hold God's banner high; never falter, never fail. (By Ruth Chambers Everett) HOMER ADOLPHUS CLIETT Homer Adolphus Cliett was born in Cairo, Miss., August 18, 1894, the son of Sara Alice (Valentine, d. 1895) and Pearsel Boaz Cliett (b. Dec. 2, 1863, m. Dec. 17, 1884); grandson of Sara Ann (Johnson, b. Jan 12, 1831, m. Sept. 8, 1847, d. Montpelier, Miss., June 12, 1916) and Thomas A.J. Cliett (b. Feb. 14, 1826, d. Feb. 16, 1895); and of Lina (Luther) and Jesse Valentine. After graduating at the Clay Co. Agricultural High School, Pheba, Miss., in 1914, he entered the Mississippi A & M College and in 1917, received his B.S. Degree in Agriculture. While in College he was a member of the George Rifle Fraternity, Agricultural Club, the Philotectic Literary Society, Rifle Club, Night Hawks, Y.M.C.A., and Sable Club. In 1918 he came to Irwinton as County Agricultural Agent, serving as such until 1919, when he removed to Sandersville to take charge of the work there. During 1921 was Blackley County's first Agricultural Agent, at Cochran, and in 1922 was at Barnesville. From 1923 to 1925 he served again as the Wilkinson Co. Agent, being instrumental in having the first cattle dipping vats built in this section, conducted the first County Fair, and his exhibit won second prize at the State Fair. In 1925 he was transferred to Americus where he has been in the same work, where under his supervision many of the farmers of Sumter Co., are improving their methods of farming — winter legumes are rapidly becoming popular — his 4-H Club boys are breaking all records heretofore established in their products and Sumter Co., is known throughout the State as one of the banner agricultural counties. The four scholarship loan funds for deserving members of his 4-H Clubs, which he has been able to establish, will unquestionably mean much to the future of the county. In the various counties where he has served as Agent, Mr. Cliett has won for himself state-wide fame in finding markets for the farmers' product, in the numerous prize- winning exhibits at Fairs, organizing Boys' Clubs, etc. In recognition of his meritorious services membership in the Epsilon Sigma Phi Society of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has been conferred upon him. Mr. Cliett is a deacon in the Baptist church, a director in the Kiwanis Club, member of the Chamber of Commerce, a Royal Arch Mason and a Democrat. He was married Feb. 2, 1919, to Sarah Carol Nesbit, of Irwinton (b. April 29, 1894, the daughter of A.H. and Sarah J. Nesbit, see their sketch). Mrs. Cliett after attending Talmadge Institute spent one year at Bessie Tift College, and then graduated at G.S.C.W. at Milledgeville in 1917, being a member of the Glee Club at the latter place. After her graduation she taught for two years at Irwinton. Not only does Mrs. Cliett make a most admirable wife and mother, but wherever HOMER ADOLPHUS CLIETT she makes her home she takes an active interest in church and civic affairs. She is a member of the Baptist Church, Pianist for the Sunday School, officer in the P.T.A., member of the Woman's Literary Club of the W.C.T.U. and Garden Club. While in Sandersville she was a member of the Woman's Club and at Barnesville of the Three Arts Club. Each year she has assisted in the Woman's Department at County Fairs. Mr. and Mrs. Cliett have two children: Pearsel Alexander, b. July 19, 1920, and Eleanor Marilyn, b. July 23, 1923. Intellectual and talented, they give promise of a bright future. CHARLES CULPEPPER Unhonored and unsung by historians, his memory forgotten, except by a few, no man ever lived in Wilkinson County who more richly deserves space in this History than does Charles Culpepper. While we have no direct data on the date and place of his birth, yet we have every reason to believe that he was a native of Virginia. We find his brother, Sampson Culpepper, being granted land in Washington County, Georgia, by reason of his service in the Revolution. Charles was evidently too young to fight in this war. We first find Charles in Georgia as an active Baptist Minister serving in the Hepzibah Association. Mr. Culpepper was married to Rachel, the eldest daughter of that grand old North Carolina patriot, Josiah Warren, who will go down in history as "The lone horseman from Burke county," who rode upon the excited scene before the State House at Louisville, Georgia, in 1796 at the very moment when the Yazoo Act was about to be burned, and drawing from his pocket the sun-glass suggested to his friend, Jas. Jackson, that the accursed document be consumed by fire drawn from heaven. Among the earliest settlers of Wilkinson are found three Culpeppers, Charles, his brother Sampson, and Joel (probably also a brother). These settled in the vicinity of Toomsboro, the home of Charles being on the lands formerly owned by Dr. N.T. Carswell, now by Geo. H. Carswell, four miles east of Irwinton. Never was a man more thoroughly imbued with the spirit of Missions than was Charles Culpepper. He, it seems was first to realize the tremendous opportunity of the Baptist church in that vast territory lying between the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers into which hordes of settlers were literally pouring, clearing the lands and building their homes, a vast region without community centers, clamoring in every settlement for some place of worship, some clearing house for social intercourse to break the monotony of the backwoods. Seizing the opportunity, sometimes with Rev. Shirey as his partner, sometimes with Rev. John Ross, also a Virginian, he began the work of planting churches. Roads were as yet mere trails, but these consecrated men, without pay or hope of reward would select a community where there were already members of the Baptist church, and using these as a nucleus would announce services and invite the neighborhood, and soon a church would be organized. His unceasing activities won for him the approbation of his fellow Baptists. As the churches were organized they were added to the Hepzibah Association, which by reason of its enormous area and number of churches was becoming unwieldly. Thus, in 1814, when the Ebenezer Association was formed at Cool Spring church at Allentown, Charles Culpepper was a leading spirit and now became a member of the Association, which his work in organizing churches had made possible. It was during these years that the question of Missions was beginning to agitate Baptists. Into this movement he threw his whole being, and in no small way was responsible for the rapid growth of the Missionary idea. The Hepzibah Missionary Society was organized, among the first in Georgia, and Culpepper was made its President. Thus, Charles Culpepper might well be called "The Father of Missions" in Wilkinson County. Through the years that followed he was ever in the forefront leading the Missionary elements of the Baptist churches in this section, and in Houston County where CHARLES CULPEPPER he later moved. And not alone as a minister of the Gospel was Charles Culpepper noted. His strength of character, his reputation for honor had so endeared him to the citizens of Wilkinson County, that, when the selection of the county site was to be made, and every effort was being exerted to choose those commissioners to perform this duty who could not be swayed by public opinion or hope of gain, Charles Culpepper was one of those appointed by the Legislature. In 1816, he was chosen to represent Wilkinson County in the legislature, serving one term. In 1824, when the educational system of Wilkinson was re- organized, Charles Culpepper was appointed one of the commissioners of the Wilkinson Academy. Culpepper was sought after and took an active interest in all public gatherings. The Fourth of July celebrations sometimes took political turns and the toasts given were often at odds with the political beliefs of Culpepper, who was a strong supporter of the Troupe ticket. However, the toasts which he gave as is recorded in the newspaper accounts of the day, evidence a man of education, culture, and a deep understanding of human nature. They were such as would not antagonize the numerous Clark supporters present, for whose political opinions he showed every respect. It was inevitable that Culpepper should be a Troupe supporter. Not only was it natural for him to align himself with the great mass of his fellow Virginians in Georgia, but, likewise his wife's father and brothers stood by the party advocated by the Virginians. In 1809, having now moved from Burke County to Laurens, Josiah Warren and his wife both died, leaving several minor children. Culpepper was appointed their guardian and took them to his own home near Irwinton. Having no children of his own, he lavished upon them a father's love, giving them every advantage of an education. Best of all he seems to have transmitted to these orphans that divine spark which animated his whole being. And whether in the ministry, in the laity; whether as lawyers, on the Bench, or as State House officials, these orphans and their descendants have ever since borne the mantle of Charles Culpepper. Though near ninety years have passed since his death, they still revere his memory; his influence still lives. One of these orphan boys was Lott Warren, Superior Court Judge and Congressman, who besides being eminent in public life, was a local Baptist preacher and founded the First Baptist Church at Albany, Georgia. A second, Kittrell Warren, became a missionary to the Indians, the father of the beloved of Dr. E.W. Warren, for so long pastor of the First Baptist Church at Macon, himself the father of Dr. L. B. Warren, another Baptist preacher. General Eli Warren, another of these orphans, while on Mr. Culpepper's farm, became famous by being the first person to pick a hundred pounds of cotton in one day, cotton then being planted in hills in such a manner as to retard picking. He later became one of the leading lawyers of Georgia, his only son Josiah L. Warren being also a Baptist preacher, pastor of the Baptist church at Milledgeville and his health failing, went into business at Savannah. Another grandson of General Warren was Dr. William Warren Landrum, former Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta and other large churches in several Northern cities. To Hon. Warren Grice, another grandson of General Warren, the compiler is deeply indebted for assistance in the preparation of this book. GEORGE ORINTHUS ALLEN DAUGHTRY George Orinthus Allen Daughtry was born in Nansemond County, Virginia. He received his preparatory education at Buckhorn Academy, Como, N.C., then went to Richmond College. At the age of nineteen he came to Twiggs GEORGE ORINTHUS ALLEN DAUGHTRY County and practiced law in Jeffersonville, moving a few years later to Allentown where he became a merchant and planter. The remainder of his life was spent there except the years between 1903 and 1916 when he and his family lived in Macon. He was successful in business, active in politics and served in the Georgia legislature as representative from Wilkinson in 1900 and 1901. Mr. Daughtry was a man of unusual personality. He had a quick wit, lively imagination and could always entertain an audience with his humorous stories. People were attracted to him by his genial humor and friendliness while his sympathetic attitude, generosity and loyalty won for him a vast number of friends. He was always glad to help those in trouble and was known as "the friend to the negro and poor whites" to whom he never failed to give help and encouragement. He was most ambitious for his children, always striving to give them the best advantages. Through his sympathetic and understanding nature, there existed a spirit of comradeship between him and his family. According to tradition the Daughtry ancestors were Scotch Irish and settled on the east coast of Maryland, moving later to Virginia. Allen Daughtry and Ann Daughtry, grandparents of G.O.A. Daughtry, lived in Nansemond County, Virginia. Their children were Margaret (married John B. Jenkins), Elizabeth (married James Holland), Lucy (married Elijah Joyner), Sarah Allen, Dr. William H., Daughtry of Southampton County. Dr. Mills Everett Daughtry, and Solomon P. Doughtry. Every male member of the Daughtry family fought in the War Between the States. Dr. William H. Daughtry was a surgeon in the 14th Va. Regiment, Armistead's Brigade, Pickett's Division. Dr. Mills Everett Daughtry was also a surgeon in the Virginia army. Solomon P. Daughtry, father of G.O.A. Daughtry, born November 17, 1831, joined the Tennessee army at Memphis, where he was living at that time, and served four years. Soon after the war, his wife, Salina (Moore) Daughtry, died and he came to Georgia, opening up a stave factory in Twiggs County. He later moved to Allentown, where he lived until his death January 17, 1892. Of his seven children, only three lived. G.O.A. Daughtry, Sept. 4, 1853, died Dec. 23, 1921. William Everett Daughtry married Mattie Burke (daughter of John and Sarah Burke), died 1913. No children. Annie Virginia Daughtry. On Nov. 5, 1882, G.O.A. Daughtry married Jane Coleman Allen, daughter of Willis and Sarah Allen. Their children are Helen Virginia Daughtry, graduated from G.N.I.C. (now G.S.C.W.) 1895, Carnegie Library School 1925. Jennie Sue Daughtry, graduate of Lanier High School 1905, State Teacher's College 1913, Curry School of Expression 1923, Mercer University 1929. Attended Wesleyan 1906-1909. Allen Willis Daughtry, graduate of Mercer University 1910. Married Rebecca Hearn, Nov. 12, 1927. Served ten months overseas during World War in Headquarters Company, 320th Field Artillery, 82nd Division . He enlisted at Irwinton in April, 1918, and ten days later sailed for England, where he received three months military training. The remainder of the time he was stationed at Tours. He was honorably discharged at Camp Gordon February, 1919. George Orinthus Allen Daughtry, Jr., graduate of Lanier High School, 1909, Mercer University, 1913, Mercer Law School 1915; served on Mexican border in 1916 and 1917 with Macon Machine Gun Company of Georgia National Guard; received a commission in the regular army during World War in 1917. Since then he has served continuously in the army and holds the rank of captain. Sarah Elizabeth Daughtry, graduate of G.N.I.C. 1914. Married Drane D. Smith Nov. 15, 1916. Her children are Helen Virginia, Jane Estelle and George Daughtry. Annie Moore Daughtry graduate of G.S.C.W. 1918, studied at Columbia University and Y.W.C.A. National Training School. Taught three years at G.S.C.W. (By Miss Jennie Daughtry) MRS. MARTHA JANE (HOGAN) DAVIDSON The daughter of John G.R. and Mary (Bullock) Hogan GEORGE ORINTHUS ALLEN DAUGHTRY was born July 22, 1849. On her paternal side she was the grand-daughter of Major Elijah and Sarah (Rye) Hogan; on her maternal side, the grand-daughter of Willis and Nancy (Easterling) Bullock; great-grand-daughter of James Bullock; and of James Bennett Easterling, a veteran of the Revolution and Milly, his wife; great-great-grand- daughter of Henry and Ellen (Bennett) Easterling. Her early education was obtained at the Pleasant Plains school, then one of the leading schools of the county. Her father, while not wealthy, was in comfortable circumstances, owning a plantation and several slaves. After the war, she was employed as governess by her father's brother, David Hogan, then living in Irwin county. Later, she returned to her home near Pleasant Plains church and in 1867 was married to James Thomas Davidson. Of this union there were: Ella, J.I., J.O., J.T., Rosa, R.E., Mattie, Emma, Mary, Allen, Effie, Victor, Maria. In spite of the years of depression and the rearing of a large family they had been able to acquire a few hundred acres of land at the time of her husband's death in 1894. She at once bravely took charge and with the aid of her older sons carried on the farm work, rearing the children and giving them the best education the schools then afforded. Although in her eighty-first year she has a most marvelous memory and is in possession of all her faculties. During her childhood she was often accustomed to visit the older people of the community and have them tell her of the pioneer days of Wilkinson, tales of the Revolution, of Indian wars, of wild "varmints," of witches and ghosts. She easily recalls these accounts just as they were told her; and her children, grand- children and great-grand children often gather about her and beg her to tell these stories of the long ago, and they listen with open mouths, to the same old tales that have enthralled the children of each generation since Wilkinson was first a county. It was these stories that first awakened in the author a desire to compile this history. No person ever lived his or her religion more earnestly than she. Becoming a member of the Primitive Baptist Church at an early age she regularly attends her meetings. Her inherent friendliness, kindness and hospitality instantly awakens the love of every person with whom she comes in contact. Those in trouble come to her for sympathy; she rejoices with those who rejoice. She ever inspires all that is best in every person in her presence. JOHN THOMAS DAVIDSON Tax Assessor for fourteen years, serving as Chairman a portion of the time. Justice of the Peace for twenty-six years, one of the leading farmers of the county, Mason, Democrat in politics. Steward in Oakdale Methodist Church, for many years Trustee of Pleasant Plains School, was born the 1st day of March, 1875, the son of James Thomas and Martha J. (Hogan) Davidson. He is the grandson of Allen. (b. 1795, d. 1860) and Maria (d. of John and Betsy (Tomberlin) Davidson, the great- grandson of Joseph (b. N.C. 1760) and Winnie (May) Davidson, Warren Co., Ga., d. 1820; great-great-grandson (according to family traditions) of John Davidson who came as an immigrant from Ireland to Maryland, later settling in N.C. and of James May (d. 1799) and Lydia, his wife, of Warren Co., Ga. Joseph and Winnie, together with his brothers, William and Moses, came to Wilkinson among the first settlers, each taking up land near the Davidson old home place. William later moved to Monroe Co., Ga. Joseph's children were: John, m. Linsey Smith; Winnie, m. Taliaferro Porter, d. in Ala.; Lydia, m. Absolem Jordan; Allen, m. Maria Tomberlin; Vinnie, m. T. Porter after Winnie's death; Moses, m. Betsy Tomberlin; William; Joseph and others. Mr. Davidson was married in 1900 to Miss Mary Lee, daughter of W.H. Lee, Sr., (Apr. 10, 1840-1929) and Ellen (Jordan who came to Marion from Connecticut) Lee, a prominent family of the lower part of Twiggs Co. Mr. Lee's father was one of the first settlers of Twiggs and operated a line of wagons hauling produce and merchandise to and from the big JOHN THOMAS DAVIDSON plantation of Twiggs County to Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have one son, James Lee, (b. June 1, 1901, m. 1922, Lucile Green, who has one d. Evangeline); and one daughter, Ardelle, (b. 1905, m. W.R. Butler, 1922, whose children are: Doris and Mary Elinor). They have also adopted as their own Mrs. Davidson's niece, Edna Butler, whom they are rearing and educating. In his dealings with the business world Mr. Davidson's rugged honesty has earned for him the reputation, "his word is as good as his bond." VICTOR DAVIDSON (1889-1958) The compiler of this History was born December 20, 1889, the son of James Thomas and Martha (Hogan) Davidson (see other Davidson sketches). His elementary education was acquired at the Manson School. From the age of sixteen to twenty he cultivated the farm for his mother. In 1909 he entered Young Harris College, completing a six years course in three and receiving his Degree in 1912. For the next three years he served as Principal of a suburban school of Atlanta, during which time he attended the Atlanta Law School, receiving his L.L.B. Degree in 1915, later taking a Post Graduate Course at Mercer University Law School. In January 1916, he located at Irwinton and during that year was elected County School Superintendent which office he held until January 1, 1925, at the same time continuing his law practice. As County School Superintendent he originated a plan of school improvement which resulted in twenty new school buildings erected and well equipped; practically every child of school age in the county attending school; almost every teacher being either a Normal graduate or possessing similar qualifications. During the years he served a spirit of enthusiasm pervaded the schools to such a degree that Wilkinson County took front rank with the leading counties of Georgia in the matter of educational progress. In 1925, he was appointed Solicitor of the County Court which office he still holds. As a lawyer, Mr. Davidson has a large and constantly increasing practice which keeps him actively employed; is Counsel for both banks of the county; for the Central of Georgia Railroad and other Corporations. Nothing pleases him better than handling intricate cases requiring careful discrimination and deep research in legal lore. He was married July 10, 1920, to Edna Mae Nesbit. He is a member of the Irwinton Methodist Church; a Mason, having served two terms as Master of the Irwinton Lodge; Knight Templar; Shriner; Member Georgia Historical Society; State Historian, S.A.R.; Historian and Charter Member, John Milledge Chapter, S.A.R. He likewise holds the record of being the first County Historian to be appointed by a Grand Jury in Georgia. He is a member of the Irwinton Bar Association, the Georgia Bar Association and the Commercial Law League of America. Recognizing the incomparable historic background of Wilkinson County it has been one of his life's ambitions to publish a history of this county, to perpetuate in the printed word the story of a great people, a people hitherto "unknown to fame," but whose deeds so richly merit the telling. He is also greatly interested in the history of the Creek Indians and has already prepared much material for a volume of Creek Indian history and Indian Chieftain biography. (By a member of the family.) MRS. VICTOR DAVIDSON Edna Nesbit, wife of Victor Davidson, daughter of Alexander H. and Sarah J. Nesbit (see their sketches) was born at Irwinton May 29, 1896. After attending Talmage Institute she entered G.S.C.W., at Milledgeville, taking both music and literary subjects, graduating in the latter in 1917. She was married July 10, 1920, to Victor Davidson, who was then serving as County School Superintendent, and MRS. VICTOR DAVIDSON assisted him with the duties in that office, keeping the books and doing the clerical work. She taught the seventh grade and High School subjects in the Wilkinson County High School for several years. During the last few years she has been assisting her husband in his law office, meanwhile, finding time to make her home attractive and comfortable. She spends a great deal of her time among her flowers. Mrs. Davidson is a member of the Baptist Church; Regent of the John Ball Chapter D.A.R. having contributed much towards the success attained by this Chapter. She is also serving as a member of the History Committee appointed to publish the Wilkinson County History and has been active in raising funds for that purpose. She served for three years as President of the Robert Toombs Chapter, U.D.C. Among her ancestors are the Johnstons, Vaughns, Smiths, Staples (who participated in the battle of Kettle Creek), Starke (who as a Colonel, Member Committee of Safety) Wyatt, Nesbit, Lindsey (who was an early settler of Wilkinson Co., see John W. Lindsey sketch). The compiler wishes to say that to Mrs. Davidson belongs much of the credit of the compiling of the History of Wilkinson County. She urged him to write it immediately after their marriage, assisted him in the collection of data, visited numerous libraries over the state with him copying whatever portions of data which were needed from books or newspapers which could not be borrowed. She has made many extracts from records which are included, has typed all the manuscript, assisted in the proof-reading and helped in every stage of the work. Without her assistance the compiler could not have carried on his law practice and at the same time prepared this book for publication. In her home life her unselfish devotion to her husband and mother is unexcelled. She likes to visit the aged and shut-ins. Her sunny disposition, her smiling good-natured greetings, her quick wit and ready repartee are excellent dispellers of gloom. She makes life brighter for everyone with whom she comes in contact. JOHN SEABORN DAVIS Thomas R. Davis, of English descent, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, came from North Carolina to Georgia in the early years of the 19th Century. He married Nancy Owens, of Scotch-Irish descent, (the daughter of William and Nancy (Dye) Owens; grand-daughter of Avery (1753-1833) and Mary (1755-1827) Dye. Avery Dye was a veteran of the Revolution). They settled on a farm near Hopewell Church in Burke County and reared a family of twelve children consisting of three daughters, Mahala, Mary, and Frances and nine sons, C.O., T.R. Jr., M.F., J.A., I.W., J.M., Josh, D.B., and B.A. His nine sons and three grandsons, except one grandson who died in service in Virginia, served throughout the War Between the States and were honorably discharged at the end. About the year 1858, he, together with his entire family, with the exception of three sons, moved from Burke County to Mitchell County, where many of their descendants now live. (Information given by John S. Davis). I.W. Davis, father of John S., together with two brothers, moved to Wilkinson Co. in 1858, where he married Sarah Ann Elizabeth Temples, the eldest daughter of Thomas and Almeta (Branan) daughter of James Branan, (see Caswell Branan sketch) Temples, 1859. They reared a family of seven children, five of whom are now living. Mrs. Almeta Davis Pennington, Mrs. Janie Davis Carr, Mrs. Mary Davis Fountain, Josh B. Davis, and John S. Davis; two of whom are dead, Isaac T. Davis (died in 1908) and Mrs. Exie Davis Parker (died 1913). I.W. Davis was a Sergeant in Co. K, 57th Georgia Regiment. John S. Davis was born August 18, 1865, and after attending Mt. Carmel School, he graduated from Mercer University in 1893. He taught school for a few years and was admitted to the bar in 1896. He married Clara F. Hatfield in 1895, who was the daughter of Richard E. and Ann (Fountain) Hatfield, daughter of James H. and Betheland (Jones) Fountain, Richard E. Hatfield was the son of Sam W. and Lucy JOHN SEABORN DAVIS Hatfield (see R.A. Bell sketch). Their children were: Clara Izetta, (graduated from G.S.C.W. Milledgeville in 1917; from Mercer University with B.S. Degree in 1927; now principal and instructor in English in Melrose High School, Melrose, Florida); Willie Lee, (graduated at G.S.C.W. Milledgeville, in 1917, is now and has been for ten years Assistant Principal of the Wilkinson County High School, Irwinton, Ga.; Sarah Lucy, graduated at G.S.C.W. Milledgeville, 1921, died May 8, 1925; John Ellis and Jameson Grey, engaged in farming on the plantation where John S. was born; James Cecil, student in Wilkinson County High School. Judge Davis served as Ordinary, 1917-1924; State Senator, 1911-12, 1929-30; County Solicitor, 1903-15. Throughout his entire life he has taken a most prominent part in the political battles of Wilkinson County and has wielded for years a tremendous political power. Above all else, Judge Davis is a lawyer in the fullest sense of the word. Possessing a keen legal mind, a clarity of expression and force of argument, a most admirable knowledge of human nature, a strong memory, he drives home his contentions with telling effect whether he be addressing the court or the jury. His high sense of legal ethics has won for him the esteem of all members of the bar who know him, as well as the utmost confidence of the courts before which he practices. Whether before a justice of the peace or before the highest tribunal, no one ever knew him to attempt to mislead a court in order to win his case. In his practice he is ever considerate of counsel, no matter if they be young and inexperienced who may be associated on the case with him. For opposing counsel he shows every possible courtesy, not inconsistent with the rights of his client. To violate an agreement made with the opposing counsel whether oral or in writing is to him an unpardonable offense against legal ethics. Judge Davis is active in the management of the schools. During his terms as Senator he advocated and supported such bills as promised the improvements of the common schools. Especially during the last session of the Senate did he advo cate the passing of the Acts providing more funds. He is now serving as Chairman of the County Board of Education, which body has recently put on trial a system of consolidation of schools similar to that in effect in many of the most progressive counties of the State, while at the same time reducing the outstanding indebtedness of the Board. He has also served as a member of the local school board of Irwinton for many years. (see Taliaferro Family by Judge L.W. Rigsby: for Dye lineage see National No. 197333, D.A.R.) FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT PROLOGUE From the Fontaine Family by Edward C. Meade, Albermarle E. Va-Rich. Times-Dispatch, Aug. 9, 1903, we have the following: "The original name `Fountain' was evidently one of location; that is Jean de-la-Fontaine or John of the Fountain, living as is supposed, near some noted fountain in the province; but the `de-la' is a sign of nobility, so we find him in the King's service during the reigns of Frances I, Henry II and Frances II, until Charles IX, when he resigned. The de-la was retained until about 1633, when it was dropped by his grandson, James, from motives of humility, under the persecution. "This Jean de-la Fontaine had two sons, James and Abraham. James died in 1633, leaving a son, James, born in 1628, who also left a son, James, born in 1658, and lived at Jenonville, France. This James (born 1658) became a Protestant preacher and, being persecuted for his faith, escaped from France in 1685. He married in 1686, Elizabeth Boursignot and settled in Bridgewater, England, but eventually moved to Dublin, Ireland, where he died. James Fontaine left six sons: James, Aaron, Peter, Moses, Francis and John, and two daughters, Mary Ann (or Molly), and Elizabeth. "The sons were seemingly of a roving disposition. James, the eldest, with his wife and child, emigrated to Virginia in 1717, settling in Henrico County. Aaron died in Ireland in 1699. Peter graduated in law in 1711, but was FOUNTAIN - GARRETT -KNIGHT ordained a minister in London in 1715, emigrated with his wife to Virginia in 1716. Moses became an engraver and settled in London. Frances also became a minister and emigrated with his wife about 1719, settling in King William County, Va. John, the youngest of the children, was the first to come to the new world. He landed in Massachusetts in 1714, and visited the country as far as Virginia. He then returned to England. "The Rev. Peter Fontaine had seven children: Peter, Moses, Sarah, Elizabeth, Joseph, Aaron, and a daughter who married a Winston. It is from these Fontaines that the Fountains of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia are descended. The Fontaines - Fountains have ever manifested a love for learning and culture and many of the name hold high rank in the professional world. They are characterized by a deep sense of religious tendency and a love for liberty and justice. "The Arms of the de-la-Fontaine family as brought over by Rev. Peter Fontaine are the same as found in the Heralds College England, which are ornate and described as follows: "Argent, fesse embattled between two elephants' heads, rased with tusk depressed in Chief; in base three masted ship, with sails and pennan spread. The crest is an elephant's head, rased, with tusks depressed." Among the pioneer families of Wilkinson County were Fountain, Garrett and Knight. The first by the name of Fountain in said county was Israel. The earliest official record we have of his is his witnessing a deed for land lot 241 in Wilkinson County, Georgia (said lot now owned by the Allen family) in 1816, between Ethelred Fountain of Jefferson and David Ingram. It is interesting to note that three years previously Ethelred Fountain and Ellender Ingram had been married in Jefferson County. We presume that the thoughtful husband bought the aforesaid farm from his father-in-law and brought his homesick wife back to live. Israel Fountain was born about 1775. He married Delphia (called Welthy) Watkins (see later Watkins connections), and they lived for a time in South Carolina. The first of their children was born there. In about 1799, they came into the wilds of Georgia, bringing with them the story of Israel's descent from the French Huguenot Fontaines who were refugees into the colony of Virginia, thence into North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. In the early history of the family was one Jacques who was very distinguished and whose memory is revered to this day by the descendants. In one branch of the family in North Carolina there were two sons, Francis and John. It was the custom of Francis Fontaine (Fountain) to keep a diary, and in 1754 there appears this entry: "John has married and we learn that he has married well." An interesting bit of information, but about all that has been learned of John and his marriage - not even the name of his spouse. We have reason to believe, however, that John, brother of Francis, was the father of Israel Fountain of Wilkinson County, Georgia. Originally the name was "Fontaine" but after coming to America an Anglicized form "Fountain" was frequently used. An example of this variableness may be found in the family record of one Aaron "Fontaine." The form "Fountain" appears six times in the eleven recorded. The following is quoted from "The Douglas Register of Virginia," page 195: "(Record of Aaron Fontaine's Family). "Mrs. Barbara Tyrel, Mrs. Fountain, was born Sept. 3, 1756. "Mr. Aaron Fontaine was born Nov. 30, 1754, and married May 19, 1773. P. 144. "Register of Mr. Aaron Fountain and Barbara Tyrel, their children and family, Jan. 12, 1797. "Peter, born Dec. 15, 1744. "James Tyrel, Nov. 19, 1776. "Mary Anne, born Oct. 14, '78. "Elizabeth, born Sept. 5, '80. "Matilda, born Sept. 13, '82. "Patsie Minor, Mar. 14, '85. FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT "Sallie Sarah, Mar. 17, '87. "Mariah, Feb. 16, '89. "America, Mar. 10, '91. "Will Maury, Jan. 16, '93. Barbara Ker, Dec. 25, '94. "Ann Overton, Ap. 19, '96. P. 144. "Aaron "Fontaine and Barbara Terril, Patsy Minor, Mar. 14, 1785. Baptized Ap. 16, 1785. P. 114. "Aaron Fountain and Barbara Terrill a child Sarah, Mar. 17, 1787. Baptized Mar. 30, 1787. P. 118. "Aaron Fountain and Babie Tyrrel a child Moriah, Feb. 16, 1789. Baptized Mar. 29, 1789. P. 122. "Aaron Fontaine and Barbara Terrell his wife and son born 16 January 1793, Wm. Maury Fontaine. Baptized, 1793, Mch 19. P. 127. "Aaron Fountain and Barbarah Tyrrel a daughter, Ann Overton, born Ap. 19, 96. Baptized June 3, 1796. P. 127." In the court records of Wilkinson County one hundred and fifty years later we find I.J. Fountain, a grandson of Israel Fountain, giving his official signature "Fontaine" and "Fountain" as he chanced to write it. Israel Fountain and his wife, "Welthy," settled near Gordon, more importantly known at that time as Ramah Church. When Israel established his home in Wilkinson County he also built his school house. This location is marked now by a lone mulberry tree and a pile of bricks. He planted his orchards, cleared his fields, and acquired enough land to give a large plantation to each of his children as they married - and there were many portions to be given. Tradition says that Israel had sixteen children. If this is true, several must have died young, as his will (and records of Ramah Church) mentions only the names of eleven. Israel and Ethelred lived in the same community. When quite old they were spoken of in whispers by the great- grandchildren (several of whom are now living) as "Miserable" and "Dreadful" because of their very severe, austere religious views which equaled those of our Puritan fathers. Israel, his wife, "Wealthy," and several of his children belonged to Ramah Church, one of the first Baptist Churches of Georgia. Israel died at the age of 92. His widow remained in the home until her death, which occurred shortly after the close of the war, at the age of 104 years. (The house and plantation now belong to a great-grandson, Lewis Fountain). "Wealthy" was not alone in her old age. Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren eagerly took turns in staying with her. Very few of these "children" are living today, but sweet memories of "Grannie's" enchanting apple orchard, her well-kept house, delicious cooking and gracious kindness, brighten their lengthening days. The children of Israel Fountain and his wife, Delphia Watkins, were: daughters - 1. Keziah, 2. Elizabeth, 3. Hezikah, 4. Mary, 5. Sabrina; Sons: 6. William, 7. James, 8. Job, 9. Jackson, 10. Lewis and 11. Mitchell. 1. Keziah Fountain was born in 1799 in South Carolina, and was married to Enoch Garrett in 1820 in Wilkinson County, Ga., (see Garrett family). 2. Elizabeth Fountain married Bartley Stevens and their children were: James, Eliza, William, Mitchell, Mary Elizabeth and Bartley G. Stephens. James Stevens married Elizabeth Lyster (sister of Thomas Lyster, who was second husband of Sabrina (Fountan) Batchellar. James Stevens and wife, Elizabeth Lyster, had nine children, Margaret Elizabeth (Pace), Sarah Jane, William, Thomas, Bartley, Lewis, Mary Anna, and Martha Caledoina. 3. Hezekah (or whatever that almost illegible may be) evidently married a Darden (from Ramah Church Roll). Her children were William, Bartlett, Elizabeth and Mary. 4. Mary (Polly) Fountain married (1) Nalus and (2) James Webb. There were children by both marriages, but we have the name of only one, Priscilla Webb. 5. Sabrina, the youngest of the children of Israel and Delphia (Watkins) Fountain, was born in 1820. She married (1) John Bachellar: their children were John, Richard and FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT Sarah Bachellar. Her (2) marriage was to Thomas Lyster. Names of Lyster children not traced. 6. William Fountain married Elizabeth Budd. 7. James Fountain married (1) a Miss McCarty and had several children. [(5), Benj, Sara, Epsey, Wm and Rachael He married (2) Betheland (Bethel) Jones. It is through this marriage that the distinguished Judge Rigsby of Cairo, Georgia is connected with the Fountain family. James Fountain and many of his descendants are buried at Ramah Church. 8. Job Fountain, not traced. 9. Jackson Fountain married Rebecca Batchellar and they had several children. 10. Lewis Fountain married Elizabeth Pickren and had several children. Some of their descendants live at Sycamore, Ga. 11. Mitchell Watkins Fountain married (1) a Miss Pattisall (2) Mary Hannah Patterson, by this second marriage he had seven children: William Oscar, Lewis Jerusha, Dalonega Wilson, Martha Caroline, Mary Elizabeth, Columbus and Ivy Ann Sabrina. Of these, Lewis J. Fountain married (1) Blanche Fountain and they had three children. He married (2) Martha or "Mattie" Patterson, a descendant of Thomas McGinty, Henry Castleberry and Benjamin Cooper, pioneer settlers of Wilkinson County. Rose, daughter of Lewis J. Fountain, married Thomas Dennard and they have a daughter. With the exception of Keziah, wife of Enoch Garrett, and Lewis Fountain, both of whom moved to Taylor County, Ga., about 1847, these children married and settled in Wilkinson County not far distant from the old home. Today their descendants are scattered over the entire United States, but many still remain as good citizens of their native county. Israel Fountain is buried in Ramah Church yard and Delphia, his wife, is buried in the Fountain cemetery about two miles from Gordon. As the south grows older, it treasures these fragments of information concerning its first staunch settlers, and so we add a thread to this tapestry of the past woven of fact and bits of folklore - the history of the Georgia branch of the Fontaines - Fountains. GARRETT The name Garrett is of Norman extraction, and we find it in England as early as the Ninth Century. We know that even then the Garretts were of a religious turn of mind for we find six of them being cannonized as Saints; others took part in the reformation and in the Holy wars. Later we find that they have spread into all the British Isles. It is from the Irish branch that the Wilkinson and Taylor County Garretts are descended. The present day descendants run true to type to an amazing degree, being very blonde with typical Irish-blue eyes, genial natures, ready wit, and they give every evidence of having kissed the "blarney stone." * * * Sometime during the years 1809-1820 Jeremiah Garrett, with other members of his family, came into Wilkinson County, Georgia, from South Carolina. The family was, prior to that time, probably in North Carolina. Jeremiah's first wife, Annie Miller, died in South Carolina, leaving ten children. All of them accompanied their father into Wilkinson County, where several of them married and lived for many years. Their names were: 1. Enoch, born 1795; 2. Elijah; 3. Elisha; 4. John Israel; 5. Mary; 6. Tabitha; 7. Samuel; 8. Nancy Ann; 9. James; 10. Robert. Jeremiah Garrett did not live long in the county after his second marriage, which occurred August 15, 1822, to Mary King: he, with his wife and younger children, moved to Alabama, settling in Pike County on the Pee river. Several of his descendants are still to be found in that locality. In 1820 his eldest son, Enoch, married Keziah Fountaine, daughter of Israel and Delphia (Watkins) Fountaine. Enoch lived in Wilkinson County until 1847, when he moved his family to Taylor County, Georgia. Noteworthy is the fact that he was given a land grant of 252 acres in Curry's FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT District, by Governor Troup. Tradition says this was for his services in the Indian war (Photostats of the original land grant are in the possession of his descendants). Mary Garrett married Jesse Brown. Samuel Garrett married Isabella Anderson in Stewart County near Weston (which was formerly called Hardmoney). James Garrett married Mary Anderson (sister of Isabella) and settled in Eufaula, Ala. Nancy Ann married John Brooks. These two lived in Alabama, but later moved to Texas. Their son, Rev. Jasper J. Brooks, is now living in Grapland, Texas. Although nearing the century mark he distinctly remembers hearing his mother say that her father, Jeremiah Garrett, was killed by the Indians on the Pee River in Pike County, Alabama. The story goes that "Jerry," leaving his plow-stock and pair of horses in the field, returned later to find them gone. Suspecting this to be the work of Indians, he obtained the assistance of neighbors to join in a search. The Indians, however, who were lying in ambush, overpowered them. Jeremiah was scalped and his body pinned to a tree. The Garretts belonged to Myrtle Springs Primitive Baptist church in Wilkinson County. Enoch once acted as clerk in this church, and his wife, Keziah Fountain, joined it in 1841. The name Garrett occurs often on the old church records. Later, when Enoch and Keziah moved to Taylor County (about 1847), they moved their membership to Bethel Church, on whose rolls today we find many of their descendants, firm in the faith of their fathers. Others have, through intermarriage, affiliated with other denominations. Quoting from Mr. J.T. Garrett, of Charing (Taylor County), Georgia (1930): "The proof I have of these statements concerning Jeremiah Garrett and his family is this: Dates, etc., are to be found in our family Bible; many things I have remembered, and others were told to me by my cousins, Rev. Jasper J. Brooks and Lura Garrett (daughter of Samuel Garrett and his wife, Isabella Anderson). Lura, who is doubly kin to me (having married my elder brother, Isaac William), lived with her husband in Taylor County near her father-in-law and uncle, Enoch Garrett (my grandfather). Naturally she learned a great deal about the Garretts from both sides. Enoch and Keziah (Fountaine) Garrett's children were: 1. John Israel Garrett married Gracy Stephens, daughter of John Stephens and his wife, Elizabeth Matthews, who were pioneer settlers of Wilkinson County (John Stephens was a Revolutionary soldier; also a veteran of the war of 1812. He and his wife are buried near Toomsboro, Georgia). John Israel and his wife, Gracy Stephens, moved to Taylor County, where John Israel served on the first jury drawn in the County. Their children were Keziah Elizabeth, who died young; Isaac William, who married Lura, daughter of Samuel Garrett; Marzelia, who married Frances Marion Purvis (deceased), lives in Taylor County now. James Thomas, who married Georgia Virginia Woodall, lives in Charing, Georgia. John Enoch, who died young; Robert C. (deceased), who married Mary Stewart (she lives now in Taylor County, Ga.); Henry Jasper, who married Lalah L. Woodall and lives at Charing, Georgia. John Israel Garret was killed in the War Between the States and his widow, Gracy Stephens Garrett, married Toliver Daniel. 2. Martha Keziah married Cornelius Bradley in Wilkinson and later moved to Taylor County, where they died. Of their eight children (all of whom lived in Taylor County) only two are now living; Matilda (Bradley) Grimes and Harriet (Bradley) Grimes. 3. James Garrett married Elizabeth Hogan. He was killed in the Civil war, after which in 1870 his widow moved from Taylor County to Meridian, Mississippi, accompanied by her sons, Thomas, George, Henry and William Franklin. 4. Elizabeth Garrett married (1) Joshua Cone; (2) Joshua Ellis. 5. Nancy Caroline Garrett married (1) Anthony Lavender; (2) Nicodemus Ellis. 6. Jesse Garrett married (1) Sarah Hilton; (2) Polly — FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT ——. 7. Sabrina Garrett married James Pearson. 8. Enoch Garrett, Jr., married Mary Waters. 9. Robert M. Garrett married Julia Barfield. He served throughout the War Between the States. 10. Mary Ellen Garrett married George Knight (see Knight family). 11. Samuel Garrett (died young). 12. William Garrett (died young). CHART OF GARRETT FAMILY The succeeding generations are designated by Roman numerals. I — Jeremiah Garrett, born about 1774, probably in North Carolina, married (1) Annie Miller in South Carolina about 1794. He married (2) Mary King, August 15, 1822, in Wilkinson County, Ga. He died in Pike County, Alabama. Issue by first wife: 1. Enoch Garrett (q.v.). 2. Elijah (not traced). 3. Elisha, lived in Alabama (n.t.). 4. John Israel (q.v.). 5. Mary (q.v.). 6. Tabitha (not traced). 7. Samuel (q.v.). 8. Nancy Ann (q.v.). 9. James (q.v.). 10. Robert, lived in Texas (n.t.). II - I. Enoch Garrett, born 1795 in South Carolina, died October 1872 Taylor County, Ga. Married April 7, 1820, in Wilkinson County, Ga., Keziah Fountain, born 1799, South Carolina; died 1876, Taylor County Georgia. Issue: 1. John Israel - [Gracie Stevens] 2. Martha Keziah - [Cornelius Bradley] 3. James - [Elizabeth Hogan] 4. Elizabeth - [Joshua Cone - Joshua Ellis] 5. Nancy Caroline - [Anthony Lavender] 6. Jesse - [Sara Helton] 7. Sabrina - [Jas Pearson] 8. Enoch Jr., - [Mary Waters] 9. Robert M. - [Julia Barfield] 10. Mary Ellen - [Geo. Knight] 11. Samuel (d.y.). 12. William (d.y.). II - 4. John Israel moved from Wilkinson County, Georgia to Mississippi. Nothing further is known of his family. II - 5. Mary Garret, married Jesse Brown. Issue: - Not Traced. II 7. Samuel Garrett married Isabella Anderson of Stewart County, Georgia. They died in Taylor County Ga. Issue: Lura Eugene (he and family live at Lumpkin, Ga.). Warren (deceased - his family lives at Forsyth, Ga.). Samuel (deceased - his family lives at Fitzgerald, Ga.). William (he and family live in Florida). II - 8. Nancy Ann Garrett married John Brooks, probably in Pike County, Ala. They died in Texas, where their descendants now reside. Issue: Rev. Jasper Jeremiah Brooks of Texas Martha, married Richard Cook. Robert, married. William James, married. A daughter, married ——— Barnum. A daughter, married ——— Ghee. II - 9. James Garrett married Mary Anderson of Stewart County, Ga. The lived in Eufaula, Ala. Nothing further known. III - 1. John Israel Garrett, born June 10, 1823, Wilkinson FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT County, died May 26, 1863, Taylor County, Ga. Married in Wilkinson County, December 24, 1846, Gracy Stephens, born March 5, 1825; died March 23, 1904, Taylor County, Ga. Issue: 1. Keziah Elizabeth (d.y.). 2. Isaac William. 3. Marzelia. 4. James Thomas. 5. John Enoch (d.y.). 6. Robert C. 7. Henry Jasper Gracy Stephens Garrett married (2) July 29, 1865, Toliver Daniel. Issue: Mary E., born May 14th, 1866, married W.T. Cochran and had eight children, two of whom are Mrs. W.E. Elliston and Mrs. A.F. Harvey; both live at Rupert, Ga. IV - 2. Isaac William Garrett, born Dec. 14, 1850; married his cousin, Lura Garrett. Issue: Dr. Eli Garrett, married Belle Gill, two children (VI) Mildred and Marie. Anna Belle, married E.B. Adams, three children (VI) Eugene, Raiford and Lucile. IV - 3. Marzelia Garrett, born April 11, 1853, married Frances Marion Purvis, Jan. 14, 1870. Issue: 1. John William Purvis (deceased) 2. Feston R. Purvis. 4. Leonard Lee Purvis. 5. Paris W. Purvis. 6. Walter Purvis. V - 1. John William Purvis married Texas Virginia Moore. Issue: Leila Mae, married (1) Wilson Hall (2) Dan P. Jones of Columbus Ga. Lula Irene, married Carl Cato Colbert of Columbus, Ga.; two children (VII) Katherine Virginia and Ralph Cato. Eva, married Ulric F. King, three children (VII) Jimmie, Anne Virginia and Leah Marie. Marion Eugene. James Munroe, married Elizabeth Wilson, two children (VII) Elizabeth Wilson and Ben Anderson. V - 2. Feston R. Purvis, married Jessie Watson. Issue: Frances, Lorenza, Estelle, Mary, Mildred. V - 3. Lessie Purvis, married Walton Watson Issue: several children (not traced). V - 4. Leonard Lee Purvis, married (1) Mrs. Texas Virginia M. Purvis (brother's widow); no issue. Married (2) Alice Morgan. They live in Columbus, Ga. Issue: Minnie Lee, Elizabeth, Leonard, David. V - 5. Paris W. Purvis, married Docia Moore. Issue: Wilmer, Douglas, Gracy, James, Marvin and Lillian. V - 6. Walter Purvis, married Dora Weeks. Issue: Several children (not traced). IV - 4. James Thomas Garrett, born Sept. 3, 1855, married Dec. 22, 1878, George Virginia Woodall, born July 23, 1863, in Marion County. Issue: 1. Dr. John Abner Garrett of Meigs, Thomas Co., Ga. 2. George Oscar Garrett. 3. Robert Lester Garrett. 4. Simms Garrett. 5. Mary Elizabeth Garrett. 6. William Riley Garrett. 7. Gracy Jewell Garrett (deceased). 8. Luther Garrett (deceased). V - 1. Dr. John Abner Garrett, married Muriel Eva Fauche. They live in Meigs, Ga. Issue: Earnest Garrett (married has two children (VII) Ann and Earnest, Jr.). FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT Claudia Garrett, married Jasper Williams of Sylvester, Ga., and has one child (VII) Jasper Williams, Jr. V - 2. Oscar Garrett married Ouida Fouche. They live in Albany Georgia. Issue: Lenwood and George. V - 3. Lester Garrett married Jane Terry. Issue: Leelius, James, Billie, Willis, Emily. (VI) Leelius Garrett married Effie Kilcrease and they have one child (VII), Norma Gracie Kilcrease. V - 4. Simms Garrett married Chary Adell Lucas. Issue: Simms, Jr., and Myrtice. (VI) Myrtice Garrett married Joe Carter Burgin. They have a son (VII) Joe Carter Burgin, Jr. V - 5. Mary Elizabeth Garrett married her distant cousin, Robert Lee Fountain. Issue: Luther, Hoke, Jack, Robert. (VII) Jack Fountain married Jewel Moulton and they have one child (VII) Mary Virginia. V - 6. William Riley married (1) Ruth Stewart, (2) Ruth Jordan. They live at Charing, Ga. Issue by first marriage: Sarah, who married Bernice Alexander Brigman. IV - 6. Robert C. Garrett, born Feb. 14, 1860, married Mary F. Stewart, Dec. 2, 1878. Issue: Eight children and sixteen grandchildren. IV - 7. Henry Jasper Garrett, born Nov. 25, 1862, married Jan 14, 1886, Lalah L. Woodall. They live in Charing, Ga. Issue: Oriska Lorena. 2. Thomas, born Aug. 6, 1888, died Jan. 19, 1889. 3. Mamie C. V - 1. Oriska Lorena Garrett married Robert Fouche. Issue: (VI) Oriska Christine married Harvey Lee McCarty. V - 3. Mamie C. Garret married Lee S. Mills. Issue: (VI) Verna Lee Mills. III - 2. Martha Keziah married Cornelius Bradley. Issue: Elijah (killed in war) Rebecca (married —— Gray). James (killed in war) Keziah Eunice (married Robert Anglin (killed in war). Eli (killed in war) Matilda (married —— Grimes). Caroline (married Jesse Harriet (married —— Grimes). Shinholster. III - 3. James Garrett married Elizabeth Hogan. Issue: Thomas (n.t.), Henry (n.t.), George (n.t.), Wil liam Franklin (n.t.). III - 4. Elizabeth Garrett married (1) Joshua Cone, (2) Joshua Ellis. Issue: Fannie (deceased). III - 5. Nancy Caroline Garrett married Anthony Lavender. Issue: 1. Keziah, Elizabeth, Savannah. 2. Alice, Susan, Augusta. 3. William Charleston. 4. Wiley Rabun New Hampshire. 5. Frances Harriet. 6. Emma Ann Marzelia. 7. Louise Ellen (d.y.). 8. Mary Ann Rebecca. IV - 1. Keziah Elizabeth Savannah Lavender married Solomon DeLoach. Issue: Seven children (not traced). IV - 2. Alice Susan Augusta Lavender married William Thomas Gilbert. FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT Issue: An adopted son, Robert Morgan. IV - 3. William Charleston Lavender married Elizabeth Sophronia Campbell. Issue: 1. Charles Leonard Lavender. 2. Wiley Preston Lavender. 3. Nancy Augusta Lavender. 4. William Horace Lavender. 5. Florence Eldora Lavender. 6. John Thomas Lavender (d.y.). 7. Clifford Leo Lavender (d.y.). V - 1. Charles Leonard Lavender married Cuni Graham. Issue: Nita Leo (deceased). Harma Rexford married Kathleen Pate (one child (VII) Kathleen). Gladys Lavera married Jack Gaylord. V - 2. Wylie Preston Lavender married Mary Ellen Hicks. Issue: Hicks Rexford (deceased). Lorenza (deceased). Verna (deceased). Goldie (married Sarge Plant) issue (VII) Denton, Katherine, Jack, Mary Ellen, Robert Plant). V - 3. Nancy Augusta Lavender married Manuel Faulkner. No Issue. V - 4. William Horace Lavender married Minnie Lee Gresham. Issue: Paul Anthony (deceased), Curtis, Clyde, Vera Beatrice, Ruth. V - 5. Florence Eldora Lavender married Thomas Henry Poyner. Issue: Lena Augusta (deceased), Florence Ottis, William Theodore (deceased), Frances Elizabeth. IV - 4. Wiley Raburn New Hampshire Lavender married (1) Nettie Jernigan, two children; (2) married Cassandra Taylor, nine children; (3) married Mary Elizabeth Pepper, two children. Issue by first marriage: 1. Alice Lavender. 2. Pearl Lavender. Issue by second marriage: 3. Robert (deceased). 4. Myrtle Lavender. 5. Goldie Lavender. 6. Verna Lavender. 7. Kate Lavender. 8. Maud Lavender. 9. Walter Lavender. 10. Frances (deceased). 11. Durwood Lavender. Issue by third marriage: 12. Mary Emma. 13. Curtis Lee. V - 1. Alice Lavender married Alex Roberts. Issue: Roscoe, Fay, Pearl, Lena. V - 2. Pearl Lavender married Thomas Moore. Issue: Thomas Jack, Nell, Perry, Ruth (deceased), Eunice (deceased). V - 4. Myrtle Lavender married Veto Giglio. Issue: Paul, Louie, Roy. V - 5. Goldie Lavender married Andrew Howell. Issue: Thurmond Howell. V - 6. Verna Lavender married Thomas Lane. Issue: Ruth, Ralph, Sarah, Myrtle, Frank (*deceased), Maude, Kate. V - 7. Kate Lavender married Charles Webb. Issue: Harry, John, Veto, Alto. V - 8. Maud Lavender married Joseph Abner. Issue: Douglas Abner. V - 9. Walter Lavender married Flora Levy. Issue: Wallace and Joseph. They live in New York. IV - 5. Frances Harriet Lavender married Dude DeLoach. FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT Issue: Bessie and Jessie (twins), Frances, Charles. IV - 6. Emma Anne Marzelia Lavender married her step- father's son, Nicodemus Ellis. Issue: Gracy, Edward, Susan (married Dan Copeland). IV - 8. Mary Anne Rebecca Lavender married (1) Freeman Young, (2) ———— Howard. Issue by first marriage: Lorenza, married and has two children (VII) Freeman and William. Mary Anne (deceased) III - 6. Jesse Garrett married (1) Sarah Helton, (2) Polly ——. Issue: Jesse (deceased) Albert (deceased). III - 7. Sabrina Garrett married James Pearson. Issue: Augusta, married Berry Edwards and died without issue. Dora (deceased). Emma, married (1) William Newsome, (2) William Quick. Mattie, married William Preddy and had three children (V) William Margaret and Emma. III - 8. Enoch Garrett, Jr., married Mary Waters. Issue: Etta (n.t.). Clifford (n.t.). John (n.t.). III - 9. Robert M. Garrett married Julia Barfield. Issue: Jeremiah (d.y.). Other children not traced. III - 10. Mary Ellen Garrett married George Knight. (See Knight family). KNIGHT INTRODUCTION * * * The word brings to mind the colorful panorama of the middle ages with its brilliant tournaments, pageants and wars in which each Knight displayed his valor courageously for his sovereign and his lady. Verifying somewhat this picture which suggests the romance of the past we quote the following from English Surnames, by Charles Wareing Bardsley, page 199: "The name Knight is Anglo-Norman, and takes us back to the time when sons of those `Knights' bore, as the name implies, their shields. By the time of Henry VI, however, it had become adapted by the heirs of the higher gentry. Those who are so surnamed may comfort themselves at any rate with the reflection that they are lineally descended from those who bore the name when it was an honorable and distinctive title." * * * The first representative of the family of Knight in Wilkinson County was Robert. We find that in 1821 Robert Knight was the administrator of the estate of John U. Shinholtzer, and, as in later years we find sons of John Shinholtzer addressing George, son of Robert Knight as "Uncle George," we suppose that their mother was a daughter of said Robert. We depend almost wholly upon family tradition for our information regarding Robert Knight. The story goes that Robert, his wife Ailey, and his brother, George, came from North Carolina and lived for a time in Wilkinson County where Robert, who was a skilled gold and silver smith, owned and operated a metallic shop. Later Robert, his wife, Ailey, and his two daughters, Ailey Jenifer of "Jinsy," and Nancy returned to North Carolina leaving his two sons, George and Thomas and his brother, George, in Wilkinson County, Ga. George Knight was born 1820 and married 1845 in Wilkinson County, Mary Ellen Garrett, daughter of Enoch and Keziah (Fountain) Garrett. They were members of Myrtle Springs Primitive Baptist Church. About two years after their marriage, they, with many of their relatives, Fountains, Garrets and Thomas Knight (bachelor brother of George), moved to Taylor County, Ga., where George lived on his plantation which adjoined that of his father-in-law, Enoch Garrett, until FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT after the close of the civil war (about fifteen years); here George built his home and school house, often conducting the school himself. These were the happiest days the little family ever knew surrounded as they were by friends and relatives. Bethel Church, which was built in the primeval forest, was just one-half mile from their home. The Fountains, Garrets and Knights were devout members of Bethel Church, and George being an elder, took an active part in the work of this church. George and his brother Thomas served in the confederate army, enlisting almost at the first of the war. Thomas was killed in battle; George was wounded in his right leg which later had to be amputated, and was sent home on sick parole. He served the confederate cause later by running a ferry and a grist mill. After the war a period of hard times was experienced by the family. George, being crippled was unable to carry on farm labor after the slaves were freed, so he sold his home and plantation to Jim Bartlett and lived for a time in each of these counties; Crawford, Munroe and back to Taylor. His last move was into Epson County to be near his son, James Thomas, who was a planter and general merchant at Pound, Ga. George Knight was an honest, earnest Christian, honored to all who knew him. He and his wife are buried in the Flint River Cemetery in Upton County, Georgia. They had three daughters and three sons, namely: 1. Martha Ann Missouri; 2. Nancy Keziah Ellender; 3. Ailey Elizabeth; 4. James Thomas; 5. Enoch Iverson; and 6. Jesse Bartow. 1. James Thomas moved to Columbus, Georgia, the year of the gold panic (1892). Here he and his son, James Bartow, later engaged in the scrap material business. Since the father's death in 1911, the business has been carried on by his sons, James Bartow and Enoch Jacques under the original name of "J.T. Knight and Son." Today it is the largest business of its kind in the South operating plants in Columbus, Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama. The Atlanta branch is under the management of Hardin Thomas Herndon (husband of Jewel Estelle Knight) and his partner, Gary Luttrell, under the name "Knight-Luttrell Iron Company." The Savannah branch is run by a younger son, Walter Douglas Knight and his associate, Murray Bailey Hoffman, under the name of "Knight Scrap Material Co." 6. Jesse Bartow, after his marriage, lived in Columbus, Georgia, for about twenty years. He studied law, then later gave it up and went into partnership with his nephew, James Bartow Knight. Afterwards he moved to Birmingham where he operated the branch of business known as "Knight Iron and Metal Company." Since his death in 1924, the business has been under the management of his son, Jesse Thomas. Of these six grandchildren of Robert Knight, only one, Martha Ann Missouri (Mrs. D.M. Kennedy), is now living. She is eighty-four years old. She remembers her Uncle Thomas, who lived with them, and was killed in the war, but can't recollect ever having seen her great uncle, George Knight. She remembers her handsome grandfather, Enoch Garrett, and her still more handsome great grandmother, "Dellsie" Fountain, who visited her children in Taylor County about 1862, although Delphia (Watkins) Fountain was in her nineties, she was slim and erect, with piercing black eyes and snow white hair. She simply glowed with vitality and was charming beyond words. Her daughter Keziah (Fountain) Garrett paled into insignificance beside her. "Kizzie" was short and plump with medium colored hair and eyes. Only the descendants of two of the six grandchildren of George Knight have been traced down to the present day. These descendants are indeed worthy representatives of the sturdy stock from which they came. The French Huguenot Fontaines-Fountains; the Irish Garretts and the English Knights. CHART OF KNIGHT FAMILY IN GEORGIA Succeeding generations marked by Roman numerals. I - 1. George and 2. Robert of North Carolina. 1. George came to Georgia about 1818 (not traced). 2. Robert Knight of North Carolina married Ailey ——, they came to Wilkinson County, Ga., about 1818. FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT Issue: 1. Ailey Jenifer (not traced). 2. Nancy (n.t.). 3. George (Q.V.). 4. Thomas (killed in war). II - 3. George Knight, born in 1820 in Wilkinson Co., Ga., died June 26, 1883, in Upson Co., Ga., married Nov. 15, 1845, in Wilkinson County, Ga., Mary Ellen Garrett, born 1829, in Wilkinson Co., Ga., died Nov. 5, 1875, in Upson Co., Ga. Issue: 1. Martha Ann Missouri, married Daniel M. Kennedy, no issue. 2. Nancy Keziah Ellender, married William Cochran. Issue: Thomas (n.t.). 3. Ailey Elizabeth, married James Chambley, Issue: Jenifer, (n.t.), Elizabeth (n.t.), Leslie (n.t.). 4. James Thomas (Q.V.). 5. Enoch Iverson, married Isador Davidson. Issue: George, John, Alvah, Clarence, Henry (deceased), and Jesse James. None of these have been traced. III - 4. James Thomas, born June 3, 1853, in Taylor County, Ga., died March 11, 1910, in Columbus, Ga., married (1) Nancy Elizabeth Waller, born Oct. 22, 1855, in Upson Co., Ga., died April 10, 1898, in Columbus Ga., (2) married Dec. 12, 1899, in Phenix City, Ala., Carolina Susan Blanchart, born Aug. 8, 1866. Issue: By first wife: 1. Margaret Leona (deceased) married Andrew W. Douglas, no issue. 2. Robert C. (died young). 3. James Bartow (Q.V.). 4. Martha Belle (Q.V.). 5. Henry Edward (deceased). 6. Enoch Jacques (Q.V.). 7. Jewel Estelle, married Hardin Thomas Herndon of Rome, Ga., they lived in Atlanta, Ga. No issue. Issue by second wife: 8. Ruth Irene, married William Henry Atkinson of Halifax, Australia, they lived in Columbus, Ga. No issue. 9. Walter Douglas, married Nell Williams Andrews, they live in Savannah, Ga. No issue. 10. Harry Exton, unmarried, lives in Colum bus, Ga. IV - 3. James Bartow Knight, born Nov. 17, 1882 in Upson Co., Ga., married Jan. 17, 1906, in Waverly, Ala., Lee Co., Adah Reuben Hoffman, born Dec. 25, 1888, in Waverly, Ala. They live in Columbus, Ga. Issue: 1. Theresa (Q.V.). 2. Evelyn Westmoreland. 3. Kathlyn (died young). 4. Elizabeth Isabella. 5. James Bartow, Jr. 6. Walter Thomas (d.y.). V - 1. Theresa Knight married Frederick W. Dismuke of Columbus, Ga. Issue: (VI) Theresa Knight Dismuke. IV - 4. Martha Belle Knight, born Aug. 17, 1885, in Upson Co., Ga., married Nov. 21, 1905 Culver Vivian Palmer, born April 1, 1888, in Muscogee Co., Ga. Issue: Myra Elizabeth Palmer (d.y.). James Thomas Palmer. Culver Vivian Palmer, Jr. Ruby Palmer Dorothy Palmer Pauline Palmer Estelle Knight Palmer. IV - 6. Enoch Jacques Knight, born Dec. 24, 1862, in Taylor Co., Ga., married Oct. 2, 1884, in Columbus Ga. Frances Keith Howard, born July 8, 1868. Jesse Bartow Knight, died in Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 18, 1924. All of his children, except Mrs. W.H. Baker reside in that city. FOUNTAIN - GARRETT - KNIGHT Issue: 1. George William (Q.V.). 2. Ethel (Q.V.). 3. Jesse Thomas (Q.V.). 4. Robert Bartow (Q.V.). 5. Durward Howard (Q.V.). 6. John Mason (unmarried) 7. Mary Frances (Q.V.). 8. Mabel (d.y.). 9. Dr. Julius Hurley Knight, married Rachel Jane Burbridge (No issue). 10. Della Louise (unmarried). 11. Hon. Andrew Hendrix Knight, married Julia Finklea. (No issue). 12. Margaret Lena (Q.V.). IV - 1. George William Knight, married Frances Feroni Andrews. Issue: Lucile (d.y.). Eunice, married H. Lee Waldron, one child. (VI) Frances Pearl. William. Keith. Della. George. Martha. IV - 2. Ethel Knight, married (1) James Jackson Jones (2) William Hunter Baker. Issue: by first marriage: James Knight Jones. Ermine Keith Jones. Issue by second marriage: William Hunter Baker, Jr. Martha Eugenia Baker. IV - 3. Jesse Thomas Knight married Fannie Mills. Issue: Christine married Edward Thompson, one daughter (VI). Christine. Mildred. Virginia. Edith. Russell. Jesse Thomas, Jr. Marion. IV - 4. Robert Bartow Knight married Zella Anderson Parker. Issue: Robert Alonza. Sarah Frances. Harold Parker. IV - 5. Durward Howard Knight married Hazel Frances Crawford. Issue: Durward Howard, Jr. Frank Edward (d.y.). IV - 7. Mary Frances Knight married Herman Lee Bradley. Issue: Martha Frances Bradley. Edith Ermine Bradley. IV - 12. Margaret Lena married Earl Allen Barks. Issue: Peggy Anne Barks. (Written by Ruby H. Knight (Mrs. J.B.) largely from genealogical data supplied by Miss Martha Lou Houston). MRS. ANNIE TARPLEY FREEMAN Mrs. Annie (Tarpley) Freeman; wife of W.L. Freeman, who is a prominent apiarist and farmer; daughter of Thomas Mason Tarpley (b. 1848, d. 1926), excellent mechanic and farmer; lived for a time at Marshallville, Ga., in 1884 returning to his farm near Toomsboro; for several years Supt. Sunday School at Poplar Head; agricultural statistician; a faithful and conscientious member of the Methodist Church, a noble husband and father) and Leanda (Van Landingham), MRS. ANNIE TARPLEY FREEMAN b. 1854; a woman of a most lovable character and sweet disposition. Grand daughter of Edward Jones Tarpley, Jr., (b. 1816 in Va., removed with father to Irwinton in 1834; Methodist Class leader 14 years. Sunday School teacher and asst. Supt. many years, mechanic; built Poplar Springs M.G. Church in 1859; upon his death in 1866, the Quarterly Conference passed and published resolutions of sorrow), and Ann (McRaney) Tarpley (b. 1820, d. 1897) and W.R. and Sarepta (Horn) Van Landingham, of German nobility descent). Great-grand daughter of Edward Jones Tarpley, Sr., (b. in Brunswick Co., Va., 1765. Was Captain in War of 1812, and also in an Indian War, his sword engraved "1812" is owned by his great-great grand son, John Rolfe Tarpley. He led the Virginia forces in 1830 which broke the "Southampton Insurrection" and captured the notorious negro leader, Nat Turner, receiving a reward of $500.00 from the Governor of Va. for his services. Owned land where Masonic cemetery now is, d. Irwinton, 1850) and Mary (Manson) Tarpley, who was the great-great-great grand- daughter of Pocahontas, the Indian princess (family tradition) and of Norman McRaeny (b. 1790, on Isle of Sky, migrated to N.C. and from there to Irwinton in his young manhood, a school teacher by profession, Surveyor, Tax Receiver, and prominent in the public life of the county; lived across the road opposite the J.H. Simpson home) and Catherine McRaeny b. 1791 in Robison Co., N.C. Mrs. Freeman is one of the most active church women of the county, still carrying on the work of her Methodist forbears, a member of the church her grand-father built. She is interested in schools and everything that is for the public welfare. With no children of her own, she and her husband adopted two orphans upon whom they lavished their love, one of these, Agnes, graduated as a trained nurse with first honors. Mrs. Freeman is indeed a worthy descendant of an honorable lineage. Other members of this family who have attained prominence is her brother, W.E. Tarpley, Sheriff of Lee Co., Ga; a nephew Rev. Elmo Tabb, well known Methodist Missionary to Africa. DR. THOMAS GIBSON Dr. Gibson was born in Warrenton, Georgia, in 1821. He was the son of Judge and Mrs. William Gibson, who was ordinary of Warrenton County for thirty odd years. Judge Gibson was the father of six sons who became noted in their professions. Three of them were lawyers and three of them were doctors. One of his sons, Judge William C. Gibson, was colonel of the 44th Georgia regiment, made up at Augusta, and fought through the War Between the States. He afterwards became Judge of the Superior Court of the Augusta Circuit and was a noted jurist. Another son, Col. Obediah Cranford Gibson, was colonel of the 63rd Georgia regiment, made up at Griffin. He was connected with Linton Stevens in the practice of law. Another son, Dr. Sterling Gibson, was a successful practicioner of Warrenton. Another son, Dr. Cicero Gibson, one of the most beloved physicians in Georgia, a Methodist preacher, and a successful praticioner. Another son, Colonel John Gibson, who settled with Dr. Thomas Gibson in 1841 in Irwinton and finally moved to Texas, where he became colonel of the Texas rangers, and his son, Quinton Gibson, who fought with him through the war, was killed in about the last battle of the war at Altonia. Dr. Thomas Gibson practiced one year at Irwinton and then moved to the edge of Twiggs, Wilkinson, and Jones where for 66 years, he had one of the largest practices of any physician in Georgia. His first wife was a Miss Bragg of Wilkinson county, daughter of a large slave holder. No children were born of this union. His second wife was the daughter of Mr. James Balkcom, one among the largest planters in Twiggs county. From that union were five children. The oldest, J.S. Gibson, though blind from birth, was an honor DR. THOMAS GIBSON graduate of the University of Georgia of one of the largest classes of the seventy's. One daughter, who married Dr. A. Mathis of Sandersville, and was a graduate of a college in Washington City. Dr. W.C. Gibson was a noted surgeon of his day and was educated in Germany and died in Macon thirty-two years ago. Another son, Thomas Gibson, was one of the most trusted engineers of the Central Railroad until his death. Another son, Dr. O.C. Gibson, has been County Physician of Bibb county for the last thirty years, and is now. Dr. Thomas Gibson lived and was active, practicing until he was eight-six years old, and died at the home he had lived in for sixty-five years. (By Dr. O.C. Gibson) GIFFORD-GAY FAMILY Allen Gay, Revolutionary Soldier, was at one time a resident of Wilkinson County, Georgia. Records show that he and his second wife, Abigail Castleberry, were among the constituted members of Ramah Baptist Church near Gordon. The families of the Gays, Eadys, and Castleberrys were among those who organized this church about 1809. Allen Gay was born in Northampton County, North Carolina, in 1765, and died in Coweta County, Georgia, June 18, 1847, having settled there in the early twenties. He served in the Revolutionary War in Captain Robert Raiford's Company, Colonel Dickson's North Carolina Regiment, enlisting at the age of 16, June 3, 1781, and discharged May, 1782. Allen Gay was the son of John Thomas Gay, of North Carolina. Thomas aided in the struggle for independence by furnishing money and by receipting for the pay of his two minor sons, Joshua and Allen. His eldest son, John, also fought in the Revolutionary War. Thomas Gay is known in history as the Patriot. Allen Gay served in General Green's Army under General Francis Marion at Eutaw Springs, S.C., where he, Allen Gay, captured five enemy prisoners single handed. After the war ended Allen came to Georgia to live. While still a youth he married Celia Rae Elbert of Savannah. They were married in South Carolina, where they lived until Celia died, leaving three small children. Celia Rae Elbert was the daughter of Samuel Elbert and his wife, Elizabeth Rae Elbert. Samuel Elbert was one of Georgia's most illustrious sons, distinguishing himself as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, rising to the rank of Major General. While Governor of Georgia, General Elbert signed the Charter for the University of Georgia. He founded the Society of the Cincinnati in Georgia whose membership was composed of American and French officers who fought for American Independence. General Elbert took a most important part at York Town. After the death of his wife, Celia, Allen Gay once more lived in Georgia, finally settling in Coweta County. He lies buried at Macedonia Baptist Church Yard near Newnan. A number of years ago his tomb was marked by the Sarah Dickinson Chapter, D.A.R. of Newnan. Allen Gays second wife was Abigail Castleberry and they had several children. His third wife was Mrs. Anne Benton of Henry County, Ga., whom he married in 1824. She survived him. Allen and Celia's eldest child, John William, married Margaret Eady in 1807. She was the daughter of John Eady who came from Ireland. He was a wealthy planter on the Oconee River in Wilkinson County and was the owner of many slaves, having brought wealth to this county with which to buy slaves as some old records show. He is said to have fought in the Revolutionary War. His son, Henry Eady, married Elizabeth Gay, Allen's daughter. These Gays are claimed to have descended from Pocahontas, the Indian princess, through descent from Dr. William Gay and Elizabeth Boling Gay of Chesterfield County, Va. The names of Pocahontas and Powhatan being numbered among the Kentucky branch of this family. Among the children of John William Gay and Margaret was Francis McDaniel Gay who married Simeon Walker Kilgore. She was his second wife. Their eldest son, Simeon, Jr., at the age of 17, enlisted in the Confederate Army and was killed at the Battle of Shiloh. GIFFORD - GAY FAMILY Simeon Walker Kilgore built and maintained, at his own expense, shops at his home in Alabama where he had work done for the Confederate Army, such as making heavy wagons and equipment. He was the grandson of Colonel Benjamin Kilgore of Charleston, S.C., of Revolutionary fame. Simeon and Francis Kilgore's second son, John William, as a little boy, worked in his father's shop for the Southern cause. John William married Sarah Awtry, daughter of Abram Awtry of Alabama, a Confederate soldier. Martha Scarborough Kilgore, daughter of John William and Sarah Awtry Kilgore, married James Ernest Osgood Gifford, son of a Confederate soldier and grandson of two Confederate soldiers. Their children are Martha Odessa Gifford, graduate of Carnegie Library School of Atlanta, Ga., now Assistant Librarian at Georgia School of Technology; James Ernest Kilgore Gifford, who as a high school student enlisted and served in the World War, 16th Co., 4th Mechanic Reg. Air Service. After returning from France he studied architecture at Georgia School of Technology. Also served an enlistment in Georgia National Guard as non-commissioned officer. On July 20, 1928, he was married to Miss Eleanor Frasier Jenkins, of Charleston, S.C. She was the daughter of Major Micah Jenkins, son of General Micah Jenkins of the Confederate Army, who was killed at the Battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. She is a great grand daughter of Hon. David F. Jamison, President of the Convention of Secession of South Carolina; Richard Otis Gifford, who for a number of years held the position of Assistant General bookkeeper for the Fulton National Bank of Atlanta, Ga., later becoming general bookkeeper; Eugene Gifford, who has served in the Georgia National Guards and who has completed the Citizens Military Training Camp course at Fort Bragg, N.C. On completing this course he was recommended for commission on reaching the proper age. He attended Oglethorpe University. The youngest of these brothers, Charles Thomas Gifford II, attended Tech High School of Atlanta, also Oglethorpe University. He has the honor of having inscribed nine names (two grandfathers, four great-grandfa thers and three grand uncles) in the Book of Memory in the Memorial Hall that is to be built in the Stone Mountain Movement. (By Mrs. J.E. Gifford.) GILMORE-BYINGTON The Byingtons of Wilkinson County are of Scotch-Irish descent. The first to come over settled in Branford, Conn. It is said a John Lamar Byington of this family came to Columbia, S.C., where his son, Amos Fox was born March 20, 1793, died Nov. 5, 1874. He served in the War of 1812 as a private in the Georgia Militia in Captain Tomlinson Fort's Company from June 24, 1812, until October 15, 1812, and in Captain Samuel S. Steele's Company from August 21, 1813, until Jan. 28, 1814. On account of this service he was allowed bounty land. He was also allowed a pension on his application executed Sept. 20, 1872. He was discharged at Ft. Hawkins. He married Nancy Freeney, born June 5, 1793, died April 2, 1861. On March 20, 1814 they settled in North Wilkinson near the line of Baldwin County on a large tract of land the property of Nancy Freeney. He supervised the farms, operated a saw mill and grist mill. There were born to them twelve children: James Lawrence, born July 24, 1815, died Jan. 23, 1869. Augustus L. born 1817, died Mar. 1822. Jeanette W. born 1819, died Dec. 1893. Montgomery P. born Dec. 1, 1821, died Aug. 1893. Sarah A.M. born 1823, died Jan. 1825. Benjamin born 1825, died July 1827. Male child born dead, 1826. Mary E. born 1828. Martha M. born 1831, died Jan. 1909. Henry K. born April 12, 1833, died April 28, 1911. Charles Amos born 1835 died May, 1863. Mirabeau Lamar born Mar. 2, 1838, died July 1, 1909. James Lawrence Byington married Jane Caroline McLendon in Albany, Ga., about 1847. There were born to this union: Charles William, he entered the Civil War at the age of sixteen, was in Barry's Lookout Mountain Battery. He married Annie Richardson. George Walton born Aug. 19, 1851, married Martha Ann Brown. Edward Telfair born Dec. GILMORE - BYINGTON 28, 1853, died March 5, 1927, married Elia Warren Goode. Emma Idella born Jan. 24, 1855, married Billing Wheeler. Lillie Clyde born Nov. 27, 1858, married W.E. Collier. James L. built before the Civil War the old house that now stands on the hill near the Byington mill place, known as the Amos Fox Byington home. He also built cotton boats before there were any railroads, that were used to carry cargoes on the Ocmulgee river from Macon to Darien, Ga. Jane Caroline McLendon's brother William's son, S. Guyt McLendon, was Secretary of State for a number of years. Edward Telfair at the time of his death was editorial writer on the St. Petersburg Independent (Fla.). He was once with the Macon News of Macon, Georgia, leaving it to organize the Columbus Ledger, where he remained for many years before going to Florida. His wife, Elia, was also a noted Georgia newspaper writer, being the organizer of the old Georgia Press Club many years ago. Her father, Mr. Goode, of Americus was called the "Silver Tongue Orator of the South." Jeanette W. married a Methodist minister of Long (now Laurel) Branch Church, Joe N. Miller, their children were: Mattie, who married a Mr. Bales, they had one daughter Ophelia who married Jim Braswell. After the death of Mr. Bales she married Mr. Sauther. Thomas married unknown, their children were Lawrence, one girl and Charlie. Laura married John Harrington, their children were Maggie, married Mr. Graham, Laura married Mr. Whitaker, Maurice, married Emma. Ed married. Perry unmarried. Lula married. Montgomery Pike Byington married Sabine E. Brown on Oct. 19, 1843, by I.P. Whitehead, Hancock county. There were born to this union: Licinius Crassus, Rochambeau, Lenora, Charles K., Miriam, Florence Amos, Gertrude Rosamond, Heurie, Henry and Lilly. Miriam married W.A. Tigner, Oct. 10, 1872, by W.H. Pegg, Atlanta, Ga. To this union were born: Robert Smelser, Fay Homer, Lamar, Virgil, Jimmie, John D. and Mary. Elsewhere in this book is a sketch of the Tigner family. Mary E. Byington first married John E. McMullen, to this union were born Marcus married Susie Criswell and John Anderson who married Mary Jane Golden. Her second marriage was to Bob Adams. Martha M. married Aug. 8, 1852 C.B. Anderson a Methodist minister who preached at Hopewell church in Baldwin county. There were born to this union: Benjamin B. married Pearl Denham, Charlie married Laura Caraker, Sallie married Mr. Etheridge of Gray, Ga., Pocahontas married Mr. Trap. Henry K. Byington married Elizabeth P. Ivey born Nov. 15, 1846, died Jan. 21, 1914, on Mar. 26, 1865. There were born to this union: Oolooloo P. born Jan. 27, 1866, married Joseph T. Bloodworth on Dec. 10, 1884. Annie E. married John Bateman, Charlie G., Willie C., Henry A., James A., Eddie R., Henry K., volunteered for service to combat the Yanks Oct., 1861. He was located in Savannah, Ga., for six months with a company whose Captain was Col. Storey. He was at this time Orderly Sgt. He returned home in April. Realizing that the war would continue he and his comrades formed three companies from Wilkinson and two from Laurens counties. He was chosen Captain of Co. D, 57th Georgia Regiment. His brother, Mirabeau, was in this company. Charles Amos B. married Elizabeth Day Aug. 8, 1855. Their children were: Henry, died young; Montgomery Fox, married Sallie Nelson, born July 5, 1858, died Oct. 15, 1890. He then married Bethany Stevens. John Furman, born 1859, died 1927, he is survived by a son, John S. and four daughters, Mrs. Henry Lewis, Mrs. F.C. Heinsen, Mrs. Raymond Pierce and Mrs. P. Pearsons. Charles Amos was shot in the chin during the battle of Chancellorsville, (Va.) and died instantly. Mirabeau Lamar B., married Lydia E. Barrett, born Jan. 24, 1839, died Dec. 15, 1906, in 1858. There were born to this union: Mary M., Sept. 18, 1859, married Henry G.W. Bloodworth. John Lamar, born Oct. 21, 1860, died Sept. 24, 1861. Sarah E., born Mar. 24, 1862, married Marion Smith, after his death she married Jas. Langford. Nancy J., born July 23, 1866, married Joseph Wood. Charles William, born March GILMORE - BYINGTON 15, 1868, died July 24, 1868. James Lawrence, born April 1, 1870, died Jan. 14, 1912. Wright Elam, born May 15, 1872, died June 13, 1913, married Cora Hobby. Lilly, born Dec. 26, 1874, died Feb. 2, 1912, married James Council. Martha J., born Feb. 22, 1878, married Verner P. Jackson. Mirabeau Lamar, served in Co. D, 57th Georgia Regiment during the Civil War, he was discharged April, 1865 at Greensboro, N.C. He was a musician. James Lawrence B., married Dec. 31, 1890, Eula Hughes Gilmore, born Nov. 5, 1870, by Rev. James Langford, Sr. To this union were born: George, Oct. 28, 1891, dead. Rosa Lamar, born Nov. 14, 1892. Frederick Gilmore and Edwin Crowley, born Nov. 12, 1894. James Lawrence was a lumberman, he served his county as Sheriff six years and was Representative at the time of his death. Rosa Lamar B., married Nov. 5, 1911, Horace Green Lindsey, born Dec. 18, 1887, by Rev. Jordan. To this union were born: James Byington, Jan. 15. 1913, Waldo Wayne, Dec. 15, 1915, Mary Sue, Aug. 25, 1917 and William Hubert, July 31, 1921. It was through the service that James Gilmore rendered that made Rosa Lamar eligible for membership in the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Frederick Gilmore B., married Christine Latta of Oxford, N.C., on Dec. 23, 1926 by the Rev. W.D. Poe. There has been born to this union one son, Amos Gilmore, May 4, 1928, and one daughter, Eula Cornelia, Dec. 17, 1929. Edwin C. married Gussie Earl Branan April 12, 1930. Frederick and Edwin entered the World War as privates Sept. 18, 1917. They were discharged as Sergeants, May 22, 1919. They were in Co. F., 307th Engineers, 82nd Division, and were never separated during the war. They were in the following engagements: Lagney Sector, Marbache Sector, St. Milniel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. Eula Hughes Gilmore, the wife of James L. Byington, was the daughter of Susan Boyer Gilmore, born Feb. 11, 1847, died July 28, 1897, the wife of Ebenezer Torrence Gilmore, born May 7, 1842, died Oct. 10, 1922, and were married Dec. 21, 1869. Ebenezer T.G., was licensed to practice medicine and surgery by the Board of Physicians at Milledgeville, Georgia, Jan. 3, 1874. He volunteered for service during the Civil War at the age of fifteen. He was the son of James Hughes Gilmore, born Jan., 19, 1807, died Feb. 6, 1871, married Elizabeth Nancy Mathis, born Jan. 4, 1813, died Aug., 1894, married Feb. 2, 1932. James H.G., was the son of John Gilmore, born 1781, died 1852, and married Cleo Precilla Duggan born Jan. 1788, died 1851, they were married in 1805. John G., was the son of James Gilmore, born before 1760, died Jan. 3, 1835, married Mary (called Polly) Hughes, born before 1766, died 1850. This said James Gilmore is the ancestor who assisted in establishing American Independence while acting in the capacity of private. He was married in Wilkes County, Georgia. (By Mrs. Rosa L. Lindsey) HALL - FREEMAN - HALL HANSFORD A. HALL - 1842 - 1908 The life history of Hansford A. Hall is most admirable. Shattered and poverty stricken as a result of the war but by dint of perserverence, economy and untiring industry he became one of the most wealthy men of the county. Few men have ever had more obstacles to overcome or surmounted them more triumphantly than did he. The opening of the War Between the States found him a school teacher. Upon the organization of Company A of the 49th Georgia, originally known as the Wilkinson County Invincibles, he enlisted, and having been promoted to 2nd Sergeant with this command under Capt. S.T. Player, was in many of the bloodiest battles of the war, being attached to Thomas' Brigade's Army of Northern Virginia. He was in all of the Seven Days Battles around Richmond. At Gettysburg while this Company was supporting a battery he was wounded and for three months lay in a hospital. At the Wilderness, while the gallant Wilkinson County Companies were holding their ground until nearly obliterated, he received a terrible wound in the right hip which disabled him from further service. He was at home, a complete wreck of his former self when Sherman's march through Wilkinson added to the gloom. He was also in love with a wealthy planter's daughter, Mary Elizabeth Dickson, and he had no land, no slaves, no mules. They both probably reasoned that he was in no worse condition than the other eligibles of Wilkinson would be if the war continued, so while on his crutches they were married October 23, 1864. He rented his father's old sheep house and some land to cultivate. He and Mary Elizabeth started housekeeping in this old sheep house. The year following they moved near the Dickson home on the north side of Big Sandy. Sherman had left some worn out horses and mules along the route. Our subject collected four of these and as soon as they were able began plowing them, using the plow handles for a crutch. In 1866 he bought on credit the plantation near Stephensville where he made his home for many years. Here his two sons, Willie A. and Isaac Oliver (1875-1913) were born. Mr. Hall soon began buying other land as it was offered for sale and at his death on Dec. 13, 1908, owned nearly five thousand acres. First of all, he was a farmer and cared but little for politics, although he served as Commissioner of Roads and Revenues 1880-1883. The subject of this sketch was descended from historic ancestors. His father, William Anderson Hall (Nov. 11, 1811-July 12, 1892), was the son of Isaac Hall (Nov. 12, 1788-March 9, 1869) who was Tax Collector and Sheriff of Wilkinson County, a veteran of the War of 1812 and a near relative of Lyman Hall, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Family records in the hands of Edgar Adams and family tradition says Isaac came from Clarke Co., Ga., to Wilkinson. The name Lyman is found in every generation among the descendants in this county. Isaac's wife, the grandmother of our subject, was Susanna Ross (June 12, 1788-March 1, 1860), who was born in Washington County, Georgia, was the daughter of William Ross, Sr., (d. 1842) and his wife Nancy (d. 1843), and was a sister of James Ross, Senator from Wilkinson and of John Ross, the famous Baptist preacher. The Ross family were from Virginia and said to be of the same family as Betsy Ross, the designer of the first flag. The maiden name of our subject's mother was Edna Paulk (b. Jan. 1, 1816-Sept. 9, 1885), the daughter of Micajah Paulk and the granddaughter of John Paulk, a veteran of the Revolution. THOMAS MADISON FREEMAN - 1833-1895 "The Poor Man's Friend" For more than a century the Freeman family of Wilkinson County has been held in high esteem. Not only is this a family with wide-spread connections but is one in which numerous members in each generation may be found standing out prominently in their communities as leaders - leaders in farming, leaders in the church, in the school and in every line HALL - FREEMAN - HALL of activity and thought - a constructive, quality of leadership, which has meant much to Wilkinson County. In the history of this family, none deserve to be more highly honored than does the memory of Thomas Madison Freeman, who justly deserved to be called "The Poor Man's Friend." As has been said of him: "He was industrious, careful, economical and yet liberal. He was an earnest man, full of zeal and of good works. His whole life was an inspiration to honest, earnest effort. His hands for years before his death were never free from public trust and his private interests multiplied, but he was true to every obligation. He was the man to whom the neighbors went for counsel and help. In his domestic and church relations he was equally painstaking and prompt, gently and kindly seeking to discover the right. He was a man that never turned anyone away from his door, who might be seeking shelter or food." No more gallant soldier fought under the Stars and Bars than Thomas M. Freeman. In the early part of the war, he, with Henry K. Byington and others, organized the Company which was later to be known as Company D of the 57th Georgia Regiment. Byington was elected Captain with our subject First Lieutenant. He went with his command on the expedition into Kentucky and thence through Tennessee into Mississippi. At Baker's Creek when Grant's terrific assaults had broken Pemberton's lines and the enemy was pouring through the breach, his Company together with the others of the 57th Georgia covered itself with glory in their irresistable charge which drove back the enemy and restored the line. Mr. Freeman was in the siege of Vicksburg and with the Company was captured and under parole was permitted to return to Georgia pending the exchange. As soon as the exchange was perfected, Sherman's Army approaching Atlanta, Mr. Freeman with his command was sent to reinforce Johnston. On May 25th, 1864, at New Hope Church his Company went into action "in the midst of a heavy storm, vivid lightning and peals of thunder mingled with the cannon's roar and the muskets' sheet of flame." (see Georgia and Georgians) Sherman's hosts were being hurled against Johnston's thin gray lines, but Lieutenant Freeman's Company was successfully maintaining its portion of the line. While encouraging his men and exposing himself wherever danger was greatest, he received a severe wound through the shoulder from which he never fully recovered. Though the battle was raging in all its fury from man to man down the line the word was passed "Lieutenant Freeman is wounded." The wound proved so serious that he was totally disabled from further service. For years he was a Steward of Poplar Springs Methodist Church where his membership was. Although he attended and took an active part in the services of other churches. He was also a member of Toomsboro Masonic Lodge. In 1873 he served as Sheriff, completing the unexpired term of Matthew Deason, later serving as County Commissioner for a number of years. At his death he was one of the wealthiest planters of the county. Our subject was the son of John Freeman, Sr. (March 30, 1796-August 6, 1867) and Elizabeth (Cawley) Freeman (d. May 25, 1862), they having married in Wilkinson County July 3, 1822, although she was born in Lenoir County, North Carolina, and moved to Georgia one year after her birth. Other children of John Freeman, Sr., were: John D.; Jacob M.; James H.; Harvey M.; Polly (m. John Freeman; Ann, m. Enoch Miller; Miriam, m. Ivey L. Davis. Our subject was first married to Eliza Nancy Davis, the daughter of Oren Davis (see J.C. Bower sketch). Their children were: Temperance Elizabeth, Leonard Hascal, Emma, and Thomas Elbert. After the death of his first wife, he was married in 1865 to Celia VanLandingham (1842-1925) the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Dean) VanLandingham, this family being one of the oldest families of the County and of German descent. The children by his last wife were: James Lee, m. Lada Hooks; Loomis Oscar, m. Emmie Catelow; Lillie Elizabeth, m. Willie Alford Hall; William Harvey, m. Lorah HALL - FREEMAN - HALL Branan; Attie May, m. R.F. Deese; Clara, m. Isaac Oliver Hall, who died Oct. 2, 1913, and she is now Mrs. J.T. Bush; E.B., m. Etta Sanders; John Ernest, m. Gradye Thigpen. WILLIE ALFORD HALL Willie Alford Hall was born Nov. 7, 1865, the son of Hansford A. Hall and Mary Elizabeth (Dickson) Hall (1844- 1926). His mother was the daughter of William ("Buck," 1814-1873) and Frances (Paine) Dickson (1829-1909). William having been born in Hancock County and migrating to Wilkinson with his father Thomas Dickson; Frances was the daughter of Joseph and Sennia (Mitchell) Paine, the latter being the daughter of Isaac Mitchell, all of whom were early settlers of the county. Mr. Hall ever spoke in the highest terms of his grandmother Dixon, she was his "buddy" and whenever "in a tight" she never failed to come to his rescue. In November, 1864, the news of the approach of Sherman's Army arrived. It was not believed the enemy would cross Big Sandy Creek, and it was thought advisable for Mary to be sent across the creek for safety. Her father concealed everything of value and drove the mules and horses off. When the Yankees arrived at the Dickson house no one was there except Mrs. Dickson. The looting of the house began, even the piano cover being taken for a saddle blanket and the music thrown away. They shot the chickens and anything else they could find. Mrs. Dickson appealed in vain to the officer in charge to prevent the taking of the property. Her husband being a member of the Masonic fraternity and a prominent officer in his Lodge she went into the house and put on his Masonic apron and official insignia and returned, whereupon an order was issued and they Yankees departed. Our subject grew up in the terrible Reconstruction period and experienced the hardships and privations of those never-to-be-forgotten days. His father still suffering from the wound received at the Wilderness was unable to give him every advantage he would have liked but managed to give him as good an education as the schools of the county afforded and then sent him to Emory College, Oxford, Ga., where he would have finished at the age of sixteen but did not return in his Senior year. He now took an active interest in the operation of his father's farms, part of the time clerking at Baum's store in Toomsboro and assisting in guano sales, etc., all of which was giving him excellent preparation for later life. His farm management was a decided success. He change the methods of farming from an all cotton crop to a diversified plan, growing all food crops necessary to supply the farms and then growing what cotton he could. In the fall of 1890 Mr. Hall was planning to study law at the University of Georgia but changed his mind and was married to Lillie Elizabeth Freeman, born 1870, daughter of Thomas M. and Celia (VanLandingham) Freeman (See Thomas M. Freeman sketch). After his marriage he purchased the old Brazeall farm near Irwinton and moved to it and here he continued his modern farming methods. Each year as his income warranted he invested in more farms until he soon became one of the largest landowners of the county. Those who know Mr. Hall best ascribe one of the secrets of his success to his ability to manage his labor. The loyalty of those in his employ was unexcelled anywhere. No farms produced more per plow than did his. He possessed that rare quality of leadership which inspired his employees to do their best. In 1904 Mr. Hall moved to Toomsboro and began a general merchandise business with his father and brother under the name of H.A. Hall & Sons. His family now owns the same business and operates it as the W.A. Hall Co. Mr. Hall has always taken an active interest in advancing the cause of education. For several years he served as a member of the County Board of Education. When he moved to Toomsboro, school facilities there were so meager that he went to work and succeeded in building a new house near the Methodist Church which was the fore-runner of many other improvements which finally resulted in the new modern brick building. In the efforts to provide funds with which to operate WILLIE ALFORD HALL the schools, Mr. Hall was one of the original advocates of local taxation. As a mark of the esteem in which he was held by the people of the county, on most occasions when Mr. Hall has served on the grand jury he has been chosen Foreman. He was also recognized as one of the county's most consistent prohibitionists. When the Methodist Church at Toomsboro was built he was very active in furthering the work and served on the building committee at the same time being a Steward and Trustee. His wife and family are likewise members of this church. One of the undertakings in which Mr. Hall threw himself whole-heartedly into and of which he is justly proud, was the organization of the Wilkinson County Bank of which he is Vice-President. At the time there was no bank in the town and the operation of a bank was something new in which no one at Toomsboro had any experience. However, its success has proved the excellent foresight of its organizers. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Hall are as follows: Willie Mae; Murray Hansford; Mary Frances and Lillie Freeman; Mary F. was married Sept. 1922 to Lamar M. Ware, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Ware of Marshallville, Ga., and their children are: Lamar M. Jr. and Mary Elizabeth, Murray H, married Geraldine Collins of Toomsboro, Dec. 1926 and their children are Clara Mae and Willie Alford. The subject of this sketch died March 19, 1930, and was buried at Poplar Springs Cemetery. JOHN MARVIN HALL Among the leaders of Wilkinson today, John Marvin Hall is found in the front rank. In every form of activity tending towards the upbuilding of the County he takes a prominent part, the church, the schools, good roads, the development of new industries, the improvement of agricultural conditions, etc. Mr. Hall is the son of William Alfred and Permelia (Vanlandingham) Hall, and grandson of William Anderson and Edna (Paulk) Hall, and of William and Elizabeth Vanlandingham (see Hall-Freeman sketch). His father, Alfred, was a most remarkable man, well deserving the tribute yet paid to his memory by those who knew him best. After a most creditable record of service through the four years of the War Between the States, serving in Co. D, 57th Georgia, he returned home to face the Reconstruction discouragements. In spite of this, however, by untiring energy, economy and good management, aided by his devoted helpmeet, he amassed what was considered by his contemporaries as a comfortable fortune, he being one of the largest land owners in the county at the time of his death. Both he and his wife were members of Red Level Methodist Church. They were strong believers in education and gave every possible advantage to their children, to wit: Cora, Alma (Mrs. J.R. Frink), Leila (Mrs. J.E. King), Maxa (Mrs. L.M. Stanley), Ira m. Eva Adams and died Feb. 11, 1910, John Marvin and Ethel. John Marvin was born 1886 at the country home built by his father, eight miles southeast of Irwinton. After attending the local schools and Talmage Institute he spent two years at the South Georgia Methodist College at McRae, later attended G.A.B. His father's death made it necessary for him to assume the care of his widowed mother and unmarried sisters, as well as to manage the plantation owned by his father, In this he was successful, in spite of his youth, and has been constantly adding to the size of his plantations. A few years ago seeing the possibilities of his own timber tracts as well as others which he could obtain, he entered this business, purchasing a planing mill and saw mills and since then has been actively engaged cutting, dressing and marketing lumber, and is now regarded as a successful lumberman in Middle Georgia. Mr. Hall believes in utilizing the cut-over lands by planting them in permanent pastures and fattening cattle for the market. He has some of the finest pasture lands in the county which he is using in this manner. JOHN MARVIN HALL The vast mineral resources of this section is also attracting his attention and he is putting his plans into execution which gives promise of another mining plant in this vicinity in the near future. As an enthusiast on the question of good roads, Mr. Hall is at all times ready to lay aside all other business and appear before county and state authorities and urge road improvement. He has served as the Wilkinson County delegate at all meetings of the Woodrow Wilson Highway Association since its organization. When the county and state officials agreed to build the Irwinton-Dublin portion provided the right of way was furnished he spent a great deal of time getting the landowners along the route to give this without cost to the county. He is a Mason, a Democrat, takes an active interest in both the Sunday School and in the Methodist Church of which he is now a member. Prior to his joining the Church, he had the unusual distinction of serving for several years as a Steward of Red Level Methodist Church where his ancestors for nearly a century had been leading members. Mr. Hall was married December 21, 1918, to Miss Ruby Culpepper (see E. Johnson sketch) and they have one daughter, Helen Lillian. Mrs. Hall was born in Thomasville, Ga., moving to Irwinton in 1909. After attending Talmage Institute and G.N.I.C. at Milledgeville, she taught for two years at Jenkinsburg and in the schools of this county. In 1919, when the statewide campaign to eradicate illiteracy was inaugurated she was chosen the Director of the campaign for Wilkinson County. So well did she perform this duty that she received the hearty commendation of the state officials. In addition to being an efficient homemaker and a most capable and devoted wife and mother, Mrs. Hall helps her husband in his business interest, acts as his book-keeper and performs general office work for him. In civic affairs she is likewise very active; is a member of the Irwinton Methodist Church, a teacher in the Sunday School, President of the Methodist Woman's Missionary Society, member of the Robert Toombs Chapter U.D.C. and other organizations. MAJOR JOHN HATCHER AND HIS DESCENDANTS Of all the historic families of Wilkinson County, none more justly deserves the love, respect and honor, felt by the people for more than a century past, than that of Major Hatcher, Revolutionary patriot, Senator, political, civic and church leader of the county. So deeply did he make his impress upon the minds of the people that, though he has been dead almost a century, traditions of him are still handed down from father to son and for a stranger to claim descent from Major John Hatcher is an open sesame to the hearts of the people of Wilkinson County. Major John Hatcher was born on his father's plantation on the James River in Henrico Parish, Virginia, about 1750. His family had been residents of that section since the progenitor William Hatcher came over from England in the year 1636. The parish church records show that William Hatcher was a member of the house of Burgesses for a period from 1646 to 1674. John Hatcher, according to the family record, was a lineal descendant of this early colonial settler. He married, about 1772, Miss Mary Brady of his home state and came to seek his fortune in the newer colony of Georgia. He enlisted and fought through the Revolutionary War from Georgia, having served in Colonel William Candler's Regiment, attached for a time to the command of General Nathaniel Greene. For both of which commanders he named one of his sons, William Greene. During the years following the Revolution, we find him living, first in Columbia county, later in Warren. The Indian troubles, which were drenching the Oconee frontier in blood, made it necessary for every able-bodied man to arm and equip himself and be ready to perform military service. His MAJOR JOHN HATCHER & HIS DESCENDANTS quality of leadership was such that he was chosen Captain of the 12th Company of the Columbia County Regiment of Militia. In 1800 he was commissioned Major of the Georgia militia. His services in the Revolution entitled him to county lands in Washington County and in 1785 Governor Elbert issued him a grant for 287 1/2 acres. (His great grandson, A.S. Hatcher, of Macon, Georgia, is now the proud possessor of this proof of his ancestor's service.) Major Hatcher for some reason never moved to this land but continued to own it to his death. A BELIEVER IN EDUCATION. Major Hatcher was appointed as one of the Commissioners of Warren County Academy in 1801. Again, in 1810 the year that he moved to Wilkinson County, we find him appointed one of the commissioners of the Wilkinson County Academy which, since the division of the county, had not yet been reorganized. Within a short time we find this academy functioning and being advertised among the leading newspapers as one of the most desirable academies in the state. AS A LEGISLATOR. In 1805, we find where he was elected to the Legislature from Warren County and served through 1809. Major Hatcher moved to Wilkinson County in 1810 and settled in Passmore District near the Oconee River on what is still called "The John Hatcher Plantation" - near the present home of M.G. Smith. Here he lived the entire remainder of his life and here in the old family cemetery he lies buried with several members of his family. SELECTING THE SITE FOR THE COUNTY. When John Hatcher first arrived in Wilkinson, the county had just been through the excitement of selecting one county site, the county previously comprising both Twiggs and Wilkinson, and the result of this struggle was that the county of Twiggs through the leadership of Arthur Fort was cut off and formed, making it necessary for a new county site to be selected. There prevailed a spirit of suspicion and criticism of those entrusted with the duty of selecting a site which meant so much to the county. We can appreciate therefore the trust that the people of Wilkinson County must have had in Major Hatcher by reason of the fact that he was immediately put on the Commission to select this site. This body had almost unlimited power. It was unusual that a man who had just come to a new county should be so trusted. However, Wilkinson County was filled by men, veterans of the Revolution, who had fought with this old soldier, who had lived in Warren County with him, who knew him to be every inch a man and worthy of trust. Service on this commission required a man of courage, one who would do his duty under all circumstances, who would lean to no faction to further political schemes, and Major John Hatcher was believed by them to possess these requisites. AS SENATOR FROM WILKINSON COUNTY. In 1812, Wilkinson County sent Major Hatcher to represent her as State Senator, the highest office within her power to bestow even though he had been in the county only two years. So well did he serve his constituency that they kept him there until 1820. After that he would not again accept the office. IN PRIVATE LIFE. After his return to his plantation, Major Hatcher took a great interest in politics, because a man of his nature could not long remain inactive. Upon his son, Robert, then practicing law at Irwinton, later fell his political mantle, as we find him serving as Representative, 1828-29-30-31-32 until he moved to Randolph County. We find Major Hatcher conspicuous at practically all the Fourth of July celebrations, this being shown by the old newspapers of those days. In all toasts, the Major's theme was his love for his country. Especially is this noticeable in 1831 when he served as President of the Day and his toast to the Nullifiers shows how he hated anyone who threatened the peace of the nation. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOR. In politics, Major Hatcher to the last was the staunchest leader of the Clark faction in this county. Throughout all these years the Clarkites MAJOR JOHN HATCHER & HIS DESCENDANTS seem to have swept this county in all elections. Major Hatcher was also a valiant supporter of Andrew Jackson and in 1828 he threw his whole strength into the campaign so that the county voted overwhelmingly for Jackson and he was consequently chosen Presidential Elector. AS A BUSINESS MAN. Major Hatcher was a good business man. He amassed quite a fortune, owning at his death, in addition to his Washington County and Cherokee lands, over five hundred acres of land in Wilkinson County, ten slaves, a great deal of livestock, corn, cotton, and other property. IN RELIGION the Hatchers of Virginia were Episcopalians and so was John Hatcher when he came to Georgia but this being a pioneer country there were no churches of his faith, so he and his wife connected themselves with Mount Nebo Primitive Baptist Church which has now passed out of existence. The old church book now in possession of Mr. Reddick McCook records the dates of his reception and also the dates of his death and those of his wife and several children. The children who lived were Jane Elizabeth, who married Thorpe; Willie Elizabeth, married Mitchell; Susan, married McMichael; John, who moved to Dooly County; Robert, who moved to Randolph County; and William Greene (named for General Nathaniel Green and Colonel William Candler) the youngest, married Elizabeth Webb of Hancock County and lived for a time in Wilkinson County where they were members of Myrtle Springs Baptist Church, afterward moving to Crawford County about 1832. William Greene Hatcher was accidentally killed by a runaway horse in 1839. He had five children: Jerry B.; Cicero R.; John; Sara Jane, and Sidney William. Of Cicero R. Hatcher's children there is one now living in Macon, Georgia, George E., who married Kathleen Ayer and who have four children: Thomas Ayer, married Madge Kennon, George Edwin, Jr., Milford Burous, Hal Baskin. Although all four of the sons of William Greene Hatcher served in the War Between the States, yet the war service in Wilkinson County of the youngest, Sidney William, is of especial interest to the people of the county. First, while serving in Johnston's army, he was detailed for special duty in Mississippi returning to his command just after the Battle of Missionary Ridge. Being granted a furlough just before the Battle of Jonesboro, he was unable to rejoin his company but joined Prudden's Battery of State Militia at Milledgeville being given command of a piece of artillery. Upon Sherman's approach, the Battery, loading its ordnance upon flat cars, took the train by way of Gordon, and was there when J.R. Kelly paid his profane respects to General Wayne commanding the forces. Upon their arrival at Oconee Bridge where a stand had been determined upon, to Hatcher's gun was given the most dangerous position of all, and the one which commanded the approach to the bridge. A barricade was hastily constructed by using a car of lumber which concealed the presence of the masked cannon. Late in the afternoon the Federals advance guard appeared and firing became general with the exception of Hatcher's gun which remained silent. Upon the arrival of the reinforcements, the Yankees intent upon capturing the bridge charged on the track yelling as they came. It was then that Hatcher's gun unlimbered, pouring into the blue clad masses a hail of grape and canister with telling effect. Unable to advance in the face of it, the charge was abandoned and the attackers took refuge in the underbrush on either side of the railroad and now began pouring a hot fire upon the barricade where the gun was hidden, their sharpshooters picking off those manning the gun, at every opportunity. For two or three days the intermittent fighting continued and even now there are many yet living in Wilkinson who remember hearing the booming of Hatcher's gun as he, within a few miles of Major John Hatcher's grave, when the cowardly convicts who had been liberated to serve in the army were deserting in a body, faced by overwhelming numbers, threat MAJOR JOHN HATCHER & HIS DESCENDANTS ened by attack in the rear by detachments crossing at Balls Ferry, still stuck to his post of duty in a manner as would have been most pleasing to his grandfather, "The Fire-eater of Wilkinson." Finally, as their retreat was about to be cut off, orders came to fall back to Savannah. Sidney William Hatcher married Mary Lou Weathersby, of Jasper County, November 15th, 1865. They had seven children: Martha Louise, Albert Sidney, who married Susie May Rumph and his children are as follows: Albert Sidney, Jr.; Virginia, married Charles Haslam; Mary, married Grafton Smith; and Dorothy, married Thomas Fontaine. Martha Louise, unmarried, a daughter of Sidney William also lives in Macon, Georgia, as does Sidney William, Jr., who married Olive McWilliams. Cecil Greenway lives near Macon on the old plantation, formerly the home of his father, and is unmarried. Mary Lucile married Ralph Northcutt and lives at Marietta, Georgia. She has served as President of Marietta's Woman's Club; State Chairman of Library Extension for Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs; State Chairman of Legislation for Georgia Parent- Teachers Association and was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention in New York in 1924. They have three children: Jane Weathersby, Helen Winters, and Mary Lucile Hatcher. Reginald Weathersby Hatcher married Lucy Wright, of Portsmouth, Virginia, and lives at Milledgeville, Georgia, in an old colonial home with extensive grounds which he calls "Lockerly" after the ancestral home of the Hatchers in England. He has four children: Lucy Wright, Mary Weathersby, Reginald Weathersby, Jr., and Lois Wright. He is a past President of the National Retail Hardware Association; Past President of the Southeastern Hardware Association and of the Georgia Retail Hardware Association; Past Exalted Ruler of Milledgeville Lodge Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; and is at present Vice-President of the Georgia Anti-Tuberculosis Association; Vice-President Catholic Laymen's Association of Georgia; and President of John Milledge Chapter Sons of the American Revolution at Milledgeville. THE HICKS FAMILY John Hodgers Hicks was born Feb. 16, 1792, in S.C.. After his marriage to Rebecca Smith came to Wilkinson County, Ga., where he lived to the age of 94 years. They were the parents of William, Daniel, John, James, Caroline, Sarah Ann and Jane. All four of the sons served in the Confederate Army. William and Daniel being killed in service, John married Millie Fleetwood, lived in Irwinton a number of years. The girls married Gettes Smith, Grandberrie, respectively. James Charles Hicks, the youngest, while in school at Cuthbert married Susan Wesley Shepherd, 1860, the daughter of Henry Shepherd of Randolph county. They came to Wilkinson settling just off Ridge Road midway between Gordon and McIntyre. In May, 1861, he enlisted in Confederate army. After the war with exception of a few years they lived the remainder of their lives in Wilkinson rearing a family of four. Namely, Laura Cornelia, born Feb. 7, 1862, married D.P. Hollomon of McIntyre; William Oscar, born 1866, married Leila Lewis and moved to Savannah. Their one child is Madge Hicks Sisterheinn of Savannah. Mary Emma, born 1868, married Edward Jackson Helton of Wilkinson. Their living family, Dr. J.B. Helton of Gordon; W.L. Helton, Danville; Ernest Helton, Savannah; Cora Helton, Lillie Helton Holland, both of McIntyre; Eula Helton Kingery, St. Petersburg, Fla. Willie Olive, born 1870, married Plenan Shepherd of Wilkinson and moved to Fla. Their children; James Shepherd, Effie Shepherd Murphey, Alice Shepherd Blaine, Susan Shepherd Griner, all of St. Petersburg. James Charles Hicks, born Oct. 12, 1835, died Jan. 13, 1920, at the age of 84 years. Mrs. died only 1 1/2 mo. later at age of 80 yrs. He enlisted as a private in Co. I of the 3rd Ga. Regiment. He was corporal and later color bearer, seeing THE HICKS FAMILY service in both 1st and 2nd Manassas and the terrible battle at Gettysburg. He carried the flag from Barnesville's retirement Feb. 6, 1865, to the surrender at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. He was the 5th color bearer of the 3rd Regiment of the Ga. Volunteer Infantry of the Confederate army. His flag is now in the Capitol at Atlanta. After a faithful 4 yr. service at war he came home a farmer and a grand example of the man who lived in the house by the side of the road and was a friend to man. He was buried near his home in the family cemetery. (By a Member of the Family) HOLLOMON (HOLLIMAN) FAMILY David Hollomon, Sr., grandfather of James Hollomon, came from Maryland to Putnam County, Ga., shortly after the Revolutionary war. (See old manuscript in hands of E.J. Holliman, McIntyre, Ga.) David Jr., father of John, James, Virgil, Frank, Joseph, Mary Ann, Jane, Thomas and Andrew Hollomon, was born in Putnam county in 1804 and was married to Sarah Branan of said county in 1822. He then moved to Wilkinson county near Red Level Church where he died in 1858. All seven of the above brothers were soldiers in the War Between the States, Virgil being killed in service. John moved to Randolph county, Ga. James visiting him, met and married Ann Caroline, daughter of Edward P. Thompson, on Dec. 4, 1851. Edward Thompson, before his marriage to Eliza Butler, studied medicine. After moving from South Carolina to Ga., later to Alabama and finally settling in south Ga., gave up his practice of medicine and lived a tiller of the soil. He reared a family of four girls and five boys. The boys all served in the Confederate army, two of whom were killed in service. In 1856 James Hollomon and family came to Wilkinson county from Randolph in covered wagons and settled near Red Level Church below Irwinton. From there he went into service 1861 to 1865 the end of the war. After the war James Hollomon and family settled at what is now the Old Hollomon Homestead four miles northwest of McIntyre. It was there the family lived a quiet, honorable, honest, peace loving, busy life of a farmer. They were the parents of Derril P. Hollomon, born Sept. 21, 1852 (died May 15, 1926) who married Laura Cornelia Hicks of Wilkinson county May 12, 1882, whose children are as follows: J.E.; I.P.; and O.D. Hollomon of McIntyre; J.H. Hollomon of Toomsboro; Dr. D.P. Hollomon of Unadilla; one daughter Annie H. Trapnell of McIntyre; Miss Alice Hollomon, born 1854 (died 1915); Edward, Japeth, born Dec, 1855, married Adie Branan of Wilkinson County. They have no children; Etta Hollomon, born April 1867, who married Fountain, has one living child, Robert. The Confederate soldier, James H. Hollomon, born July 21st, 1828, enlisted as a private in Company I, 57th Regiment of the Ga. Volunteers under Captain G.W. Bishop in 1861. He served the greater part of his time in the Western Division of the Confederate army. He was in battles fought in the states of Mississippi, Tennessee and north Georgia. He served faithfully to the end of the war. Died at the age of seventy-one years, July, 1899. (Note) The correct spelling of the name is Hollomon not Holliman as the younger generation is now using. (By a member of the family.) CHARLES HOOKS Throughout the history of Wilkinson County the Hooks family has held a prominent place and the County History would be incomplete without mention of Charles Hooks. His father, John Hooks, was one of the earliest settlers of Wilkinson and was one of those hardy pioneers who found here a wilderness and wrought out of that wilderness a glorious land of prosperity and happiness of ante-bellum days. John Hooks' ancestors were of English descent and they settled first in Duplin County, North Carolina. Later, about the time of the Revolution, they migrated to Georgia. CHARLES HOOKS John's wife was Katie Summerford, of Creek Indian descent and traces of the Indian features may occasionally be seen in members of the family. Charles, one of seven children, was born in Wilkinson County in 1823 and received a plain English education during the intervals of labor at farming. Prior to the War he was rapidly winning for himself a reputation for ability among the people of the county. During these years he was a Whig in politics. Among the things he advocated, which at the time seemed visionary to most people, but which have since been adopted, though he never lived to see them so, were a Compulsory Education Law and a Prohibition Law. In fact he was one of the original prohibitionists of Wilkinson and favored it when it was very unpopular to do so. When the vote on Secession came up in 1860 he was strongly opposed to it and helped carry the county against seceding from the Union. Two of his sons promptly enlisted in the 3rd Georgia Regiment, one of whom, John, was killed at Spottsylvania Courthouse. On the passage of the Reconstruction Laws by Congress he advocated their acceptance as the best policy and was chosen a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of 1867-'8 and took part in the framing of the Constitution by that body. In 1868 he announced for the Legislature as an advocate of the Reconstruction Laws and was elected. In 1870, Joel Coney opposed him in the race on the Democratic ticket but he was again elected, this time with a three hundred majority. After this term was over he retired from active participation in politics. Those who yet remember Charles Hooks speak of the ever present courtesy, which characterized his every contact with his fellowman. In his declining years he bore about him that gentility and refinement so often seen in the gentry of the old South. He was married three times, first to Miss Honeycutt; second, to Ardilsia Taylor; third to Epsy Beck. His children were: John; Augustus, m. Kate Thomas; James, m. Sarah Methvin; Fannie, m. William Bozeman; Emma, m. Thomas G. Porter; Ella, m. 1st John Clark, 2nd W. Quinley; Marietta, m. D. Franklin Sanders; Charles M., m. Missouri Sanders; Thomas H., m. 1st Electa Todd, 2nd Eva Wolf; William G., m. Lucy Palmer; Lada E., m. 1st J.L. Freeman, 2nd B. Asbell. Of these only two, Charles M. and Mrs. Asbell, are resident of the county. JOHN WESLEY HOOKS The only son of John Wesley and Irene (Ridley) Hooks, who were married in Wilkinson County, August 19, 1845, but later moved to Dooly County, was born in the latter county August 10, 1860. Reared at a time when education was more expensive than the southern planter could well provide, he received only a common school education and at the age of eighteen, left home to make his way in the world. His first work was clerking for a mercantile firm in the city of Macon. On September 10, 1880, he entered the employ of the Central Railroad, and continued in the service of the same company as a locomotive engineer forty-seven years. On June 25, 1889, in the Gordon Methodist Church, he was married to Miss Minnie Sanders, daughter of King and Bethany (Leslie) Sanders, pioneer citizens of Gordon. They first made their home in Macon then Augusta and later Savannah, as Mr. Hooks received promotion in his capacity as a locomotive engineer. During these years he had the distinction of pulling the famous "Nancy Hanks" the crack flyer of that day between Atlanta and Savannah. On the morning of September 10, 1904, while running passenger train No. 4 from Macon to Savannah, the engine ran into an open switch at Rocky Ford, and turned over, from which he received a personal injury that incapacitated him for regular service. Being granted a leave of absence by the railroad company in 1906, Mr. and Mrs. Hooks moved to Gordon and built a home of "Colonial" architecture, giving it an Indian name "Sowania" which means strictly Southern, and has been the scene of many brilliant social functions. Later Mr. Hooks erected a modern store building, stocked and JOHN WESLEY HOOKS operated for ten years one of Gordon's most up-to-date mercantile establishments. Mr. Hooks, although a staunch Democrat has never entered deeply into politics but was twice elected alderman and served two terms as mayor of Gordon and during his administration inaugurated the first sanitary department, using the primitive ox and cart, which has later developed into a modern auto truck. As a mark of appreciation of his value to Gordon one of the streets is named in his honor. Progressive in thought, he is always ready to do everything for the advancement of the people of the town and county. He has spent his time, talent and money for the betterment of this section and has aided materially in pushing forward the wheels of progress in Gordon, having been largely responsible for the Pyne Tree Paper Mill being located here. But after all the greatest measure of value to Gordon of John Wesley Hooks as a citizen is not his material achievements for the community. Rather it is the life of the man himself. Quiet, unassuming, gentle in manner, he goes the even tenor of his way and like Thomas Jefferson he believes in covering people's faults with the broad mantle of Christian charity. He is a prince among men and as Mr. Darden Asbury, passenger agent of the Southern Pacific Railroad said of him in an introductory letter to a friend "He is a regular Chesterfield." In Wilkinson County's galaxy of great names his is a star of the first magnitude. But just lovable "Uncle John" to all the young folks and to the writer of this sketch, John Wesley Hooks deserves the title of first citizen of Gordon, where he is now living in retirement, having been granted a life pension by his beloved Central of Georgia Railroad. (Mrs. Gertrude Sanders Gillespie.) MRS. JOHN WESLEY HOOKS Mrs. Minnie Sanders Hooks was born in Gordon, Ga., Nov. 11, 1870, daughter of King and Bethany (Leslie) Sanders. Mrs. Hooks' father in her own words, was "an honest man," her mother "a very great lady, unknown to fame." Mrs. Hooks' grandfather, Malachi Sanders, was a veteran of the War of 1812, and on her mother's side she is descended from the Tysons of the Revolutionary War. Her eldest brother died in Virginia, while serving the War Between the States. Mrs. Hooks joined the Gordon Methodist Church, August 1887, and was married in the same church June 25, 1889, to John Wesley Hooks, going immediately thereafter to Macon to make her home. No children have blessed this union, but the devotion existing between Mr. and Mrs. Hooks is fully realized by their friends and acquaintances. Since early womanhood Mrs. Hooks has interested herself in woman's affairs. While living in Macon she was a member of the King's Daughters and was an active member of the Auxiliary to the Y.M.C.A. She was also a charter member of the Auxiliary to the B. of L.E. of which she was the third president and a representative to the St. Louis, Mo. convention. The love for the old home being so strong in the breast of Mrs. Hooks, in March 1906, she with her husband returned to Gordon to live where she has ever since been closely identified with civic movements and benevolent organizations of many sorts and has sought at all times to align herself intelligently and consistently with the affairs of her home, community and environment. She was a charter member of the Gordon Eastern Star and served one term as Worthy Matron. To her belongs the honor of organizing the Wimodausis Club, now the Woman's Club and was the first President. In Nov. 1927, she was elected President of the Tenth District of the Georgia Federation of Woman's Clubs and was Trustee two years of the Tallulah Falls School owned and operated by the Club Women of Georgia. Mrs. Hooks has represented the Club as a delegate to the General Federation conventions in New York, Hot Springs, MRS. JOHN WESLEY HOOKS Ark., Chantauqua, N.Y., Los Angeles, Cal., and San Antonio, Texas, and several State Conventions. She organized and was elected the first President of the Wilkinson County Chapter U.D.C. She was appointed by the State Regent, the Organizing Regent of the John Ball Chapter, D.A.R., of which she was the first Regent and with the assistance of the Charter members developed it immediately to high standing among the other chapters. As a maid of the love and esteem of the members of the chapter, in March, 1929, following suitable ceremonies in her honor, a cedrus deodara was planted on the courthouse lawn commemorating the success she had made as Regent of the Chapter. When the Chapter assumed the great undertaking of publishing this History, it was imperative that a leader be chosen to head the publishing committee, one who possessed untiring energy, the ability to inspire enthusiasm, a leader whom the other members would follow, one who would not seek self aggrandizement, profit or fame, but who would submerge her own personal interests and throw her whole heart, soul, and being into the accomplishment of the task. This Mrs. Hooks has done. To her the Chapter is indebted for the success of the venture. During the World War her services for the Red Cross never ceased. While Mrs. Hooks has never been abroad she has traveled extensively through the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Mrs. Hooks is above all else a devoted wife; her unswerving loyalty to her friends and to her ideals, her sense of fairness and justice in all her work and her deep interest in all civic and cultural work has made her a valuable citizen of Gordon and Wilkinson County. ELI BARTOW HUBBARD Among the descendants of John Nunn, who fought in the Revolutionary War, and who is buried at Nunn and Wheeler Cemetery in Wilkinson County, is Eli Bartow Hubbard. The relationship is traceable as follows: Among the children of John Nunn was one daughter named Susan. This daughter first married a Manderson, and then after her first husband's death she married Neri Wheeler, who is also buried at Nunn and Wheeler Cemetery in Wilkinson County. Susan Wheeler lived to be One Hundred and one years old. She is remembered by Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Grenade of this county, who is now living, and who gave the author this information. Susan Wheeler had one daughter by the name of Addiline, who married Robert F. Adams, among her several children was one by the name of Francis. Francis Adams married James Allen Hubbard, who are the parents of Eli Bartow Hubbard. The Nunns and Wheelers came to Georgia from South Carolina prior to the year 1776 and later settled in Bloodworth District in Wilkinson County. Eli Bartow Hubbard was born January 16th, 1882, just across the line of Wilkinson in Baldwin County, Georgia. He attended the public schools of Baldwin until the age of thirteen years, when his father placed him on a farm. He farmed for several years, and at the age of thirty- three years he began the study of law while working on his farm. He was admitted to the Bar on July 19th, 1916, and immediately moved to Wilkinson County, on a farm which he purchased from the McDaniel estate near Gordon. He married Bessie Williams, the daughter of Edward and Rebecca Williams of this county on Nov. 5th, 1916. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard have two children, Frances Rebecca and Josephine Elizabeth, both having been born on the McDaniel farm near Gordon. He continued to reside on this farm until 1921, when he moved to Gordon. During the year 1922, he organized and established at Gordon, The Wilkinson County News, a weekly newspaper. He edited this paper in connection with his law practice until 1925. He served Wilkinson county as county attorney for the years 1922-23-24 and 25, and again from 1928 to the present time. He was elected as Representative of Wilkinson county in the General Assembly of the State of Georgia for the years 1929-30. During his service as Representative in the 1929 session of ELI BARTOW HUBBARD the General Assembly he introduced and secured a favorable report from the Committee the following bills of general operation throughout the State: A Bill to exempt farm lands from taxation. House Bill No. 130. A Bill to provide for a special lien for laborers, House Bill No. 404. A Bill to place the Public Road from Irwinton to Wrightsville on the State Highway system. House Bill No. 319 and also to eliminate the county site to county site provision from the State Aid Road laws. This last named bill was passed by substitute known as the Traylor-Neal Bill. Among the committees he served on were: Appropriations, Judiciary No. 2, State Sanitarium, Engrossing. None of these bills were placed on the calendar for passage for the reason that tax bills were given the preference, and very few bills other than revenue bills of a general nature were placed on the calendar for passage. (Autobiography) REV. GREEN BERRY HUGHS INDIAN FIGHTER — BAPTIST PREACHER William Thomas Hughs, grandfather of Green B. Hughs, emigrated to Georgia from Ireland about the time of the Revolutionary War, reaching here when he was nine years of age. He later married Ann, the daughter of Joel and Elizabeth (Hitchcock) Childs, and became one of the early settlers of Wilkinson County. In 1811 we find him Tax Receiver of the County. He and his wife raised a large family of children, among them being: John Hughs, who married Margaret White and settled about eight miles southwest of Irwinton. He became a member of New Providence Baptist Church, several miles distant from his home. Recognizing the need for a church in his own community, he induced others to unite with him in organizing Bethel Baptist Church. The newly constituted church at once called Mr. Hughs to the pastorate and requested New Providence to ordain him as a minister. For eleven years, and up to his death in 1843, he served this church, New Providence, and others as pastor. Although Elder David Smith was one of the Presbytery which ordained John Hughs, fate led these two men to become leaders of two opposing schools of thought in the Baptist churches of Wilkinson County which four years later were destined to rend asunder the membership of these churches - Missionary and Anti-Missionary. Smith was violently Anti-Missionary. At Irwinton Church in 1831, he paused long enough in his sermon to engage his objecting deacon, John Eady, in a fist fight in the pulpit. He frequently served all the other Baptist churches in the county except Bethel and New Providence, and he had a tremendous following in all these other churches. However, John Hughs advocated the Missionary belief. Though young in the ministry, not only did these two churches follow his guidance but his influence was felt in many other places. The supreme test came at the Association at Beersheba in 1830, when the feeling had become so intense, that the division in the Baptist Church became necessary. The only two churches in Wilkinson whose members were aligned almost solidly on the side of Missions, were Bethel and New Providence. Big Sandy, almost equally divided on the question finally cast in her lot with Missions. All the other Baptist churches formed the Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Association. Rev. John Hughs, now the leading Missionary Baptist of the county, saw the need for more Missionary Baptist churches. In every Baptist church of the county there had been some who believed in Missions, and these, now severing themselves from the mother church, needed some convenient place for their membership. Especially was this true at Mt. Nebo whose Missionary members were so numerous that Liberty church was organized to take care of them. Rev. Green Berry Hughs, the oldest son of Rev. John Hughs was born May 13, 1814. He joined New Providence church early in life, transferred his membership to Bethel, was ordained deacon in 1842, and licensed to preach in 1849. HERO OF THE CREEK WAR In his young manhood Mr. Hughs was employed as manager of the mercantile establishment operated by Samuel REV. GREEN BERRY HUGHS Beall at Irwinton. The Creek Indian War of 1836 breaking out, Beall, who for years had been the leading military figure in the county, was assigned to duty on the staff of Major Jernigan whose command was operating near Columbus, Georgia, and in the counties adjacent. Upon his being ordered to report at the scene of hostilities, Beall gave complete charge of his store to Hughs until his return. Soon after Beall's departure, however, the nation was startled by the massacre at Roanoke, and Wilkinson County was called on to furnish her quota of a company of mounted men to march immediately. Green B. Burney's Company, the Wilkinson Greys, was chosen. Many members of this company, including the Captain were from Hugh's immediate neighborhood, and when volunteers were called to fill vacancies in the Company, forgetting Sam Beall's instructions he hastily left the store in other hands and departed with the Company for the front. The story is still told throughout Wilkinson of how arriving in Stewart County the Wilkinson Greys were deployed in a swamp when overwhelming numbers of Indians attacked them forcing them to fall back. Young Hugh's horse was shot from under him, and in falling from his horse his gun dropped to the ground. Before he could regain it the redskins were upon him. Though extremely small in stature and no match to combat unarmed even one Indian, Hughs at once endeavored to retrieve his gun. In the meantime, Sam Beall with a few troops had arrived to re-inforce the retreating men. Beall saw in the distance the predicament the diminutive figure of Hughs was in and putting spurs to his horse dashed to his rescue, and galloping up behind he seized Hughs, lifted him onto his horse and bore him away out of danger. Noticing that Hughs was struggling to get loose from him, he inquired the reason and Hughs informed him that he wanted to go back after his gun. Although a devout Methodist it is said that Sam Beall now for once swore like a pirate, consigning the blanekty-blank gun to all sorts of perdition. When he finished he looked at the man whom he had saved and to his astonishment he found him none other than his store manager whom he thought to be in Irwinton. "You little devil, I thought you were seeing after my store!" was Beall's delighted exclamation upon recognizing Hughs. AS MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL A few months after Green B. Hughs returned from the Indian War he was married to Miss Nancy Methvin, the daughter of Thomas Methvin of Wilkinson County. During the years that followed Mr. Hughs was able to amass quite a fortune operating his plantation and he soon owned a number of slaves. Upon his entering the ministry, however, he devoted his whole time and attention to the church, riding horseback to distant appointments, organizing churches in places where they were needed, serving them without charge wherever the membership was too poor to pay him. He served for a time at Antioch, Stone Creek, Clear Creek, New Providence, Jeffersonville, Salem, and other churches during the early years of his ministry. Too old for service in the War Between the States, he was appointed by the Inferior Court to investigate the condition of destitute widows and orphans in portions of the county and to see that they were provided with the necessities of life. Mr. Hughs was preaching at Bethel Church in 1865, when Bob Toombs was making his memorable escape from the Yankees. In company with Joel Dees who was conducting him through the county to Wesley King's they took the wrong road and came out at Bethel. Hughs was in the midst of a sermon, Dees, not knowing which road to take and knowing Rev. Hughs well, called him from the pulpit and recited to him the trouble they were in. Tradition says that this was one service where there was no benediction, and this was the only time in Green B. Hughs life he felt that the Lord's work could wait. Without a moment's hesitation he laid aside all ministerial duties and mounting his horse conducted Toombs to Wesley King's. In 1871 he sold his plantation and induced several other families to move with him to Texas. The climate not agreeing with them, however, and the finances of the others REV. GREEN BERRY HUGHS being exhausted, he used all his remaining funds in paying their expenses back to Georgia. For a while after his return he served Bluewater Church in Laurens County and other churches, a short time later moving to Florida where he worked half time with his son as a Missionary serving two churches. In 1875 he returned to Wilkinson County, living for a while at Gordon. In 1877 Bethel again called him and he returned to his small home near there which he still owned. Though with failing health he continued his service here until 1883. The Ebenezer Association appointed him colporteur, and he went about distributing Bibles among those who were unable to buy, and preaching at the churches in whose service he had given the best years of his life. His last official work was helping organize Mt. Pleasant Church in Baldwin County in 1886. While preparing for a Union Meeting at Bethel he was stricken, living only a few hours. The children of Green B. Hughs were: Martha Ann Elizabeth (1840-1929 m. James Morris Beall), John Thomas (1842- 1875, m. Florence Virginia Stanley), Sarah Jane (1844, living, m. Ira Chambers), Margaret White (1846-1880, m. James Spears), William Jackson (1849-1890, m. Mamie Ellis, first, and Edith Armstrong, second), Theodosia Clifford (1856-1928, m. first, Robert Matthews, second Joseph Richardson, third Lorenzo Dow), Green Davis (1861- 1907, m. Julia Binacher). HAYWOOD DONALDSON HUGHES Haywood Donaldson Hughes, a member of the prominent Hughes family of Twiggs County, was born in Jeffersonville, July 18, 1851, the youngest son of Haywood and Elizabeth (Coley) Hughes, and received his education at the Jeffersonville School. In 1870 he moved to Wilkinson, where on July 15, 1874, he was married to Emma Hughs, the daughter of Nathaniel C. and Georgia (Hatcher) Hughs. After moving here he soon became a successful farmer. In the hectic political years of 1892 and 1894 when the Democratic and Populist Parties were engaged in a death grapple, he was nominated by the Democratic Convention to make the race for Clerk of the Superior Court. Both times he was successful. From 1892 to 1907 he made Irwinton his home and then moved to Toomsboro where he engaged in the livestock sales business. His wide acquaintance over the county and his known responsibility and integrity were now assets, and from the beginning his business was a success. He was active in the organization of the Wilkinson County Bank and served as a Director from its organization to his death Feb. 23, 1921. He, likewise served several years as Councilman and also as Mayor of Toomsboro, and acted as Clerk of Toomsboro Baptist Church from 1908 to 1912. He was also a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Hughes possessed a host of friends to whom he was unquestionably most loyal. His friendliness to every one, his hospitality, his ready aid for those in need, endeared him to all. Mrs. Hughes is, indeed, a most lovable woman, friendly, unselfish, kind and considerate of others. She is a faithful member of Toomsboro Baptist Church, and no one loves this church more devotedly than she. And now in the evening of her life, she radiates a spirit of goodness and of cheer which makes one love her the more. Their children were: Albert Haden (Dec. 10, 1875-July 7, 1879), Paul Blackman (July 12, 1878); Alberta (Mrs. Lance B. Simmons) Mar. 4, 1881; Julian Herbert (July 9, 1883- Nov. 4, 1884); Georgia Elizabeth (Mrs. W.C. Troutman) July 2, 1886; and Mayme (Mrs. Herbert Stephens) Dec. 25, 1888. NATHANIEL CAIN HUGHS Nathaniel Cain Hughs (November 29, 1815-1881) was the son of William (August 29, 1792-January 25, 1848) and Rebecca (Childs) Hughs (June 22, 1794-March 19, 1846), and the grandson of William Thomas Hughs (See sketch of Rev. G.B. Hughs). Probably no stronger character ever lived HAYWOOD DONALDSON HUGHES in Wilkinson than he. Those who knew him best yet speak of him as being of that splendid type of manhood who could never be swayed by popular clamor, by selfish desires or hope of gain, but whose whole being reminded one of the powerful oak, well-rooted in the soil, a type badly needed but only too sadly lacking in the Wilkinson County of today. Uncompromising with wrong, stern in his demands upon those clothed with authority to perform their duty. Mr. Hughs would not be termed a politician, yet for many years he figured prominently in the public life of the county. He was a faithful member of Bethel Baptist Church. At the age of twenty, when Green B. Burney's company was starting for the scene of hostilities in the Indian War of 1836, he could not resist the temptation to go with the company, in the nature of a free lance, his age as well as the full complement of the company not permitting his becoming a member. Thus, a veteran of Indian War, when the call for volunteers was made in the War Between the States, he served again for a time until sent back for service in the county. At an early age, like most of the young men of the county he began his life work as a planter and during the ante- bellum period amassed some property, being considered a success in his vocation. After the war with the freeing of the slaves when the methods of operating plantations had to be revolutionized, he again made a success of farming. In 1873 when W.C. Adams while a member of the Legislature created the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, the act appointed N.C. Hughs as one of the first members. He served several terms in this capacity. In 1877, at the urgent insistence of his friends he consented to enter the race for Representative but with the distinct understanding that he would not "electioneer." He was elected but refused to accept a second term. Throughout his life he was an ardent Democrat. He was married December 26, 1842, to Georgia Hatcher (Feb. 9, 1826-January 12, 1918) daughter of James Hatcher (b. 1798) and Jane (Whitehead) Hatcher (b. 1798), and granddaughter of William Hatcher, a veteran of the Revolution and his wife Priscilla Jane Whitehead was the daughter of Reason and Martha Whitehead. Martha Jane, m. Capt. A.A. Beall; Rebecca, m. William S. Stevens; Emma, m. H.D. Hughs; Nathaniel, m. Annie Baum; James William, m. Viola Bush; Hatcher, m. George S. Riley; Ida, unmarried is the only one of the family living in Irwinton. SOL ISENBERG I was born in Suwalki, Poland, October 15, 1879. My grandfather on my father's side was Joseph Isenberg and my father's name was Myer Isenberg. They were prominently recognized as one of the best families in the state. My father was one of the most highly educated men in the state of Suwalki. My mother's name was Rosa Ann, the daughter of Enoch Wilenski, also of a very prominent and well known family. I received my education in the schools of Suwalki. During my school career I learned several languages which included Russian, Polish, Lituanian, German, and Hebrew. After I completed my education, I was connected with my father in his business. At the age of twenty-one, I enlisted in the army and served for a period of six months. Just about this time, which happened to be April 15, 1900, I decided to emigrate to America the "Land of Freedom and More Opportunities." My mother accompanied me to New York where she resided with an older brother, Jacob Isenberg, for six months. The first difficulty I had to overcome was the English language. I worked during the day and attended night school until I had mastered the English language enough to understand the daily conversation of life. During my three years stay in New York I met and fell in love with Sadie Smith, the daughter of Max Smith, also a prominent family of Poland. After a courtship of three years we were married July 4, 1905, in Atlanta, Georgia, coming to Atlanta several months preceding our marriage. Three chil SOL ISENBERG dren, Hannah, (Mrs. A.J. Fogle), Joe and Rose, were born in Atlanta. In 1912 we moved to Tennille and stayed for two years. In 1914 we arrived in Toomsboro, Georgia, where Walter (better known as Buster) was born. In 1916 we came to Gordon, Jacob and Geraldine were born here. We appreciate the kind hospitality of the people in Gordon, and vicinity. Their kindness and popular favor won me the distinction of serving twice as Alderman of the City of Gordon; President and Vice-President of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Gordon; Worshipful Master of the Gordon Lodge No., 240 F.& A.M.; also recently elected Council-Commander of the W.O.W. Sol Isenberg REV. B.H. IVEY, D.D. Benjamin Henry Ivey was born in Warren County, Georgia, April 4, 1848. He was of English descent, his ancestors coming to Virginia before the Revolutionary War and several of them taking an active part in the struggle. Soon after this war the family moved to Warren County, Georgia, where his father, Oliver Ivey was married to Miss Amanda Ellis. During the War Between the States the family moved to South Georgia. In 1869 Dr. Ivey was converted and joined Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Marion County. He became impressed that it was his duty to preach the Gospel, and in 1871 entered Howard College at Marion, Ala. In 1872 he entered Mercer University, Macon, Ga., graduating in 1876, having been out of college one year during this time. Dr. Ivey's first pastorate was Gordon, Wilkinson County, Ga. Soon after beginning this pastorate, he erected the First Baptist Church to be built at this place. Under his leadership the membership of the church was greatly increased. He was pastor at Irwinton and several country churches in this county. He also served as Moderator of the Ebenezer Association for several years. He served churches in Macon, Sandersville, Sparta, Warrenton, Camak, Harlem, and other places. While pastor at Warrenton he served as County School Superintendent. He died in Warrenton August 16th, 1911. Dr. Ivey was a cultured, consecrated man, spending his life for the glory of his master, and the uplift of his fellow men. He was regarded as an able preacher. In 1907 he was given the degree of D.D., by Mercer University. He was twice married, first to Miss Mattie Thompson of Wilkinson County. To this union was born four daughters and one son. His second marriage was to Miss Etta Daniel of Washington County, and to them was born one daughter, Mrs. C.S. Duggan. (By Mrs. C.S. Duggan) EMILE JOHNSON Honored and respected by every person who knows him for his solid worth, honesty, integrity, outspoken opinions upon public questions and condemnation of those who shirk their duties. Wilkinson County is proud to claim as one of her very best citizens, a man, who though born in Sweden, yet is now intensely American, intensely Georgian, intensely Wilkinson Countian — Emile Johnson (Emil Sven Johanson). Whatever Mr. Johnson does, from selling goods to fighting fire, he does with his whole heart and soul - and succeeds. The son of Andrew and Mary (Maya) Johanson, Emile was born Dec. 3, 1871, and at the age of three years, his father having come ahead of the family to America, his mother came across to join her husband, Once in America, his name became Johnson. For a number of years the family resided in Illinois, our subject attending school for a limited time at Pierce City, Mo., and Genesco, Ill. Approaching manhood, the timber business appealed to him. He served as floating pilot on the Mississippi and tributary rivers for twelve or fourteen years. Barges would be built on the headwaters, loaded with produce and then piloted down the river to markets. His skill won for him the reputation of being one of the best of this vocation. The virgin forests of EMILE JOHNSON Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana, attracted him and he spent some years there. Later going to Florida he met and married, in 1905, at Chipley, Fla., Mrs. Ada Lilliam (Wilson) Culpepper, the daughter of Samuel W. and Sarah V. (Walker) Wilson. Learning of the heavily forested Oconee River Swamps of Wilkinson, he came here in 1904 and started in the hardwood business, soon afterward moving his family to Irwinton, his father and brother, Frank, also coming. In 1906 he entered the mercantile business in what is known as the Old Baum building, which he has occupied ever since. He was Director and later President of the ill-fated Irwinton Railroad Company. Mr. Johnson has served as Alderman and Mayor of Irwinton; is at present a Trustee of the Irwinton School; member and Trustee of the Irwinton Methodist Church, a Mason and a Democrat. Mrs. Johnson was the granddaughter of John T.J. Wilson and of John McPhail and Penelope (Daugherty) Walker. Her first marriage was to Howard P. Culpepper, the son of Henry and Nancy (King, d. of Hiram King. See John King sketch) Culpepper. By this marriage she has three children: Ralph (m. Nina Ragan, their two children are Fay and Ralph, Jr.); Ruby, (m. J. Marvin Hall, their child being Helen); Russell, (m. Bessie Skelton, and they have one child, Sybil). With no children of his own, Mr. Johnson lavished upon his step-children all a father's love, giving them such education as fitted them for life. Mrs. Johnson is also a member of the Methodist Church and very active in the Woman's Missionary Society. Her spirit of generosity, her ready aid and sympathy for those in need or in trouble, is well worthy of emulation. WILLIAM ALLEN JONES Living in the house today, in which he was born on August 26, 1804, the son of Josiah H. and Serena (Pace) Jones, whose ancestors date back to pioneer days in the development of North Georgia and North Carolina, William Allen Jones was raised in Gordon, Georgia. He received his early training in reconstruction days, after the War Between the States, graduating from the Gordon High School in 1881, he entered the Sophomore Class at Emory University in the Fall of the same year, after which, at the age of twenty years, he entered the employ of the Central of Georgia Railroad in the transportation department, where he was quickly promoted to Conductor, serving in this capacity for two years. He resigned and entered the Mercantile business in Gordon, where he has remained until the present. William Allen Jones is widely known as one of the most enterprising and public spirited citizens of his state, county and city, where he has stood high in public esteem. Having joined the Methodist Church in his early boyhood days, he still remains a devout believer in its doctrine, serving as Chairman of the Board of Stewards for many years and Bible teacher of a class in Sunday School for more than twenty years. He is still in the general mercantile business and one of the largest land owners in the county. On February the 15th, 1885, he was married to Winnie B. Sanders, daughter of King and Bethany Sanders (see sketch of King Sanders), the largest planter and merchant in Gordon at that time. There has been no children born to William Allen and Winnie B. Jones. Mrs. Jones is a lady of culture and has a clear insight of business and has been a most deserving help mate to her husband, always active in all of Mr. Jones enterprises. She is a member of the John Ball Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution and an enthusiastic member of the Woman's Club of her district. Mr. Jones is a Methodist, a Mason, a Knight of Pythias and a Democrat, whose faith in them all has never wavered, having served his city as Mayor several terms and his county in the Georgia Legislature for two terms with distinction. No man could be of the prominence he is without making enemies, but often those enemies made by his uncompromising WILLIAM ALLEN JONES nature have come back as friends. (Prepared by a Member of the Family) THE JOHN KING FAMILY No family in Wilkinson has had more outstanding men and women in every generation of the history of the county than has this one. John King was born in Edgefield District, S.C., a son by the first wife of his father, who was a man of considerable estate. While we have no direct proof yet we have reason to believe this is the same John King who served in the Georgia House of Representatives from Wilkes County Georgia during the years 1785-86-87-88-89- 90 and also as Commissioner to make a treaty with the Indians at Shoulderbone in 1786. We next find him a prominent planter in Wilkinson County in 1809 and being appointed by the Legislature as a Commissioner to build the famous Hartford Road. John was married to Kizza Morgan and their children were: David, Nancy, Hiram, who moved to Dacatur County, Georgia and Wesley, who remained here. John's old home is near the home of his great-granddaughter, Mrs. W.T. Wall, this being once known as the "Halfway House" on the Hartford and Milledgeville Road. After the death of John, his widow lived near the present site of Allentown, with her son Wesley, but she too died when he was only eighteen years of age. Before her death she asked a Mr. Rogers, a Primitive Baptist preacher, to help Wesley manage her estate. Wesley was soon proving himself a good business man and at the age of twenty-two we find him having negroes and rapidly branching out into a prosperous slave and plantation owner. At the age of twenty-four he married Elizabeth, the daughter of Anson Ball, who was one of the wealthiest men of the county. Their children were: Erasmus, who moved to Quitman; Hiram, Ira and Wesley, who remained in Wilkinson and two girls. In politics Wesley was an ardent Whig and was held in such high esteem by the people of Wilkinson County that when he offered for the Senate in 1845, having served in the House of Representatives 1838-39, although he was opposed by a son of Governor Troupe, party lines were forgotten and he was swept into office by a tremendous majority. During the War Between the States, no man was more patriotic than he. Too old himself to enlist, his sons took their places in the ranks. Wesley at home did all in his power to further the cause of the South. When Sherman's forces invaded Wilkinson he collected every wounded soldier south of Big Sandy who happened to be at home, and was able to ride a horse, also every boy and old man who could serve, and formed a company for the purpose of patrolling all the crossings of Big Sandy Creek, cutting off all foraging parties and marauding bands which would attempt to cross the creek and prey upon the plantations south of this creek. Joel A. Smith, sick and home on a furlough at the time, became a member of the Company and related these facts to the compiler. Ira S., 1843-1927, son of Wesley served throughout the War in Company D, 5th Georgia Regiment. Extremely small in size, yet his comrades have often recited to the compiler the deeds of daring, of bravery, of sacrifice performed by this man. No one in the regiment was more loved than he. He was married to Mary Francis Lingo (1851-1907) in 1869. WILLIAM OSCAR KINNEY Of all the sons of Wilkinson County who have gone forth to make their success elsewhere none is more loved and respected by the people of the County than is William Oscar Kinney of Macon - and of Irwinton (for Irwinton is proud to claim him as a citizen of the town, even though his duties permit him to spend but a small portion of his time here). Mr. Kinney was born August 8, 1870, at his father's old home five miles east of Irwinton the son of James William and Epsy Jane (Mackey) Kinney. The latter was the daughter of William and Eliza Mackey early settlers of Wilkinson WILLIAM OSCAR KINNEY County, both of whom were natives of South Carolina. His father, James William was the son of James William, Sr., and Mary (King) Kinney, the latter being the daughter of Elisha King of Hancock County. James William Kinney, Sr., was born and reared nine miles from Pittsburg, Penn., on the Monongahela River. He was given the advantages of a good education and under good instructors developed his talent for music. As a mathematician he had few superiors. He left his native State between 1810 and 1815 and came to Milledgeville. Here he obtained employment in the Academy as instructor of higher mathematics, and at the same time teaching music. In 1825 when LaFayette was a visitor at Milledgeville, he was invited to take part in the entertainment of that noble Frenchman, and was a member of the mounted escort which accompanied him as far as Macon. Some years after this he moved to Wilkinson county where he served as County Surveyor from 1830 to 1844. Due to disability Mr. Kinney's father did not serve in the Confederate Army during the War Between the States, yet he performed patriotic service such as he was able. Mr. Kinney also had four uncles on his mother's side to be killed while in service. Mr. Kinney received his education at Talmage Institute, and after his graduation here took a business course at the Lexington Kentucky University. He then moved to Macon in 1891, where he accepted the position of Bookkeeper for the A.B. Small Co., Wholesale Grocers. He served in this capacity until 1894, then formed a partnership with B.T. Adams, entering into the cotton business, in which he remained until 1916. After this he began a cotton business of his own which he now operates. During all these years Mr. Kinney's love for his native County has not diminished. For years he has maintained his country home here in Irwinton, and whenever possible he spends days here hunting with old friends, who still know him as "Oscar." He is also interested in pecans and pineapple pears, owning the finest orchard and grove in the County. Four years ago Mr. Kinney having been elected a member of the County Commissioners of Bibb County, was chosen Chairman of that body and served out that term. He has been elected for another four years as a member. Of special interest to the people of this county is his official position inasmuch as every possible effort is now being put forth by him for the county to get the co- operation of Bibb and other counties in the building of the Irwinton and Macon Highway, and all here know they have an advocate in him towards carrying this project through. Mr. Kinney was married December 4, 1895, to Miss Clara Guerry, daughter of Judge DuPont and Fannie (Davenport) Guerry, the latter of an old Americus family. Mr. Kinney's inherent friendliness has won the hearts of the people of Irwinton and she, too, is regarded as a part of Wilkinson County's citizenry. Her appointment as a member of the Georgia Delegation to the 1928 Presidential Convention was hailed with delight here as well as her success in the two last Municipal elections in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney have reared four sons and one daughter; DuPont Guerry Kinney, who served with distinction in the Rainbow Division during the World War; William Oscar Kinney, Jr., a rapidly rising Attorney of Macon; Francis Davenport Kinney; Clara Virginia (Mrs. W.L. Stribling, Jr.) and Frederick Kinney. MRS. JULIA PORTER KITCHENS In prominence of ancestral lines, few people in Wilkinson can boast of more than Mrs. Julia (Porter) Kitchens, wife of Carlton G. Kitchens, ex-Regent of the John Ball Chapter D.A.R., Home Economics Demonstrator of the county. Through her father she is descended from the Porters, the Ryes and others; through her mother the Browns, Mitchells, Whipples, Burkes, Ballou, Angles and Arnolds of New England. (See other sketches in this vol.) Mrs. Kitchens was born January 25, 1889, the daugh JULIA PORTER KITCHENS ter of John F. and Fannie (Brown) Porter. She received her education at Danville School and Georgia State Teachers College at Athens from which she holds her degree. She continues to study at the University of Georgia, majoring in Home Economics. After her graduation she taught school for several years and in 1924 while serving as Principal of the Danville High School she was elected Home Economics Demonstrator of the county which position she has held ever since. Her activities in the work has won for her the merited praise of the state and district agents. Each year she carries groups of Club Girls to Camp Wilkins for a study course. Through this she has inspired many to attend High Schools and Colleges. Rendering service to others through education is the ambition of her life. As Regent of the D.A.R. Chapter she requested the Chapter to devote all their D.A.R. activities for the year 1929- 1930 to the publication of this history. The Chapter as a whole rallied to the suggestion and ever since then she has done all in her power towards keeping up the enthusiasm and pushing forward the work, even during the months when lack of funds threatened it with failure. Much of the success of the undertaking is due to her tireless energy and unceasing effort. She was married July 12, 1913, to Carleton Garry Kitchens, son of Garry Newton and Alice Theresa (Hill) Kitchens. Mr. Kitchens is a prominent and progressive planter of the county. He is a member of the John Milledge Chapter S.A.R.; member of the Danville Baptist Church, and a Democrat. During the past year he has been serving as Mayor of Danville. Mr. and Mrs. Kitchens have one son, Garry, who is a student at Middle Georgia College at Cochran, and who gives promise of a successful career in keeping with what might be expected of one descended from such ancestors. MRS. NANCY CAROLINE WARD LAMB Though born in Twiggs County, yet Wilkinson County is proud to claim Mrs. Nancy Caroline (Ward) Lamb as a loyal daughter of Wilkinson. Mrs. Lamb was born July 31, 1876, in Shady Grove District of Twiggs County, the daughter of James Horace and Martha Jane (Long) Ward; granddaughter of Solomon and Martha Ann (Carswell) Long; great-granddaughter of Samuel Martin and Jane (Manson) Carswell. Her father, James Horace Ward, has a most enviable record of service in the War Between the States, having enlisted March 4, 1862, in Co. G, 48th Georgia Volunteers, Infantry, which was transferred and made a part of Gen. A.R. Wright's Brigade, Anderson's Division and Longstreet's Corps., Army of Northern Virginia. In 1862 he was appointed musician and served as such until the surrender at Appomattox. Mrs. Lamb's girlhood was spent on her father's farm and she attended the schools of Twiggs County, finishing her education at Ebenezer College at Cochran, where she prepared herself for the work of a Modiste. She was married to Charles Broxton Lamb, a member of a prominent Twiggs County family, November 25, 1896, and continued to live in Twiggs County until 1907 when the family moved to that portion of Danville located in Wilkinson, where they have since lived. Their children are: Mae, Buron, D.T. and Charles. D.T. married Margaret Waddell, June 10, 1925, and has two children. Derwin Taylor, born January 18, 1927, and James Broxton, born May 22, 1929. Mae, one of the most graceful, talented and charming young ladies of Danville, is a student at the Seminary at Louisville, Ky., where she is preparing for social service work. She is also an active member of the John Ball Chapter, D.A.R. Mrs. Lamb is a faithful member of the Methodist Church, an amiable wife and a devoted mother. Her lovable disposition and absolute unselfishness and pure character endears everyone to her. MRS. GEORGIA ELVENIA BURKE LAND Throughout the history of Wilkinson County the Burke family has always taken a most prominent part in political MRS. GEORGIA ELVENIA BURKE LAND affairs and has ever held a high place in the affections of the people generally. The family is said to have come to Wilkinson from South Carolina. The earliest record of their being in this county was in 1833, when Daniel Burke bought land lot 235 in the 23rd land district, what is now known as the "Old Lee Place." Daniel had a sister, Margaret, who married William Chapman of this county. Daniel was probably the son of Nimrod who served as 2nd Lieutenant 10th Company, Washington County Regiment of Militia, Oct. 16, 1787, Sept. 6, 1790, and Lieutenant 8th Company, Washington County Regiment Militia, March 29, 1793, and ——— (Morgan) Burke. It will be noted that Nimrod is a family name found in every generation. Few families have throughout their history produced more leaders and influential men and women than has the Burke. Not merely has this family always borne the reputation for loyalty to friends but a family whose members could be depended upon to exert themselves to the utmost in helping their friends. No one is more justly proud of her descent from such a lineage than is Mrs. Georgia Elvenia Land of Allentown. She was born October 26, 1865, the daughter of John (Jan. 19, 1817-Apr. 14, 1887) and Sarah Carswell Burke. The parents of John were Daniel and Mary (Trulock) Burke, their children being Artemissa, (m. William Brown); Peggy (m. J.A.P. Methvin); Elizabeth, (m. Samuel Meredith); Sarah, (m. 1st Philips and 2nd W.W. Lee); Nimrod, (m. Elizabeth Butler, daughter of Joel Butler); John. On her mother's side, Mrs. Land is connected with the prominent Carswell family, Sarah being the daughter of Samuel Martin Carswell (see Carswell sketch). The children of John and Sarah were: Mary, m. William Watkins; Rhura, m. Robert Slaughter; John M., m. 1st Fannie McNair, 2nd her sister, Estelle McNair; Betty, m. John Sinquefield; Mattie, m. Bill Daughtry; Georgia; Jennie, m. I.N. Meadows; Lottie, m. Mark Faulk. Our subject was married May 10, 1888, to John T. Land (Dec. 20, 1846-July 2, 1918) of Twiggs County, an uncle of Judge Max Land of the Industrial Commission and also of former State School Superintendent Fort Land. Their children are: Burke, m. Elizabeth Carter; Alf Truitt, Florence, Georgia and Thomas H. m. Minnie Lee Prevatte. Her love for her family is most beautiful. No mother ever lived who was more devoted to her children. She is a consistent member of the Methodist Church. (Data furnished by family) THE LEE FAMILY GENEALOGICAL DATA Col. Richard Lee, of Virginia, is the beginning of the Lee family in America. Genealogists so far have been unable to determine who his father was, but it is generally supposed that he was from the Irish Thomas Lee family, who went from England to Ireland in the latter part of the sixteenth century. It is known, however, from his coat of arms that he was from the "Conton" branch of the family. Col. Richard Lee married Ann Hancock and to them were born eight children, namely: Richard (born 1647 and died 1714), from whom is directly descended Gen Robert E. Lee; John; Francis; William; Elizabeth; Charles, and Hancock (born 1653). Hancock Lee married first, Mary Kendall and to them three children were born, namely: William Kendall; Mary; and Richard. His second wife was Sarah Allerton and to them four children were born, namely: Isaac; Hancock; John; and Elizabeth, who was born in 1709 and married Zachary Taylor. Richard Lee, son of Hancock Lee and Mary Kendall, was born Aug. 18, 1691 and died in 1740. In 1720 he married Judith Steptoe and to them seven children were born. These children were Kendall, Elizabeth, Mary, Judith, John, Lelitia, and Capt. Thomas Lee. This Capt. Thomas Lee wrote in his bible, "I am the son of Richard Lee and Judith Steptoe, born Dec. 3, 1729, Northumberland County, Virginia.: He (Capt. Thomas Lee) married Mary Bryan of North Carolina. Their children were, Thomas, born Dec. 9, 1761; John, born May 10, THE LEE FAMILY 1763; William, born Nov. 15, 1764; Richard, born April 3, 1766; James, born October 20, 1768; Needham, born Nov. 4, 1770; Lewis, born 1772; Zilpha, born Jan. 3, 1773; Willis, born 1775; Winnifred, born 1778; Edward, born 1779; and Anna, born 1781. The above named Lewis Lee married Jane Triplett. He was born in South Carolina and moved to Randolph County, Georgia (now Quitman County) about 1832. To Lewis Lee and Jane Triplett were born one son, Walter Washington Lee, who was born July 31, 1812, and died April 11, 1887. Walter Washington Lee married a widow named Sarah Burke Rozar and to them were born five children. These children were: Lott Warren; Lewis; Walter Washington, II; Daniel Green; and Ida. Walter Washington Lee, II, was born August 30, 1853, and died Jan. 17, 1917. He married Mollie Elizabeth Oliphant. Their children are: Dr. William Green Lee of Macon, Ga.; James W. Lee of Memphis, Tenn.; Fannie Belle and Emma Pauline, both of Macon, Ga. Lott Warren Lee, son of Walter Washington Lee and Sarah Burke Rozar, was born Dec. 19, 1849, and died March 11, 1908. He married first to Carrie Farmer of Louisville, Ga. There were six children born to them. His second wife was a Mrs. Bragg. The children by his first wife are: Sidney W. Lee, who married a Miss Stripling of Jones County; Sarah Lee, who married a Mr. Miller and lives in Macon, Ga.; Dr. James Warren Lee, who married Miss Owen of Gordon, Ga.; Robert Farmer Lee; Dan I. Lee, who married Miss Roughton; and Burke Lee, who married a Miss Miller. Lewis Lee, the next son of Walter Washington Lee and Sarah Burke Rozar, had one son named Ramon. Ida Lee, daughter of Walter Washington Lee and Sarah Burke Rozar, married Jonah G. Pearson. Daniel Green Lee, the youngest son of Walter Washington Lee and Sarah Burke Rozar, was born Sept. 30, 1855, and died March 4, 1916. He married Julia Pauline Whitehurst. Their children are: Rev. Walter M. Lee; Dr. Lott Warren Lee; Kate Lee, who married Mr. Henry; and Carro Lee, who married Mr. Fishburne of South Carolina. William Green Lee, son of Walter Washington Lee, II, and Millie Elizabeth Oliphant, was born November 26, 1875. He married Christine Cole of Newnan, Ga. Their children are: William Green, II, age 11; Christine Cole, age 12; and Madison Cole, age 8. James W. Lee, son of Walter Washington Lee, II, married Mattie Gay Tomlinson and their only child Malene, is a student at Wesleyan College. Emma Pauline Lee, daughter of Walter Washington Lee, II, married Leon Dennard. Their children are: Mrs. Lois Mize and Mrs. Elsie Simonton. Fannie Belle Lee, daughter of Walter Washington Lee, II, married J.W. Willums. Their children are: Wynelle, who married Col. Benton; Walter; and Doris. (Prepared by Myrick Hilsman.) References: Mrs. Richard H. Alve, New York N.Y.; Rev. Walter M. Lee. THE LEE FAMILY AND ITS DESCENDANTS (By Rev. Walter M. Lee) In the Library of Congress is a card index file of about forty books and pamphlets dealing exclusively with the history of the Lee family in America. The Lees are of English descent, members of this family having been in the army of Cromwell. The Lees of America are, according to authorities, consulted by the writer, divided into two general families, one of which begins in Virginia, and the other in Connecticut. Members of the latter branch are scattered throughout the West and Northwest. Members of the Virginia family are scattered generally throughout the South and the Southwest. Richard Henry Lee, the eminent American statesman of Revolutionary times, and Henry Lee, Colonel in the army of the Revolution, as well as General Robert E. Lee were members of the Southern branch. THE LEE FAMILY In Halifax District, near the Virginia line, were Daniel, Green, and John Lee. These names are common in the family under special treatment, viz., the family of John Lee, who removed from South Carolina to Georgia as a pioneer settler, located in Wilkinson County, seven miles south of Irwinton, the county seat, on the northern banks of Maiden Creek. He is said to have purchased the Fairchilds plantation, and to have died not many years afterwards. After his decease John T. Fairchilds married his widow. Elizabeth, the wife of John Lee, after the death of her husband became the wife of a young man, who was from the leading families of the section. Her bones lie in the Fairchilds cemetery beside those of her two husbands. This cemetery is located on what is known as the James Knight land, on the road from Allentown to Irwinton, via Pleasant Plains Church. Crossing Maiden Creek, going north, one finds himself on the Knight - Fairchilds - John Lee plantation, and the cemetery is located just off the road to the right, after crossing the creek. The cemetery is about seven miles from Irwinton. John Lee had seven children - five boys and two girls; by name Godfrey, Lovard, Lewis, Needham, and John; and Sarah and Winnie. Lovard Lee removed to Alabama in 1832. His only son was named Alto V. Lee, and was a very prominent man in the legal profession. His son Hon. Lawrence H. Lee, is a reporter of decisions in the Alabama courts. Mrs. Geo. W. Peach, Clayton, Ala., his sister, and a daughter of Alto V. Lee, had numerous descendents around Louisville, Ala., and he had a grandson named Lovett. Lewis Lee, the father of Walter Washington Lee was born in South Carolina about 1780, and removed to Randolph County, Georgia, (now Quitman County) about the year 1832. The wife of Lewis Lee was named Jane Triplett. Their children were Walter Washington, Greenberry, Darling Peeples, Betsy, Rachel, Susie, Sallie, Martha and Mary Jane. One of his descendents has the following to say concerning his personal appearance: "He and General R.E. Lee must have been of the same stock. Their features and build were very much alike. When I would see Gen. Lee in Virginia, I would be reminded of Grandpa." Jane Triplett Lee, the wife of Lewis Lee, was the daughter of Francis Triplett and Rachel Brack. Jane had one sister, Polly, who married Major Collins. A grandchild of Lewis Lee, now very aged, says concerning the youth and education of Lewis Lee: "Our grandfather, Lewis Lee, attended school in 1792, and kept what he called a ciphering book, to which he transferred his examples. He had kept it 65 years when he died. I kept it 40 years and placed it in a drawer and the mice destroyed it. I was very sorry of the loss, for I prized it highly. On the front page of that book was written only: "Lewis Lee's ciphering book, 1792 and he did not locate the place of his residence. It was kept well preserved for more than 100 years; and the hand writing was fine - the work as neat as any one could have done." Needham Lee, the son of John Lee, removed to Alabama about 1835 where he has a large number of deseendants around Louisville, Ala. Needham Lee apparently drew the lot of land on which the father of L.L. Tilly was buried, and swapped it to Elizabeth Russell for a lot she drew in Muscogee County, and Needham executed for Elizabeth Russell, who was a sister of Walter Washington Lee, Sr. She married Russell first, and Tilly second. Winnie Lee married a Mr. Pierce, and to her was born two sons, Jess and Lovard Pierce. Sallie Lee married a Mr. McNair, and to them were born three sons and two daughters: Quill, Godfrey, and John; and the names of the girls are not known. The Lees of two generations ago were not as some have supposed very large physically. Lewis Lee was about five feet nine inches tall and weighed about 165 pounds. His complexion was fair. He died the first of November, 1857. His wife died in February, 1862. (Jane). The children of Lewis and Jan Triplett Lee were THE LEE FAMILY Walter Washington, Greenberry, Darling Peeples, Elizabeth or Betsy, Rachel, Susan, Sallie, Martha, and Mary Jane. Walter Washington Lee was married to Sarah Burke Phillips about 1850. Nimrod Burke, a celebrated hunter, is said to have been the earliest known ancestor of the Burke family, which originated in Ireland. The Burkes came from near Charleston, S.C., and were among the first settlers of Wilkinson and Bibb Counties. Morgan Burke, who died about 1800, was the father of Daniel Burke, and others. Daniel married Mary Trulock whose relatives resided near Climax, Georgia. Among his six children was Sarah, or Sallie Burke. This Sarah married first Mr. Wiley Phillips, brother of Joseph Phillips, by whom was mother of Mollie, who married Dr. Reid and after his death married Dr. Pennington, of Louisiana. A son of Sarah named John died in the Civil War. After the death of Wiley Phillips, Sarah, his wife, was married to Walter Washington Lee, Sr., and to this union were born Lott Warren, Lewis, Raymond, Walter Washington, Jr., Daniel Greene, and Ida. The old Lee homestead is located five miles from Allentown, northwest. Walter Washington Lee, Sr., was eminent for industry, honor, and other qualities of superb manhood. His wife possessed all the superior traits of womanhood, and her piety, tenderness, moral consistence, and virtue nerve with unflagging ambition her noble and capable offspring. A consistent member of New Providence church, she was punctual in attendance, faithful in Christian duty, and eminent for wifely devotion and motherly care during the distressing times during the Civil War, in which her husband and brothers were patriotically engaged to the end. In her latter years she was the inmate of the homes of several children, bringing brightness, joy, and pleasure to the children and grandchildren, and radiating good cheer and maternal suavity wherever her lot was cast. Greenberry Lee, brother of Walter Washington Lee, Sr., was killed in 1853. Greenberry married Jane Corbitt about 1847 or 1848. To them was born a son in 1850. John Corbitt Lee, who died several years ago, leaving a considerable estate. He was a prominent member, treasurer, and deacon in the First Baptist Church of Augusta, and a member of the firm of Lee and Bothwell. His elevated sentiments of honor and virtue enabled him to live above the world in an elevated atmosphere of sobriety, virtue, integrity, and rectitude. These admirable traits of superior character he has transmitted to his offsprings, who have intermarried into the best circles of pious and plutocratic residents of the city of Augusta. After the death of Greenberry, a daughter was born. She married Sam Carswell of Wilkinson County. She was eminent for virtue, piety, motherly devotion to her children, and religious consistency and activity. Her hospitable home was opened to the servants of God, and her best efforts were given to the church of her choice, New Providence Baptist. Darling Peeples was a third son of Lewis Lee. He was named after a Baptist minister who resided near the Lee homestead in South Carolina. (Peeples) Elizabeth (Betsy) Lee was married first to Mr. Russell, by whom she was mother of Rev. Gustavus Russell, a Methodist minister in Louisiana, and Emiline Russell, who married W.S.C. Jessup, a deacon in Clear Creek church, Wilkinson County. The children of W.S.C. Jessup and his wife, Emiline Russell, were J.A. Jessup, J.W. Jessup, Frank Jessup, and Dr. P.A. Jessup. The last named has been eminent for usefulness in the Master's kingdom throughout South Georgia. After the death of Mr. Russell, Emiline was married to Mr. Tilly, and to this union were born Lewis, a physician; Jane and Jim Watt Tilly. Rachel, the fifth child of Lewis Lee, was married to William Collins, and to them were born LeRoy, Cornelia, or "Melia," Sarah, who was married to Frank Rutherford, William Lee, who died in the Civil War, James, Mary Jane, who was married to Elbert Rutherford, Erastus E. Collins and Columbus Collins. The descendents of the children of William and Rachel Lee Collins are as follows: THE LEE FAMILY LeRoy married Margaret Williams, and to them were born Cornelia, Rachel, William, Bobby Lee, and Lula. Of these, Cornelia has never married, Rachel married Mr. Gibson of Dodge County, Ga., William, Bobby Lee and Lula reside in Dodge also. William who was killed in the War, married Elizabeth Davidson, and to them were born Allen, John, James, Frank, Sarah Jane and Lee Ann. Of these, Allen married Miss Hall. They have a son named Ralph. John married a Miss Stuckey. James Frank married Lissie Hardy, and their children are named, Norwood, Lee, Joel, Frank, Thelma and Irma. Sarah Jane is dead. Lee Ann married Randall Jackson. Erastus E. Collins married Sallie Jackson, a woman pre- eminently endowed with a brilliant intellect, who quoted the classic English Poets with great ease, and evinced otherwise through her many trials and hardships a most desirable firmness and worthiness of character. They reared a promising family of children among whom were some girls and superior natural endowments. The children of Erastus E. Collins and Sallie Jackson are: Eula, who married Thomas J. Lewis; Edna, who married Mr. Pounds, Everett, who married Alice Waters, Annie, who married Mr. Patton, Estelle, who married Mr. Stephens. Thomas, who married Mattie Rozar; Carl who married Bertha Hall; Marie who married Mr. Powell; and Laura, who married Mr. Goodson. The sixth child of Rachel and William Collins was Sara, who married Frank Rutherford. To them were born Rebecca, Carrie, Georgia, Lula, William, John Lee, and Emmet. Rebecca married D.M. Davidson. Lucy married Mr. Bridges, and Bell married Mr. Yarborough; and Luna, Bell and Lucy were the children of Rebecca Rutherford and Mr. Davidson. Luna married William Outlaw. Carrie Rutherford, daughter of Sara and Frank Rutherford, married Andrew Cowart, and to them were born Annie, who married L. Hall. Eula Bell, who married Lee NeSmith. Georgia Rutherford married Allen Tindall. Their chil dren are Cordia who married Miss Burke, William, Rufus, Ola, who married Mr. Little; Anna, who married Joe Jordan; and Vera who married Mr. Harris. Lula married Green Rutherford, and their children are Levada, who married Otho Butler. William Rutherford married Ella Cowart. Their children are Pearl, who married Bently Williams; Bertha; Sara, who married Ray Butler; and Lester and Pauline. John Lee Rutherford who married Anna Schmidt, has children named, John F., Willie, Bessie, who married Mr. Grimsley; Mamie who married R.L. Davidson; Luna, Elvenia and Eleanor. Emmet, the seventh child of Sara and Frank Rutherford, married Elice Lewis and has a child named Evelyn. Jane Collins, and Elbert Rutherford were married and their children are J. Nat. Rutherford, who married Lena Schmidt, and whose children are Georgia, who married Georgia Roan, Kathleen, Annette, and Bunk. Maggie Rutherford married H.D. Howard and their children are Morris, Ruth, and Marguerite. Benhill, the fourth child of Jane Collins and Elbert Rutherford, married Miss Bennie Morgan, and Ben and Charles are their children. Lula Belle, the next child, married Mr. Moncrief, Frances being their only child. Louis married Albert Rozar and Mabel is only child. Fannie May married John F. Burke, and Jane is only child. Emma married J.A. McCant, and their children are Albert, Florine, Bernice, Nell, Ruth, and Emma. Cornelia married J.A. McCant and their children are Elizabeth, Frances, and Baby McCant. Sallie, the seventh child of Lewis Lee, married a Mr. Mercer and to them were born Joe Mercer, who went to Texas; Green Mercer; Lewis Mercer; Mary Jane, another child, married Noel Rogers. Martha the eighth child of Lewis Lee, married Mr. THE LEE FAMILY Daniel Wright, and to them were born Rachel, who married Mr. Flemming; Martha, called Mouse, who married Mr. Aileywine; Mink; Willie Wright; William; James, and Frank Wright. Mary Jane, the ninth child of Lewis Lee, married twice, first to Mr. Mills and secondly Mr. May, by whom she had two children - Enoch and Levina. WALTER WASHINGTON LEE, SR. The descendants of Walter Washington Lee, Sr., and his wife Sarah Philips Lee, will now be considered. Lott Warren Lee, the first child of W.W. Lee, Sr., married Carrie Elizabeth Farmer about 1870, and their children are Sidney Warren, Gordon, Ga., James Lewis, M.D., Pinehurst; Sarah Elizabeth, who married Taylor Miller of Macon, Ga., Robert Farmer, Daniel, Isaac, and Rhesa Walter. Sidney W. Lee married Miss Maggie Stripling, and to them were born Joe Warren, who married Mattie Nell Wright; they have three children, Martha, Wright and Cater; Mollie Carolyn, who married Erick Miller, has three children named Sidney Smith, Catherine Miller and Marjorie Lee. The third child of S.W. Lee is Reese Monroe Lee. James Lewis Lee, M.D., married Perdita Owens and to them were born Ruth and Anna Jimmie. Perdita Owens Lee is descended from Richard Darling Owens through his son George Alex Owens. Sarah E. Lee married Taylor Miller, Jr., one child, Lee Miller, being the issue. Robert Farmer Lee is married and lives in Savannah. Daniel Isaac Lee married Miss Roughton and lives in Macon. Rhesa Walter Lee married Miss Laura Eugene Miller, their children being Zachery and Catherine Eugenia. Lott Warren Lee was twice married, the second wife being Mrs. Alice Dennard Bragg, who had two children by her former husband, Bessie, and Evelyn. Bessie married Ernest Carswell and lives in Americus. Evelyn lives in Detroit. Lott Warren Lee was a man of integrity, honor, and influence. For many years he was treasurer of the Ebenezer Baptist church and clerk of the Gordon Baptist church. As farmer, merchant and broker, he succeeded in supporting and educating a large family of children, in the meanwhile dispensing his possessions liberally in the support of the kingdom of God. * * * Walter Washington Lee, Jr., M.D., the fourth child of W.W. Lee Sr., married Mollie Elizabeth Oliphant about 1871, and their children are William Green, Emma Pauline, James Warren, and Fannie Belle. William Green Lee, M.D., Macon, Ga., married Christine Cole and to them were born Christine, W.G., Jr., and Madison Cole. Emma Pauline Lee married Leon Dennard and lives in Macon, Ga., to them were born Lois Elizabeth, married Walton E. Mize, and Elsie who married Lewis Simonton. James Warren Lee, Memphis, Tenn., married Mattie Gay Tomlinson and to them was born Maline. Fannie Belle Lee married J. William Willums, Macon, Ga., and to them were born Wynelle, who married Edward Benton, Doris and Lee. Lewis Lee the second son of W.W. Lee, Sr., married Eugenia Smith and to them was born a son Raymond. * * * Daniel Green Lee the fifth child of W.W. Lee, Sr.,, married Julia Pauline Whitehurst about 1879 and their children are Walter Mayberry (now deceased), Sarah Catherine, Ida Caroline, Lott Warren, Daniel Paul, and Burke Whitehurst. Walter Mayberry Lee, Th. D., married Lala Sublette, and to them were born Jewell Alice, Daniel Sublette, Walter, Jr., Everette, Hubert and Burke Alva. Family lives in Franklin, N.C. Sarah Catherine Lee, married Granville Connery Henry and lives in Cordele, Ga., to them were born Jewell, Conner and Dan. THE LEE FAMILY Ida Caroline Lee, married William S. Fishburne and lives in Montgomery, Ala., to them were born Margaret, William Jr., and Paul Lee. Lott Warren Lee, D.D.S., of Milledgeville, married Elizabeth Slaughter and to them were born Slaughter and Mary Caroline. Daniel Paul Lee, Gordon, Ga., married Alma Jackson and to them were born Mary Pauline and Daniel Franklin. Burke Whitehurst Lee, Jacksonville, Fla., married Ethel Bragg and to them were born Mayberry and Burke. * * * Ida Lee the only daughter of W.W. Lee, Sr., married Jonah G. Pearson and died without issue. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF WILLIAM GREENE LEE (By Myrick Hilsman) One of Wilkinson County's sons is Dr. William Greene Lee, who was born six miles from Jeffersonville, November 26, 1875. Walter Washington Lee, who was the grandfather of Dr. Lee, married a widow, Sarah Burke Rozar. Five children were born to this union, including Walter Washington Lee II who was Dr. Lee's father. Walter Washington Lee II married Mollie Elizabeth Oliphant and to this union four children were born, namely, Dr. William Greene Lee, James W. Lee, Mrs. Fannie Belle Willums, and Mrs. Leon Dennard. When Dr. Lee was eight years old the family moved from Jeffersonville to Gordon. He received his primary education in Irwinton. Later he attended school in Vienna and medical school at Augusta. In 1895 he entered Mercer University at Macon, but only remained at Mercer one year, and entered the University of Georgia, at Augusta, Georgia, in the fall of 1895. He delivered the valedictory address to his class of sixty students, graduating in April, 1899. Dr. Lee then began the practice of medicine in Macon, May 1, 1899, and practiced through 1907. It was at this time that he began his business career and from 1908 up to the present time (1929) he has been an unusual power among the business circles of Georgia. Dr. Lee, believing in the future of Middle Georgia, and with his customary business foresight, purchased considerable undeveloped property in Macon and surrounding country, and began to develop and improve it, and came to practice the ideals of Rotary long before Rotary was ever established in Macon. It might be said here that he was one of the charter members of the Macon Rotary Club. In following Dr. Lee's public activities one is amazed at the various enterprises in which he has been prominently connected. As a dealer in live stock he has been extraordinarily instrumental in the furthering of agriculture in middle Georgia. He operates three farms himself, and has always stood ready and willing to make the burdens of the farmer light. He soon became vitally interested in higher education and has for a long time been one of the Trustees of Mercer University, and his contributions to this Baptist Institution have made it possible for many deserving boys to secure a higher education. He served as chairman of the Building Committee of Mercer during the expansion campaign, and is also a member of the Executive Committee. He also served as Vice-President and Treasurer of the Mercer Alumni Association. In addition to these duties he has served a number of years as a member of the Athletic Board of Control. From evidencing his interest in education he became an honorary member of the Board of Trustees of the Central City College, a negro Baptist Institution located at Macon, and at present is a member of the Alexander School Board. One of his first acts upon moving to Macon was to join the Chamber of Commerce, and he has always been very active in Chamber of Commerce work. He has, since its organization in Macon, been a prominent member of the Rotary Club, and was its president one year, 1927 to 1928. He served as City Alderman for two years during THE LEE FAMILY which time he was Chairman of the Street Committee, Chairman of Sidewalk Committee, and Chairman of the Tax Committee, and was also a member of the finance committee. Due to his able leadership and foresight, the activities of his committees had a great effect upon Macon for growth and development, for under his supervision a number of parks including Tattnall Square Park received their first sizeable appropriation. Dr. Lee has served as Treasurer and Manager of the Baconsfield Park Commission for a long term of years. This is a special commission composed of four ladies and three men who have exclusive charge of the one hundred and seventeen acre tract of land that was donated to the City by the late Senator A.O. Bacon, to be specifically used as a park. He is also one of the four Trustees of Senator A.O. Bacon estate which comprises some five hundred acres which the Trustees have developed to a very high degree, making a portion of this estate into one of Macon's most exclusive residential sections. Dr. Lee was Vice-Chairman of the Macon Auditorium Commission, which was in charge of the building of the beautiful auditorium. This auditorium was built at a total cost of $795,000.00 and the handling of expenditures of this large sum, was made in such an efficient manner that competent men expressed the opinion that Macon has an auditorium that would in the North or East cost about $1,250,000.00. This building was turned over to the city with every item paid, and a few dollars of appropriation unexpended. In January, 1929, he became the active full-time chairman of the Board of Directors of the Macon National Bank, and the Macon Savings Bank. He is recognized throughout the state as having unusual foresight and executive judgment in financial matters. He is a very prominent member of the First Baptist Church of Macon, and has served for a number of years on the Finance Committee. It might be truthfully said that Dr. Lee has two hob bies, one of them being his three children, and the other flowers. His estate in Shirley Hills is one of the show places of Macon, and he can be seen riding or swimming with his two boys and girl, or else proudly showing some visitors or passersby his beautiful estate and its wealth of flowers. He has one of the most enormous Azalea and Camelia Japonica gardens in the South, having 3000 Azaleas and 600 Camelia Japonica, and hundreds of other beautiful shrubs and flowers. He also has on his estate a swimming pool which is very popular with the entire neighborhood in the summer months, and a fishing pond which is almost running over with bream and speckle cat. He was married in December, 1914, to Christine Cole of Newnan, Georgia. His children are Christine Cole Lee, 12 years old; W.G. Lee, Jr., 11 years old, and Madison Cole Lee, 8 years old. SIDNEY WARREN LEE Sidney Warren Lee, oldest son of Lott Warren Lee and Carrie (Farmer) Lee, was born October 22nd, 1871, at the home of his grandfather Farmer on Mount Moriah Camp Ground in Jefferson county. He became a member of this same Methodist church - his mother's church - at the age of sixteen. He had four brothers, James Lewis, Robert Farmer, Daniel Ike and Walter Rhesa; one sister, Sara Elizabeth. His earlier years were spent on his father's farm in Turkey Creek District of Wilkinson county and his first schooling was obtained at the Manson school. But later, at the age of nine years, his father having moved into Ramah District on the "Solomon Mountain Place" or better known as the "Will Fitzpatrick Place," he attended the Gordon schools for a number of terms. From here he went to the Louisville, Ga., and the Cartersville, Ga., boarding schools, at which places, his uncle, D.G. Lee was serving as Principal. After this he worked for a while on his father's farm and then accepted a position with the Central of Georgia Railroad. He resigned in order that he might stay with his THE LEE FAMILY invalid mother, at the same time clerking in his uncle's store. At the age of twenty-four he was married to Miss Maggie Stripling, the daughter of Francis Monroe and Marie Ann (Blow) Stripling of Jones County, the wedding taking place at Gordon, at the home of Captain and Mrs. F.S. Barclay the latter being the bride's sister, and the ceremony being performed by Rev. W.D. Dewell. Born to this union were three children: Joe Warren, Carrie Elizabeth and Reese Monroe. Joe Warren married Miss Mattie Nell Wright of Covington, Newton County, and born to this union were four children: Martha, Wright, Cater and Charlotte (deceased at the age of one year). Carrie Elizabeth married Eric Ernest Miller of Jones county and to them were born three children, Sidney, Catherine and Marjorie. Reese Monroe has never married. The next few years after his marriage were spent on his farm which he had purchased on "The Ridge." Then during the years 1898 and 1899 he taught the Clear Creek school, and the two years following at the Ridge Academy. In 1902 he moved to Gordon and was one of the first R.F.D. mail carriers out of Gordon, serving in this capacity until 1908. In 1903 he became a member of the Masonic fraternity and from then took a great interest in this order, serving for a time as Worshipful Master of the lodge and later as Worshipful Master of the Tenth District Masonic Association. He sought at all times to practice the percepts and follow the admonitions incumbent on all true Masons. After his removal to Gordon, he became a Steward in the Methodist church and for several years was Superintendent of the Sunday School, and in every way possible gave his fullest support to the advancement of the cause of Christianity. Earnest, conscientious and consecrated, his life has meant much to the Methodist church at Gordon. In 1905 when it became necessary to build a new church, he was selected as one of the building committee. Though with limited funds at their disposal a building was erected which will serve all the needs of the denomination for many years yet to come. Possibly, to Mr. Lee, the crowning achievement of his life was when the last brick was laid and the Gordon High School was ready for the pupils. For years this had been the end towards which he had been toiling. His schooling elsewhere, his years of teaching in the schools of the county had awakened to him the great need of better school facilities. He had first led the fight for the voting of a local tax for the better support of the schools which had been successful. His active interest was so pronounced that he was elected a member of the school board and then as Secretary-Treasurer. He was continuously reminding the people of the need of a new building and at an opportune moment he with others succeeded in getting a vote on the question of school bonds which resulted in their favor. As a member of the schoolhouse building committee, he was most enthusiastically active. Though built during the World War and at a time when labor was hard to get, he threw himself wholeheartedly into the work, giving much of his time, and in every way offering special inducements to the laborers to stay on the job. Striving against the disadvantages and successfully overcoming all obstacles, the house was completed. It might well be termed a monument to his unselfish efforts in behalf of the school children of Gordon. For twenty years Mr. Lee was actively engaged in the mercantile business in Gordon, and during the same years served as Director in the Peoples Bank and Farmer and Merchants Bank of Gordon. He served as Alderman and during 1923 and 1924 as Mayor of Gordon. He was appointed and served as a member of the Wilkinson County Board of Education for a while, but failing health caused him to resign. During the years 1917-1920 Mr. Lee served as a member of the County Commissioners of Roads and Revenues. It was in this capacity that he demonstrated to the people of Wilkinson county those traits of character which stamped him a man worthy of trust. Elected Chairman of that board, he presided in a business-like manner and convinced everyone that he regarded the public funds as a public trust. Courteous and kind-hearted, yet he was ever firm in his ideas THE LEE FAMILY of right and justice and could not be swayed from the path of duty by friendship, by selfish desires, by promises of political preferment. He was not a politician in the usual sense of the word, but the type of man who should always be honored with office. Mr. Lee's death occurred on the 14th of January, 1929, after a period of ill health of several months. His body is buried in the family cemetery on the Ridge. THE LEWIS FAMILY "Among the settlers who came to Georgia in the early part of the eighteenth century were four Lewis brothers, from Rockingham County, N.C. They were the sons of Thomas Lewis, who at one time is said to have been a member of the General Assembly of North Carolina and who had been connected in a prominent way with the development of that state from early colonial days. The family was originally from Wales but perhaps came from England to America with the early settlers of North Carolina. When the four brothers came to Georgia, they settled in Wilkinson County near where the town of Gordon is now located on what is yet known as Lewis Hill, about twenty miles southeast of Macon. The oldest of the boys, James Richard Lewis, was the only married one and he settled at the place named above where he spent the remainder of his life. The other boys went in different directions, one going to or near Savannah, one, Jasper Lewis, locating near where the town of Greensboro is now situated and the other going south. The territory where James Richard Lewis settled had recently been obtained from the Indians by a treaty which gave all the land lying between the Ocmulgee and the Oconee Rivers to the white people for settlement. However, at the time James, Richard Lewis settled there, having come from North Carolina with his wife, who was formerly Elizabeth Rogers, and his young son, Thomas, on horseback, found that his new home, notwithstanding the treaty of peace, this country was infested with roving tribes of Indians. The Indians were not actually on the warpath but were a constant annoyance. They would come into the yard and make unfriendly gestures, and hideous faces and would commit thefts about the place. Fortunately, however, the few families that made up the first settlers were spared a massacre at the hands of the savage. This was caused no doubt from the fact that James Richard Lewis was a man of kindly nature, a God fearing man, and his treatment of the savage was kind but firm. Besides the son, Thomas, who was brought from North Carolina when a very small child, the following other children were born to this pioneer family: James Rogers, John, Etham, Ben, Richard and one girl, Elizabeth, who married Archie Smith. James Rogers married Sarah Ann Rivers, daughter of Joel Rivers and settled about five miles from the old home at what is now known as Lewis' Crossing on the Central of Georgia Railway about four miles southeast of Gordon. John Lewis settled in what is now Mitchell County, near where Pelham is now located. The younger of the children drifted off except the girl, who married as above stated and settled near the old home. The first settlement was like unto a potato hill covered with straw bark and dirt. James R. Lewis was born under this roof in 1808. His father was the first man who owned a two-horse wagon in Wilkinson county. James Rogers reared the following children: Richard Joel, W.G., Thos. J., Benjamin C., and Satsah, who married Frank Agee, Lucretia, who married a Pearson, and Ellen Francis, who married Tom Pruitt of Texas, and Sarah Jane, who married W.C. Wood." (The foregoing sketch written by Elder Benjamin C. Lewis, a son of James Rogers Lewis, convinces us there is a close relationship between this family and that of Governor Gilmer's mother, who was a Lewis as shown in his historical sketch of the Lewis family of Virginia in "Georgians." Also see History of Georgia Baptist, sketches.) The history of the Lewis family is intensely interesting. Originally French Huguenots, the Revocation of the Edict THE LEWIS FAMILY of Nantes in 1685 forced them to flee across the English Channel and take refuge in Brennocshire, Wales. Later, Virginia and North Carolina offering them havens of refuge, they emigrated to these colonies and remained for several generations, many of whom becoming prominent in the public life of those states. Throughout his life, James Richard Lewis held the confidence of his fellow men. The old records in the courthouse showing where he so frequently was appointed by the courts to serve as Guardian for orphans, and as Administrator of Estates proved him to be a man worthy of the trust confided in him. Likewise, in the minutes of Ramah Church where his membership was for so many years we find again unmistakable evidences of a man possessing a deep religious nature, honesty, and strength of character. His son, James Rogers, following in his father's footsteps became a member of the same church and throughout his life was recognized as a pillar of the Primitive Baptist faith. For years he served as church clerk. When the present building was erected in 1861 he was on the building committee. In all matters pertaining to the good of his church, his community, and his county we find him taking an active part. The children of James Rogers Lewis inherited the same traits of character possessed by their ancestors, that same reverent spirit towards the Infinite, the love for the Baptist church, of uprightness and honor in their dealings with their fellow man, hospitality toward all who might enter their doors for no one ever visited in their homes without ever retaining pleasant memories of their hospitality. During his life W.G. Lewis was a faithful member of Friendship Primitive Baptist Church. Likewise Thos. J. was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and Benjamin C. Lewis is a prominent preacher of the same denomination. Richard J. Lewis, son of James Roger and Sarah Ann Lewis served throughout the War Between the States in Company F 3rd Georgia Regiment, and was wounded twice. He married Exa Ethridge and their children were Clifford, Clarence, Ollie, Hattie, Joe, Ben, Cynthia, Richard and Norah. Willie G. Lewis enlisted April 1864, at the age of fifteen, in Company D, 8th Georgia Regiment militia. He married Clifford C. Hughs, daughter of James Childs and Mildred Patterson Hughs. Their children are: Leila May, James R., Rufus Roger, Sarah, Georgia, John William, Celestia, Erasmus, Annie, Clifford, Hubert, and Thomas. Thomas J. Lewis married first, Mollie Wood; their children: Sarah Alice, Agnes, James Augustus, Ada Lee, Richard, Addie, Anna, Angie, T.J., Jr., and Elice. He married second Eula Collins, their children: Eugenia, Sarah Grace, John Delmas, Annie Laurie. Benjamin C. Lewis married Exa Kingry, settled in Dodge County and their children are: Lucy Lorena, J.R., Ira, Willie G., Ben Terrell, Lonnie, Ellen, Eva Lee, James Otis and Joe Thomas. Although at all times maintaining the high esteem of the people of Wilkinson County, the members of this family have in few instances sought political honors or political offices. They have preferred to throw the weight of their political influence to those whom they felt most capable of performing the duties incumbent upon the office holder. However, we find Thomas Lewis, Coroner in 1816; James Richard Lewis, Justice of the Inferior Court in 1828, and Tax Receiver in 1833-34-35. Most of the Lewises in Wilkinson have been "tillers of the soil." Their farms have ever been noted as examples of prosperity, fertility, having the finest crops, domestic animals, etc., of the county and winning for their owners the title of Master Farmers. The Lewises have ever been advocates of education. Even during the early days of the county when schooling was so rare and an education so hard to be obtained, we find them possessing good educations. When the Union Hill Academy was chartered by the Legislature in 1836, James Richard Lewis was one of the original trustees. THE LEWIS FAMILY JOHN WILLIAM LINDSEY John William Lindsey, son of Isaac and Martha, called Patsy (Moore) Lindsey, was born four miles west of Irwinton, August 1, 1843. His father, the son of William and Sarah Lindsey, served as Sheriff, Tax Collector and held other offices of public trust. He raised the following children: Susannah, Green J., John William, Milton, Mollie, Matt, Samuel, Sallie and Eli Cummings. John William received his education in the Irwinton schools. When war was declared, though only 18 years old, he joined Company I, 3rd Georgia, and served as private until the surrender, being wounded several times, the most severe at Spotsylvania. In 1884 he was elected Representative, which office he held two terms. In 1899, he was appointed Pension Commissioners of Georgia by Governor Allen D. Candler which office he held until his death, August 26, 1922. He was married in 1869 to Miss Julia Floreid Tucker, daughter of Judge John R. Tucker of Washington County. Of this union there were five children: Colonel Julian Lindsey of the General Army Staff, Washington, D.C., who served through the World War as Brigadier General in the 82nd Division; Irene, m. A.B. Holt; Gertrude, m. J.A. Carswell; Annie, m. E.L. Price; and Johnnie. In 1919 he was married to Mrs. Cynthia Henderson Manderson. In addition to his many other activities, Mr. Lindsey in 1892 was appointed to the Board of Visitors to the West Point Military Academy. Although spending most of his time in Atlanta, there was no spot on earth he loved more than Irwinton. He spent much time planting trees about the town, improving the church grounds and in every way beautifying his property. He owned for several years the old Sam Beall home and converted the ravine in the rear of the house into a beautiful park. He possessed a most wonderful memory, which was well stored with Wilkinson County lore, from which many facts set forth in this history are drawn. ORIAN WOOD MANSON Born March 22, 1889, in Irwinton, Wilkinson county, Ga. Died July 3, 1925, Atlanta, Ga. Buried July 4, 1925, Irwinton, Ga. Mrs. Manson was the sixth daughter of Dr. Joshua Soule Wood and his wife, Emma Graybill Wood. Following a High School course at Talmadge Institute, she entered Wesleyan College, but on account of ill health was forced to abandon her college career. At the age of eighteen she was married to F.C. Manson of Jonesboro, Ga., and to them was born one son, F. Crawford Manson, Jr., now a resident of Lovejoy, Ga. From her early girlhood, Mrs. Manson was intensely interested in social reforms. She became associated with the W.C.T.U. of Georgia as state director of the department of anti-narcotics and was instrumental in having memorial to General Conference of the M.E. Church, south, passed by the North Georgia Conference, which later resulted in a law requiring all young ministers entering the conferences of this church to refrain from the use of tobacco in any form. She was at one time assistant editor and business manager of the Irwinton Bulletin. During the World War, she served her county both on the Council of Defense and as Chairman of the Victory Loan Drive for the fourth loan. She had the distinction of being the only woman Chairman of a county drive in the United States. In previous loan drives, she headed the Woman's Committee for her county. But her great life-work, the one into which she poured all the zeal of her mother soul, was as Superintendent of the Georgia Training School for Boys located at Milledgeville. She was elected to this position in 1921 by the Board of Trustees of the institution, the only woman in the world at that time to hold such a position. For two years prior to her election, she had served as a member of the Board of Visitors to this school, having been appointed by Governor Hugh M. Dorsey. Viewing those unfortunate boys through the eyes of a Chris ORIAN WOOD MANSON tian and a mother, she became enamored of the idea of making this state institution for wayward boys a real school of character. During her short administration she completely changed the ideals of conduct for the institution. Her own ideals are perhaps best told in her own words, culled from her first report to the Georgia legislature: "To train a delinquent or neglected boy to make a good citizen; to teach him honesty, truthfulness, obedience, thoroughness in work, cleanliness in body and mind; to teach him a trade so that he will be an asset instead of a liability to the State; through text-book, practice and example, to teach him to reverence the laws of his community, his country and his God, and to regard the Bible as the guide to happiness in this life and in the eternity to come." Mrs. Manson was also appointed by the Governor of her state as a member of the Georgia Memorial Commission of which Hon. Andrew J. Cobb of Athens was Chairman. (By Mrs. Marvin Williams) JOHN McARTHUR John McArthur was born in 1826, the son of John McArthur, 1782-1846, and his wife, Harriet Pace, whom he married in Washington County, Georgia in 1813; grandson of Daniel McArthur born in Scotland, 1741, married, 1774 to Jannette McArthur, born 1752 of the same name but no blood relation. In 1774 they emigrated to Roberson County, North Carolina, where Daniel served in the Revolutionary War. Our subject's father moved to Wilkinson County in 1816 and later to Bibb County in 1826. He served in the War of 1812. John McArthur was married to Winnifred Rivers, daughter of Joel Rivers in Wilkinson County, November 28, 1850, and made his home in this county. Before the War Between the States he was a member of the Whig Party and was opposed to secession, but when Georgia seceded, he was one of the first to volunteer and was active in organizing the Ramah Volunteer Guards. By reason of his activities in organizing this company, he was offered the office of Captain, but declined to serve as such and was mustered in as Orderly Sergeant in Company B, 14th Georgia Regiment, which Regiment became part of Thomas' Brigade, A.P. Hills Division, Stonewall Jackson's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, C.C. Kelly Captain, and Robert Folsom, Colonel. He became a Lieutenant and was again offered the office of Captain, but declined. On account of the cold winter in Virginia he had pneumonia, followed by rheumatism, which partly incapacitated him for the remainder of his life, causing him to resign his commission, but he remained in the army until he was finally elected Tax Collector of Wilkinson County, Georgia and was certified as such by the Clerk of the Superior Court, January 22, 1864. On April 30, 1864 he was honorably discharged and returning home served as Tax Collecter of his county until close of the war. While home he became a member of the Home Guards and was serving as such when Sherman's Army made its destructive march through Georgia, passing in front of his home. When the Board of County Commissioners of Wilkinson County was created in 1873 he was one of those appointed. He and his wife were most faithful members of the Ramah Primitive Baptist Church for many years. His sincerity, honesty, and integrity were seldom equaled and never excelled, and made for him a name in Wilkinson County that is honored and respected by every one who ever knew him. The children of John and Winnifred McArthur were Charles A., John Joel, (married Georgia Robinson), for twenty- four years Justice of the Peace at Gordon; Mary Harriet, (married William Robinson, Dover, Georgia); Doctor Richard Samuel, (married Lucy Stanley), was a prominent Dentist of Wilkinson County, died 1902, buried at Old McArthur Cemetery on Irwinton and Macon Highway in Wilkinson County; James F., (married Elizabeth Whiteside) resides in Atlanta, Georgia; Doctor Thomas J. McArthur, (married Mrs. Sannie Henderson Horne), he is one of the most outstanding men in his community and State, resides at Cordele, Georgia; JOHN McARTHUR Doctor A. Lee, (married Willie Glover) and is a prominent Dentist of Cordele; Lewis R., (married first, Eva Henderson of Unadilla, Georgia and, second, Carrie Wisenbaker of Valdosta, Georgia), resides at Valdosta; Laura died at age 16. WILLIAM THOMAS McGINTY Among the first settlers of that portion of Wilkinson County on the west side of the Old Indian Boundary Line when the limits of the county were extended by the Legislature following the Treaty of Washington in 1805 came William Thomas McGinty, who made his home on the "Ridge" separating Commissioner and Big Sandy Creeks, where the old Hartford Road crosses the Irwinton and Macon Highway. The number of families closely connected by blood or marriage came with him, among these being the Castleburys, the Gays and others, making their homes also in this vicinity. These families had no sooner completed the building of their cabins and cleared the necessary fields than they set about organizing a church. Ramah Church, the oldest church now in existence in the county, was the result and we find McGinty as one of the original members. At his own expense and without the aid of the other members of the church, McGinty built the first church - although the members later agreed to pay him something. The old minutes of Ramah show that he was a very active member and was constantly laboring for its upbuilding. In 1809, his known ability caused him to be selected by the Georgia Legislature as one of the Commissioners to construct the Hartford Road. The urgent necessity of building this road with the least possible delay in order to avert the Great Crisis about to confront Georgia, bespeaks for him the confidence of the General Assembly in his ability and his patriotism. It was necessary to draft the able bodied men subject to such duties, assign into squads, direct clearing of the underbrush, the cutting of the big trees to a level with the ground, the leveling of the rough places, the making passable of boggy places and streams, and all the other things essential to the construction of a road through "the forest primeval." Recently when the John Ball Chapter, D.A.R., erected the marker on the Old Hartford Road, the site of his old home was selected. The growing travel between Milledgeville, Marion and Hartford and the establishing of a line of stage coaches made it necessary for stations to be established every ten miles where the tired horses having been driven at a gallop the greater part of the way were exchanged for fresh ones, which had been hastily harnessed and gotten ready when the stage driver's bugle was heard in the distance announcing his approach. Quick to grasp the opportunity McGinty built a tavern which tradition says was well equipped to satisfy the hunger as well as the thirst of the wayfarer. In 1821, he was made Judge of the Inferior Court of Wilkinson County, which office he held for several years. William Thomas McGinty was born Sept. 29th, 1784, and married Sarah Castleberry about 1804 or 1805, who was born Dec. 16, 1780. Their children were: Polly, born November 6, 1806; Mary Ann, b. January 8, 1808; Elizabeth Jones, b. September 28, 1809; Milly, b. January 17, 1811; Robert, b. May 23, 1812; William, b. June 22, 1814; Nancy, b. August 23, 1816; Jackson, b. January 15, 1818; Deborah, b. August 17, 1819; Katherine, b. January 26, 1822. Late in life William Thomas McGinty went to Arkansas where he made his home with some of his children who had moved there years before. He died and was buried in Arkansas. His daughter (Milly) married William M. Cooper, a noted Baptist preacher, who served Ramah Church several years beginning his service in 1856. In addition to serving Ramah and other churches, Mr. Cooper organized Mt. Carmel Baptist Church a few miles north of McIntyre and served it for a time. Prior to his call to the ministry, Mr. Cooper served as Deputy Clerk of the Inferior Court, 1838, and in 1840-41 as Sheriff of Wilkinson County. The children of William M. Cooper and Milly, his WILLIAM THOMAS McGINTY wife, were: Mary, Jane, Thomas Jefferson, Emily, James, Elizabeth, Gattie, Malinda, who married W.R. Fenn, and Catherine, who died young. Thomas Jefferson Cooper married Sarah Ann Etheredge in Wilkinson County on May 30, 1858, and they are the parents of James Oliver Cooper one of the most popular and efficient railroad men of this section having served the people of this community since 1885. MEREDITH The three Meredith brothers, Charles, Samuel and John, direct descendants of Lord William Meredith of England, came from Wales before the Revolutionary War. Charles settled in Virginia and Samuel in North Carolina. John came to Georgia after the Revolution and settled first in Franklin County, then in Washington County, then in Wilkinson, taking up land east of Toomsboro near the Oconee River and being numbered among the very first settlers in the county. He married a French lady - Joyce. Their children were: John, (m. Susanna Williamson), William (moved to Alabama), Pleasant (moved to Alabama), Samuel, (m. —— their children were: Charles, Samuel, Robert, William, Nancy), Thomas, (moved to Alabama. Married a widow — Willis. Children were: John and Jesse). The children of John and Susanna (Williamson) Meredith were: Charles, (married Katherine Presswood. Children were John and Nancy); Wyatt, (married Katherine Gibson. Children were Mary, (married Willis Allen) and Gibson. After her death married widow (Mary (Allen) Perkins; Wyley, (married Martha Boone first, and Eliza Baughn second); Samuel (born Oct. 30, 1810, died Aug. 27, 1895, married Elizabeth Burke, daughter of Daniel and Mary Trueluck Burke, in 1838. Their children were: Sarah Rebecca, (married Willis Allen), John (killed in battle Aug. 3, 1862), Mary, (born Sept. 8, 1842, died March, 1881, married Dr. Robert Carroll), Susanna, (born July 18, 1846, died Sept. 1918), Wyatt (born March 27, 1848, died June 23, 1857), Daniel Morgan, (born Sept. 23, 1849, died 1915, married Anna Jones), Samuel, (born Nov. 13, 1851, died March 30, 1881, married Laura Davis), James Franklin (born Feb. 20, 1854, died Nov. 12, 1881, married Elizabeth Corbett), Virgil (born June 5, 1859, died Jan. 26, 1926, married Elizabeth King); Rebecca (married William Cooper. Their children were Susanna, John, Milton, Mary, Sarah. After his death she married Franklin Boone. Their children were Benjamin, Samuel, Joseph, William and Nora). The children of Virgil and Elizabeth (King) Meredith are: Clara, (married F.O. Mosely, their children are: Evelyn, Frank, Max, Lucile; home Montgomery, Ala); Frank, (married Edna Chapman, children are: Gladys, Sam, Doris, Jack, Dan, Sophia Anne; home, Montgomery, Ala.); Mary, (married E.O. Dobbins and live in Haynesville, La., children are: Virgil and Jack); Elizabeth, (married Allen Harrell and live in Montgomery, Ala., the have one child, Meredith). (Mrs. W. Allen Harrell.) ALEXANDER H. NESBIT AND SARAH JANE (JOHNSTON) NESBIT Alexander H. Nesbit was born May 7, 1858, near Irwinton, the son of Elbert F. (b. 1835, married Oct. 19, 1856, Co. F. 3rd Ga. Reg., d. in service, June 26, 1863, buried in National Cemetery, Staunton, Va.) and Susannah, Aug. 23, 1839, d. Oct. 10, 1904, (Lindsey) Nesbit (see John W. Lindsey sketch); grandson of Alexander (Irish descent) and Olive (Brewer) Nesbit, who were pioneer settlers of Wilkinson County, and whose one home is yet standing after a lapse of a century since it was erected. From his boyhood, Alexander H. Nesbit exhibited those sterling qualities of honesty and uprightness which won for him the honor and respect of all who knew him. Hard work, skillful planning and perseverance made him a successful farmer. His untimely death, October 24, 1914, from paralysis, was a shock to his friends and loved ones. He sleeps in the Masonic Cemetery by the side of his mother who preceded him. He was a member of the Irwinton ALEXANDER H. NESBIT Masonic Lodge where he served as an officer for several years and at his death it paid the following tribute to his memory. "He was a friend to all and an enemy to none. He labored all of his life for those that were near and dear to him, with an unselfishness that is rarely equaled. He thought of others as he traveled through life, and always tried and true in his love for his family, his community and his county. No man was ever denied a favor if it was in his power to grant. He always showed mercy to those who needed help, and was at all times willing to throw the broad mantle of charity over the shortcomings of men. In his home, his love for his wife and children was beautiful to behold. No wish or desire of any of them was ever denied if in the power of the husband and father to grant. He believed in educating his children and giving them an opportunity in life. He leaves a clear record for his children to honor, and did his duty whenever called upon, honestly faithfully and mercifully." He was married December 15, 1886 to Sarah Jane Johnston daughter of Edwin Boliver (b. Apr. 17, 1825-Apr. 1, 1909), Co. D, 8th Ga. Reg., buried Myrtle Spring Cemetery) and Allie Jane (Smith) Johnston (Sept. 26, 1833-May 24, 1867, married about 1855, buried in family cemetery); granddaughter of Elder David Smith (May 13, 1794, m. July 29, 1813, d. July 12, 1883, one of the most famous Primitive Baptist preachers of the 19th Century) and Lydia (Williams) Smith, (his first wife, April 11, 1797-Jan. 29, 1850, the latter buried at Allentown (also granddaughter of Green Berry and Sarah (Vaughn) Johnston; great-granddaughter of Thomas Johnston, a veteran of the Revolution. Among other connections of the family are the Staples, Starkes and Wyatts of Virginia who were Revolutionary heroes. Mrs. Nesbit is a member of the Irwinton Baptist Church; is possessed of a friendly and kindly personality, a lover of flowers and birds; and although interested in her church, civic organizations and education , her creed is that woman's highest duty is to her husband and children and she gave the best of her life to make their home a happy, contented one. Their children are: Fleta Jane (see J.E. Butler sketch); Sarah Carol, (see H.A. Cliett sketch). Edna Mae, (see sketch of Mrs. Victor Davidson). WILLIAM CRAVEN PATTERSON William Patterson, the father of William Craven Patterson, was born in North Carolina, November 6, 1813, was married to Elizabeth Denton in 1835. He moved first to Union County, Georgia, living there until 1858, when he moved to Milledgeville, Ga. After living there a short time he moved to Stevens Pottery and a short time later to Wilkinson County, where he was living at the beginning of the War Between the States. He with five of his sons enlisted; and he was killed at Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 1, 1864, his wife dying with grief in November, following. Their children were: Mary, Joseph, John, William, Samuel, James, Nancy, Alfred, Carie, Jefferson, Silas, Eliza, Andrew, Reuben and Ivey. William Craven Patterson, who was born April 5th, 1841, in Union County was one of the five sons who enlisted and served throughout the war in Co. D 57th Ga., Regiment, and was honorably discharged in 1865. His skill with a fife was such that instead of having a bugler, he was made "Fifer" for his company. His fife was one he had bought with the first money he made when he was a boy. At his death, the fife was buried with him at the request of his wife. He was married October 23, 1867, to Elizabeth D. Cooper, daughter of William M. Cooper, once Sheriff of Wilkinson County, and a noted Primitive Baptist minister who served Camp Creek Church in Baldwin County; Ramah, Mt. Carmel and probably other churches in Wilkinson for several years. Their children were: Sarah M., m. S.R. Brown; Mattia A., m. L.J. Fountain; Cora I., m. A.N. Torrence; Mary E., m. C.B. Ivey; Gattie W., Lula E., m. James Wheeler. Elizabeth Cooper Patterson was received by experience and baptized May 23, 1868, at Camp Creek, Elder Scarborough, Moderator, and William C. Patterson was re WILLIAM CRAVEN PATTERSON ceived by experience and baptized Aug. 26, 1876, Camp Creek Church, Elder Kiel, Moderator. They were faithful members till death, he missed only three monthly conference meetings from May, 1868, these being on account of sickness in the family and death of two members of the church. He never had a case in court nor was a witness. His wife died May 13, 1899, leaving him sad and lonely, but he ever served his Master till he was called home April 26, 1911. (Sketch prepared by Mrs. Emma Jane Patterson Fountain) REV. JAMES LEE PITTMAN Rev. James Lee Pittman, pastor of the Gordon Baptist Church and County School Superintendent of Wilkinson County, was born at Deepstep, Washington County, Georgia, March 27, 1892. Though not descended from any of the historic Wilkinson County families, yet having selected the county for his home and having entered into the educational as well as the religious life of the county, he has been received with open arms by the people here. He came to the county in response to the call of the Gordon Baptist Church in 1927 and has been so serving since. In his pastoral work his manifest consecration to the cause of Christianity, his devotion to the members of his flock, his loving sympathy in time of trouble - none too poor, none too humble, for him to visit in times of sickness or distress - all have endeared him to those who have viewed his work year by year. Not only is he appreciated for his worth by the members of his own church but also by those of other denominations. In 1927, he was asked to add to his work as pastor, as the Principalship of the Gordon High School. He performed the duties of this position so well that in February, 1929, the office of County School Superintendent becoming vacant, he was elected by the County Board of Education. He entered this latter office under great disadvantages, due to a heavy indebtedness overhanging the schools, added to the financial troubles of the State Department of Education which delayed the payments of funds due from the State. However, he has actively gone to work remedying such conditions wherever it lay in his power so to do and since his taking over the work a considerable reduction of the indebtedness has been brought about. He is putting into execution other plans which promise to cut expenses at the same time make more efficient the schools of the county. Mr. Pittman is the son of James M. and Mary Elizabeth (Gladin) Pittman; grandson of James H. and Margie Ann (Hood) Pittman and of Lee Anderson Gladin and Abigail Penny (Roberts) Gladin. He is the great-grandson of Rev. James Roberts, who was the son of Reverend Benjamin Roberts, both prominent Baptist Ministers in the early part of the 19th century, and both of whom served at different times as pastor of Bulah Baptist Church in Hancock County. In connection with these forebears a very peculiar coincidence came about after our subject entered the ministry. He accepted the call to serve this same church and one Sunday, having determined upon his text, took the ancient church Bible and opened it at the place. Noticing some writing on the margin he paused to read his great-great-grandfather's initials opposite this text. Just under that was his great-grandfather's initials. He added his own name below the others and the date when he used it. Mr. Pittman was married March 27, 1912, to Cora Irene Andrews, the daughter of Lee and Ella (Avant) Andrews, who was the daughter of Rev. A.S. Avant, of Washington County. Mr. Pittman's early education was limited to the seventh grade, this being acquired at Deepstep. After his marriage he felt the call to the ministry and at once began to prepare himself. He first attended Locust Grove Institute for three years, then spent one year at Sandersville High School. After this he attended Mercer University where after taking his A.B. Degree he spent two years on his Theological course. He now entered actively into his ministerial duties and during the years since served the following churches: Nazareth, near Zebulon, Ga.; Clear Creek and Gordon, Wilkinson Co.; REV. JAMES LEE PITTMAN Antioch, Twiggs Co.; Salem, Baldwin Co.; Salem, Jones Co.; Warrenville, Eureka, S.C.; Warthen, Union, Washington Co.; Antioch, Taylor Co.; Mikado, Bibb Co.; Bulah, Hancock Co. Since entering the ministry Mr. Pittman has baptized hundreds of persons and conducted even more funerals. Mr. and Mrs. Pittman have four children: Oreila Belle, James Anderson, Obed Lee and Harold Steifel. In his Association during a ten days meeting sixty were added to the church. In his own pastorate during a ten days meeting ninety were added to the church and forty baptized at one service. LEON P. PLAYER Leon P. Player was born September 23, 1885, at the old family home of the Players near Irwinton, where his grandfather, S.T. Player, settled more than a century ago. The latter was, unquestionably, one of the most remarkable men that ever lived in the county. After obtaining as good an education as the schools of the county afforded he taught school for a few years serving as Justice of Peace and reading law at the same time. After being admitted to the bar he began his practice at Irwinton, which was interrupted when the War Between the States came on. He, with Dr. J.B. Duggan and others raised a company of men, Company A of the 49th Georgia Regiment of which he was chosen Captain, and tendered their services to the Confederacy. Of a fine military figure and possessing a commanding personality, his promotion was rapid, soon being made Colonel of the Regiment. His record during this war was a most enviable one, and the survivors of his command still voice his praises. In 1864 following his election to the Legislature by his county, he resigned from his Regiment and took his place in the Legislative halls. The subject of this sketch is the proud possessor of his grandfather's sword and watch which he carried through the war. Colonel Player was married to Miss Nancy Ann Freeman. One of his sons, William James Player, the father of Leon P., was a successful farmer, later serving as Coroner and then Sheriff. Mr. Player's mother was Miss Mary Elizabeth Hatfield, the daughter of Joe Ellis Hartfield and Martha Freeman Hatfield, and the granddaughter of George Washington and Cynthia Freeman, and of Richard and Rebecca (Brown) Hatfield. (See R.A. Bell Sketch.) At his father's death our subject was elected to fill the vacancy, holding the record of being the youngest Sheriff in Georgia. For fifteen years he held this office. Mr. Player was recently appointed State License Inspector in which position he is earning for himself the reputation of being one of the most active and efficient inspectors of the state. During the World War, Mr. Player was appointed on the Selective Service Board for Wilkinson County and served faithfully on this throughout the duration of the war. He is a member of the Methodist Church, at Irwinton, a Mason and throughout his whole life has been a loyal Democrat. He was married July 30, 1922, to Miss Julia Floreid Carswell, daughter of James A. and Gertrude (Lindsey) Carswell. JOHN FLOYD PORTER John Floyd Porter was born November 15, 1851, the son of Thomas Redding (1814-1876) and Lucinda (Rye, 1826-1903) Porter. Thomas R. was the son of Julius and [Sara] (Crutchfield) Porter. Lucinda was the daughter of John and —— Rye. The Ryes were early settlers of the county, Ambrose being a brother and Sarah (m. Elijah Hogan) being a sister of John. Mary Rye, a widow of a Revolutionary Soldier is found in the Lottery List of 1827 (reprint by Miss Martha Lou Houston) in High Hill District of Wilkinson County. Several members of the Porter family seems to have settled in this county and Porter's Creek evidently took its name from them. The early records of Pleasant Plains Church indicate that the Porters were Primitive Baptist in their denomination preference, and this characteristic is still evident JOHN FLOYD PORTER among the older members of the family. From the earliest period the Porters were the owners of well tilled plantations and were considered among the best farmers of the county, owning a number of slaves. Our subject like his ancestors has spent his life on the farm and is one of the most progressive farmers of the county. He bears the respect of everyone who knows him. Frank, friendly, generous to a fault, hospitable, - all his hosts of friends find a ready welcome in his home. No man was ever more loyal than he. His is that rare type that causes him to exert himself to the utmost, sparing no pain nor effort, when his friend is in need. He was married first to Julia Tabytha, the daughter of W.P. Williams (See W.C. Williams sketch), Dec. 23, 1875. Of this union there is one son, W. Thomas, (m. Mary Taylor). He was married second Dec. 15, 1881, to Fannie, the daughter of Nimrod J. (son of William Brown) Mar. 28, 1803-July 22, 1845) and Artemissa (Burke) Brown, (see Burke Sketch), and Ruth (Whipple) Brown (see Whipple sketch). Their children are: Julia, m. Carlton G. Kitchens; Lester L. m. Ruth Hicks; John F., m. Clara Bradley; Ruth, m. H.G. McKee; Dora, m. Dr. Fletcher Hanson. Mrs. Porter is descended from several lines of patriotic ancestors and takes an active interest in the D.A.R. of which she is a faithful member. Her greatest delight, however, has ever been the making of a happy home for her husband and children. Her loving kindness, her interest in the welfare of others, her sweet disposition, her beauty of soul, makes everyone love her. RUTH WHIPPLE PUGH Ruth Mildred, daughter of Stephen (1799-1848) and Ruth Mitchell (1808-1840) Whipple, was born at the old Whipple Place in Wilkinson County, April 26, 1840. After her mother's death she was placed in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gross, close friends of the family residing in Macon, Ga., until her father's second marriage (see Whipple sketch). She was later carried to Talbot County where she resided for several years. She secured her education at Old Providence School and Madison Female College. Her uncle, Robert Mitchell, of Talbot County, was her guardian. She married Nimrod J. Brown of Wilkinson County, December 2, 1857. The war period was a trying time in her life, and often she remarked that the heaviest burden of her life was lifted when freedom was declared. She said that every day she had to care for the sick slaves as she lived near Turkey Creek and malaria always had some of them in bed. Three times a day in rain or shine she personally visited the quarters and gave medicine and food. During the war, March, 1863, she suffered the loss of her husband by death and at its close her slaves were freed. Her experiences in reconstruction days mark her a heroine. To them four daughters were born, Fannie E., who married John Porter; Ruth Mildred, who married John M. Gannon, of Savannah, Ga.; Sarah Neomi - called Nim -who Married James Booth, of Allentwon; Lily, unmarried, taught in Americus High School many years. During the war she held a government position in Washington and after the war at Ft. McPherson. After Mr. Brown's death she moved to Irwinton, residing there until 1873. In 1871, she married David Pugh and to them were born two daughters; Julia, who married Dr. Julian H. Chandler, of Swainsboro, Ga., and Louise, who married Elmer E. Smith, of Birmingham. Mrs. Smith is connected with the Alabama Woman's Club, Birmingham's Better Films Committee and is State Registrar of the Alabama U.D.C. David Pugh died 1898, and Mrs. Pugh moved to Birmingham in 1911, where she resided until 1924, when she returned to Georgia. She died Jan. 26, 1926, and is buried in Swainsboro, Ga. She was endowed with native ability and a brilliant mind. No new thought or movement stirred the country that she was not eager to study, discarding the outworn and grasping the new that tended toward growth and development. She was always young. Her life was a challenge to her daughters and granddaughters to "carry on." Respon RUTH WHIPPLE PUGH siveness to duty, loyalty to family and friends were her outstanding qualities. William Mitchell received a certificate of service from Col. Elijah Clarke, on which he was granted 287 1/2 acres in Washington County, Ga. His name is also found in the certified list of Georgia Troops. According to family records and tradition the first known Mitchell ancestor was Hugh Mitchell, born in Ireland, 1638, died after 1758. Hugh had a son, John, born about 1700, John had two sons, William and John. These boys lived with their grandfather and when William, a lad of 17 years, left Ireland for America, his grandfather, Hugh, then 120 years old, walked with him three leagues to the sea to see him take ship. William landed about Delaware Bay, lived in Pennsylvania for awhile and later settled in St. Paul's Parish. At a Council held at Savannah, Dec. 9, 1768, William Mitchell was granted 200 acres. William Mitchell was granted Lot no. 43 as a settler of Wrightsborough, St. Paul's Parish at a Council held at Savannah Tuesday, July 3, 1770. When the Quakers of Wrightsborough repudiated the action of the Patriots, Aug. 10, 1774, William Mitchell was one of the signers, with many others who only a few months later joined the rank of the patriots. In 1784, he removed to his grant in Washington Co., on the Ogeechee River, later cut off into Hancock. When by the treaties of 1802, 1805, the lands east of the Ocmulgee river were secured from the Indians, he moved from Hancock to Wilkinson County, Ga., and settled about twelve miles south of Irwinton towards Jeffersonville. The exact location of his grave is known to his descendants. Ruth Jackson, his wife, is thought to have been the daughter of Benjamin Jackson, an early settler of Wilkes County, Ga., and who died in Hancock County, Ga., 1798. Benjamin Mitchell was commissioned Jan. 20, 1797, Lieut. in Col. Samuel Alexander's Regiment of Militia, including Volunteer Troops, First Battalion commanded by Major John Lawson of Warren County. Benjamin removed to Wilkinson County, 1802-1805, and later to Talbot County, where he died. (Compiled from data and writings furnished by members of the family.) JOEL RIVERS Of French descent, Joel Rivers, according to family tradition, was born in Johnston County, North Carolina in 1796, the son of Richard and Elizabeth Rivers. Joel first moved to Hancock County, Georgia, and in 1821 was married to Mary Pearson, of Wilkinson county (b. 1802). He moved to Wilkinson county settling just south of Ramah Church on the land now owned by J.W. Dennard. Being a good manager, he amassed wealth rapidly, soon owning many slaves and a large plantation. In 1833 he was elected to represent the county in the Legislature which office he held through 1839. Two years later he was elected State Senator. His record in the House and Senate was a most creditable one. One of his bills in particular which meant so much to Wilkinson County was the creation of all the "Deestrick" Academies throughout the county in 1836 which were partly supported by state aid. One of these academies, Union Hill, was built on land donated by him. In politics, Joel Rivers was a staunch Whig, and whenever a candidate was promised his support, it meant all that whole section of the county would throw its full vote the same way. Joel Rivers was recognized as the strongest man physically in the county. The opening of the War Between the States found Rivers an invalid and unable to walk, yet imbued with the spirit of patriotism. When Company B of the 14th Georgia was being organized, he, with two or three others, assumed the expense of uniforming and equipping them for service. When the Company formed their line to march to Gordon to entrain for the front, they first marched to the Rivers' home to bid him good-bye. He never lived to see the end of the war, dying in 1863. JOEL RIVERS His children were: William, m. Ann Connelly, d. in Texas; Sarah, m. James R. Lewis; Polly, m. J.W. Branan, Sheriff of Wilkinson County, 1864; Betsy, m. Thomas R. Whitaker, d. in Texas; Jack, Judge Inferior Court, Major and Lieutenant Colonel 49th Ga., Ordinary of Wilkinson County, 1864-1866, m. Catherine M. Gainey, d. in Hawkinsville; Richard, m. Patient Bragg first and Lucinda Branan second, d. in Dodge County; Winafred, m. John McArthur, Tax Collector of Wilkinson County, 1864-66, d. Cordele; Eliza, m. John R. Bragg, Member Legislature 1864-5, d. Macon; Gillie, m. Elijah Columbus Hogan, first and Caswell H. Branan, second, d. Gray, Georgia. WILLIAM B. RYLE William B. Ryle is well known in Wilkinson County as one of the progressive and enterprising business men of Gordon, where he was born January 3, 1875. He was the son of Benjamin Franklin and Patience (Sanders) Ryle, otherwise mentioned in this volume. Benjamin Franklin Ryle, was born January 5, 1845, and died February 25, 1916, and was the son of William Brantly and Matilda (Brewer) Ryle. William Brantly was the son of Joshua and Mary Ryle. W.B. Ryle was largely instrumental in the building of the present Baptist Church in Gordon of which he is a member. He has served two terms as Mayor of Gordon and always held the best interests of the community at heart, seeking to promote public welfare, and stood consistently back of every civic movement and in every way possible contributed to the advancement of Gordon and Wilkinson County, he also served as Alderman for several terms. Fraternally, he is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons; politically, he has always been a Democrat. For a number of years he has held an automobile agency and has met with success in this line of business. He married Miss Vallie Dewell, November 14, 1900, who was the daughter of Reverend W.D. and Mary Frances (Reid) Dewell. Reverend Dewell was a Baptist Minister, who served a number of churches in Wilkinson County for a period of thirty-five years, and organized and built churches in many communities. (By a Member of the Family) KING SANDERS King Sanders was born May 12, 1818, and died May 24, 1888. He was the son of Malachi Madison and Margaret (Peggy) Watson Sanders who were married May 27, 1804, in Newberry District, S.C. Soon thereafter moving to Hancock County, Georgia, where he enlisted and served as a private in Captain David Rosser's Company of Georgia Militia from October 12, 1814, until March 15, 1815. Mr. Sanders married Bethany Leslie March 25, 1841. She was the daughter of Silas and Bethany (Tyson) Leslie, who came to Wilkinson County from St. Mary's, Camden County and settled six miles south of Gordon. Mrs. Sanders inherited the old homestead and there the couple lived many years. Today the plantation is owned by a daughter, Mrs. W.A. Jones. To this union were born the following children: William, the eldest, died without issue while in service during the War Between the States and was buried in Virginia; Sarah, married D. Jackson Ryle; Patience, married B. Frank Ryle; Doctor Franklin, married Marietta Hooks; Jackann Missouri married Charles M. Hooks; Gillie, married John W. Powell; John Wilson, married Linnie Dennard; Winnie Bethany, married William A. Jones; Minnie, married John Wesley Hooks. Mr. Sanders was a prosperous planter until 1870, when with his family he moved to Gordon and entered the mercantile business in which by close attention and a splendid business ability he amassed what was considered in those days a small fortune. In September, 1885, he retired from business being succeeded by Sanders, Ryle and Sanders, his two sons and son-in-law B. Frank Ryle. He was a Democrat in his political convictions and KING SANDERS while he never entered politics he was very public spirited and served his town as alderman many terms. He and his good wife, Bethany, joined Ramah Primitive Baptist Church, September 16, 1865, and was ever thereafter a consistent member of the same. He was a constant reader of the old family Bible which still remains in the family. Sunday, May 13, 1888, the day following his seventieth birthday, with his faithful wife, he attended services at Ramah. Returning with him for dinner were Elders John H. Gresham, and Alfred W. Patterson. After they left for their respective homes he remarked that he would never listen to a better sermon than he had heard that morning. After that he retired to his room to rest saying he was not feeling well. This was his last illness, his remains now rest in his beloved Ramah church yard. (Mrs. Minnie Sanders Hooks.) THURMAN SANDERS The ancestors of Thurman Sanders, Sheriff of Wilkinson County, were among the first settlers of Wilkinson. (See King Sanders Sketch). Daniel Sanders, the son of Malachi and Margaret (or Peggy) (Watson) Sanders, was the grandfather of our subject and married Sibby Leslie (Dec. 18, 1814, Jan. 17, 1880-Dec. 19, 1833.) Their children were: Silas J., m. Sarah A.R. Bridger; Mary A.E., m. Hamilton McCook; Govey B. (killed in War); Malachi M.; James W., m. Georgia Wood; Emmy Tyson; Joel J.; Francis Marion, m. T.C. Dixon; Louise Elliott; and Narcissy Caroline, m. J.W. Brooks. Malachi M. Sanders was married to Sarah Jane Johnson, the daughter of Isaac F. and Katie (Ross) Johnson, Nov. 8, 1868. Their children were: J.F.; I.D.; M.A.I.; L.F.; N.A.; Copra T.; W.J.; R.M.; Mat.; K.A.; Thurman (b. July 16, 1888); Irene. The subject of this sketch was reared on his father's farm and attended school only a few months, but made good use of his time. After farming for several years, Mr. Sanders moved to Gordon in 1925 and engaged in the mercantile business. Mr. Sanders was elected Sheriff of Wilkinson County in 1928, and entered upon his duties January 1, 1929. At the October Term of Superior Court 1929, he won the open commendation of Solicitor-General, Joseph B. Duke, for his successful work in preparing a notorious murder case for prosecution. Mr. Sanders is a Mason, Woodman, Odd-Fellow and is a member of the Baptist Church and takes an active interest in all movements for the betterment of the community in which he is living. He is of a friendly, obliging disposition and makes friends easily, to whom he is most loyal. Mr. Sanders was married to Sarah Aycock, the daughter of James J. and Mollie (Newby) Aycock, granddaughter of Jasper and Mattie (Kirkpatrick) Aycock, great- granddaughter of Barden Aycock. Mrs. Sanders, like her husband, is a member of the Baptist Church, hospitable, friendly and sympathetic to those in distress. They have two children; Eunice, a graduate of Gordon High School and J.T., now a student at Brewton-Parker Institute. MISS EDDIE STANLEY Miss Eddie Stanley, veteran school teacher and a member of a family which for nearly a century has taken a prominent part in the public life of the county, has in the school room demonstrated her worth as a builder. In the community where her ancestors before her made their homes, she found a use for her talent. Sand Hill School was unquestionably the worst run down one teacher school in all Wilkinson. It was an eyesore on a poverty stricken sand hill and the Board of Education saw no good in continuing its existence. Miss Stanley, however, felt the need of a school at this place. The community sought her services and she accepted, more from a desire to serve her home people than for any pay, for she was offered a larger salary elsewhere. Throwing her whole soul into the work she laid her plan before the writer, who was serving as County School Superintendent, and upon the recommendation of W.T. Porter, a member of the Board of Education, it was decided to give the school a final trial. Miss Stanley had no sooner begun her work than interest in education began to be awakened in that community. During the term a check on school attendance showed that school in the lead and at the end of the year the Board decided to continue the school. Competitive examinations held the next year in every school in the county proved the pupils of this school far in the lead of other one teacher schools and close competitors of the largest schools of the county. The fame of the school spread. One of the State School Supervisors was sent from Atlanta to Sand Hill School to make an inspection. The report he gave after a careful examination was that Miss Stanley's school was the best one teacher school in the State of Georgia. She later served as Principal of larger schools in the county with equal success. Miss Stanley possesses that spirit of loyalty to her friends, devotion to duty, and love for her county, unexcelled by any. Upon the recent death of O.J. Wright, her brother-in-law, she was appointed administratrix of his estate. The management of his considerable property and the guardianship of her minor nieces devolved upon her. She has performed and is performing these duties with a skill which has won for her the admiration of those who realize the magnitude of such undertakings. Miss Stanley's great-great-grandparents were: James and Winnifred Stanley, married 1754 and died April 19, 1795 and June 14, 1800 respectively.) Their children were Oliver, Sarah, Elizabeth, Susanne, Winnifred, Mary, John, James and Nathaniel. Her great-grandparents were: John, (Mar. 30, 1766-Oct. 12, 1837) and Mary (called Polly) Fordham (Mar. 8, 1773- Dec. 1, 1816) who were married Dec. 20, 1797. Their children were: John, Wright, Nathan, Pearcy, Mary (Polly), Benjamin F., Leah, Winnifred, Edward R. (The latter was a member of Congress from North Carolina.) Her grand-father, John Stanley (Oct. 25, 1798-Oct. 25, 1854) was married first (Oct. 26, 1824) to Sarah West (Feb. 19, 1805-July 1, 1828) the daughter of Joseph and Sarah West. Their children were: Mary Elizabeth, Sarah Catherine and Louisa. His second marriage was (Feb. 12, 1833) to Sarah Holliman (Dec. 27, 1812-Oct. 15, 1863). Their children were: James H.D., John J., Nathan Thos., Prudence Ann, Pearcy, Richard Reynolds, and Rewell Reese. (Family Bible records of John (Jackey) Stanley now in the possession of J.T. Dupree: record of Stanley family prepared by Kate Wright). Her father, John J. Stanley (Mar. 7, 1835-Mar. 16, 1887) was married to Mattie Pool. They had three daughters: Jennie, Eddie and Claude. Jennie, m. Jan 5, 1896 Abel J. Dominy and their children are: John Roberson, m. Miss Ira Pearce, of Americus, and holds a desirable position with the Southeastern Express Co., of Atlanta; Edward Perry, m. Grace Grant, of Homestead, Fla., and as employee of Dr. P. Phillips Co., of Orlando, Fla., has charge of a very large fruit packing plant; William Jackson, m. Miss Ethlene Smith of Dublin and also holds an excellent position in the same company with his brother, Edward; Harold Hardy, d. May 17, 1924. Claude, the youngest daughter of J.J. Stanley, married Oscar J. Wright July 28, 1906. Their children are: Eva (m. William P. Greene of Shelby, N.C. Oct. 20, 1929); Gladys, and Kate, the two latter holding very responsible positions with Sears, Roebuck & Co., of Atlanta, and with which two nieces our subject is now making her home. HERBERT EUGENE STEPHENS Herbert Eugene Stephens was born at Tennille, Washington County, Ga., Sept. 17, 1888, son of James B. and Virginia (Pope) Stephens. He graduated at the Tennille Institute in 1907 and soon thereafter entered the employ of the Tennille Banking Co. as Assistant Bookkeeper. In January, 1908, he accepted a position with the Bank of Girard, Georgia, MISS EDDIE STANLEY where he remained until October of that year when he returned to his former position with the Tennille Banking Company, soon being promoted to head bookkeeper. He held this place until November 15, 1910, when he came to the Wilkinson County Bank at Toomsboro as Cashier. As a banker, Mr. Stephens has made a phenomenal success during the nineteen years in this institution. He took hold of a bank with a $15,000 capital in 1910 and since that time it has paid out in dividends the sum of $47,500 in cash including a stock dividend of $10,000. The capital, surplus and undivided profits now amount to $32,000. His unceasing activities in behalf of the bank has inspired a confidence in its strength unsurpassed by any country bank in the state. The periods of depression and panic which it has successfully weathered, and from which it has always emerged with an increase in deposits, when banks in other sections were closing their doors, have tested the confidence in the institution. Mr. Stephens' ability as a financier was again tested during the year 1919 to 1924, while serving as Chairman of the Wilkinson County Board of Education. He advocated the budgeting of the school funds and each year was a member of the Budget Committee. So sucessfully did this plan work that the board was always able to pay its teachers promptly every month, and the school system of Wilkinson was considered one of the best in the state, and so pronounced by the state authorities. In October, 1927, he was again elected a member of the County Board of Education. Immediately after entering upon his duties, he, with the other members, set about devising plans towards reducing the $18,000 indebtedness of the Board of Education, and putting the operation of the schools on a better basis. Already they have reduced the indebtedness more than one-half and have put on trial a county wide system of consolidation of schools, such as is meeting with success in many other counties. Mr. Stephens has also served for twelve years on the local school board at Toomsboro, and has been unceasingly active in its upbuilding. He found it a two-teacher school, able to run but a few months in the year. After repeated efforts a local tax was voted. Later, the district was enlarged and a bond issue was carried. After the house was built the school grew so rapidly that another bond issue was voted and additional rooms were added. But for his tireless energy and that of some others the school would not have attained its present excellence. In addition to this Mr. Stephens has always been in the forefront in every movement for the betterment of the county, is a strong advocate of good roads, County Agent, etc. A few years ago when the Toomsboro Chamber of Commerce was organized he was chosen its President. He has served for fourteen years on the Town Council of Toomsboro. In 1912 he purchased the Wilkinson County Banner Newspaper and for four years operated it with Lamar S. Tigner as Editor, later selling out to the Bulletin. Mr. Stephens is by far one of the most active Baptists in Georgia, having been a member since the age of twelve. He has served as Clerk of the Toomsboro Baptist Church since 1912. In 1922 he and Dr. A.D. Ware were the only two adult male members, but they began the agitation of the question of building a church and soon had it completed. As soon as the house was built in 1922, he helped organize a Sunday School and was elected Superintendent which position he still holds. He is likewise an active member of the Executive Committee of the Ebenezer Baptist Association and was elected Treasurer of the Association in 1929. Mr. Stephens was married June 7, 1916, to Miss Mayme Hughes, the daughter of Heyward D. and Emma (Hughs) Hughes (see sketch). They have two daughters: Martha Hughes Stephens and Mary Eugenia Stephens. Mrs. Stephens was born in Irwinton and has a deep love for the place of her childhood where she has numerous friends. She makes a most capable mother and efficient home maker, besides taking great interest in the Church, School and Robert HERBERT EUGENE STEPHENS Toombs Chapter U.D.C. of which she served for several years as Vice-President. JOSEPH ALEXANDER STOKES (1871-1949) Joseph Alexander Stokes, son of Wm. H. and Margaret E. Lee Stokes was born October 3, 1871, in Twiggs County, McDonald's Dist., on Big Sandy Creek. His father was born in Stokes County, N.C., in 1826, his mother in Laurens County, Ga., in 1836. His paternal grand parents - Freeman Walker and Elizabeth Melton Stokes - were born in North Carolina in 1807. His father was prominently connected with public life in Twiggs County, was sheriff for sixteen years and held other offices of public trust. On the second day after his death, W.A. Davis, cotton commission factor of Macon, Ga., and Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Georgia, remarked that of all his business acquaintances he was the most prompt and that his son Joe was a chip off the old block. In November, 1889, he was united in a marriage to a Wilkinson County girl, Miss Louisa Ryle, of sterling worth and character. Her business-like qualities have contributed to not only domestic happiness, but as a true help-meet to economic success. To their union were born three sons and four daughters, - in order of age: John Thomas, Joseph Emory, Myrtle, Eva Mae, Ruth, Wm. Harbard and Nina. Joseph remained on the farm until after the death of his parents. He first came to Gordon in 1907, residing one year, then moved back to the farm. Three years later having consummated a business deal with W.A. Jones, returned to Gordon and has been identified with every interest characteristic of good citizenship. He is at present Mayor of Gordon for the term expiring Dec. 31, 1930. All of his children, except one, are residents of Gordon and actively engaged in pursuits related to social, cultural and economic prosperity of the community. John T., the oldest son is a veteran of the World War, having spent several months in France. Mr. Stokes and all of his children are prominently connected with the Methodist Church, he, himself, having served officially in some capacity for nearly forty years. He has never been an addict of profanity, knows nothing of the personal effects of whiskey and tobacco. He has been guided by high ideals of domestic fidelity, loyalty to constituted authority, church and state, with an inherent disposition of justice and good will to every man. (By Freeman L. Stokes) LAMAR S. TIGNER (1879-1946) Although the Tigner family is not one of the pioneer families of Wilkinson County, yet Lamar Tigner has spent by far the greater part of his life here and so completely has his whole being merged and become a part that we are proud to claim him as our own. He came here first in 1904, taking charge of The Bulletin, and though at times since he has been away the lure of Wilkinson has always drawn him back. "Tig" as he is fondly known to the people of the county, is loved as perhaps none other. His friendly and obliging disposition has endeared him to all who know him. The children especially are his friends. If he has an enemy in the world no one knows where to look for him. "Tig" and the Bulletin are synonymous to the minds of most people, so long has he been managing it. So attached had he become to Irwinton that in 1921 he moved his mother, sister and aunt here and built a home — he and Fleming Blooodworth having purchased The Bulletin in 1920. His sister, Miss Mary Tigner, is a writer of no mean ability, and assists him in the publication of The Bulletin. She has written and published a number of poems whose beauty impresses the reader with her talent. Mr. Tigner comes of a long line of historic ancestors. He is the son of Dr. William Achelaus Tigner, born in Meriwether County, Ga., July 13, 1833, died at Jonesboro, Ga., Feb. 20, 1894. Graduated from Emory College in 1854. Afterwards studied medicine; mastered six foreign languages; LAMAR S. TIGNER studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1866. He taught school in Alabama and became president of the college. While in Alabama he married Miss Eugenie Dozier. The children of this union were Hon. G.Y. Tigner, now judge of the City Court of Columbus, Ga., W.A. Tigner, Jr., who was also a lawyer, being connected with King, Spalding & Little of Atlanta until his health failed and he retired to his farm near Jonesboro, where he died; and Miss Martha Tigner who married Archibald Osborne and now resides in Huntington, W.Va. Later Dr. Tigner taught in Newberry, S.C. While there he became closely associated with a number of Lutheran families and was so impressed with the Lutheran faith and the piety and consecration of these people that he joined the Lutheran Church and became a minister. He stood high as a theologian in that church, being at one time president of the Synod of Ga., Fla., and Ala. He also did a splendid work in establishing mission churches in Georgia. He was pastor of the church at Haralson, Ga., for 17 years. In 1872 he married Miss Miriam Byington, of Atlanta, daughter of Montgomery Pike Byington who was his senior law partner at the time. M.P. Byington was a native of Wilkinson County, being the son of Amos Fox Byington and the grandson of John Byington of Branford, Conn., who was of Scotch descent. The children of this union who lived to reach maturity were Robert S., who was for many years connected with Armour & Company, being Advertising Manager of the Southern States when he died; Homer M., also of Atlanta, who was in newspaper work; Lamar S., the subject of this sketch; and Mary. Dr. Tigner was a Royal Arch Mason and spent much time and labor in Masonic research work. He was preparing a series of lectures to be delivered before the more important lodges in the U.S. when he died. His MSS were sent to the Atlanta lodge after his death. Dr. Tigner was the highest type of Christian gentleman. He was considered one of the first educators of the South. He was given positions of honor in his church, his lodge and his State, being elected Senator of the 35th District in 1844, without opposition. During his last illness, which lasted for eleven months, he held a Bible study class for ministers who came to his home to hear his discourses. Lamar Tigner's grandfather was Rev. Young F. Tigner, born Aug. 22, 1805, became a Methodist preacher in Sept. 1824, and preached for nearly fifty years. He married Sarah Frances Tinsley on Nov. 29th, 1827. She was the daughter of James Tinsley, a Virginia planter, and Lucy Crawford Tinsley, who was the daughter of Joel Crawford and sister of the great statesman, William Harris Crawford. Joel Crawford's wife was Fannie Harris, of a prominent Virginia family of Scotch-Irish descent. Isham G. Harris, Gov. of Tenn., and long a distinguished member of the U.S. Senate, was of this family, as were also Judge John W. Harris, member of the Supreme Court of Texas, and his brother Sam Harris, Lieut. Governor of Texas. Robert Harris of this family has a distinguished Revolutionary record and is the ancestor through whom several of the Tigner family have united with the D.A.R. William Harris, for whom William Harris Crawford was presumably named, was a member of Gen. Washington's personal staff. The generations of the Crawford family are as follows: Joel Crawford, great-grandfather of Lamar Tigner, was born in Hanover County, Va., 1736, married Fannie Harris, 1760, died 1788. His father, David Crawford, born Hanover County, Va., 1697, married Ann Anderson, 1727, died 1766. David was the son of Capt. David Crawford and Elizabeth Smith Crawford. Capt. David was born in 1662 and died in 1762, being over 100 years old. His father was also named David and was born in Ayershire, Scotland in 1625 and married in James City Co., Va., in 1654. This eldest David came over from Scotland with his father, John, Earl of Crawford and hero of the battle of Gratzka. John of Crawford was the first of the name to reach America and was killed in "Bacon's Rebellion" in 1676. His wife died in Scotland before he came over. He was born in Ayershire, Scotland in 1600 and came to America LAMAR S. TIGNER in 1643. (This information is taken from Shipp's "Giant Days, or The Life and Times of William H. Crawford.") To return to the direct Tigner line: Lamar Tigner's great-grandfather was Philip Tigner, born in Acomac County, Va., Dec. 25th, 1760. Married first Miss Nancy Forbish and moved to Clarke, now Oconee County, Ga. His wife died and he married Miss Nancy Hall who was the daughter of Hugh Hall, a Colonel in the Revolution, who is buried at Sparta, Ga. Nancy Hall's mother was Mary Reid and she was a blood relative of George Washington; also a near relative of Lyman Hall, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; (See Memoirs of Georgia, P. 656.) Philip Tigner was a Methodist preacher and built on his plantation near Athens "Tigner's Chapel," which is said to be the first Methodist church in the State. He made the nails for this building in his blacksmith shop. Lorenzo Dow, the noted Methodist Evangelist, made Philip Tigner's home his headquarters when he visited this State. Lamar Tigner's great-great grandfather was Capt. George Tigner, an Englishman and a "Skipper of a Schooner." He and his brother, Thomas, came to America in 1750 and settled in Baltimore. They owned a line of schooners plying between Baltimore and Liverpool, Eng. During the Revolution the British confiscated their ships. Both brothers and George's son Philip, a lad of 16, are said, through family tradition, to have fought in the Revolution, but on account of some records which were burned in a Virginia courthouse this has not been verified. See Harden's History of Savannah and S. Ga., Vol. II. p. 1025. Thomas Tigner later returned to England and George moved to Acomac County, Va., and engaged in farming until his death. Of the Tigner family in Europe little is positively known, except that they were Saxons. Members of the family are now living in Sweden. JOHN CALDWELL CALHOUN TODD John C. Calhoun Todd was born in Lexington, S.C., July 16, 1843, the son of Dr. Patrick Todd and Mary (Weiss) Todd, and a grandson of Patrick Todd, Sr., and Jane (Carmichael) Todd. On the paternal side he was of Scotch descent. He was educated principally by tutors at his father's home, but also attended schools in Augusta, Ga. He enlisted in the Confederate Army in the Spring of '62, age 19 years, in Co. G, Seventh Florida Regiment and took part in some of the most important engagements of the War Between the States. He was in his first battle at Resaca as bugler, and was honorably discharged at the close of the war, still holding the rank of bugler. Capt. R.B. Smith being in command of his company at that time. In 1920 he received the Cross of Honor from Mary Ann Williams Chapter U.D.C. Sandersville, Ga. One of his brothers, an officer in the Confederate Army, was killed while leading a charge. Another brother and his father, Dr. Patrick Todd, also served during the war. After the war the Todds lived in Marion County, Florida, where Dr. Patrick Todd praticed medicine and J.C.C. Todd was in the mercantile business in Ocala for several years. Later he was in the drug business in Savannah, and here he met a daughter of Dr. A.R. Norton and Julia (Greene) Norton, Miss Susan Tallullah Norton, whom he married July 24, 1872, at the First Baptist Church, Savannah. Mr. Todd was Chief Clerk to the Agent of the Central Railroad, Savannah, during the time Mr. McIntyre and Mr. Rogers were Superintendents, and he was relief agent at Milledgeville at the time it was the State Capitol. On account of ill health he requested a transfer from Savannah to a country agency, so in 1888 he was sent to McIntyre, Wilkinson County, Ga. He held this post for some years, and each of his five sons held the office after him. Finally his health forced him to give up railroad work, and he then taught school in different parts of the county. This was a work that he loved very much and in it he had marked success, winning the love and esteem of many. He was a member of the Lutheran Church, but there was no church of this denomination near his home, until a few JOHN CALDWOOD CALHOUN TODD years before his death one was organized in Macon, of which he became a Charter member. Mr. Todd took an active interest in the Baptist Church at McIntyre and was Superintendent of the Sunday School for thirty years. He was a Mason, his membership at his death being in the Irwinton Lodge. After a long and useful life he died at McIntyre May 12, 1921, and was buried there. He was survived by his wife, five sons, one daughter and eight grand-children. One of his great-grandfather's on the maternal side was Ernest Frederick Weiss (m. Anna Barbara Bickley) who with his brother, John Jacob, sailed from Rotterdam in the ship Nancy and reached Philadelphia August 31, 1750. On Dec. 21, 1752 land was laid out for him on the Saluda River in what is now Lexington, S.C., and in 1753 this land was granted him by King George II. One of Frederick's sons married Margaret Kelly, and became the father of Mary (Weiss) Todd. Their descendants prize a copy of the Weiss Coat-of-Arms. (Weiss now spelled Wyse by descendants of that name.) Susan Tallulah Norton, wife of J.C.C. Todd, was a descendant of Lt. William Norton, who served with the Continental Troops during the Revolutionary War. He was wounded and captured by the British but his sister, Mrs. E.N. Joyner, secured his release from the British Commander. Lt. Norton was born in England, son of Jonathan and Mary Ann (Chopin) Norton, and came to America with his wife and three sisters. They first located on St. Helena Island, but also lived for some time in South Georgia and Screven County, Ga., where he was granted land for his services during the Revolutionary War. During the War Between the States, Dr. A.R. Norton served as a Surgeon with the Confederacy and he had five sons in the Confederate Army. (By Sarah C. Todd and Julia Norton Todd) THE WHIPPLE FAMILY Captain John Whipple settled at Dorchester, Mass., about the year 1630, and afterwards, in 1658 or 1659, in Rhode Island at Providence. It is from this Capt. John Whipple that the Georgia family descended. He was born in England in 1616 or 1617, and died in Providence, R.I., May 16, 1685. He came to America with Israel Stoughton. He married his wife, Sarah, there in 1639 or 1640. He was a member of the Town Council of Providence in 1669 - Town Clerk in 1670-72, 1676-77, 1681-83; Town Treasurer in 1668-'83 and Deputy to the Rhode Island General Assembly 1666-69-70-72-74-76-77. He received the title of Captain in King Phillip's War (Indian) in 1676. He conducted an inn from 1674 until his death and was one of the most conspicuous inn-holders of the century. His inn was the favorite meeting place of the Town Council and Court of Probate and at one time the session of the Rhode Island General Assembly met at the Whipple Inn. He died in Providence May 16, 1685. Sarah, his wife, died there 1666. She was born in Dorchester, Mass., in 1624. Both were buried in a garden lot near his house, but afterwards were re-interred in the North Burying Place as shown by inscriptions on their tombstones. They had eight sons and three daughters, the fourth child was a son by the name of Eleazer Whipple. Eleazer Whipple was born in Dorchester, Mass., in 1645 or 1646, Jan. 26, 1669 he married Alice Angell of Providence, born 1649. The dwelling which stands to the present time on Eleazer Whipple's homestead place, near Providence, was built in 1680, and is still occupied. It stands on the site of the one built by him in 1670, but which was destroyed by the Indians in King Phillip's War in 1675-'76, and near which he was wounded August 1, 1675, for which wound he received a pension March 11, 1676, to the amount of ten pounds by vote of the Colony. So far as it has been ascertained this is the earliest pension granted in the American Colonies for Military service and disability. Eleazer Whipple was a member of the General Assembly of Rhode Island in 1670. In 1693 and 1701 he was a Deputy. He died Aug. 25, 1719, and his wife, Alice, died there Aug. 13, 1743. They are both buried in the burial ground on the place and inscriptions on their tombstones are to the above effect. THE WHIPPLE FAMILY Alice (Angell) Whipple was the daughter and fifth child of Thomas and Alice Angell. Thomas was born in England in 1618. He came to America in the ship Lyon which left Bristol, England, in December 1630. He arrived in Boston, Mass., Feb. 5, 1631, and soon went to Salem, Mass. In 1636 he and four others went with Roger Williams and made a settlement earlier than July of this year at Providence, R.I., having spent the preceding winter at Seekonk. Thomas Angell married Alice about 1646. She died in 1695. He died in 1694. Eleazer and Alice Whipple had seven children. The youngest child was Daniel Whipple. Daniel Whipple was born about 1690. He married his first wife, Mary, about the year 1715, and settled beyond the Blackstone river in what was then called Wrentham, Mass. But which was afterwards about 1727, annexed to Rhode Island and called Cumberland. It is presumed that Mary died about 1730. Daniel Whipple married his second wife, Anne, about 1735, who it is presumed was living at the time of his death, which was after March 29, 1766, the date of his will. His sixth child by the second wife, Anne, was Preserved Whipple. Preserved Whipple was born in Cumberland, R.I., Sept. 26, 1746. He married Olive Ballou probably about 1766. Olive Ballou, was born in Cumberland, R.I., May 13, 1751, and died in Richmond, New Hampshire, April 14, 1845. The family moved from Cumberland, R.I., to Richmond, N.H., in 1794. He was a most reputable man, averaging well with his contemporaries. He served as private in Gould's Division and in Smith's Co. Col. John Matherson's Reg. during the Revolution. He died in Richmond, N.H. May 25, 1812, or 1813. Preserved and Olive Whipple had eleven children. Olive Ballou was descended from: (1) Maturin and Hannah (Pike) Ballou. Hannah Pike was the only child of Robert and Catherine Pike. The earliest record of Maturin Ballou and Robert Pike is Jan. 19, 1646, when they, with 26 others, signed an agreement with Roger Williams for a free grant of twenty-five acres each of land in the town of Providence, R.I. (2) James Ballou I was the second child of Maturin and Hannah Pike Ballou. (3) James Ballou II, the fifth child of James and Susanna (Whitman) Ballou, married Catherine Arnold (4) James Ballou III, the fifth child of James and Catherine (Arnold) Ballou, married Thomasin Cook and his name appears on the alarm list of 2nd Co. or Train Band under command of Capt. Levi Tower of Cumberland, R.I. (5) Olive (Ballou) Whipple was the second child of James and Thomasin (Cook) Ballou. Colonel Stephen Whipple was the third child of Preserved and Olive (Ballou) Whipple. He was born in Cumberland, R.I., Nov. 27, 1772, and married Mrs. Olive (Bennett) Allen, April 5, 1795, the daughter of Timothy and Hannah Darling Bennett of Cumberland, R.I., (Timothy Bennett was a private in Capt. Gorton's Co. Col. Lipett's Regiment during the Revolution). She was born Feb. 16, 1770 and died at her home near Lonsdale, in Cumberland, R.I., about 1858. He was Colonel of the Rhode Island State Militia. He died Nov. 7, 1844, being a high degree Mason he was buried with Masonic honors. Col. Stephen Whipple and Olive (Bennett) (Allen) Whipple had eleven children. The third child was Stephen Whipple. Stephen Whipple II was born in Cumberland, R.I., March 14, 1799, was educated in Rhode Island and came to DeKalb Co., Ga., in 1820, as a school teacher. In 1823 he removed to Wilkinson County, Ga., where he founded the New Providence School. He made his home with Benjamin Mitchell, whose home was about two miles from the school and church, Oct. 17, 1824, Stephen Whipple and Ruth Mitchell, daughter of Benjamin and Mildred Hatcher Carswell Mitchell, were married. Ruth (Mitchell) Whipple was born in Twiggs County, Ga., Jan. 11, 1808. She was a dutiful daughter, a loving wife, fond mother and withal a beautiful Christian woman. She died Oct. 18, 1840, and was buried in East Macon, Ga., in Fort Hill Cemetery. Stephen Whipple II visited Providence in 1843 or 1844, and while there married his second wife, Eliza Knight of Providence and returned with her to his Georgia home. He THE WHIPPLE FAMILY died Feb. 13, 1847, and is buried on the Whipple place in Wilkinson County, Ga. His widow continued to live here but while on a visit to Providence, R.I., in 1881, she died and is buried there. The children of Stephen and Ruth (Mitchell) Whipple were: Robert Motley (Aug. 15, 1825 - Oct. 29, 1825); Geo. Augustus (Aug. 15, 1828 - Aug. 7, 1832); Walter Scott (Dec. 19, 1830 - Aug. 7 1832); Stephen Bennett (Nov. 16, 1833, died at Cochran, Bleckley Co., Ga., July 28, 1915); Frances (Feb. 26, 1836-); Benjamin Allen (April 29, 1838 - Jan. 19, 1870) Ruth Mildred (see Ruth Whipple Pugh sketch); and a half brother George Knight (Whipple). Stephen Bennett Whipple after his father's death, Feb. 13, 1848, lived in the family of his guardian and uncle, Robert Mitchell, in Talbot County, Ga. When grown he returned to Wilkinson Co., Ga. He married Sarah Ann Holliman, Feb. 7, 1859. Their home was eight miles south of Irwinton, Ga. She was a daughter of Thomas Jefferson Holloman and Nancy (Spivey) Hollomon and was born in Wilkinson County, Nov. 30, 1839, and died in Cochran, Ga., Jan. 4, 1913, both are buried at Cochran. Stephen B., lived in Wilkinson County, Ga., until 1871, then in Laurens County, Ga., until 1886, and in Cochran until his death in 1915. He was a Confederate Soldier. During the latter part of the war he, his brother, Benjamin Allen Whipple, and their friend, James A. Pugh, were commissioned Georgia State Troops and were detailed to go to the coast and make salt for soldiers families to be delivered at No. 3 station on the S.F. & W. R.R. and shipped from there to Savannah to the State's Commissary agent and from there to be distributed throughout the state. In this commission the three were obligated to make 100 bushels per month at the low price of $8.00 per bushel in the money of the Confederate States of America, the price in the open market being $25.00 to $50.00 in the same money. Stephen Bennett Whipple and Sarah Ann Whipple contributed eight splendid men to Georgia — Allen, who lived at Dudley; Judge U.V. Whipple, of Cordele, Ga.; Dr. Robert Whipple, of Cochran, Ga.; Dr. Clifford Whipple, of Jacksonville, Fla.; Stephen Whipple, Cochran, Ga.; Lucian Whipple, Cochran, Ga.; Dr. Oliver Whipple, of Uvalda, Ga.; and Dr. William Whipple. (Data collected by Dr. William Whipple) THE WHITEHURST AND THE ROZAR FAMILIES WHITEHURST The Whitehurst name is an old and honorable one. the history of the coat of arms of the family records that three brothers fought with honor with the English in the Crusades. The early settler of the Whitehurst family who came to America established themselves in Virginia and North Carolina. Charles Whitehurst and his wife Elizabeth were the first of the family to settle in Wilkins county, Georgia. They came from North Carolina. They bought a large tract of land seventeen and a half miles from Macon, Georgia, near the line of Jones county and extending into that county. Here they established the family homestead which is still in possession of their descendants. Charles and Elizabeth Whitehurst had four sons and two daughters: Josiah Irwin, Charles C., Howell Little, Easther, Jachan, and James Stanley. Josiah Irwin bought from the other heirs their interests in his father's estate. Charles moved to Houston county, Howell, to Bibb county, and James went to Texas, Easther married Mr. Bass, and after his death, she married Mr. Edmondson. Jachan married Isaac C. West. Josiah Irwin, son of Charles and Elizabeth Whitehurst, was born October 17, 1802. He lived his entire life in Wilkinson county. He was a very successful planter. August 5, 1824, he married Thulia Ann Wilkinson. She was born October 15, 1806. To Josiah Irwin and Thulia Ann Whitehurst were born eleven children: Morgan L., Wilkinson Mayberry, John L., Georgia Ann, Missouri Ann, Thomas C., Christianna Elizabeth, Louisa Josephine, Charles L., Laura, Josiah Irwin. Josiah Irwin Whitehurst, Sr., died August 21, 1875; Thulia Ann Whitehurst died Feb. 23, 1881. WILKINSON MAYBERRY WHITEHURST THE WHITEHURST ROZAR FAMILIES Wilkinson Mayberry Whitehurst, second son of Josiah Irwin and Thula Ann Whitehurst, was born July 27, 1826. Although he did not have University training, his education was sufficient to make him a good Latin scholar. October 18, 1855, he married Nancy Averette Bryan, daughter of James Averette and Katherine Rix Bryan, of Houston county, Georgia. She was born April 26, 1834. She received her education in the old college at Culloden, Georgia. This college was afterwards moved to Forsyth, Ga., and named the "Monroe Female College," now "Bessie Tift College." She graduated with first honor in her class. Soon after their marriage they built their home on their plantation on "The Ridge," two and a half miles from Gordon, Georgia. Wilkinson Mayberry Whitehurst was a man of energy, integrity, enterprise and thrift, and had a vision that helped him to succeed in most trying times. Sherman on "the march to the sea" encamped around his home, officers making their headquarters there. They left everything desolate. But like so many others at that time, Mayberry Whitehurst urged himself to the greatest effort and adapted himself as quickly as possible to the changed circumstances. He soon had his plantation in order. His gardens produced the best vegetables; his orchard, the finest fruits. He established a store of general merchandise in Gordon, Ga., with such success that he made visits to New York to buy goods. He built a cotton warehouse and became a successful cotton merchant. He was interested in the political welfare of his county. He represented his district in the Senate, 1859-60. He served as Judge of the Inferior Court of Wilkinson county, from January 10, 1861 to 1869. At the close of the war, he built and equipped, entirely at his own expense, a large school building of two stories, known as "Whitehurst Academy." For two years, he and his wife taught this school; then because of increasing demands from his other business, he engaged other teachers to take their places. Here came not only the children of the county, but those young men and women who had been deprived of an education by the war. A music teacher was secured and his wife's piano was used for instruction in music. A Sabbath school was organized for religious instruction. Not only did the young people receive a common school education, but many were prepared for the Junior class at college. "Whitehurst Academy" became the center of culture and learning in that section. Wilkinson Mayberry and Nancy Averette Whitehurst had eight children: an infant that died very young; Julia Pauline, married Daniel Greenberry Lee; Thulia Katherine, married James Dowdell Myrick; Willa Dixie, married Henry Walton Bridger; Laura Josephine, married Allen Robert Rozar; Mississippi Bryan, died in childhood; Cincinnatus, married Kate Smith; Zollicoffer, married Minnie Edge. Wilkinson Mayberry Whitehurst died July 30, 1878, at his home on "the Ridge," in Wilkinson county. Nancy Averette Whitehurst died November 10, 1904. ROZAR Robert Rozar was born in 1756 in Halifax county, North Carolina. At the age of nineteen, while a resident of Bladen county, North Carolina, he enlisted in Colonel Brown's North Carolina Regiment and began service as a Revolutionary soldier. In the winter of 1781 and 1782 he moved to Georgetown Parish, South Carolina, and enlisted with Colonel Horry's South Carolina Regiment. After the Revolution, Robert Rozar moved to Wilkinson county, Georgia, and became one of the earliest settlers of the county. He lived the life of a planter of his day, as the disposition of money, land, and slaves, made in his will would indicate. He died at the ripe age of eighty-four. Robert Rozar, II, son of Robert, Sr., was a teacher in Wilkinson county in the early thirties. He represented Wilkinson county in the Legislature in 1841, 1842, 1843, 1845, 1847. While he was in the Legislature, he was particu ROZAR larly interested in improving the school funds of Georgia so that the teachers could be paid. Robert Rozar, III, son of Robert II, and Nancy Rozar, was born July 8, 1818. He was married twice. In 1846, he married Susan Caroline Smith, daughter of Allen and Mary Smith of Wilkinson county. She was born September 12, 1831. The children by this marriage were: Lyvonia Adelicia, who died in infancy; Allen Robert; Augustus Hansel; and Albertina Vanness, who died in infancy. Susan Caroline Rozar died in 1857. Romulus Franklin married Isabella Frances Phillips in 1858. They had only one child, Terlula, who married George Bryant Carswell of Wilkinson county. Augustus Hansel married Mattie Lawson of Wilkinson county. Romulus Franklin was a planter and merchant of Wilkinson county. From 1865-1869 he served as Justice of the Inferior court of Wilkinson county. Robert Rozar, IV, son of R.F. and Susan Caroline Rozar was born March 21, 1850. He was married June 12, 1883, to Laura Josephine Whitehurst. They had five children: Franklin, who died in childhood; Allen Robert; Roscoe Lehman, who died in childhood; Nancy Averette (Nanette); and Mayberry Whitehurst. Robert, IV, taught in the public schools of Wilkinson county for the greater part of his life. He was a staunch Democrat. After his death, in 1898, Laura Josephine Rozar, taught for many years in the schools in towns of central and northern Georgia. She retired from active teaching in 1921 while teacher of English in Georgia Teachers College, Athens, Georgia. Robert Rozar, V, son of Robert, IV and L.J. Rozar, was born in Macon, Georgia, June 20, 1888. He received his M.D. degree from Atlanta School of Medicine, now medical department of Emory University, in 1911, and later did post-graduate work in Harvard Medical School. He became a fellow in the American Medical Association, and in 1927 became a fellow in the American College of Surgeons (F.A.C.S.). One June 3, 1914, he married Zoe De Lamar of Hawkinsville, Georgia. He became an associate with Dr. Howard J. Williams in Williams Private Sanitorium, Macon, Georgia, in 1912 and was associated with him until 1918. In 1920, he became organizer and president of Ogelthorpe Private Infirmary. From 1916-18 he was assistant surgeon of the Central of Georgia Railway, and became surgeon of that road in 1918. He has served as president of Central of Georgia Railway Association, 1919; president of Georgia Association of Railway Surgeons, 1919; president of Sixth District Medical Society of Georgia; member of first Board of Directors of Macon Civitan Club 1921; president of Macon Civitan Club, 1928; member Board of Trustees of the International Civitans, 1929. He is a writer on scientific subjects. Nancy Averette (Nanette) Rozar is dietitian of Wesleyan College. Mayberry Whitehurst Rozar was born October 20, 1897. He began his work in the office of Bibb Manufacturing Company of Macon, Georgia, at the age of sixteen, after graduation from high school. On March 26, 1929, he married Malora Stanberry of Chicago, Illinois. He is western manager of the Bibb Manufacturing Company, with headquarters in Chicago. References: U.S. Bureau of Pensions, records in Wilkinson county courthouse, State Archives. Bible of R.F. Rozar, living members of Rozar family. MAMIE EMMA WOOD WILLIAMS Born August 31, 1874, near Oconee in Washington County, Georgia. Father, Dr. J.S. Wood, removed to Wilkinson County in December, 1880, and spent the rest of his life as a physician and public spirited citizen of Wilkinson County, dying in 1915. At one time he represented his district in the State Senate. He also served with the Confederacy during the War Between the States. Her mother, Emma Graybill Wood, belongs to one of the oldest families of Georgia, tracing her ancestry to the Tudors of old England. The following composed the immediate family: Mamie Emma (Mrs. Marvin Williams); Dr. Hubert C., Laura Ivalsen (Mrs. J.N. Todd), ROZAR Rosa Lillian (Mrs. L.J. Pritchard), Ethel (Mrs. George Carswell), Lois Orian (Mrs. Frank Manson) and Annie Graybill. Of these, Dr. Hubert, Ethel and Orian are deceased. Mamie Emma married Rev. Marvin Williams December 29, 1897. A graduate of Wesleyan College in 1891, she taught for a few years before her marriage and has since been engaged in many Christian activities. Mrs. Williams has been quite active among the alumni movements of her alma mater, directing the campaign for endowment in Fulton County a few years ago. As a minister's wife she has played a prominent part in the church life of the North Georgia conference. Of the many organizations in which she takes an active part, her most conspicuous efforts have been in connection with the temperance and prohibition movement. Through the state W.C.T.U. she has been honored in many ways for faithful service. As state Superintendent of literature for Georgia, she three times received the national loving cup for the best state report in the United States. At present, she is the state president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Georgia, leader of the Christian women of Georgia who are fighting the liquor traffic. She is interested in all governmental problems which concern the home and also in lifting the standard of politics in her state. She served as a member of the Georgia delegation to the national Democratic convention meeting at Houston, Texas, in 1928. Five children have been born to her and her husband: Louise (Mrs. Kay of New York City), Graybill (died at thirteen months of age, buried in cemetery at Oxford, Georgia); Ray (attorney, practicing in Atlanta, Georgia); Florimel (Mrs. E.M. Herndon, Raleigh, N.C.) and Marvin, Jr., now a student at Gordon College, Barnesville. (Written by a Member of the Family.) WILLIAM CHARLES WILLIAMS Few families in Wilkinson are able to be traced further back than that of William Charles Williams. Descendants of this famous family include a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, America's foremost public men and a host of other notables. As shown by the authentic chart in the Macon Library, his great-great-great-great-great- grandfather, Robert Williams, (1593-1693), of Norwich, England, migrated to Roxbury, Mass. in 1638. m. Elizabeth Statham first and then Martha Strong, Robert's son, Captain Isaac Williams (1638-1708) m. Martha Park of Newton, Mass., first, Judith Cooper, second, Captain Isaac's son, Col. Israel Williams, 1709-1789 m. Susan Chester: their son, Deacon Williams, 1734-1808, of Hatfield and Dalton m. Dorothy Ashley, 1743-1838 of Deerfield, Mass., their son, Jeremiah Wadsworth Williams, 1770-1842, came from Massachusetts to Houston County, Georgia and m. Elizabeth E. Williams; their son, William Porter Williams, born there Jan. 26, 1824, who married Mary Susan Matilda Costler of Masseeville, Georgia, Nov. 2, 1852, was the father of our subject. During the War Between the States, W.P. Williams served in the arsenal at Macon, Ga. In 1868, he purchased sixteen hundred acres of land near Danville and made Wilkinson County his home. Their children were Julia Tabitha, William Charles, George Washington, Mary Eugenia, Minnie Lee, Walter Robert, Pope Costler, Ernest, Damarius Isabel, Maude Antoinette, and John Lee. William Charles Williams was born June 24, 1858, and was married on March 1, 1881, to Ella Gallemore, the daughter of Hannah Elizabeth Slade and William Joiner Gallemore. It can well be said of them that they lived active, honorable and useful lives, respected by all who know them. Upon their children, Dr. Augustus Small Williams, Dr. William Charles Williams, Mrs. H.H. Maxwell (Leila) and Miss Bessie Williams, they lavished their love and in every way possible prepared them to fill the responsible positions which they now occupy. Both Mr. and Mrs. Williams were consistent members of the Baptist Church at Danville for many years. He died Aug. 18, 1926, and Mrs. Williams died Nov. WILLIAM CHARLES WILLIAMS 16, 1924, and they are buried at the Danville Cemetery. (BLANK)