Statewide County HI Archives Biographies.....Bailey, Charles Thomas April 25, 1883 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: J. Orr October 21, 2009, 7:56 pm Source: the Story of Hawaii and Its Builders. Published by the Honolulu Star Bulletin, Territory of Hawaii, 1925 Author: Edited by George F. Nellist CHARLES THOMAS BAILEY, Civil Engineer. Charles T. Bailey, civil engineer, has devoted his career in Hawaii to the study and development of the public lands and water resources of the Territory, serving as Commissioner of Public Lands, Chief Hydrographer and Engineer, and as member and Chairman of the Territorial Farm Loan Board. After receiving his B.S. Degree in civil engineering from the University of Vermont, in 1908, he worked for two years as civil engineer for the Michigan Central railroad at Detroit. He then entered the Water Resources branch of the United States Geological Survey as junior engineer, 1910-1912, at Newport, Ky., being promoted in 1912 to engineer with headquarters at Honolulu. He was appointed Chief Hydrographer and Engineer, Division of Hydrography, Department of Public Lands, Hawaii, on Oct. 22, 1917, and served until Jan. 31, 1919, when he accepted his present position of Commissioner of Public Lands. He was made a member of the Farm Loan board in 1919 and was appointed chairman in 1922. Born to Herbert Hamilton and Jane (Patterson) Bailey at Greenboro, Vt., on April 25, 1883, his early education was obtained at the Craftsbury Academy, North Craftsbury, Vt., from which he entered the University of Vermont. Mr. Bailey is a member of Beta Sigma chapter of the National fraternity of Sigma Nu, the Honolulu Ad, Honolulu Automobile, and Oahu Country clubs, the American Association of Engineers and the Aeronautic Association of Hawaii. He married Grace Gilmore, April 17, 1915, and they have three children, Clifford Herbert, Barbara Annella, and Phyllis Bailey. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb