Statewide County HI Archives Biographies.....Buttolph, Guy H. June 18, 1869 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: J. Orr August 11, 2010, 2:44 pm Source: The Story of Hawaii and Its Builders, The Honolulu Star Bulletin, Territory of Hawaii, 1925 Author: Editor George F. Nellist GUY H. BUTTOLPH, Stock Broker. After several adventurous years in South America and Mexico, following his profession as a mining engineer, Guy H. Buttolph in 1910 decided to make his home in Honolulu, buying one-half interest in the business and establishing the partnership of Williamson & Buttolph, stock and bond brokers. He has been prominent in club and fraternal circles and in connection with the Shriners’ hospital for crippled children, of which he is a trustee. A mobile unit of this work, founded in Honolulu in January, 1923, was the second unit opened and in the number of children cured is far ahead of some of the larger Shrine hospitals on the mainland. Mr. Buttolph went to Ecuador as a mining engineer in 1898 and remained there until 1903. He was then similarly engaged in Mexico for three years and spent several years in the states before coming to Hawaii. Born in Cleveland, O., June 18, 1869, Mr. Buttolph is the son of Levi and Jennie E. (Wright) Buttles. There is an interesting history to his family name. Originally Buttolph the name became corrupted to Buttles. Guy H. Buttloph and his brothers, descendants of Thomas Buttolph, a British settler in Boston in 1635, assumed the correct version of their ancestral name. The city of Boston, Mass., was indirectly named after Mr. Buttolph’s family, having adopted the name of Boston, Lincolnshire, England, which was originally called Botolph’s Town and later shortened to Boston. The old conservative club in Boston is the “St. Botolph’s.” Mr. Buttolph attended Kenyon Military Academy and was graduated from Kenyon College, Gambier, O., with the degree of B. A. in 1892, and received his M. A. degree three years later. He is a Mason, Knight Templar and past potentate of Aloha Temple of the Shrine, a member of the University Club and has been secretary of the Oahu Country Club for many years. He was a director of the Mid-Pacific Carnival, Honolulu, from 1917 to 1921, served on all Liberty Loan committees in Honolulu during the World War and was executive secretary and general manager for the entire Territory in the flotation of the Third Liberty Loan. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb