Statewide County HI Archives Biographies.....Hayes, Henry Homer ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: J. Orr September 13, 2011, 6:44 pm Source: The Story of Hawaii and Its Builders. Published by the Honolulu Star Bulletin, Territory of Hawaii, 1925 Author: Edited by George F. Nellist HENRY HOMER HAYES, Physician. As a government physician and in private practice, Dr. H. H. Hayes, physician and surgeon, has successfully followed his profession in Hawaii for almost twenty years. A native of San Francisco, son of Henry S. and Amy Campbell (McLeod) Hayes, he was educated in the public and preparatory schools and at Cooper Medical College. He arrived in Honolulu on Sept. 19, 1906, to become an interne at the Queen’s Hospital. He was government physician on leeward Molokai and for the American Sugar Co., Ltd., 1907-8; city physician of Honolulu, 1908-10; government physician on Molokai, 1909-15, and has been in private practice in Honolulu since 1915. He has been medical attendant at the Kapiolani Girls’ Home, the Kalihi Boys’ Home and the quarantine station, under the territorial Board of Health, an is on the visiting staff of the Queen’s Hospital. He is a Knight of Pythias, Forester, Owl, and a member of Phoenix Lodge, the Healani Boat Club and Alexander Liholiho Men’s Club of St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Dr. Hayes married Flora Allen Kaai, daughter of the late Judge S. W. Kaai of South Kona, Hawaii, on Jan. 6, 1914, and they have one son, Homer Allen Hayes. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb