Statewide County HI Archives Biographies.....Renton, Geo. F. April 1, 1887 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: J. Orr December 21, 2011, 2:45 pm Source: The Story of Hawaii and Its Builders, Honolulu Star Bulletin, Ltd. Territory of Hawaii, 1925 Author: Edited by George F. Nellist GEO. F. RENTON, Plantation Manager. Trained under the able captaincy of his late father, Geo. F. Renton had a thorough knowledge of plantation management when he succeeded to his father’s position as manager of the Ewa Plantation Co. in 1921. In 1909 he started his life work at Ewa and successively held field and factory positions, filling the following posts: Overseer, timekeeper, irrigation overseer, chief chemist, factory superintendent, assistant manager and, finally, manager. Mr. Renton’s education was along scientific lines to fit him for his later work. His preliminary course was completed at Punahou and Oahu College, and in 1909 he was graduated from the chemistry department of Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University. Geo. F. Renton, Sr., had previously developed the H-109 cane and his son carried on that work when he was made manager. Other varieties of cane yield nine to ten tons of sugar an acre, but H-109 has broken all records of late years, until today a production of eighteen tons an acre has been recorded at Ewa. At the present time Ewa plantation raises H-109 almost exclusively and many of the other large plantations in the islands have followed its lead in the planting of this cane. During the past four years Mr. Renton has given much time and study in the endeavor to build up the plantation property physically; in improving the roads, domestic water supply, sewer systems and general appearance of the premises as a whole. His attention has been focused particularly on the general comfort and contentment of the laborers, and to this end hundreds of bungalows have been built, wired for electric lighting, and connected to the improved water and sewer systems. Parks, playgrounds, moving picture houses, community meeting houses and a well organized welfare department have been provided. The activities of the welfare department are mainly devoted to the welfare of the employees in the provision of amusements, caring for the children, instructing mothers in the art of cooking, sewing, etc., furnishing medical attention to the sick, and providing everything possible which go to make life comfortable for the laborers, as well as the skilled employees. In addition to his connection with Ewa Plantation Co., Mr. Renton is manager of Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. He is a Mason, Shriner, a member of the Sojourners’ Club, Hawaiian Chapter; Rotary Club, Commercial Club, University Club, Country Club, Pearl Harbor Yacht Club, Schofield Golf Club, American Chemical Society, Chamber of Commerce, Y.M.C.A., Honolulu Automobile Club, Hawaiian Sugar Technologists’ Association, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, and National Aeronautic Association. Mr. Renton was born in Hamakua, Hawaii, April 1, 1887, and in 1910 married Irene Fisher of Honolulu. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb