Statewide County HI Archives Biographies.....Young, James L. July 11, 1867 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: J. Orr January 19, 2012, 8:36 pm Source: The Story of Hawaii and Its Builders, Honolulu Star Bulletin, Ltd. Territory of Hawaii, 1925 Author: Edited by George F. Nellist JAMES L. YOUNG, Consulting Engineer. James L. Young, president and treasurer of the J. L. Young Engineering Co., Ltd., engineers and constructors, is, in the literal sense of the phrase, a builder of Hawaii, with a record of twenty years’ experience in this Territory and of having started here the work on all but one army post. A few years after Hawaii was annexed by the United States an extensive program was outlined by the military and naval authorities at Washington for making the Islands a strategic base in the Pacific and Mr. Young was selected to start the work. He built Fort Shafter and began the construction of Fort Ruger, Fort Kamehameha and Schofield Barracks. He remained in the government service until 1910, when he resigned to organize the Lord-Young Engineering Co. Since he arrived in Honolulu in May, 1905, Mr. Young has had a big share of the work of preparing the Islands for army and navy activities and a rapidly increasing civilian population. Mr. Young designed and superintended the construction of the first two reinforced concrete fireproof buildings in Honolulu, the Pantheon Block at the corner of Fort and Hotel Sts. and the laboratory building of the Bishop Museum. Two of the larger projects completed by Mr. Young in the last few years are the five hangar buildings at Luke Field and the thirty-six ordnance buildings on Magazine Island, Pearl Harbor. He has recently completed work on the new library building at the University of Hawaii, and the first unit of the new Palama Settlement, consisting of five structures and a swimming tank. He built the Hawaiian Trust Co. building, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin building and the Library of Hawaii, the Administration building of the University of Hawaii, as well as other large structures in Honolulu, in all a record of forty-one buildings in the last three years. His professional work is largely confined to consultation, arbitration and appraisements. Mr. Young was born at California, Ky., July 11, 1867, the son of William L. and Appoline (Maddox) Young. He was educated in the grammar schools, the high school at Newport, Ky., the Clermont Academy, Clermontville, O., the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., and the University of Lebanon, Ohio. Following his graduation as a civil engineer, and architect, Mr. Young was connected with railroad construction work on the mainland until 1894, when he went into business for himself in Cincinnati, Ohio, as consulting engineer. In 1899 he accepted an appointment from the United States government as an engineer in the civil service. He was connected with the remodeling of Public Buildings and Fortifications and the Sanitation of Havana, Cuba. Mr. Young married Valley Rose of Hamilton, O., on Nov. 7, 1895. They have two sons, Gordon See and Donn Dwyer Young. He is an Elk, a Mason, and a member of the Western Society of Engineers and the American Association of Engineers. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb