Allamakee County, IOWA: 1850 Census Index Copyright 1988 by S-K Publications, This file was contributed for non-commercial, non-exclusive use in the USGenWeb Archives. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ This file is a surname index to the original, handwritten records on the census microfilm. The handwritten census is also available in book form from S-K Publications Page numbers are stamped in upper right corners of the microfilmed pages. Every other page is unnumbered. The "A" page is always the numbered page, and the "B" page is the unnumbered page following it on the film (it was the backside of the paper that was microfilmed). AMOS 2B ANDERSON 3A-4A ARNOLD 8A-8B BAKEWELL 6B BARNUM 5A BARRING 6B BEAVER 6B BEETLE 2A BERMOH 6B BLANCHARD 5B BOOTH 4B BORMOK 6B BOWMAN 8A BRADBURN 7B BREEDLOVE 9A BRISON 10A BRONCHO 4B BROWN 1A-6A BUSH 5B CALENDER 7B CALHOUN 6B CANUTESON 4A CARDON 4A CASSADA 5B CHARLES 5B CHEADLE 7B CLARK 2B CLICKHAM 1A COLLINS 9B CONTESON 4A CONWAY 6A CORCORAN 6B CORSORT 1B COTA 4B CRISTION 3A CULVER 1A CUMMINGS 2A DALTON 9B DANIEL 4A DEAL 2B DEGRAW 2B DEGROW 2B DENNIS 7B DILACORN 1B DOKENILL 6B DOLTON 9B DREWEY 6B ELEFSON 3A ELLIS 1A ELZY 7B EMRICK 3B FAIRFAX 1A FLINN 5A FUEL 2A-9A GARDNER 7B GILBERT 5A GILLET 5A GILLILAND 6B GLOVER 2A GORDON 1A GRIFFITH 5B GUY 7A HALE 1B HANEY 6A HAYS 2A HERDSON 3A HERRICK 9B HEWITT 4B HOAG 9A HODGES 9B HOLCOMB 1B HOLMENS 7A HORMERSON 3A-3B HOSTETER 3B-8A HOUGHTON 4B-6B HUGHS 8B HUGHSON 6B HUNTLEY 5A JACKSON 9B JOHNSON 1A-4A JOICE 4A JONES 7B KELLENDA 8A-8B KITTLESON 3B LAGREE 4B LANE 5A LAPOINT 4A LARSON 4A LATROUCH 4B LAUGHLIN 7A LINTON 1B LOGREE 4B MARTEL 4B MARTIN 7A MATHER 2B MATTHEWS 1B McDONEL 1B McGINNIS 6A McGONEGAL 9B McMELLEN 6A McNUT 5B MINARD 7B MOODY 2A MORE 5A MORTON 10A MURPHY 5A MYERS 6B NELSON 3A NEWBURY 3B NEWLAND 8A NIBLOCK 5B NICKOLS 5B NOBLE 7A NOLAND 8A OLEYSON 1A-3B OLMNSTEAD 9A PATTERSON 5A-5B PERRY 1A PETERSON 3A PIKE 2A POPE 2B POST 7A RANDEL 7B RATHBURN 2B READ 9B RICE 1B RICHARDSON 9A RIDDLE 7A ROBISON 6A ROLAND 1B ROSE 8B ROTHBURN 2B RUSSEL 2B SANDER 6B SAUSER 9A SCOTT 2A SEVERSON 3A-3B SHATTUCK 5B SMITH 2B-8B SOLL 6B STAR 6B STEPHENSON 7A STEVENSON 7A STRINGLER 6A SUMNER 9A SUTTLE 2B TAILOR 4B THOMPSON 6B TIMOSON 7A TOLASON 3A TOPLIFT 10A TWIFORD 1B VALE 4B VANSICKLE 1B-2A VARDRO 4B WARNER 3B-8A WEAR 1A WHALEY 6A WHITING 5B WILLIAMS 7A-8A-10A WILSON 2B-4A WISTLER 1B WODAMS 1A WOODEN 4B YENYON 5B