CENSUS: 1852 Census This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Annette Lucas ClintonRoots@aol.com December 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ________________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Appanoose County, Iowa Please visit the Appanoose County, IAGenWeb page at http://iagenweb.org/appanoose/ ________________________________________________________ The Iowa Code of 1851 made provisions for the enumeration of all persons in the state in the years, 1852, 1854, 1856 and every tenth year thereafter. The following is a copy of the 1852 Census for Appanoose County as copied by Mrs. Howard E. Snedden and Mrs. H. Kenneth Demirjean from the original Census in the Census Department of the Iowa State Department of History and Archives, Historical Building, Des Moines, Iowa. (Ed. Comment: Every effort has been made to transcribe the name as written-the penmanship is not as legible on this census as some so some names are marked with question marks to indicate a questioned translation.) 1852 CENSUS-APPANOOSE COUNTY Listed are head of household, total number of white males and the total number of white females, if there are colored in the household it is so noted. NAME M F Abrogast, Michael 1 3 Adams, Alsolsam 6 4 Adamson, Henry 3 2 Afferbaugh, Henry 1 1 Akyrs, Ruth 3 2 Allen, Samuel 3 1 Allen, Samuel 2 3 Altizer, Alese 3 4 Alverson, Nelson 4 1 Anderson, George D. 4 3 Anderson, James 5 2 Anderson, Wm. 3 1 Andrews, John 4 4 Arnold, Henry 4 3 Aylor, W. 5 3 Awalt, John 2 2 Bachus, Wm. 4 3 Bagley, David 3 5 Bagley, John 3 3 Baker, Robert 6 2 Baldridge, Carol 2 5 Bales, Thernas 4 3 Bales, Washington 5 5 Bales, Wm. 6 2 Banks, John 2 4 Baker, Clemont 3 5 Barnett, C. R. 1 0 Barns, Wm. T. 6 3 Barrnet?, William 4 1 Bartlett, Elijah 3 7 Bartlett, Isaac 1 2 Bartlett, James 1 1 Bartlett, James 1 1 Bartlett, Joseph 2 4 Bartlett, Harth M 1 1 Bartlett, Nathan 1 2 Bartlett, William 1 2 Bates, Amos 2 1 Beard, Eliza 6 4 Beard, Washington 2 3 Beedle, William 1 1 Belt, John 5 4 Benbrooke, George W 6 2 Benge, Samuel 1 2 Benner, David 4 2 Biggford, Charles 2 1 Bishop, Joseph 5 4 Blair, C. P. 6 4 Blair, Oliver 1 1 Blair, Thomas 3 1 Blake, V. C. 5 1 Blakely, Isaac 3 4 Blakesley, Henry 1 2 Blakesley, Isaac M. 2 1 Blakesley, Joel 5 3 Blakesley, Obadiah 6 3 Bond, John 3 7 Boyd, Valentine 3 5 Brandon, Thomas 2 2 Brown, I. G. 3 4 Brewer, V. 2 3 Briant, Thomas S. or L. 1 2 Bridges, Reason 3 4 Brinkley, Thomas 1 2 Brower, Jeremiah 3 6 Brown, Calvin 1 1 Brown, Cynthis A. 3 3 Brown, James 4 1 Brown, John 4 2 Brown, Manly 5 3 Brown, Thomas 2 3 Browning, John 4 4 Bryant, Edward 1 2 Bryant, Lucian 4 3 Bryant, William 3 3 Buck, Jesse 4 4 Bullington, Robert 3 2 Buntain, Andrew 2 1 Burk, Geo. 1 3 Burns, David 6 2 Cacle. A. F. 1 2 Calbon, Wm. E. 1 1 Caldwell, Anderson 2 4 Caldwell, Michael 3 3 Calen, Thomas 3 3 Callen, Archbald 4 5 Callen, Calvin 3 3 Carpenter, A. M. 3 3 Carter, John 2 2 Carter, Martin 2 3 Carter, Squire 4 4 Castle, Geo. 4 3 Cate, Caloway 2 2 Cate, William 3 3 Cavanah, Wm. 3 3 Caventah, Joseph 2 4 Caylor, Adam 5 1 Caylor, John 5 4 Chadd, Samuel 1 3 Chadd, W. M. 2 2 Chapel, Moses 1 1 Childers, Francis 1 1 Childers, Joiner? 2 2 Clancy, William 4 3 Clansy, John W. 3 4 Clark, Wm. 1 2 Clemens, John 6 7 Cline, Benjamin 2 1 Cline, Washington 4 2 Close, John 1 5 Coatney, Alfred 2 2 Cochran, Thomas 3 6 Cochrun, Amos G. 4 1 Cochrun, David 3 7 Cochrun, Wesley 5 3 Coffman, Abraham 3 3 Coffman, Jacob 4 1 Coffman, John 1 1 Collen, Andrew 3 2 Collens, Mary 5 3 Condra, Jacob 4 3 Conger, Elias 10 3 Conger, Enos 2 6 Conger, John 3 5 Conner, Briloin C. 5 2 Conner, Johnathan C. 2 3 Conrad, Ephraim 6 2 Cocksey, Calbourn 3 2 Cooksey, Joseph 3 2 Cooksey, Wm. 1 3 Cook, John A. 3 1 Cooley, A. W. 3 2 Cooley, David 4 2 Cooley, Edward 6 4 Cooley, Fountain 2 2 Cooley, Lewis 3 4 Cooley, Thomas 2 1 Coons, Charles 5 4 Coutson, William 6 2 Cox, John 2 5 Cox, Joshua 3 3 Cox, Minson 2 4 Cradlebaugh, William 4 5 Creed, Wilson 1 2 Criswell, John 2 3 Criswell, John 3 4 Crow, John 5 3 Crow, John 3 5 Crow, William 5 2 Crumly, Aaron 3 2 Crumley, William 1 1 Cuberly, Phelise 1 3 Cummins, Daniel 11 3 Cummins, Ephraim 1 1 Cupp, James 3 2 Cupp, John 3 9 Cupp, Simmeon 1 1 Cuppy, thomas 4 1 Curtis, Sara 3 3 Dalinger, Joel 3 2 Daugherity, William 4 5 Davis, Daniel 3 1 Davis, Henry 1 2 Davis, Hiram 5 1 Davis, John 7 2 Davis, Landon 5 3 Davis, L. B. 6 1 Day, Jesse 2 4 Dean, Leven? 3 5 Dean, Missin? 1 1 Delay, Joseph 6 4 Delong, George 2 2 Denny, Rueben 4 2 Devonport, Johothan 3 1 Dickey, Samuel 2 1 Dillen, John 2 3 Dodd, Reed 4 3 Donaldly, Andrew 2 2 Drake, Eli A. 3 2 Dukes, A. H. 5 1 Dunbar, J. N. 2 2 Dunbar, Jas. 1 1 Dunher?, William 3 2 Dye, David 4 5 Dyer, Joab 2 2 Dykes, Joseph 7 4 Early, Wm. 3 1 Eartes?------? 5 5 Eaton, Elizabeth 3 1 Edwards, David 5 7 Edwards, Wm. 8 2 Elain, Duery 1 4 Elain, Elijah 3 3 Elain, Joel 3 Elain, Joel A. 2 2 Elain, L. 1 1 Elidge, Harvey 1 1 Ely, Phillip 2 2 Emervick, Andrew 8 5 Eoley, John 4 4 Etherage, Hiram 4 3 Evans, Mary 1 3 Evans, Wm. C. 3 1 Ewing, James 3 4 Ewing, Johnathan 3 2 Farley, David 3 2 Farms, James 5 3 Farms, John 4 1 Fenton, Arney 3 3 Felkner, John 6 3 Fenton, I. C. 1 1 Fise, S. 2 1 Fisher, Jerini? 2 2 Fitzgerald, John 6 3 Fitzgerald, Wm. 2 2 Flood, Wm. 3 5 Foreshoe, Joseph 4 3 Foster, F. L. 3 4 Foster, John 5 5 Frantz, Samuel 2 2 Frasure, Wm. 1 1 Frost, Robert 6 2+1c Fulcher, John 4 6 Fuller, Isaac 4 4 Fuller, Philo 2 4 Fuller, Rhoda 1 7 Gale, Wm. 5 3 Gale, Wm. 5 2 Galleni, Abijah 2 1 George, Soloman 3 1 George, Stephen 2 0 George, Wharton 4 1 Gibson, N. W. 3 5 Gilbreath, Thomas 2 1 Glandon, Isaac 4 4 Glasgo, Henry 1 1 Glasgo, Hiram 2 3 Glasgo, M. D. 5 4 Glasgo, Stephen 2 5 Glasto, Vincent 6 4 Golcher, George 1 0 Golesburg, Robert 2 2 Good, Abraham 3 4 Good, Peter 5 5 Goodlin, John 4 3 Gradwell, Geo. 3 4 Graham, John 3 4 Green, W. M. 4 2 Greenland, Simson 1 2 Greenwood, G. B. 5 2 Grisham, John 1 1 Grisivold, Richard 5 3 Groom, David 4 3 Groom, Peter 2 2 Guernsey, Daniel B. 3 5 Gunter, John T. 3 5 Guinn, Milton C. 4 3 Halley, John 1 6 Halloway, James 1 1 Hampson, John F. 1 0 Haney, Eli 1 2 Haney, Wm. M. 2 2 Hankins, David 2 2 Harbor, Samuel 5 4 Hardan, Wm. 5c 1c Harden, Isreal 1 2 Hardesty, Richard 3 3 Hardin, J. A. 1 2 Hardin, Samuel 4 4 Hardin, Thomas 3 3 Harmon, George 2 1 Harn, Christopher 1 1 Harn, Wm. 2 3 Harper, Jesse 2 5 Harris, Amos 3 1 Harris, Courtland 5 5 Harris, Jeremiah 3 5 Harris, John S. 1 1 Harris, Joseph 6 4 Harris, Nancy 1 3 Hartley, James C. 2 1 Hator, John 4 4 Hatton, John B. 4 1 Hawkins, David 2 2 Hawkins, Thomas 1 1 Hayworth, Elijah 4 2 Hedgecook, Joseph 5 4 Henderson, Alfred 1 1 Henderson, Wm. L. 7 4 Hemenovery, J. 1 2 Henramen, John 4 2 Herby, James 2 3 Hiat, Aron 1 1 Hiat, Lewis 3 4 Hiat, Lewit 6 3 Hibbs, Wm. 2 2 Hickenbaugh, Abraham 6 2 Hickman, Eson 3 2 Hicks, John 4 4 Higgenbotham, George 6 3 Hinkle, Icabod 3 2 Hinkle, Jackson 1 1 Hinkle, Jacob 1 1 Hinkle, Jacob 1 3 Hinkle, Wm. 2 2 Hockensmith, Jackson 4 1 Hodge, Isaac 7 3 Holbrooks, Elias 1 1 Holbrooks, Luther 3 2 Holbrooks, Solomon 3 1 Hollady, Ranson 2 4 Hollensworth, Jerimiah 5 4 Holms, James 1 4 Hopkins, Adam 4 2 Hopkins, Geo. 1 3 Hopkins, Jabez 1 3 Hopkins, James M. 3 2 Hopkins, Perry 1 3 Hopkins, Stephen 3 3 Horton, L. 1 1 Howel, C. H. 2 3 Hudson, John 3 6 Huffacre, Adason 4 4 Hughs, James 3 1 Huse, John 1 3 Hymes. George 1 1 Jackson, Andrew 4 3 Jackson, Daniel 1 1 Jackson, James I. 3 3 Jesse, John 2 3 Johnson, Amos 3 1 Johnson, Andrew 2 5 Johnson, Daniel 4 4 Johnson, Daniel B. 5 1 Johnson, James H. 1 4 Johnson, Millian 4 3 Jones, Alexander 3 1 Jones, Charles I. 3 1 Jones, Dinah 2 6 Jones, D. D. 1 2 Jones, James 4 2 Jones, Nathan 3 3 Jones, Wm. 7 2 Jones, W. M. L. 1 2 Jones, Woodford 4 3 Jordan, Robert B. 5 3 Jump, Elizabeth 2 2 Jump, John 1 2 Jump, Joseph 2 1 Jump, William 2 1 Kent, William 3 2 Kerby, Samuel 1 1 Kersell, Hamilton 3 4 Kersey, Henry 2 2 Kevlustus?, Constantine 2 1 Kimmel, John 2 2 Kineman, Daniel 3 6 King, David 2 4 King, Isaac 8 1 Kington, John 4 3 Kingsley, Alex 2 2 Kirby, Soloman 2 6 Kirkendall, Moses 4 0 Kisser, Geo. 5 2 Knapp, F. 1 2 Knight, Miner 4 2 Knight, Thomas 4 4 Knowles, John 5 2 Lake, Geo. 2 1 Lake, G. W. 2 2 Laler, F. N. 4 4 Lampston, Evans 1 3 Lantz, Johanthan 5 6 Lawyers, Elisha 3 4 Leacock, Wm. A. 2 2 Leniney?, Sumer 2 2 Leonard, John 2 2 Level, Benjamin 5 2 Level E. C. 1 2 Levy, John 3 2 Lewis, Andrew 5 5 Lewis. G. W. 1 2 Lewis, S. 4 1 Litsey, James I. 1 1 Lockard, Gholson 3 1 Lockard, John 3 2 Logan, Arthur 3 3 Long, Andrew 3 1 Long, Voluntine 8 4 Lonigar, John C. 2 2 Lose, Susannah 1 3 Lotterage, Dyre 2 4 Loyd, Calvin 1 4 Luell, John 1 4 Madden, Reuben 4 4 Maddose, Raydel 3 2 Manson, Isaac W. 1 1 Manson, T. G. 1 1 Manson, Wm. L. 2 2 Marchbanks, Joseph 2 1 Marchbanks, Josiah 5 5 Marchbanks, Wimrod I. 2 2 Martin, A. L. H. 1 2 Martin, Robert 2 1 Martin, Wesley S. 3 3 Martin, Wilkerson 4 5 Martin, Willis 7 4 Mathena, Nelson 2 2 Mathney, Wm. 4 7 May, Elijah 1 0 May, James 2 1 May, Wily 5 4 Mc Cannel,, David 2 3 Mc Clure, John 4 3 McCoy, Gilbert 4 5 McCoy, Hugh 2 2 McDonald, David 4 7 McDonald, Hiram 5 7 McDonald, Jacob 2 1 McFall, David 4 4 McGlaughlin, John 3 2 McKay, Harvey 5 1 McKeehan, Bassil 3 4 McKeehan, David 2 4 McKeehan, James 1 0 McKeever, Abraham 1 1 McKine or McKirm, Alfred 3 1 McKins or McKirm, John D. 4 3 McKonnel, David 1 4 McMurry, Robert W. 5 2 McNotb, John 1 1 Meadows, Geo. W. 2 7 Meadows, Sidney L. 3 3 Medis, Abraham 2 2 Merrel, Jesse 2 1 Middleton, Mary J. 2 1 Miller, C. B. 5 1 Miller, Daniel 3 2 Miller, David 1 1 Miller, George 2 1 Miller, Francis P. 1 1 Miller, H. S. 1 3 Miller, John 2 7 Miller, Joshua 2 3 Miller, William 4 2 Miller, John 1 1 Mitchell, John 1 1 Mitchell, Samuel 3 1 Monroe, Thomas J. 2 3 Monroe, Wm. 4 5 Montgomery, John G. 3 2 Moore, Nathaniel 3 5 Morris, Clemon 1 4 More, John 2 1 Morehouse, Hiram 3 3 Moreland, Henry 4 4 Morland, Silas 3 4 Morland, Wm. 2 1 Mooris, Jacob 6 4 Morris, Joseph 6 4 Morrison, Andrew 5 4 Morrison, Wm. U. 3 4 Mour, John R. 1 1 Muline, Henry 1 3 Mulvancy, John 3 9 Murphy, Henry 3 1 Myers, Andrew 2 5 Nash, Noah 4 2 Nelson, A. R. 2 1 Nichal, James 5 2 Nichol, John 5 2 Nichol, John H. 1 2 Niles, A. M. 2 3 Norris, D. S. 3 5 Oldham, George 2 2 Osburn, Geo. 1 1 Packard, Almanson 3 3 Packard, B. L. 3 3 Packard, J. J. 1 1 Packard, J. M. 2 2 Packard, Luther 1 2 Packard, William 4 4 Patrick, Pharow 2 4 Patrick, Thomas 3 4 Peirce, Henry 2 1 Pepper, Cyrena 3 4 Perkins, G. W. 5 4 Perkins, Mary 2 1 Perpupile, Jones 2 4 Pewthers, Abram 4 3 Peyton, Emely D. 3 3 Phelps, Efraphas? H. 4 2 Pilkey, Michael 2 5 Pilkey, Sara 1 4 Pleten or Pleter, Liras M. 4 2 Points, A-ter 1 1 Points, John 3 4 Pool, Wm. T. 4 4 Porter, Charles 2 2 Porter, William 2 3 Powel, James B. 2 3 Powell, Charles 6 3 Powers, Thomas 3 3 Printer, Robert 1 1 Purgear, Samuel 1 1 Purjue, Abraham 1 4 Purjue, Jackson 1 8 Purjue, Richard 1 1 Rabley, E. H. 11 2 Radievist, E. 2 2 Ralston, Ephriam 3 1 Ramsey, Joseph 4 3 Randolph, D. F. 1 1 Ray, John 2 4 Reed, Benjamin 5 5 Reed John 4 1 Renyst, John 2 1 Reynolds, Moses H. 4 2 Rice, Edward 2 4 Rice, John W. 3 6 Richardson, Thomas 5 5 Riddle, Abraham 2 2 Riggs, J. A. 3 1 Riggs, James 6 1 Riggs, Reuben 6 2 Rinkers, Jonathan 5 4 Robbin, John 3 4 Roberson, Joel 3 2 Robertson, Charles 2 2 Robley, Henry 4 2 Roby, Silas 4 1 Rodgers, thomas J. 4 3 Rodgers, Zephrina 4 1 Rollin, A. T. 1 1 Ross, Robert 5 1 Rowe, W. E. 1 1 Ruddle, Cornelus 3 3 Runds, De hander 5 4 Busk, Joseph 6 4 Russell, Irwin 1 2 Rust. I. M. 1 1 Rust. R. H. 1 0 Salem, Susan 1 2 Salen, Calvin 1 5 Samsters, Charles 1 3 Sandy, Uriah 1 3 Sckichfield, Johanathan 2 1 Scott, Joames 6 3 Scott, John 4 5 Scott, John 2 2 Scott, Johnathan 3 5 Scott, Samuel 2 4 Seals, Joseph 4 3 Searlett?, I. 2 2 Severs, Wm. 3 5 Schakelford, Reuben 5 2 Shadrick, Joshu 1 1 Shafer, Moses 7 4 Shafer, Samuel 3 6 Shaffer, Abraham 1 1 Shaffer, Alex 4 3 Shaffer, David 4 4 Shanver, Wm. 5 4 Sharow, Strubal 2 3 Sheals, James 3 3 Sheals, Samuel 7 3 Shields, James H.. 1 3 Shoemaker, Thomas 8 2 Shooner, Burlin 2 2 Shooner, Calvin 2 2 Sauck, Michael 5 5 Shults, Andrew 4 2 Shupe, Johnathan L. 3 2 Sibley, Ira D. 3 1 Simmons, Wm. 3 4 Skipper, Joseph 2 3 Skipton, James 4 3 Skipton, Thomas 1 1 Sleeth, Fannie 3 3 Smart, Peter 4 1 Smith, Adam 3 2 Smith, Calvin 2 2 Smith, Calvin 4 3 Smith, John R. 4 4 Smith, Noah 5 5 Snider, William 4 4 Sottseaver, Peter 3 4 South, Jackson 3 2 Sparks, D. P. 3 2 Sparks, Stephen 4 2 Sparks, William 1 0 Spooner, Benjamin 3 2 Staley, Joel 6 3 Staley, I. H. 3 1 Stambs?, John 2 5 Stanley, Dempsey 7 6 Stanley, Jepsey 1 2 Stantans, Seth B. 7 5 Stanton, Nathan 4 3 Starks, Caleb 5 2 Starns, Clark 6 1 Steel, James 4 5 Steel, Marchal 1 1 Steel, Thomas 3 2 Stevens, D. F. 1 1 Stevens, F. A. 4 3 Steward, Geo. 1 1 Stier, John 1 1 Stinson, Wm. 5 5 Stober, Joseph 5 5 Stone, A. L. 8 3 Stratton, L. F. 4 2 Stretch, Thomas 2 5 Styers, Elliot 4 6 Summer, Thomas 1 3 Summer, Shower 6 3 Sumers, Bartin 4 1 Summers, Hiram 3 2 Summers, Manring 7 5 Summers, Peter 3 2 Swank, William 5 2 Sweargin, George 2 4 Sweargin, George W. 4 3 Sweargin, Samuel 5 3 Sweargin, Thomas 3 5 Sweetman, Thomas 4 5 Tavehorst, Aaron 1 0 Taylor, Daniel 3 1 Taylor, David 1 1 Taylor, Eban 2 2 Taylor, George 2 1 Taylor, Phineas 4 1 Taylor, Seaton 1 1 Taylor, Seaton 1 1 Taylor. V. M. 8 3 Taylor, William 5 2 Thomas, C. 1 2 Thomas, J. B. 4 3 Thomas, Lancin B. 2 1 Thomas, Rupel 3 5 Thomasson, Joel 6 1 Thompson, Albert 5 3 Thompson, Dickerson 4 4 Thomson, Elujah 4 2 Thomson, G. W. 2 1 Thompson, Jesse 1 6 Thompson, John 4 4 Thorn, Robert C. 4 4 Traseel, W---y 1 1 Trimble. A. 3 1 Trimble, Henry 1 1 Troxell, Carter 4 1 Tucker, John 3 3 Tucker, Thomas 2 2 Tucker, W. 2 5 Tuteweiler, Johnathan 3 1 Udell, Nathan 3 3 Underwood, Lorenzo 4 1 Underwood, Preston 5 4 Vanany, Elijah 3 3 Van Buskirk, Morris 5 2 Van Buskirk, Wm. 2 2 Vanfiver, Geo. 5 2 Vandyke, Juliza 4 2 Vandyke, Wm. 1 3 Vankirk, Gilbert 2 2 Vaught, George 1 1 Vaught, John 1 1 Veach, Elias 5 5 Veach, I. 3 3 Veach, Posey 5 3 Vear, Theophilus 4 1 Vestle, Jacob 1 2 Wafford, Adam 2 2 Wafford, John 2 2 Wakefield, Limean 3 2 Wakefield, Thomas 2 2 Walden, W. H. 4 4 Wales, Leonard C. 6 4 Walker, Joseph B. 3 2 Walker, Solomon 4 3 Wallace, Thomas 3 2 Waples, Leah 2 3 Ware, John 1 1 Watson, Pleasant 2 2 Watts, John 4 2 Wave, Wm. 7 2 Wease, Solomon 2 2 Weavly, John 4 3 Wedmore, Thomas 2 2 Weir, W. M. D. 2 4 Welch, Joseph 3 4 Wells, Henry 5 3 Wells, Wm. 2 5 West, Wm. 4 3 Waviheim?, Wm. 1 3 Wevner, Wm. A. 2 3 Wharton, George 4 1 Whistler, Henry 2 3 Whistler, Samuel 3 3 White, Abram 1 4 White, Britain 4 5 White, John 4 3 Wiat, James 1 3 Wiatt, I. 0 2 Wicker, James 2 1 Wilkerson, John 3 4 Wilkerson, Stephen 1 2 Willeby, Halson 1 6 Willfamg. Benjamin 4 1 Williamston, William 3 2 Williamson, Wm. H. 4 3 Willimington, John 2 1 Wilson, Barbara A. 2 3 Wilson, George 1 3 Wilson, R. P. 6 1 Wilson, Thomas 5 2 Wilson, W. P. 3 5 Wood, Ellsha 5 7 Wood, Jesse 5 4 Wood, John 2 7 Wood, John 2 1 Wood, John 3 3 Wood, John 2 5 Woods, S. W. 2 1 Wormsley, Vincent H. 1 4 Wright, David 3 1 Wrigt, Edward 1 4 Wright, James 3 2 Wright, John 6 2 Wright, Robert 1 2 Young, Silas 3 5 Zimmer, John 4 0 Hymes, John 3 3 I, George Sweringin Sheriff of said county do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true duplicate copy of the cessment of all said county examined and corrected. Given under my hand this 17th day of Aug. AD 1852 (Signed) George Swearinge Sheriff