Obituary -Joseph Smith, Bremer Co.,Iowa ======================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, for their private use as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Transcribed by Barb Braun, February 13, 2000. Questions, please Email: ======================================================================= BREMER COUNTY, IOWA OBITUARIES 1878-1984 This material was obtained at the Waverly Public Library in a loose-leaf notebook entitled: PLAINFIELD AND BREMER COUNTY, IOWA OBITUARIES 1878-1984. Compiled by HAROLD BRIGGS, Includes materials collected by Mrs. CAROLINE HICKS. Indexed by: LISA GROTE, JANINE FREESE, SALLY SCHWEER AND ADRIENNE LAWLOR. Dated: July, 1984, PATRICIA COFFIE, Director. Transcription Note: The origin of this obituary is not known. The date was hand written on the top of the article. KILLED BY LIGHTNING Eighteen-year-old Boy Struck By the Death-Dealing Electric Current ________________________________________________________________________________ UNTIMELY DEATH OF JOSEPH SMITH Dated: July 12th, 1899 Jos. Smith, the eighteen-year-old son of Wm and Mary Smith, living four miles north-east of here, was instantly killed by lightning about one o'clock yesterday afternoon. The accident happened in the door-yard of the Quade farm, a short distance from the Smith farm, and where the lad had gone to work that afternoon. Young Smith, together with Mr. And Mrs. Quade, was standing under a shade tree waiting for the storm, which was not severe, to pass over so they might go at their work. Mr. Quade had turned to go into the house, saying, "we had better go into the house and wait until the shower is over," when a sharp and wicked looking flash of lightning struck a nearby poplar tree to which a wire clothes-line was attached and fastened to another tree some fifteen or twenty feet away. -but not the one under which the trio had taken shelter, and fully twenty-five feet distant. The fatal electric flash struck the tree and ran down to the point where the wire was attached and in passing over the wire, glanced from it, striking Smith and killing him instantly. As strange as it may see, the Quades were not even shocked by the deadly current and the only ill effects they felt from it was a stifling and smothering sensation which was almost instantly over and all was clear to them and when they beheld the awful fate of their companion. The lad was carried into the house and a messenger despatched [sic] to the nearest telephone to call a physician, all in the hope that the boy was only serlously[sic] shocked and might by immediate and proper medical attention be made to rally. Dr. Seymour was called and responded immediately, but almost at the first glance at the prostrate form, realized how vain had been the hopes of the anxious relatives and friends, as it was plainly evident that death had resulted instantly. The awful flash freighted with its deadly current struck its victim in the side of the neck, passing down to the shoulder. Joseph Smith was an exceptionally bright and industrious young man, very popular among all who knew him, and a source of much pride and comfort to his parents, to all of whom his sudden and untimely death comes as a terrible shock. The family has the deepest sympathy of their many friends and neighbors. Funeral services will be held at the Horton Baptist church this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Smock of Waverly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by Barb Braun, February 13, 2000. Any questions, please Email: