Obituaries - Thomas Harris, Thomas Woodworth of Bremer County, Iowa ======================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, for their private use as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Transcribed by Barb Braun, February 8, 2000. Questions, please Email: ======================================================================= BREMER COUNTY, IOWA OBITUARIES 1878-1984 This material was obtain from the Waverly Public Library in a loose-leaf notebook entitled: PLAINFIELD AND BREMER COUNTY, IOWA OBITUARIES 1878-1984. Compiled by HAROLD BRIGGS. Includes materials collected by Mrs. CAROLINE HICKS. Indexed by: LISA GROTE, JANINE FREESE, SALLY SCHWEER AND ADRIENNE LAWLOR. Dated: July, 1984, by PATRICIA CORRIE, Director. Transcription Note: The origin of the material was not stated. The date was hand written at the top of the article. DEATH OF THOS. HARRIS _____ Dated: 1899 Thos. Harris died at the home of his son, Wm. Harris, near Horton Sunday night, at the advanced age of 88 years. Some five weeks ago the deceased suffered a partial stroke of paralysis, one arm and this tongue being paralyzed. Mr. Harris was born in Vermont April 10. 1811. Later he moved to New York where in 1832 he was married to Miss Emeline Stuart and to them ten children were born-two sons and eight daughters. In the fall of 1855 they moved to Bremer county and settled on a homestead near Horton where he has lived ever since. His wife died in the spring of 1868. About two years after her death he married his second wife, and to them one child was born-a son who died in 1892. Mr. Harris was a constituent member of the Horton Free Will Baptist church, and where the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Smock, of Waverly. With the demise of Thos. Harris, Bremer county loses one of its oldest and highly respected pioneers. Transcribed by Barb Braun, February 13, 2000. Any questions, Email at : Obituary taken from PLAINFIELD AND BREMER COUNTY, IOWA OBITUARIES 1878-1984 at Waverly Public Library. The origin of the obituary was not sited. Wrapped in Death's Embrace. ______THOMAS WOODWORTH_______________ Hand Dated: Jan. 27, 1898 After a lingering Illness, Thomas Woodworth died at his home in Horton, Jan. 27, 1898. Deceased was born in Halifax, England, Dec. 5th, 1843. In 1856, at the age of 13, he came with his father to America: They settled in the then small city of Chicago, but moved from there later to Arlington Heights. At the latter place he was married to Cynthia M. Youmans in 1864. Two years later, 1866, they came to Horton, Bremer county, Iowa, where he resided until death. Three children were born to them of whom two are now liing. The oldest, Thomas L., died when a year old. The other two, Alwyn B. and Walter M., are living at Horton. The funeral was conducted by Rev. P. Monroe Smock at the Horton Baptists church and was largely attended. The remains were laid quietly to rest in the Horton cemetery Saturday. ----------------------------------------- Transcribed by Barb Braun, February 13, 2000. Any questions, email: