Chickasaw County IA Archives Obituaries.....Prichard Potter, Eleanor August 31, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rebecca Frank February 16, 2008, 1:46 pm Nashua Reporter. Thursday, September 8, 1904 Nashua Reporter - Thursday, September 8, 1904 "ELEANOR PRICHARD POTTER" " Eleanor Prichard Potter was born in Oswego county, New York, August 19, 1869, and died at her home in Richland Township, Chickasaw county, Iowa, Aug. 31, 1904 after an illness of about two weeks duration. Deceased lived at the place of her birth until she was five years of age when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prichard, she came to Iowa and this state was her home until her death. She was married to O.W. Potter on June 5, 1895, and leaves besides her husband to mourn her death two children, Newton and Marion, her father, mother, and two brothers, Wilbur and Clyde, and one sister, Edna. She was a faithful wife, true mother, and a woman whose death is sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends. The funeral services were held at the home last Friday, conducted by Elder Smith of Fredericksburg, and interment was in Greenwood cemetery. Unidentified newspaper obituary: "Death of Mrs. O. W. Potter" "Passes Away at her Home in Richland Township on Wednesday of Last Week" "Mrs. Orson W. Potter died of paralysis at her home seven miles southwest of New Hampton at noon last Wednesday, August 31. She had been troubled with heart disease for some time and three days before her death was stricken with paralysis, since which time she had been unable to move any part of her body except one hand. About six years ago she was hurt in a runaway and it is thought she received internal injuries at that time that hastened her death. Eleanor Pritchard was born in Oswego county, N.Y., August 16, 1869. At the age of 5 years she came with her parents to Bremer county and later they made their home in Bradford and Richland Townships. She was marries to O.W. Potter June 5, 1895, and leaves as a result of that union a son, Newton, aged 8 years and a daughter, Marion, aged 6. Besides these and her husband she is survived by her parents, two brothers and a sister. The funeral was held from the home last Friday, conducted by Rev. Smith of Fredericksburg, and interment was in Greenwood cemetery near Nashua. It is a very heavy blow that has fallen upon this home in the removal of the wife and mother in the prime of her life, when her mother's care means so much to these little ones, and the sorrowing ones have the sympathy of all our people." File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb