Decatur County IA Archives Marriages.....Ackerley, Mrs. Samuel - Ackerley, Samuel 1897 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nettie Mae Lucas May 27, 2005, 10:17 pm Independent Patriot 20 May 1897 The Independent Patriot Lamoni, Iowa May 20, 1897 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1855-1897 The celebration of a wedding anniversary which reaches out in point of time toward half a century, is not so frequent an occurrence as to cause it to lose any of its charm. This was especially shown to be true Monday afternoon, when the forty-second anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ACKERLEY's marital union was celebrated. Mrs. Fannie JONES and Mr. and Mrs. ACKERLY's daughter Lillie, planned the surprise and made all the arrangements. After the gathering of the company, the central objects of the evening's attention were reunited in the bonds which they had observed with so much faithfulness and pleasure for forty two years by Elder Geo. DERRY, after which he also presented them with a beautiful album the gift of friends in attendance. The guests partook of a bountiful supper, which was followed by delicious ice cream and cake. The PATRIOT takes especial pleasure in noting this and similar events, and sincerely hopes that the observance of the wedding anniversaries of those who have grown old in the most dear and most honorable relation of husband and wife will become more common. There is much to admire in the tender solicitude and pure devotion of the newly made groom and bride, but when that solicitude and devotion have been subjected to nearly half a century of the trials of life, and still remain purer and grander than ever, it should be commended, and the annual return of the day when the covenant of love was publicly solemnized, can not be too much celebrated. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb