Letters: Cornelius A. Haight: Des Moines County, Iowa Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Laird Morgan ****************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ ***************************************************************** Letters: Cornrlius A. Haight: DesMoines County, Iowa Copyright © 2001 by Laird Morgan This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. ****************************************************************** Letter from Cornelius A. Haight of Des Moines County: Yellow Springs Township Desmoines County Iowa October 11th 1856 To Eben B and Eliza Hill Respected Children I now imbrace this opportunity to write a Few lines to you in order to inform you that I received your letter about the Middle of September I was glad to hear from you but your letter came to late to have your Mother hear it Read your mother took a severe Cold the First of last February with a bad Cough which resembled the Asthma with Some Slight Fever She lost near all relish for Food. I had a Doctor to attend on her without benafit as it Seemed to me I sent to ______ For a noted Doctor he came and Consulted with the other they both Stated that her ______ was all against her getting well they prescribed Medacine for her her Cough was Either Cured or left her but She continued get weaker About the First of April She was Confined to her Bed not able to Sit up longer than to have it Made. Shortly after that her Feet and legs took to Swelling in a Short time She Could not Move them it was between Five and Six Months She could not turn herself in bed had to be turned by the help of Sheets I gave up all other business and tended to her wants and all our Frinds hear was verry king and Done all in ther power to take Care of her to Make her as comfortable as they Could. I think I Can Safely For more than Four Months I got up Four times Each Night to turn her So She Could Rest when at the Worst she had to be turned Fifteen times in a Night her Sufferings was great but She bore it with Christian Fortitude and Resignation when asked the State of her mind She at all times Said She was prepared to go when the Lord See Fit to Remove her From Earth to heaven her Disease turned to the Dropsey not any Medacine that She took would give any Relief and Remove the Complante nor Stop its progress CA Haight Continued on the Other Side of ____ Sheet I have tryed to Set Forth your Mothers Affliction it is verry poorly Done I have Stated the length of time She was bad but her health has been poor For Several years From the time I First Stated She Just Failed went down Slowly until the Day of her Death which took place on the 26th of September at Four o'clock in the after Noon She Died like going to Sleep She was born 1782 April 2 her Age was Seventy Four years Five Months and Twenty fo___ Days we intended to have our likeness taken ____ Sent to you but last winter was so Much ______ than you Ever Saw we was not able to _______ it could be Done So you Must take the ________ the ___________ My own health has been tolerable good Most of the time I had a Few Days Sickness the ____ part of Summer but I soon got well Minerva was taken Down with a bad Cough about ten days before your Mother Died Caused by being to Much Exposed in helping to take Care of your Mother Minerva is quite Feble Morris Bridges and Family are all well the last two weeks of Mothers Sickness Clara Spent nearly all her time to help take care of your Mother Every thing that Money would bye that your Mother thought would be For her Comfort was got Jobs Folks is well as Common Cornelius Famaly is well Tysons Folks has all been Sick Except the two boys Aaron and Famaly live under the Bluff North of Sollidays they have all been Sick but himself Henry Haight lost his Second little Boy he died Sudden Henry has been Sick himself but is Some better I have not heard From Miles and Eunice _____ last Summer they was well at the time Sidney after getting his pattent ___ bought a yoke of oxon and wagon. himself and Richard Started West, went into Kanzas Territory a long ways back from any Settlement _____ Brok Some prairie builded a house and Sent Richard back with waggon and two yoke of oxon for him to take Henry and Ellen home next Spring between where Sidney lives and Missouri the slaveholders have been trying to drive out the people that went from (free?) States to Settle in Kanzas one wants to make a free state of it the other wants to plant Slavery the a war has been going on between the two parties a good Many has been killed as Soon as the Free State Men whips the Border Ruffians then usa Dragoons are Sent to Disarm the Free State men this is all Done by Orders of president pierce and his Administration the above has Caused Excitement through all the States about who Shall be the Next President the question between the two parties is whether Slavery Shall go wher they pleas to take it or Whether Freedom Shall hold its own I dont think you will understand the Sense of wat I have written about pollitical Extrem____ you will understand it better when the Slave power gits ther Feet on your neck. EB your Fathers Famaly is well your uncle John was hear a Few Days a go they are well Wm Hill is Married to Abram Banteys Daughter was very Sick the last I heard Fr them Hyram is here go t the College Cornelius Haight Doing well you will Excuse Me For not writing More I will ____ oftner and I hope you will due the Same give my _________ little Children and give My Respects to Minerva when you write let me know about Moses and if you Ever hear From Moses Haight give My Respects To Harvey Hill plas write Soon C A Haight Envelope side: Mr Eben B Hill Poke County Oregon Territory Independence Post Office