CEMETERY: WPA Records for Fremont Co., IA This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Pat O'Dell July 2004 ************************************************* Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ************************************************* ________________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Fremont County, Iowa Please visit the Fremont County, IAGenWeb page at http://iagenweb.org/fremont/ ________________________________________________________ Fremont County, Iowa WPA Grave Records -Hi - Hy - names Hiatt, "Mother" no dates; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, "Father" no dates; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Betsy E. 12/22/1836 - 1/19/1914; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Charles died 12/17/1871; Singleton cem Hiatt, David 3/4/1831 - 6/24/1911; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Elizabeth 1860 - 1934; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, J. Marian (male) 6/17/1854 - 12/1/1914; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, James (Rev) 9/11/1836 - blank; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Jessie 10/1/1777 - 10/1/1857; Sidney cem; War of 1812 Cap't Leonard's Co Ill Inf Militia Hiatt, John 6/10/1805 - 10/3/1887; Sidney cem Hiatt, John A. 1864 - 19--; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Joseph 1826 - 1912; Sidney cem Hiatt, L.P. 1/16/1805 - 10/22/1885; Sidney cem Hiatt, Lucy Jane 6/7/1840 - 12/27/1893; Mt Zion cem; wife of Rev. J. Hiatt, Malisah 6/27/1829 - 3/24/1867; Sidney cem; wife of John H. Hiatt, Martha no dates; Sidney cem; wife of Reuben Hiatt, Martha A. 1834 - 1908; Sidney cem; wife of Joseph Hiatt, Mary died 4/11/1855; Sidney cem; wife of Jessie Hiatt, Mary B. 1875 - 1913; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Nancy E. 10/9/1856 - 8/31/1898; Thurman cem; wife of C. Hiatt, Newton 7/12/1868 - 7/22/1937; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Orris H. 1869 - 1924; Mt Zion cem Hiatt, Reuben 2/25/1820 - 2/1/1897; Sidney cem; Hiatt, S. no dates; Sidney cem Hickman, Claudia E. 9/8/1890 - 2/10/1920; Mt Olive cem; wife of Sam Hiska, Silas died 1/29/1895; Sidney cem Hicks, William H. 1852 - 1927; Thurman cem Higgins, Catherine 1843 - 1928; Mt Calvary cem Higgins, Nancy 9/1/1802 - 9/1/1864; Mt Olive cem; wife of A. Higgins, Patrick 3/17/1833 - 3/25/1888; Mt Calvary cem; born in Kerry county, Ireland Higgins, Sarah E. 7/27/1834 - 8/8/1909; Farragut cem; wife of Saul Higgins, Saul died 1918; Farragut cem Higgins, William 7/4/1858 - 1/14/1888; Farragut cem Higgins, Wilma H. 5/8/1883 - 6/9/1926; Randolph cem High, Elizabeth 10/24/1823 - 6/4/1914; Singleton cem High, Ephraim, 1/5/1826 - 6/23/1898; Singleton cem Higham, Charlotte 8/12/1836 - 9/18/1916; Farragut cem; wife of Daniel Higham, Daniel H. 9/20/1837 - 7/7/1912; Farragut cem Higinbotham, Sarrah E. 4/19/1866 - 6/11/1891; Monroe cem Hill, "Grandma" no dates; Sidney cem Hill, Eliza J. 8/11/1841 - 10/16/1915; Sidney cem Hill, Emma B. 1846 - 1923; Riverton cem Hill, Francis A. 6/30/1815 - 1/8/1861; Sidney cem Hill, H. Farley 8/12/1893 - 9/4/1922; Hamburg cem Hill, John 4/17/1822 - 2/27/1900; Sidney cem Hill, John E. (Mrs) no dates; Grandview cem Hill, Johnathan 10/25/1808 - 1/17/1891; Sidney cem Hill, Logan no dates; Grandview cem Hill, Mary 10/11/1809 - 1/31/1895; Sidney cem Hill, Mary 1825 - 8/23/1888; Grandview cem; wife of Logan Hillgartner, Mary A. 11/7/1862 - 9/20/1901; Sidney cem; wife of Charles Hills, David 10/10/1822 - 8/11/1909; Sidney cem Hills, Esther 7/3/1822 - 1/21/1904; Sidney cem; wife of David Hilton, C.E. 1854 - 1934; Utterback cem Hilton, Mary A. 11/14/1852 - 11/24/1914; Farragut cem Hilton, Robert H. 4/16/1848 - 11/24/1914; Farragut cem Himes, Exra 3/16/1816 - 9/13/1881; Farragut cem Hindman, James R. 3/10/1826 - 8/25/1860; Thurman cem Hindman, Lemuel M. 3/5/1857 - 4/29/1881; Thurman cem Hindman, Margaretta 2/13/1829 - 8/18/1880; Thurman cem; wife of James Hindman, Rachel 7/8/1881 - 4/2/1907; Thurman cem Hindman, Samantha no dates; Sidney cem Hindman, T.T. 10/27/1828 - 9/2/1910; Thurman cem; Civil War Hindman, Timothy W. 10/10/1873 - 7/17/1890; Thurman cem Hineline, Elvira E. 9/19/1858 - 12/13/1884; Grandview cem Hineline, Thomas Paul 1850 - 1/8/1930; Grandview cem Hines, -----(female) 1871 - 1924; Hamburg cem Hines, -----(male) 1863 - 1921; Hamburg cem Hinkle, Margaret 6/10/1858 - 3/7/1916; Farragut cem; wife of Albert Hinkle, Ralph no dates; Farragut cem Hinkle, Ross no dates; Farragut cem Hinze, Anna 1/10/1883 - 3/12/1918; Hamburg cem; wife of Ernest Hinze, Auguste 1821 - 1896; Hamburg cem Hinze, August 3/28/1850 - 8/19/1907; Hamburg cem Hinze, August H. 8/19/1897 - 11/20/1937; Hamburg cem Hinze, Ernest 5/3/1859 - 12/30/1924; Hamburg cem Hinze, Wilhelmina 8/21/1860 - 2/11/1912; Hamburg cem; wife of Ernest Hitchcock, Lois 6/5/1801 - 4/16/1884; Monroe cem Hobson, Matilda 6/20/1836 - 8/15/1907; Thurman cem; wife of W.B. Hock, Fred 5/14/1829 - 7/18/1907; Riverton cem Hock, Louisa 4/14/1835 - 2/3/1911; Riverton cem; wife of F. Hockett, Emeline 6/11/1848 - 5/22/1924; Hamburg cem; wife of J.W. Hockett, James W. 10/5/1850 - 8/10/1934; Hamburg cem Hockett, Jessie 7/20/1876 - 2/10/1918; Hamburg cem; wife of C.C. Hodges, Alta 2/25/1848 - 12/26/1891; Parsley cem Hodges, Gertrude 5/3/1872 - 12/10/1892; Parsley cem Hodges, James A. 5/2/1810 - 9/8/1890; Parsley cem; husband of Nancy Hodges, Nancy 6/12/1810 - 1/23/1872; Parlsey cem Hofsaess, John 1847 - 1925; Hamburg cem Hoggatt, Roy M. 1890 - 1913; Hamburg cem Hoggatt, Sarah Ellen 1866 - 1915; Hamburg cem Hogsett, David F. (Mrs) no dates; Riverton cem Hogsett, David F. no dates; Riverton cem Hogsett, John H. 9/2/1875 - 2/8/1933; Farragut cem Holland, Mrs ----- no dates; Mt Olive cem Holland, Allen no dates; Mt Olive cem Holland, Sarah E. 9/5/1862 - 6/2/1914; Hamburg cem; wife of P.L. Holland, Silvia Violet 12/16/1908 - 8/21/1925; Hamburg cem Holloway, Emma I. 4/12/1860 - 2/4/1902; Thurman cem Holloway, Flora 1893 - 1930; Thurman cem Holloway, H.M. 12/26/1859 - 1/24/1910; Thurman cem Holloway, Henry M. 1863 - 1914; Thurman cem Holloway, J.W. 1872 - 1914; Thurman cem Holloway, J.W. (Mrs) 4/18/1857 - 9/25/1936; Thurman cem Holloway, James M. 11/14/1835 - 12/20/1875; Thurman cem Holloway, Jennie M. 2/6/1868 - 12/13/1893; Thurman cem Holloway, Nancy O. 10/22/1850 - 12/23/1876; Sidney cem; wife of W.J. Holloway, Rachel 2/12/1841 - 2/6/1902; Thurman cem; wife of James Holloway, Thomas Sherman 8/15/1864 - 4/4/1915; Thurman cem Holliman, Celia B. 12/22/1859 - 6/25/1931; Locust Grove cem Holliman, William Grant 4/17/1865 - 10/1/1933; Locust Grove cem Holly, L.B. no dates; Mt Olive cem Holly, Miles 1869 - 1928; Hamburg cem Holmes, Abraham Lincoln 6/21/1865 - 12/30/1925; Hamburg cem Holmes, Jessie George died 9/28/1931; Hamburg cem; Cap't, Med Corps N. Mexico Holmes, Mary Evans 1872 - 1928; Hamburg cem Holmes, Samuel 7/1/1839 - 4/24/1928; Hamburg cem Holt, Calloway no dates; Riverton cem Holt, Margaret J. no dates; Riverton cem Holt, William no dates; Riverton cem Holtzinger, Milton S. 6/11/1833 - 10/4/1879; Hamburg cem; Cap't in Civil War Hommons, Ira 11/20/1840 - 8/30/1907; Hamburg cem; Co K 96th Ohio Inf, Civil War Honn, George L. died 6/13/1883; Monroe cem Honn, Razillar? (female) 2/3/1832 - 4/1/1907; Monroe cem Hoon, Evelyn 1/7/1878 - 5/4/1914; Riverton cem; wife of Charles Hoop, Alice 5/22/1850 - 12/8/1921; Sidney cem; wife of P. Hoop, George W. 3/17/1864 - 5/17/1871; Sidney cem Hoop, Jennie Buckham 2/23/1856 - 1/14/1882; Buckham cem; wife of S.M. Hoop, Philip 4/20/1840 - 3/17/1924; Sidney cem Hooper, C.N. no dates; Hamburg cem Hooper, Mary A. 9/8/1827 - 9/16/1905; Hamburg cem; wife of Simon Hooper, Simon 6/19/1819 - 2/14/1893; Hamburg cem; Lieut. in Civil War Hoover, Caroline C. 4/22/1860 - 4/25/1906; Hamburg cem Hoover, Cyrus E. 11/17/1857 - 8/21/1914; Hamburg cem Hoover, Myrtle 7/19/1891 - 9/21/1925; Hamburg cem Hoover, Merle D. 7/15/1894 - 8/28/1919; Hamburg cem Hoover, William F. 10/11/1858 - 2/20/1924; Hamburg cem Hopkins, Gipson 3/17/1835 - 4/7/1896; Thurman cem Hopkins, Joseph H. 10/20/1864 - 6/5/1926; Thurman cem Hopkins, Lavernon J. 10/29/1884 - 2/2/1938; Farragut cem Hopkins, Legare G. 2/22/1862 - 3/19/1888; Hamburg cem Hopkins, Leven S. 10/31/1816 - 4/5/1888; Thurman cem Hopkins, Mabel M. 5/10/1890 - 10/27/1918; Farragut cem; wife of G.S. Hopkins, N.H. 12/31/1865 - 1/20/1926; Hamburg cem Hopkins, Ora F. 1/10/1883 - 3/11/1907; Farragut cem Hopkins, Stanley S. 2/13/1859 - 4/8/1934; Farragut cem Hopkins, William S. 10/17/1822 - 1/16/1888; Hamburg cem Hoppe, John 9/23/1839 - 5/8/1910; Hamburg cem Hoppe, Judith Marie 12/21/1857 - 11/12/1911; Hamburg cem; wife of John Hoppock, Harvey H. no dates; Farragut cem Hoppock, William M. no dates; Farragut cem Horner, W.E. 12/1/1872 - blank; Thurman cem Horrigan, Annie Cartan 8/20/1849 - 8/20/1911; Mt Calvary cem wife of Michael Horrigan, Michael 4/23/1836 - 4/23/1906; Mt Calvary cem Horrigan, Ristori (?) 2/27/1875 - 1/27/1908; Mt Calvary cem Horsley, Elizabeth T. 10/22/1829 - 10/17/1902; Grandview cem Horsley, John 1827 - 1912; Grandview cem Horsman, Lizzie 6/18/1854 - 5/22/1877; Grandview cem; wife of J.B. Horton, Ann 2/5/1801 - 2/13/1872; Thurman cem Horton, Ira 9/8/1807 - 11/7/1885; Thurman cem Horton, Martha 11/20/1854 - 9/1/1909; Sidney cem Horton, Oscar 11/17/1847 - 2/10/1921; Sidney cem Horwood, Frances A. 6/24/1858 - 12/31/1911; Locust Grove cem; wife of G.; maiden name Bradney Hosier, Pearson 11/16/1816 - 4/22/1899; Sidney cem Hosier, Sarah 11/16/1817 - 11/30/1895; Sidney cem Hostetter, Ellen 1851 - 1935; Thurman cem Hostetter, Henry 1846 - 1927; Thurman cem; Civil War vet Houchin, Thomas 5/12/1881 - 1/15/1937; Mt Olive cem Hough, Mayme 1870 - 1910; Riverton cem Hough, James H. 1831 - 1894; Riverton cem Houts, Emma Gibbs 3/17/1868 - 4/3/1903; Mt Olive cem Houts, Duane L. 5/8/1919 - 5/20/1936; Mt Olive cem Houts, George B. 10/4/1878 - 2/23/1895; Mt Olive cem Houts, Jacob R. 1/7/1848 - 5/23/1918; Mt Olive cem Houts, Mable Olive Athen 10/24/1891 - 3/26/1926; Mt Olive cem; wife of Leroy Houts, W.J. no dates; Mt Olive cem Houts, W.J. (Mrs) no dates; Mt Olive cem Houtz, William B. 6/16/1842 - 7/12/1901; Hamburg cem Howard, Andrew 4/7/1797 - 5/21/1882; Sidney cem Howard, Benjamin F. 3/1885 - 1906; Hamburg cem Howard, Charles T. 3/25/1844 - 7/5/1904; Locust Grove cem Howard, Clara O. 1845 - 1919; Locust Grove cem Howard, Elizabeth 8/6/1821 - 9/17/1857; Sidney cem; wife of John Howard, Francis T. 3/15/1840 - 8/25/1911; Hamburg cem; Civil War Howard, Gertrude no dates; Locust Grove cem Howard, Harry W. 8/9/1881 - 11/22/1899; Thurman cem Howard, Horace F. 1/12/1841 - 1/12/1936; Farragut cem Howard, Jennie M. 10/28/1844 - 1/5/1925; Farragut cem Howard, John 9/1/1821 - 5/8/1901; Sidney cem; husband of Elizabeth Howard, Joseph M. 3/26/1875 - 3/9/1913; Hamburg cem Howard, Mary Elizabeth 9/22/1850 - 10/27/1929; Hamburg cem Howard, Rachel E. 1841 - 1928; Thurman cem Howell, Louisa 1/17/1843 - 10/1/1863; Mt Zion cem; wife of Wm Howell, Nellie S. 1876 - 1914; Thurman cem; Hoyt, Amherst 1785 - 1851; Grandview cem Hoyt, Amherst 1847 - 1882; Grandview cem Hoyt, Mary L. 1810 - 1890; Grandview cem Hoyt, Nelson 2/7/1838 - 3/6/1909; Grandview cem Hoyt, Washington 1809 - 1886; Grandview cem Hubbard, Martha J. 8/29/1829 - 11/15/1896; Sidney cem Hubbell, Viva E. Eyler 8/6/1891 - 1/28/1909; Thurman cem; wife of Naaman Hudson, Elizabeth T. 1863 - 1937; Riverton cem Hudson, Samuel C. 1881 - 1921; Hamburg cem Huelle, Wilhelmine 2/20/1830 - 4/7/1897; Monroe cem Huelle, Wilhelm David 5/16/1823 - 1/29/1895; Monroe cem Huff, Eldred 4/1/1804 - 3/14/1883; Sidney cem; husband of Susan Huff, Samuel 1/15/1837 - 3/7/1863; Sidney cem Huff, Susan 7/29/1811 - 4/9/1866; Sidney cem Huffer, Mary Jane 5/1/1825 - 3/29/1879; Redd cem; wife of D. Huffman, George R. 9/3/1843 - 7/21/1918; Locust Grove cem Huffman, Ida M. 10/27/1868 - 4/8/1896; Locust Grove cem Huffman, Lydia 4/8/1844 - 10/26/1921; Locust Grove cem Hughes, Catherine died 12/15/1893; Mt Calvary cem; wife of Thomas; maiden name Dailey; born in County Mayo, Ireland Hughes, Henry J. 1888 - 1923; Mt Calvary cem; WWI vet Hughes, Lorena 8/20/1889 - 3/15/1919; Randolph cem Hughes, M.C. 3/11/1848 - 3/9/1911; Thurman cem Hughes, Mary 1860 - 1923; Mt Calvary cem Hughes, Mary 1862 - 1911; Mt Calvary cem Hughes, Patrick H. 1859 - 1919; Mt Calvary cem Hughes, Peter 4/5/1854 - 7/5/1885; Mt Calvary cem Hughes, Thomas 12/25/1827 - 12/25/1897; Mt Calvary cem Hughes, Thomas 3/12/1864 - 3/12/1895; Mt Calvary cem Hukill, Raymond died 3/8/1925; Riverton cem Hullinger, Ann 4/13/1814 - 3/8/1888; Monroe cem Hume, A.B. no dates; Sidney twp Hume, Edward R. died 6/28/1921; Sidney cem; WWI vet of Navy Hume, Fount 12/11/1929; Grandview cem Hume, George 5/27/1803 - 6/27/1873; Grandview cem Hume, J.W. 11/14/1868 - 2/21/1923; Sidney cem Hume, Joan 1843 - 1919; Sidney cem; "A Pioneer" Hume, Joel P. 8/17/1826 - 9/22/1913; Grandview cem Hume, John M. 1828 - 1914; Sidney cem; "A Pioneer" Hume, Libbie A. 4/12/1804 - 5/4/1892; Grandview cem; wife of F.M. Hume, Louis J. 11/24/1857 - 6/8/1936; Sidney cem Hume, Nancy 1/25/1830 - 8/5/1911; Grandview cem Hume, Polly 6/8/1802 - 8/8/1885; Grandview cem; wife of George Hume, Ruth died 11/19/1906; Grandview cem; wife of E. Hummel, Lodena Isabelle 6/3/1862 - 1/13/1930; Sidney cem Hummel, Louis Phillip 7/12/1857 - 1/12/1936; Sidney cem Hunley, Cecil Marie 11/3/1904 - 9/23/1927; Utterback cem; this was in alphabetical order with Hurley names; Hunley or Hurley? Hunt, Abbie C. Baker 2/26/1861 - 7/20/1930; Singleton cem Hunter, Duncan 10/11/1847 - 6/17/1906; Hamburg cem Hunter, G.J. 1/17/1879 - 6/16/1912; Hamburg cem Hunter, George W. 5/22/1852 - 6/3/1885; Singleton cem Hunter, James F. 1/15/1856 - 11/16/1889; Singleton cem Hurley, A.S. Sr no dates; Hamburg cem Hurley, J. Willard 8/25/1867 - 11/17/1894; Hamburg cem Hurley, James 10/9/1833 - 3/27/1887; Locust Grove cem; Civil War Hurley, Mary E. 10/6/1852 - 7/2/1925; Hamburg cem Hurst, Ada L. 7/30/1878 - 6/27/1908; Mt Zion cem; wife of W.F. Hurst, Carrie G. 2/1881 - 4/1912; Locust Grove cem Hurst, W.G. no dates; Sidney cem; Co F 1st Nebr Inf later in Cavalry; Civil War Hurst, W.G. (Mrs) no dates; Sidney cem; member of the "Christian Commission" Husbands, Matilda M. 2/14/1841 - 3/6/1897; Thurman cem; wife of J.H. Huston, ----- no dates; Monroe cem; on Wm Huston lot Huston, Charles A. 8/11/1856 - 12/13/1883; Monroe cem Huston, Christena 5/6/1822 - 7/5/1912; Thurman cem Huston, John 9/21/1848 - 5/12/1920; Thurman cem Huston, John 1885 - 1910; Mt Calvary cem Huston, Phebe J. 7/29/1852 - 1/16/1927; Thurman cem; wife of John Hutchison, Ebenezer W. 1840 - 1921; Sidney cem Hutchison, Glenn B. 1889 - 1932; Sidney cem Hutchison, John Connell 9/29/1882 - 9/29/1935; Sidney cem Hutchison, Mary E. 1849 - 1927; Sidney cem Hutchison, Melissa 2/3/1851 - 1/23/1926; Sidney cem Hutchison, Wm W. 5/1/1832 - 3/25/1895; Sidney cem Hutton, Della Heaton 4/23/1861 - 1/20/1931; Randolph cem Hydinger, Andrew 1837 - 1916; Hamburg cem Hydinger, Elizabeth G. 1852 - 1929; Hamburg cem Hydinger, Jacob 1843 - 1926; Hamburg cem Hydinger, W.M. no dates; Hamburg cem