Guthrie-Jones County IA Archives Biographies.....Sones, Calvin Othello 1853 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 11, 2007, 11:00 pm Author: Lewis Publishing Co. (1896) CALVIN OTHELLO SONES, M. D., is one of the leading members of his profession in Guthrie county, Iowa, his location being at Panora. He was born in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, August 14, 1853, son of George W. and Margaret (Lockard) Sones, both natives of Pennsylvania and now residents of Anamosa, Jones county, Iowa, their removal to this State being in 1855. George W. Sones in early life followed the trade of carpenter and builder, but later bought a farm and settled down to agricultural pursuits. During the war he served for over two years as a member of the Twenty-fourth Iowa Infantry, his command being in the Western Division, and as a soldier made a good record. He and his wife have five children. Their son, Calvin O., received his early training in the public schools, after which he entered Cornell College, Iowa, where he graduated with a class of thirteen in the year 1881. In the meantime he taught school several terms and after leaving college continued teaching until 1883. That year he began the study of medicine under the instructions of Drs. Gowley & Packard, prominent physicians of Iowa, and later took a course in the medical department of the Iowa State University in Iowa City, at which institution he was graduated with a class of thirty-eight students in the year 1886. That same year he came to Panora, opened an office, and soon built up a lucrative practice, which he still conducts. Feeling the need for still further preparation for his professional duties and wishing to keep abreast with the times, he went to Chicago, Illinois, where he pursued a course of post-graduate work in 1892, and again a similar course in 1893. He has pleasant and nicely furnished office rooms on the south side of the main business square and gives his whole time and attention to the demands of his practice, which extends into the surrounding country for several miles. Both by education and natural ability is Dr. Sones fitted for the profession he has chosen. He is a member of the Board of Health of Panora, is identified with both the County and State Medical Societies, and keeps himself well posted in everything pertaining to the rapid advancement now made by the science of medicine. Dr. Sones has an elegant and modern residence, surrounded with an attractive lawn, and everything about the place giving evidence of culture and refinement. He was married at Maxwell, Iowa, May 10, 1888, to Miss Amy F. French, an accomplished and amiable lady, like himself a graduate of Cornell College, she being a member of the class of 1885. Her father, J. O. French, a native of New Hampshire, came to Iowa in 1872 and located in Olin, Jones county, removing to Story county in 1882, where he died in 1887. Her mother, nee Ellen Hutchinson, is a native of Vermont, and now resides in Maxwell, Iowa. The Doctor and his wife have two daughters, Helen M. and Gertrude. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, fraternally, he maintains a membership in good standing in Panora Lodge, No. 121, A. F. & A. M.; K. of P. No. 176, and Sons of Veterans, Camp No. 91. Additional Comments: Extracted from: A MEMORIAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF IOWA ILLUSTRATED "A people that take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants."'—MACAULAY. "Biography is by nature the must universally profitable, universally pleasant, of all things."—CARLYLE "History is only biography on a large scale"—LAMARTINE. CHICAGO: THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1896 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb