CEMETERIES: Jackson County, IA WPA Records This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Gloria Irwin April 2005 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ______________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Jackson County, Iowa Please visit the Jackson County, IAGenWeb page at http://iagenweb.org/jackson/ ______________________________________________________ LAST First Born Died Cemetery Location Notes BABER Elliot F. 24 Oct 1902 Andrew Andrew aged 54 BAASCH Catherine (Mrs. C.) 1868 1925 Miles Miles, Ia BABCOCK Chas. 1843 17 Apr 1917 Evergreen Subula Co. E 52 Ill. BABCOCK Hester (Mrs. J.) 01 Dec 1912 Waterford Buckh. aged 58 BABCOCK Jacob 20 Sep 1902 Waterford Buckhorn Co E 63rd N. Y. BACH Anna M. 1842 08 Jun 1896 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BACH Anna M. 1848 19 Jan 1869 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BACH Michael 1815 05 May 1894 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BACH Peter 1840 02 Nov 1917 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BACHELDER Isabelle (Mrs. G.W.) 19 Jun 1853 East Hall LaMotte aged --- BACON Ada E. 1887 1925 Monmouth Monmouth BADER Etta W. (Mrs. R.P.) 02 Jan 1888 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 27 BADRICK Ellen 1854 1933 Miles Miles, Ia BAGLEY Adelia 05 Aug 1877 Waterford Buckhorn aged -- BAGLEY George 1840 20 May 1917 Waterford Co. L 2nd Ia Cav. BAGLEY Prudence (Mrs. J.A.) 03 Jan 1892 Waterford Buckh. aged 85 BAHNE Adell M. 1855 1877 Evergreen Sabula BAHNE Julia E. 1875 1902 Evergreen Sabula BAHNE Mary C. 1849 02 Jul 1929 Evergreen Sabula wife Wm. Harrison Bahne BAHNE Ruth Catherine Evergreen Sabula dau. W.H. & M.C. BAHNE Will Jacob 1876 09 Sep 1896 Evergreen son W.H. & M.C. BAHNE Wm. Harrison 1840 25 Feb 1901 Evergreen Co. F 12 Ill. Inf BAHWELL Margaretha 1823 14 Dec 1903 Lutheran Bellevue BAHWELL Nicholaus 1820 20 Aug 1895 Lutheran Bellevue BAHR Dorris 1860 1934 Lutheran Spraguesville BAHR Nichalaus k859 20 Dec 1937 Lutheran Spraguesville k859 Germany; husband of Dorid Eliesner (Sentinel 1-4-1938) BAHR Felix 1885 Jan 1885 Republic Bellevue says died aged 64 so this birth may be death date instead of birth BAIER Therese 1845 21 Sep 1865 Republic B. dau of Felix BAILEY Homer Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates; Co. H 153rd Ill.inf. BAILEY John W. Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates; Co. C. 96th Ill inf. Corp. BAILEY Jason 1856 1919 Mt Hope Maquoketa BAILEY Wealthy 1799 10 Nov 1871 Mt Hope Maquoketa BAIRD John 19 May 1877 East Iron Iron Hill aged -- BAIRD Jno. Tilton Maquoketa no dates; Co. M. 2nd Ia. Cav. BAKER Mrs. --- Miles Miles, Ia no dates; lot 9; no others on lot BAKER Almer F. 1841 25 Jun 1863 Presbyterian Bellevue Co. I 31st Ia. Inf. Died in service, wouned at Vicksburg BAKER Anna M. (Mrs. J.E.) 1844 28 Apr 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BAKER Bertha Dutton (Mrs. Geo W) Aug 1939 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill aged 63 BAKER Betsey 20 May 1904 Andrew Andrew aged 79; wife of W.S. BAKER Chas. H. 1834 31 Aug 1903 Mt Hope Maquoketa Wagoner Co. B 5th Minn. Inf. BAKER George W. 1872 12 Dec 1917 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BAKER Ida (Mrs. Marshall Baker) 1884 26 Sep 1912 Buckeye Buckey BAKER J.E. 1839 16 Jul 1914 Mt Hope Maquoketa BAKER Julia 25 Feb 1885 Cottonville C aged 84; wife of Seth BAKER Margaret J. 1848 21 Mar 1874 Andrew Andrew BAKER Mina 1927 Andrew Andrew aged -- (mother of Rex) BAKER Seth L. 1848 20 Jun 1913 Presbyterian Bellevue BAKER W.W. Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates BAKER Winfield S. 05 Jun 1902 Andrew Andrew aged 82 BALCH Orin Waterford Buckhorn no dates BALCH Phoebe (Mrs. N.M.) 1838 1903 Waterford Buckhorn BALDWIN Byron W. 1859 1912 Buckeye Miles, Ia BALDWIN Eliseazare 1789 09 Aug 1859 Buckeye Miles, Ia BALDWIN N. Jane (Mrs. O) 1836 25 Aug 1890 Buckeye Miles, Ia BALLARD Claude suicide body found while hunting Oct 31, 1921 on farm 3 miles n. of Bellevue BALLARD William 06 Jan 1895 aged 40; res. Bernard, Ia., burila recor BALLENGEE E.M. 1838 1932 Mt Hope Maquoketa BALLENGEE Harriett Tridel 1846 1898 Mt Hope Maquoketa BALLENGEE Minnie 1865 1891 Mt Hope Maquoketa BALLENGEE William E. 1867 07 Nov 1913 Mt Hope Maquoketa BALLOU Alonzo R. 1853 31 Aug 1879 Hickory Grove near Emeline BALLOU Amasie 18 Nov 1802 Esgate Maquoketa aged 81 BALLOU Louis A. 1833 31 Aug 18?5 Easgate Maquoketa aged 22 BALLOU Maria wife of Masa 10 Mar 1879 Esgate Maquoketa aged 55 BALLOU Marion 1846 05 Apr 1916 Esgate Maquoketa BALLOU Martha 1848 13 Dec 1904 Esgate Maquoketa BALSTER Fred'k. 1852 1924 Monmouth Monmouth BALSTER Herman F. 1819 07 Nov 1897 Pence East Baldwin BALSTER Isabel 1851 1927 Monmouth Monmouth BANCK He nrich 1837 16 Jan 1870 St Theresa St Theresa BANGHERT Frank S. 1852 19 Sep 1896 Mt Hope Maquoketa BANGHERT Margaret (Mrs. Frank S.) 1855 28 Jan 1916 Mt Hope M. BANKSON (Mrs. A.T. ) Ann E. 01 May 1861 Republic Belle aged 19 BANKSON Parmenus B. 1836 31 Mar 1864 Weinert Bellevue Co. I 5th Ia. Inf. BANNICK Heinrich A. 1839 09 Oct 1863 Buckey Buckeye BANNICK Peter 1810 20 Jun 1880 Canada Hollow Iowa Twp BANNICK Marie 1818 01 Apr 1904 Canada Hollow Iowa Twp BANNICK Claus 20 Feb 1893 Buckeye Buckeye aged 30 BANNICK Fredrecka 1865 1929 Buckeye Buckeye BANNING Clarence J. 28 Feb 1869 Buckeye Bickeye Aged 23 BANNING Nelson 1818 1907 Bickeye Buckeye BANNING Susan (Mrs. Nelson Banning) 1820 1908 Buckeye Bickeye BARBER Frank son of E.S. & L. 08 Feb 1884 Monmouth Monmouth aged 29 BARBER Lemamane son of E.S. & L 03 Nov 1881 Monmouth aged 31 BARD Elizabeth E. (Mrs. John O.) 05 Sep 1852 Evergreen Sabula aged 21 BARD Julia A. 28 Dec 1856 Evergreen Sabula aged 21; Mrs. S.M. BARD Thos. Orr 02 Feb 1893 Evergreen Sabula aged 61 BARD Tommy 20 Dec 1881 Evergreen Sabula aged 20 BARESEL Clarence 1861 17 Mar 19;0 Andrew Andrew (Barasel) BARESEL Minnie Andrew Andrew no dates; see Earls, Mary L. (Baresel) BARGER John A. 16 Sep 1891 Evergreen Sabula aged --; Co. K 2d Pa. Cav. BARINGER John 16 Jan 1846 Evergreen Sabula aged 21; son of B.& M.) BARINGER Mary 06 Feb 1846 Evergreen Sabula aged 20; dau. B. & M.) BARKER Ear; A. 1885 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa son T.A. & M. BARKER Elmor Ray 1840 04 Apr 1919 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARKER George 1772 19 Mar 1854 Fairview Sterling BARKER Margaret 1853 31 Aug 1930 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARKER Mary Ann (Mrs. Orville) 1863 16 Jan 1935 E. Iron Hill I.H BARKER Scott W.S. 1861 25 Jan 1914 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARKER Thos. A. 1848 05 Jul 1904 Mt Hope Maquoketa 1848, England. Wife Maggie Morris Excelior, July 8, 1904, Maquoketa BARKER Thos. J. 1805 19 May 1879 Fairview Sterling BARKER Wm. (son F.A. & M.) 31 Mar 1902 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 28 BARKER Winfield (son T.A. & M.) 31 May 1901 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 21 BARKLEY Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Henry) 1833 1914 Esgate Maquoketa BARKLEY Henry 1818 03 Oct 1872 Esgate Maquoketa BARKLEY Matilda (Mrs. Henry) 1832 07 Mar 1861 Esgate Maquoketa BARKLEY Susie L. (Mrs. L.) 1870 03 Jan 1934 Sutton Fulton BARLAR Catharine 16 Jul 1855 Andrew Andrew Mrs. P.; aged 48 BARNABLE Mary Ann 1873 1931 St Alowisious S. Garry Owen BARNABLE Thos. 1872 1939 St Alowisious S. Garry Owen BARNES Addison W. 1843 04 Dec 1861 Mt Hope Maquoketa son of H.& C.A.; Co. A 9th Ia. Inf. Died at Camp T?wner BARNES Charles 1847 25 Oct 1923 Waterford Buckhorn BARNES Clarissa A. (Mrs. H.) 23 Mar 1878 Mt Hope M. aged 60 BARNES Edmund L. 1843 1908 Monmouth Monmouth BARNES Hiram 1805 15 May 1859 Mt Hope Maquoketa wife Clarissa BARNES Hugh H. 1855 1933 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARNES J.R. (adult) Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates BARNES Joseph 09 Nov 1899 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 58 BARNES Margaret (Mrs. T.T.) 1828 1916 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARNES Mary E. (Mrs. E.L.) 1845 1931 Monmouth Monmouth BARNES Pheobe F. 1850 09 May 1925 Waterford Buckhorn BARNES T.T. Sr. 1835 05 Dec 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARNES W.D. 1853 1923p Mt Hope Maquoketa BARNETT Hattie K. 1841 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARNHART Isaac 1832 05 Sep 1860 Andrew Andrew BARNHOLT Clarissa 1849 1909 Prairie Spring LaMotte BARNHOLT David 1879 1933 East Hill LaMotte BARNHOLT Earl (son G & A) 1887 East Hill LaMotte aged 17 BARRET Bridget 11 Jan 1876 St Patick N. Garry Owen aged 24 BARRET C. F. 1836 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARRET Isaac 1820 1911 Andrew Andrew BARRETT John 05 Sep 1878 St Patick Garryowen brother-in-law was Michael Grace BARRETT John 17 Aug 1843 St Patick Garry Owen aged 29 BARRET Julia 08 Jun 1871 St Parick N. Garry Owen aged 29 BARRET Mary 05 Feb 1881 St Patrick N. Garry Owen aged 35 BARRET Michael 18 Mar 1865 St Patrick N Garry Owen aged 61 BARRETT Sarah A. 1829 1892 Andrew Andrew BARRETT Thomas D. 1863 14 Jun 1936 St Patrick Garry Owen 1863, Garry Owen; 1936 Bernard, Ia. Wife Kathryn Thornton Cannon; Pioneer, Cascade, Lubque co. 6-18-36. BARRICK Wm. 08 Jun 1888 Rathbun Maquoketa aged 66 BARRICK William 03 Mar 1913 Rathbun Maquoketa aged 85 BARROLL Elizabeth V. 30 Apr 1856 Presbyterian Bellevue aged 25 BARROLL Mary J. 18 Jan 1874 Presbyterian Bellevue aged 20 BARROLL Victoria 30 Jun 1874 Presbyterian Bellevue aged 15 BARROLL Virginia E. 30 Apr 1856 Republic Bellevue aged 25 BARROWS Alfred W. 1840 23 Mar 1911 Waterford Buckhorn Co. M. 2nd Ia. Cav. Farrier BARROWS Almeda (dua C. & P.) 03 Jun 1?76 Green Iron Hill aged 31 BARROWS Augah Opal 1899 1915 Mt Hope Maquoketa BARROWS Elizabeth 1849 16 Nov 1924 Waterford Buckhorn BARROWS Fred C. 1876 15 Apr 1917 Waterford Buckhorn son Alfred & Elizabeth BARROWS J. W. 18 Jun 1874 13 Feb 1938 E Iron Hill Iron Hill 1874 Iron Hill; son of Henry & Emma (Mann) for his chr. See Sentinel, Maquoketa 2-15-1938 BARROWS James H. 1873 1904 Green Iron Hill BARROWS Mary 1847 1874 Green Iron Hill BARROWS Rosseau 1838 1898 Green Co. B 26th Ia. Infantry BARROWS Wm. H. 1846 16 Jul 1891 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill Co. F. 44th ia. Inf. (had a son Albert) BARRY Bridget 1828 1921 St Alowisious So Garry Owen BARSEL Caroline, Sophia, Lortha 18 Feb 1863 18 Feb 1893 Fairfield Sterling over Carline is written Emgel; or may Fairfiled twp cem (don't undersatnad all this) BARSEL Johannes H. Jr. 1897 12 Dec 1933 Waterford Buckhorn BARTEN Merlin W. 1828 1929 Preston Preston BARTEN Sophia 1885 02 May 1909 Luthern Preston BARTHOLOMEW A L. 1841 1917 Preston Preston Mausolem BARTHOLOMEW G.E. 1864 1913 Preston Preston Mausolem BARTHOLOMEW Mary J. (Mrs. A.L.) 1843 1914 Preston Preston Mausolem BARTLETT Adeliade R. (Mrs. Chas. Z) 1850 19-- Miles Miles, Ia BARTLETT Charles Z. 1843 1929 Miles Miles, Ia BARTLETT George 1877 1932 Preston Preston BARTLETT Geo. W. 1843 27 Oct 1916 Preston Preston BARTLETT Josephine 01 Jan 1873 Evergreen Sabula aged 22 BARTLETT L. L. 1875 1930 Miles Miles, Ia BARTLETT Mary 1820 28 May 1894 Preston Preston wife of Wm. BARTLETT Patience 05 Feb 1890 Miles Miles, Ia aged 77, wife of R. BARTLETT Richard 1826 16 Mar 1912 Miles Miles, Ia BARTLETT Sadie (Mrs. L.L.) 1879 25 Jun 1905 Miles Miles, Ia BARTLETT Thos. H. 1903 Evergreen Sabula aged --; Co. G 92nd Ill. Inf. BARTLETT William 1822 29 Aug 1891 Preston Preston BARTO Catherine (Mrs. B. Barto) 30 Mar 1877 Catholic Baldwin aged 42 BARTON Reuben 1844 06 Mar 1871 Said Farmer's Creek twp BARTSCH Antony 1838 1902 Harmont Church Zwinger BARTSCH Susan 1882 1937 Harmont Church Zwinger BASCOM Fayette S. 27 Jun 1893 Preston Preston aged 31 BASCOM Hugo 1908 1936 Catholic Preston BASCOM John 1835 02 Jun 1911 Preston Preston BASCOM Jno. S. 1838 03 Dec 1873 Preston Preston BASCOM Luman 1801 15 Nov 1873 Preston Preston BASCOM Martha 1836 1915 Preston Preston BASEL Henry 16 Apr 1880 res Bellevue, buriel record there Pioneer, Casade, Dubuque co. 4-23-1880 BASHAM Ann (Mrs. Sam'l) 1817 07 Ja 1886 Evergreen Sabula BASHAM Samuel 19 May 1882 Evergreen Sabula aged 59 BATCHELDER Sophia M. 24 Jan 1887 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 71 BATES Alice A. 1855 1932 Miles Miles, Ia on lot with Wm. H. BATES Arthur 1859 1926 Miles Miles, Ia husband of Julia BATES Chas A. 17 Mar 1877 Evergreen Sabula aged 38, lot 88 BATES Emily A. (Mrs. L.) 03 Jan 1886 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 46 BATES Horatio 28 Nov 1870 Evergreen Sabula aged 40 BATES Julia (Mrs. Arthur) 1856 19-- Miles Miles, Ia on same lot with Arthur BATES Lyman 1817 07 Sep 1890 Mt Hope Maquoketa on lot with Elbert & Emily A. & (Sylvia his wife) BATES P.D. (Capt.) 1789 28 Jun 1873 Evergreen Sabula Lot 88 BATES Rachel (wife Capt. P.B.) 01 Mar 1883 Evergreen S aged 85 BATES Sylvia (Mrs. Lyman) 17 Jul 1856 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 40 BATES Walter 1837 27 Aug 1885 Evergreen Sabula lot 88 BATES William H. 1852 24 Feb 1935 Miles Miles, Ia 1852, Canada; 1935 DeWitt, IA. Wife Alice(Prior) had a son O.L. Democrat, Davenport 2-25-1935 BATES William H. 1832 1935 Miles Miles, Ia age 105; lot 9 BATTLES Abigail (Mrs. Sam'l.) 03 Feb 1876 Goddard Maquoketa So. Fork twp.; aged 49 BATTLES Amon S. 1862 1920 Goddard So. Fork Twp.. lot 35 BATTLES Almon S. Sep 1887 Goddard So. Fork Twp.. lot 41 BATTLES Catharine (Mrs. E.H.) 10 Apr 1882 Waterford Buckhorn aged 48; wife catherine BATTLES Ebenezer H. 14 Apr 1906 Waterford Buckhorn aged 81 BATTLES Edward 02 Apr 1886 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 86; lot 95 BATTLES Edward 1840 1904 Waterford Buckhorn lot 158 BATTLES Ellen A. (Mrs. E.H.) 20 Apr 1897 Goddard So. Fork Twp.. aged 59 BATTLES Frank 1829 04 Sep 1883 Goddard So. Fork Twp.. Lot 41 BATTLES James A. 1867 1922 Waterford Buckhorn Lot 158 BATTLES Lucy 02 Oct 1845 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 42, lot 95 BATTLES Mallissa 1850 1897 Mt Hope Maquoketa Lot 504 BATTLES Samuel 1823 15 Jan 1898 Goddard Church So. Fork Twp.. 1823, Crasbery NY. Wife Laura A. Phillips. Lot 35 Maquoketa Record 1-26-1898 BATTLES Schuyler 17 Aug 1913 Waterford Buckhorn Lot 223 BATY George 1798 24 Oct 1856 Hickory Grove near Emeline BATY Mary (Mrs. Geo.) 31 Mar 1865 Hickory Grove near Emeline aged 54 BATY Rolley 1867 30 Sep 1912 Hickory Grove near Emeline BAUER Katherine (Mrs. Leonard) 18 Aug 1910 St Peter & Paul Springbrook aged 48 BAULEP Susanna (Mrs. M) 1820 23 Oct 1887 St Peter & Paul BAULER Anna M. 1865 19 Jul 1902 St Peter & Paul BAULER Nicholas 1858 23 Jul 1901 St Peter & Paul BAUMAN Elizabeth 1825 23 Dec 1895 Catholic Bellevue BAUMAN Elizabeth wife of Rev. F.C. 1836 06 Aug 1921 Harmony Church Zwingle BAUMAN F.C. (Rev.) 1826 25 Sep 1909 Harmony Church BAUMAN Jessie E. (Mrs. Fred) 1878 1918 Andrew Andrew BAUMAN John 1823 26 Sep 1902 Catholic Bellevue BAUMAN John 1852 04 Jan 1903 Lutheran Bellevue BAUMAN John Martin 1857 31 Oct 1885 Catholic Bellevue BAUMAN Mary 16 Sep 1877 Catholic Bellevue aged 26 BAUMAN Sopheal (female) 1859 28 May 1908 Catholic Bellevue BAUMAN Theodore 1857 1931 Harmony Church Zwingle BAUMGARTEL John 1830 11 Jul 1909 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co. E 43rd Ill. Inf. BAUMGARTEL Katharine (Mrs. John) 1844 29 Jun 1899 Mt Hope M. BAUSCH Alice 1856 1924 Lutheran Bellevue BAUSCH August 1864 St John Luth St Donatus Tete Dew BAUSCH Augusta 1828 02 Aug 1864 Lutheran St Donarus Tete des M BAUSCH Chas 1821 03 Feb 1890 St John Luth St Donatus BAUSCH Clara 1886 1902 Lutheran Bellevue BAUSCH John 1854 06 Feb 1938 Lutheran Bellevue wife Alice Yeager, Sentenal Maquoketa 2-8-1983 BAUTSCH Augusta Heim 1877 1923 Catholic Bellevue BEAGLE Frank E. 1872 1912 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEALL Ada L. 1890 1928 Andrew Andrew BEALL William Miles Miles, Ia no dates BEAN Ella M. 1870 25 May 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEARD John 1833 Cottonville Cottonville must mean born 1833; Co. F. 31st Ia Inf. BEARDSLEY Howard 1841 02 May 1928 Presbyterian Bellevue Co. I 19th Ill. Inf. BEARDSLEY Mary E. 1849 1905 Presbyterian Bellevue BEATTY Geo. Son of ? & S 1859 27 Sep 1878 Hazen Wash Twp BEATTY Susan (Mrs. W.H.) 12 Dec 1877 Hazen Wash Twp aged 43 BEAVER Daniel 1850 08 Aug 1933 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEAVER Levi 1846 24 Feb 1918 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co. B 20th Pa. Cav. BEAVER Mary 1853 15 Jan 1919 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEBB Carrie (Mrs. Harry) 1865 21 Feb 1922 Green Iron Hill BECHEN Anna 1866 1920 Holy Rosary LaMotte BECHEN Barbara 1895 1920 Holy Rosary LaMotte BECHEN John (husband of Susan) 1834 1912 S. Donatus St. D. Co. I 8th Ia. Inf. BECHEN Kate 1831 1903 Catholic St Donatus BECHEN Peter 1827 1923 Catholic St Donatus BECHEN Susan 1836 1922 Catholic St Donatus BECHEN Theodore 24 May 1891 10 Jan 1916 St Theresa LaMotte BECHTEL J.E. 28 Jul 1887 1921 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECHTEL Jennie 1848 1936 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECHUS Anna 20 Jan 1885 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BECK Anna M. 1854 1906 Lutheran Bellevue BECK Anna M. 1874 1934 Lutheran Bellevue BECK Catherine (Mrs. M.) 1813 21 Aug 1879 Harmony Church Zwingle BECK Daniel J. 1875 1907 St Lawrence Otter Creek BECK Dorothea (Mrs. J.G. ) 1836 16 Sep 1911 Fairfidle Fairfield BECK Dorthea 1888 1927 Lutheran Spraguesville BECK Edith 1888 1921 no cem, town or twp given BECK Edna M. 1890 1911 Lutheran Bellevue BECK Francis 1884 19 Jan 1902 Catholic none given BECK Frank k867 18 Nov 1929 Pence Monmouth Twp East Baldwin BECK Geo. C. 1874 1935 Lutheran Bellevue BECK H. (Mrs.) 1901 1930 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECK Isaac L. 1847 1926 St Lawrence Otter Creek BECK Jacob D. 1842 1927 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECK James J. 1840 09 May 1911 St Lawrence Otter Creek Co. I 31st Ia. Inf. BECK John 1842 14 Jul 1914 Fairfield Fairfield Twp BECK John 29 Jul 1934 res. Maquoketa (D.M. Register 7-30-34) BECK John J. 1846 1915 Lutheran Bellevue BECK Joseph 1821 28 Mar 1889 Catholic Monmouth Twp BECK Joseph 1849 14 Jun 1919 Pence East Baldwin BECK Kathryne 1856 1907 St Lawrence Otter Creek BECK Marie C. 1854 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECK Mary (Mrs. Geo.) 1858 1924 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECK Matilda 1886 1919 Lutheran Bellevue BECK Michael 1811 13 Apr 1870 Harmony Church Zwingle BECK Michael 1850 03 Sep 1934 Fairfield Fairfield Twp BECK Paulina 1870 1919 Lutheran Bellevue BECK Sarah E. (Mrs. John) 1847 08 Jun 1885 Harmony Church Zwingle BECK Susan Hurchins 1877 1932 St Lawrence Otter Creek BECK William 1834 27 Feb 1861 Harmony Church Zwingle BECK Wm. G. 05 Jan 1895 05 Nov 1938 Salem's Lutheran Spragueville World War (son of Jacob & Ann) BECKER Adam 1835 14 Jul 1892 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co. A 9th Ill. Inf. BECKER Anna 03 Apr 1871 Catholic Bellevue Aged 70 BECKER Anna 04 Mar 1860 Caholic Bellevue aged -- BECKER Anna 1854 1937 Catholic Bellevue BECKER Catharina 13 Jan 1892 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 65; wife of Jacob BECKER Charley 1860 20 Feb 1910 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECKER Edward A. 1880 1935 Monmouth Monmouth BECKER Elizabeth (Mrs. C.H.) 1862 04 Nov 1903 Andrew Andrew BECKER Emma (Mrs. Wm.) 22 Sep 1910 Mt Hope Maquoketa Aged 27 BECKER Friedricke (Mrs. Wm.) 1849 27 Oct 1905 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECKER Gust H. Andrew Andrew no dates BECKER Henrietta 1849 16 Jan 1912 Evergreen Sabula BECKER Henry J. 1853 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECKER Jacob 1824 10 Jan 1901 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECKER Jacob J. 1859 18 Apr 1925 Mt Hope Maquoketa 1859 Maquoketa; wife Anna Attman Democrat, Davenport 4-20-1925 BECKER John 1799 29 Apr 1889 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECKER John 1810 13 May 1867 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BECKER Lona 1860 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECKER Margaret 1845 05 Feb 1929 Presbyterian Bellevue BECKER Maria S. 1800 02 Mar 1869 Buckeye Miles, Ia BECKER Mary (Mrs. John) 1861 19 Apr 1884 Sumner Hill School Fairfield twp BECKER Sophia 1879 1936 Fairfield Fairfield Twp BECKER William 1844 18 Jul 1926 Mt Hope Maquoketa BECKER William (son of Wm. Sr.) 1881 11 Sep 1920 Presbyterian Bellevue Bellevue Leader 9-16-1920 BECKER William Presbyterian Bellevue no dates; Co. H Wis. Inf. BECKER William 22 May 1903 Presbyterian Bellevue aged 64 BECKIUS Anna Harsch 13 Jun 1886 Catholic St Dohatus aged 54 BECKIUS Johann 1824 03 Feb 1887 Catholic St Dohatus BECKWITH Chas. E. 1869 1919 Preston Preston BECKWITH Helen M. 1849 1918 Preston Preston BECKWITH John B. 1819 1904 Preston Preston BECKWITH Susan J. 1823 1905 Preston Preston BECKWITH Susannah (Mrs. Levi) 30 Sep 1855 Mt Hope M. aged 32 BEDFORD Benj. 1835 1912 Evergreen Sabula BEDFORD Mary (Mrs. Benj.) 1837 ---- Evergreen Sabula BEEDLE A.C. 1858 27 Nov 1919 Presbyterian Bellevue son of Hiram & Adeliade..wife Anna Ward BEEDLE Adeliade A. 1834 1914 Presbyterian Bellevue wife of Hira BEEDLE Hiram Ellsworth 1853 04 Aug 1920 Sutton Alaska 1853 Bellevue. (Bellevue Leader Aug 5, 1920) BEEDLE Hiram L. 1826 03 Apr 1904 Presbyterian Bellevue 1826 New York; wife Adelaide Smithers BEEKS Chester 1868 04 Jul 1911 none given none given BEEKS Etta 1874 1925 none given none given BEELER Anna King 1860 24 Mar 1880 Lutheran Bellevue BEELER Fred John 19 Jan 1898 20 Nov 1919 Presbyterian Bellevue 1898 Richland twp; son of Joseph BEELER John 11 Jan 1856 Pence East Baldwin aged 27 BEERS Alice M. 1855 05 Sep 1908 Bridgeport Maquoketa BEERS David Abt 1870 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged abt 60 BEERS Louisa M. (Mrs. David M.) 09 Oct 1863 Mt Hope M aged 36; dau of T.L. & Sarah French, born Swanton, VT.(another wife buried on this lot also) BEESLEY Abraham 1796 29 Sep 1866 Evergreen Sabula BEESLEY Abram 21 Oct 1892 Evergreen Sabula BEESLEY Alice P. (Mrs. Benj.) 1847 10 Jul 1927 Evergreen Sabula BEESLEY Benj. 1845 11 Dec 1921 Evergreen Sabula BEESLEY Elizabeth 1833 1908 Evergreen Sabula BEESLEY Louisa 1805 08 Jan 1882 Evergreen Sabula BEESLEY Y. G. (husband of A.) 20 Mar 1869 Evergreen S aged 29; think his wife was Elizabeth buried on same lot BEGGS Eliza 1831 10 Jan 1911 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEGGS James Andrew Andrew no dates BEGGS Julia Alferetta dau J. & M. 1852 07 Feb 1872 Andrew Andrew BEGGS Leonard Abt 1930 Mt Hope Maquoketa an old man BEGGS Leonard 1841 1893 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEGGS Mary Jane 1846 1910 Andrew Andrew BEGGS Nancy 1838 1930 Andrew Andrew BEGGS Rachel 1796 1882 Andrew Andrew BEGGS Samuel 1857 1924 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEGGS Wm Ried 03 Feb 1928 21 Apr 1903 Andrew Andrew 1928 Mercer Co. PA BEHN Bertha 1864 13 Jan 1881 Reesville Green Island BEHN Fred 1857 18 Jul 1936 Evergreen Sabula BEHN Fredrich 1825 06 Aug 1902 Reesville Green Island BEHN Henry 1862 --- Evergreen S BEHN Herman 1855 26 May 1932 Evergreen Sabula BEHN Lena 1859 02 May 1929 Evergreen Sabula BEHN Magdalena (Mrs. Fred'k.) 1831 01 Jan 1894 Reesville Green Island BEHRENS Chas. 1840 30 Jun 1916 Preston Preston BEHRENS Chris J. 1875 20 Nov 1899 Preston Preston BEHRENS Christopher 1901 20 Feb 1891 Preston Preston BEHRENS Fred E, 1872 18 Jan 1900 Preston Preston BEHRENS John 1932 So. Fork Twp.. cem bot given lot 204 BEHRENS John Mrs. 07 Apr 1931 So. Fork Twp.. lot 204 cem not given BEHRENS Louise M. F. 1853 19 Mar 1879 Preston Preston BEHRENS Sophia (Mrs. Chas.) 1851 14 Jul 1898 Preston Preston BEIBER Mrs. 1927 So. Fork Twp.. lot 213 cem. Not given BEIDLER Agnes S. 1863 04 Jul 1898 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEIDLER H. W. 1833 28 Sep 1909 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEIDLER Rebecca (Mrs. H.W.) 1839 06 Jul 1921 Mt Hope Maquoketa BEIMER Elizabeth 19 Jun 1888 Bellevue aged 69, cem not given BELCHER Marie 12 Oct 1901 Monmouth Monmouth aged 65 BELCHER Mary T. (Mrs. Wm. J.) 07 Apr 1874 Monmouth Monmouth aged 54 BELCHER Wm. J. 11 Dec 1913 Monmouth Monmouth Co K 39th N.J. Inf. BELDEN Cecelia O. 1843 1924 Mt Hope Maquoketa BELDEN M. J. 1831 1902 Mt Hope Maquoketa BELKNAP G. M. 09 Jun 1866 East Hill LaMotte BELKNAP Lydia V. (Mrs. G.M.) 18 Oct 1862 East Hill LaMotte BELL B.M. 1850 1934 Andrew Andrew BELL Charity L. 1854 1884 Andrew Andrew BELL Charles R. 1821 Aug 1862 Andrew Andrew Co. B 5th Minn. killed in service BELL Chas R. 1858 21 Feb 1906 Andrew (old part) Andrew BELL Elizabeth (Mrs. C.R.) 02 June k823 Andrew Andrew born in England BELL Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm.) 05 Nov 1899 Buckeye Miles aged 73 BELL Ellen Manning (Mrs. Chas. R) 1864 1924 Andrew (old part) Andrew BELL James 1794 31 Jan 1866 Miles Miles BELL James W. (Corp.) Presbyterian Bellevue no dates, Co. K s1st Ia. inf. BELL John 1816 10 Feb 1892 Mt Hope Maquoketa BELL Mary A. (Mrs. H.P.) 23 Dec 1872 Andrew Andrew Aged 45 BELL Patience J. 1833 1912 Presbyterian Bellevue BELL Watson (Rev.) 1813 18 Dec 1876 Republic Bellevue BELL William C. 1821 15 Mar 1862 Sutton Fulton Co. L 1st Ia Cav. Wife Kellissa married a Mr. Andreson and died Nov 23, 1900 aged 77, buried on lot by Wm BEMUS Aseneth 26 Aug 1856 Cottonville Cottonville aged 89 BENADOM James S. 1845 1916 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co. E 31st Ia. inf. BENDER Henry C. son of Peter Andrew Andrew no dates BENDER Peter W. (Mrs.) Andrew Andrew no dates BENDER Peter W. 1847 18 Aug 1898 Andrew Andrew BENFEN Peter B. 1865 15 Jan 1865 Reeseville Green Island BENJAMIN Arthur (Mrs.) 23 Feb 1908 Waterford Buckhorn BENJAMIN H.L. (Mrs.) 29 Jul 1909 Waterford Buckhorn BENJAMIN Harvey L. 1842 21 Jan 1922 Waterford Co. E 46th Ill. Inf. BENJAMIN Rachel E. (Mrs. C.) 16 Feb 1888 Streets Iron Hill Farmers Creek twp., aged 19 BENN Agnes S. (Mrs. Andrew) 14 Jan 1876 Fairview Sterling aged 47 BENN Andrew W. 1820 01 Jun 1870 Fairview Sterling BENN Jane 1777 25 Feb 1869 Fairview Sterling BENNET Emeline 1847 1912 none given none given BENNET John 1843 1912 none given none given BENNET Samuel D. 16 Jul 1900 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 80 BENNETT Howard Presbyterian Bellevue no dates; Co. C 16th U.S. Inf. BENNETT Lucy (Mrs. S.D.) 12 Nov 1893 Mt Hope M. aged 75 BENNETT Mary 1843 1925 Presbyterian Bellevue BENNETT Sarah A. Vine (Mrs. S.D. 17 Feb 1906 Mt Hope aged 76 BENNETT T.J. Evergreen Sabula Co. G 92nd Ill. inf, civil war BENNETT Susannah (Mrs. B.N.) 30 ??? 1879 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 78 BENTLEY Arcania (Mrs. Wm. B.) 16 Jan 1895 Mt Hope M. Aged 75 BENTLEY Edith (Mrs. G.W.) 06 Mar 1887 Esgate Maquoketa aged 18 BENTLEY Hannah Sep 1874 Preston Preston aged 83 mother of J.O. Smith BENTLEY Huldah J. (Mrs. Jeff) 02 May 1888 Esgate M. aged 54 BENTLEY Jefferson 1830 19 Apr 1901 Esgate Maquoketa Wife Hulda son Wm. Co. F 31st Ia. inf. BENTLEY John C. 1854 03 Feb 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa BENTLEY Mary 09 Mar 1919 Mt Hope Maquoketa BENTLEY Sally (Mrs. Wm.) Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 20 BENTLEY William 1805 13 Dec 1886 Mt Hope Maquoketa BENTLEY William 1852 1882 Esgate Maquoketa BENTON Ada 1863 1935 Mt Hope Maquoketa BENTON Dillman 1857 1933 Mt Hope Maquoketa BENTON Geo. A. 1841 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa BENTON Sarah Jane (Mrs. A.) 23 Sep 1857 Andrew Andrew aged 30 BENTON Wm. E. 1852 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BERENDES Anna 1841 10 May 1904 Catholic Tete des Morts twp BERENDES Beula 02 Oct 1916 04 Nov 1923 Lutheran Bellevue BERENDES Edw. 1828 Mar 1907 Tete des Morts twp BERENDES Karl 1839 21 Aug 1914 Tete des Morts twp BERENDES Lina M. (Mrs. Otto) 28 Dec 1882 11 Jun 1909 Lutheran Bellevue BERENDES Mary (Mrs. Karl) 1842 07 Dec 1027 Catholic Tete des Morts twp BERENDES Nick 06 Mar 1886 02 Sep 1935 Catholic Tete des Morts twp BERENDES Robt. C. 1882 07 Dec 1918 Lutheran Bellevue BERG Alesa (Mrs. Fred) 1840 1918 Lutheran Spraguesville BERG Fred 1831 1909 Lutheran Spraguesville BERG Henry 1872 1936 Lutheran Spraguesville BERG Justus F. 1882 20 Jan 1938 Lutheran Spraguesville BERG Marguerite 1897 1923 Presbyterian Bellevue BERG Sophia E. 1845 04 Mar 1899 Evergreen Sabula BERINGER Chas. 1838 23 Sep 1918 Preston Preston Co. C 5th Wis. inf. BERINGER Eliza 1845 1905 Preston Preston BERKEY Ada (Mrs. Marion) 1861 1914 East Iron Hill Iron Hill BERKEY Elijah 1859 1930 East Iron Hill Iron Hill BERKEY John W. 1851 16 Mar 1920 Mt Hope Maquoketa BERKEY Leonia L. 1863 1917 East Iron Hill Iron Hill wife of Elijah BERKEY Marion 1861 1933 East Iron Hill Iron Hill BERKEY Martha Q. 1854 15 Sep 1927 Mt Hope Maquoketa BERKEY Grandma Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates BERKEY Ida M. wife of F.H. Cooper 13 Oct 1888 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 26 BERKEY Myra (Mrs. T.E.) 12 Jan 1897 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 69 BERKEY Ralph L. (Ted) 1896 1935 Mt Hope Maquoketa BERKEY Thos. E. 03 Mar 1903 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 76; Excelsioe 3-6-1903 BERNER Anna 14 Oct 1891 Reeseville Green Island aged 56 BERNER Chris O.T. 1838 10 Jul 1921 Waterford Buckhorn BERNER Elsie 1821 24 Jun 1872 Reeseville Green Island BERNER Frank O. 07 Feb 1897 12 Feb 1937 Evergreen Sabula World war vet. Wife Winifred McElvin Hilsinger BERNER Frederick 1786 '-21911860 Reeseville Green Island BERNER John M.W. 1821 14 Dec 1869 Reeseville Green Island BERNER Juliana M. 1848 21 Aug 1924 Waterford Buckhorn BERRY Almedia 1857 19 Mar 1922 Evergreen Sabula BERRY Anna (Mrs. Wm.) 1850 06 Aug 1906 Evergreen Sabula BERRY Anna M. (Mrs. Jacob) 1864 03 Nov 1918 Evergreen Sabula BERRY Elizabeth (Mrs. John) 1824 11 Mar 1890 Evergreen Sabula BERRY Jacob C. 1859 24 May 1918 Evergreen Sabula BERRY John 1824 14 Jan 1900 Evergreen Sabula BERRY Mary E. 1879 29 Mar 1901 Evergreen Sabula wife of Sam'l. BERRY Samuel 1868 03 Feb 1903 Evergreen Sabula BERRY Silas A. 1857 Evergreen Sabula BERRY William 1853 18 Sep 1919 Evergreen Sabula BERTELSEN Andreas G. 1832 23 Dec 1915 none given none given (father) not the Andrew of the Civil War BERTELSEN Andrew 1840 1893 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co. G 8th Ia. inf. BERTELSEN Andrew P. 1855 1926 none given none given BERTELSEN Christine A. wife of A.G. 1830 21 Jan 1913 none given none given BERTELSEN Helena B. wife of a Mr. Joch 1860 30 Jun 1893 none given BERTELSEN Henrietta (Anrs. Andrew) 1845 1929 Mt Hope Maquoketa BERTHEL Alfred Jacob 1902 1929 Holy Rosary LaMotte BERTHEL Frank J. 24 Feb 1893 14 May 1929 Holy Rosary LaMotte Co. M 35and inf. world war BERTSCH Mrs. Eberhard 1881 1924 none given Bellevue BERTSCH John L. 1874 28 Mar 1937 Catholic Bellevue wife Margaret Sch,ink Tel Herald, Dubuque 3-29-1937 p.5 BERTSCH Leonhard 1838 22 Jul 1896 Catholic Bellevue BERTSCH Magdalena 1842 29 Jul 1933 Catholic Bellevue BESCH J. Catholic St Donatas no dates BESCH Susanna 22 Jan 1867 Catholic St Donatas aged 67 BESH Peter 1837 05 Jun 1909 Catholic Bellevue BEST Carl L. 1852 06 Nov 1900 Monmouth Monmouth BEST Fred'k. 1805 17 Apr 1869 Fairview Sterling BEST Margaretha D. 1854 28 Sep 1926 Monmouth Monmouth BETHKE Herman F. 1858 1918 Buckeye Miles BETHKE Jerry A. 1892 1913 Buckeye Miles BETTIE Charlie 26 May 1867 Presbyterian Bellevue BETTIE Sarah Presbyterian Bellevue no dates BETTS James P. Miles Miles no dates BEZDICHECK Josephine 1850 1928 Monmouth Monmouth BEZDICHECK Vincel 1819 17 Jan 1865 Catholic Baldwin BICKFORD Allen Hickory Grove Emeline no dates BICKFORD Dock 1865 1927 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD Elijah 1834 02 Apr 1918 Monmouth Monmouth Co. D 2 ia. inf. BICKFORD George 1832 16 Feb 1880 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD George 1872 1928 Streets Iron Hill BICKFORD Hannah (Mrs. Elijah) 25 Jan 1894 Monmouth Monmouth aged 59 BICKFORD Levi son of W.S. & S.E. 07 Feb 1890 23 Oct 1909 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD Mary wife of Ira Edwards 1836 26 Sep 1907 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD Mathew S. 1856 29 Mar 1932 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD Roy 26 Jun 1901 12 Mar 1926 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD Samuel Ozark Ozark no dates BICKFORD Samuel (Mrs.) 1843 29 Mar 1872 Reel Monmouth Sarah Widel BICKFORD Sarah E. 1860 04 Nov 1923 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD Wm. son of G.& M. 186? 1889 Hickory Grove Emeline BICKFORD Wm. M. 1824 1865 Reel Fairfield twp Co. F 31st Ia. Inf. BIEHLE J. 1828 03 Jan 1888 Mt Hope Maquoketa BIEHLE Mary R. 1846 17 Oct 1889 Mt Hope Maquoketa BIES Frank 1820 1906 Catholic St Donatus BIES John 1863 1938 Catholic St Donatus BIES Joseph 1868 1911 Catholic St Donatus BIES Susanna (Mrs. Frank) 1830 1915 Catholic St Donatus BIGGINS Anastatia 1830 10 Apr 1900 St Thersa St Theresa BIGGINS Patrick 1815 10 Apr 1866 St Thersa St Theresa BIGLOW Caroline 1810 18 Mar 1892 Monmouth Monmouth BIGLOW J.S. (Dr.) 1819 21 Mar 1900 Harmony Church Zwingle BIGLOW Lizzie E. 1861 02 Dec 1897 Harmony Church Zwingle BIGLOW Margret 1821 15 Jun 1912 Harmony Church Zwingle BIGLOW Richard R. 1843 1917 Pence East Baldwin Co. D 7th ind. BIGLOW Sarah A. 1850 1919 Pence East Baldwin BILLUPS Helen S. Wright (Mrs. C.C.) 1835 21 Oct 1898 Mt Hope Maquoketa BILLUPS John S. 1837 10 Feb 1909 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co A 9th Ia Inf. BILLUPS Mata B. 1884 11 Dec 1901 Mt Hope No lte with John BILTO Catharine 01 Dec 1800 20 Aug 1871 Mt Hope Maquoketa BILTO Charles Mt Hope M. no dates, veteran Black Hawk war BINNS Geo. F. 1858 1936 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BINNS James 11 Mar 1894 Green Iron Hill BINNS Mary (Mrs. James) 08 Aug 1875 Green Iron Hill BIPPUS Jacob H. 02 Mar 1883 Preston Preston aged 26 BIPPUS Rosina 1815 01 Aug 1890 Preston Preston BISA Anna 1875 Catholic Baldwin aged 22 BISA Anna 1866 Catholic Baldwin aged 35 BISA Frank 1889 Catholic Baldwin aged 57 BISDORF Eva 1835 24 Dec 1907 Catholic Bellevue BISDORF Nicholas C. 1872 1927 Lutheran Bellevue BISS Henry 1865 24 Oct 1926 Miles Miles BITTNER Gertrude M. (Mrs. Attalus) 1884 1938 Andrew Andrew BITTNER Louis 1848 1930 Catholic Bellevue BITTNER Mary 1854 1915 Catholic Bellevue BITTNER Mary 1873 1929 Presbyterian Bellevue BIXLER Jefferson 1813 31 Oct 1898 Preston Preston BIXLER Mary (Mrs. J.) 23 Apr 1869 Reed Fairfield aged 57 BIXLER Sarrah A. 1831 25 Aug 1888 Preston Preston BLACK Andrew D. 1842 19 Apr 1863 Sweozy near Fulton Co. I 31st Ia. Inf.; died in Memphis, Tenn. in war BLACK Clara J. (Mrs. I.J.) 23 Dec 1896 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 45 BLACK D. (Mrs.) Nov 1919 Waterford Buckhorn BLACK Dan F. 1871 1938 Waterford Buckhorn BLACK Eliza (Mrs. R.) 30 Apr 1855 Sweezy near Fulton aged 37 BLACK Elizabeth (Mrs. Jesse W.) 01 Jun 1856 Andrew Andrew aged 36 BLACK Emma D. (Mrs. W.E.) 1868 08 Feb 1909 none given none given BLACK I.J. 1848 26 Sep 1896 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLACK James 1825 08 May 1896 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLACK Joel 1836 17 Feb 1908 none given none given BLACK John 1822 10 Jul 1896 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLACK Lou (Editor) 1862 Jan 1920 Preston Preston Bellevue Leader 9-23-1920 BLACK Robert 21 Mar 1884 Sweezey Fulton aged 70 BLACK Susan S. (Mrs. John) 1838 17 Mar 1907 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLACK Thos. M. son of R. & E. 16 Sep 1861 Sweezy aged 21 BLACKBURN Charles M. 1840 11 Dec 1863 Sutton Fulton BLACKSTEN Charles C. 1838 18 Jun 1906 Miles Miles wife Ellen; Co. A 1st Ind. Heavry Art. BLACKSTEN Ellen (Mrs. Chas. C.) 1838 1900 Miles Miles BLAKE Bertha 1866 16 Dec 1886 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLAKE Dorman C. 1850 11 Dec 1911 none given none given BLAKE Ellen E. (Emery) 1852 1902 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLAKE Gillman 14 nov 1852 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 29 BLAKE W.P. 1803 03 Mar 1881 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLAKELY David 1804 06 Feb 1877 Rathbun Maquoketa BLAKELY James M. 1851 1903 Rathbun Maquoketa BLAKELY Rebecca 1823 16 Oct 1893 Rathbun Maquoketa BLAKELY William A. son of D. & R. Rathbun Maquoketa BLANCHARD Arthur son of T.E. & S.E. 27 Nov 1869 Andrew Andrew BLANCHARD Calvin 1831 1913 Waterford Buckhorn BLANCHARD John F. 1861 1913 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLANCHARD Louisa 1834 1913 Waterford Buckhorn BLANK Elizabeth A. (Mrs. M.D.) 25 Sep 1871 Andrew Andrew aged 36 BLENNER Edward 1861 23 Mar 1861 Reeseville Green Island BLENNER Jerry C. 1829 01 May 1892 Evergreen Sabula BLESSING Caroline (Mrs. J.C.) 1846 13 Dec 1878 Mt Hope M. BLESSING J. Christ 1827 19 Aug 1886 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLESSING Mary M. (Mrs. Wm. A) 1858 1936 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLESSING Sibilla (Mrs. J.C.) 1827 27 Feb 1864 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLESSING Wm. A. 1853 1902 Mt Hope Maquoketa BLITCH Mary 12 Aug 1889 Catholic Bellevue aged 68 BLITCH Peter 1831 Catholic Bellevue Co. B 5th Ia. Cav BLITZ Peter 25 Nov 1870 Catholic Bellevue aged 44 BLITZEN Anna 1877 1937 Catholic Bellevue BLITZEN Magdalena 1844 1929 Catholic Bellevue BLITZEN Mary 15 Jul 1883 Catholic Bellevue BLITZEN Nicholas 1919 1933 Catholic Bellevue slip has b. 1933, d. 1919 so maybe be.1833, d. 1919) BLIZCK Joseph 1880 Catholic Baldwin BLOCKLINGER A. H. (Dr.) Died Dubuque, Ia.Bellevue Leader 7-21-21 BLOSCH Louisa 1856 13 Mar 1929 Harmony Church Zwingle BLOSSFIELD Lotta 1883 29 Jul 1827 Evergreen Sabula BLOSSFIELD Mary 1856 14 Jun 1906 Evergreen Sabula BLOSSFIELD William 1852 12 Apr 1919 Evergreen Sabula BLUEL Frances D. 1880 26 Jan 1909 St Heresa St. Thersa BLUNT William 1815 23 Sep 1883 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOARDMAN Mary Benton (Mrs. Wm. C.) 12 May 1878 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 68 BOARDMAN Wm. C. 1804 28 Apr 1884 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOCK Catherine (Mrs. M.) 28 Sep 1900 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOCK Fred 02 Nov 1900 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 36 BOCK Susie (Mrs. R.) 03 Jan 1913 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOCKIUS Daniel 1835 03 May 1873 Presbyterian Bellevue BOCKIUS Martha 1839 11 Jul 1891 Presbyterian Bellevue BOCKIUS Rachel 1789 04 Oct 1874 Presbyterian Bellevue BODEN Henry 22 Jul 1886 Catholic Bellevue aged 23 BODEN Margaret 26 Feb 1896 Catholic Bellevue aged 63 BODKIN Mary N. 1872 10 Jun 1912 Mt Hope Maquoketa wife of Geo. BOEKNECKE Maria 1875 1911 Reesville Green Island BOESCH John 1839 12 Jan 1908 Miles Miles BOHLER Mary J. (Mrs. Wm) 07 Mar 1893 Monmouth M. aged 26 BOHNSACK Emma (Mrs. John) 1861 30 Jun 1916 Preston Preston BOHNSACK John 1856 28 Feb 1918 Preston Preston BOHROFEN Margaretha 26 Jun 1870 Catholic St Donatus aged 84 BOULING Thorn Dutton Farm Iron Hill aged 35 (had Uncle M. Boling) BOLLEN Emily 1882 1928 Miles Miles BOLLOCK Charles 1827 20 Aug 1885 Catholic Spruce Creek BOLTE Adelheit (Mrs. C.) 1877 06 Aug 1923 Lutheran Tete Des Mortes twp BOLTE Anna M. DeFries(Mrs. Chrsitan H.1864 03 Apr 1934 Andrew Andrew BOLTE Caroline 1860 1917 Lutheran Tete des Morts twp BOLTE Christian 1862 20 Jan 1913 Lutheran Tete des Morts twp BOLTE Christian Henry 06 Aug 1859 Andrew Andrew BOLTE Dietrich B. 1851 1918 Lutheran Tete Des Morts twp St Donatis BOLTE Fred'k. 1818 02 Nov 1898 Lutheran Tete Des Morts twp St donatis BOLTE Heinrich 23 Nov 1900 Lutheran Bellevue aged 51 BOLTE Margarethe 1819 10 Dec 1890 Lutheran Tete Des Morts twp BOLTE Therese 14 May 1894 16 Sep 1930 Lutheran Tete Des Morts twp BOLTCHER Johann 1831 24 Jul 1894 Lutheran Bellevue BOLTCHER John 1868 28 Jul 1918 Presbyterian Bellevue BOLTCHER Sophia A. 1833 23 Sep 1916 Lutheran Bellevue BOLTCHER William 1871 13 May 1918 Lutheran Bellevue BOLTON Isaac 1829 29 Jan 1895 Union Church Maquoketa 1829 Lebanon Co. PA; wife Rebecca Shollenborger (Maquoketa Excelsior 2-1-1895) BONDESEN Bodel W. (Mrs. K. K.) 1848 18 Jan 1936 Evergreen Sabula BONDESEN Chris P. 1884 10 Sep 1911 Evergreen Sabula BONDESEN Hansine 1848 07 Jul 1897 Bickeye Miles BONDESEN Knud K. 1847 18 Aug 1906 Evergreen Sabula BONHAM T.S. Mt Hope Maquoketa Died soon after Civil War was in band 36th Inf. inf. BONIFAS J.P. 1840 10 Jun 1923 Catholic St Donatus BONIFAS Maria 1850 17 Jun 1919 Catholic St Donatus BONN Margaretha 1840 28 May 1886 Catholic Bellevue BINNEL Rev. J. W. Miles Miles no dates BONNERT Katharine 1876 09 Oct 1898 St Lawrence Otter Creek BOOK Emily (Mrs. Joseph) 19 Jul 1891 18 Feb 1910 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BOOK Joseph 1829 02 Feb 1917 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill Co. B 3 & 3rd Ia. inf. BOOMERSHINE Daniel F. 1866 1932 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOOMERSHINE Jessie C. 1867 1934 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOOTH John B. 1792 18 Feb 1867 Presbyterian Bellevue War of 1812 veteran BOOTH Mary 1824 1895 Presbyterian Bellevue BOOTH Herman 1874 1936 Bridgeport Maquoketa BOOTH Cora 1871 1912 Buckeye Miles BOOTH Edwin 1821 12 Dec 1847 Presbyterian Bellevue BOOTH Eleanor 1820 05 Feb 1873 Presbyterian Bellevue BOOTH Harriet 1826 1902 Presbyterian Bellevue BOOTHBY John 1863 1929 Preston Preston BOOTHBY M. L. 1895 1922 Preston Preston BOOTHBY Pearl Bethel 26 Nov 1891 25 Oct 1917 Preston Preston BORN Anna M. 02 Apr 1885 Catholic Bellevue aged 80 BORN Catherine 1849 1916 Catholic Bellevue BORN Joseph 1832 1928 Catholic Bellevue BORMANN Catherine 1850 1933 Catholic Van Buren Twp BORMANN John 1848 1935 Catholic Van Buren Twp BORMANN Theresa C. 1886 1933 Catholic Van Buren Twp BORGARD Christinia 1850 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BORGARD Peter 1845 1921 Mt Hope Maquoketa BORGARD Maryn 1831 1905 Lutheran Spragusville BOSSUOT Emily M. 1844 11 Mar 1888 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOSSUOT Joseph B. 1833 23 May 1892 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOSSFELD Minnie (Mrs. W.) 08 May 1878 Russell Farm Van Buren twp. aged 17 BOSTON Garry 1861 1908 Mt. Hope Maquoketa BOTKIN Augustus D. 1868 1937 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOTKIN George Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates BOTKIN J.A. husband of Mahulda 1837 27 Mar 1912 Mt Hope M. Confederate soldier BOTKIN Mahalda M. (Mrs. J.A.) 22 Mar 1904 Mt Hope M. aged 61 BOVARD Alice 1860 20 Sep 1922 Presbyterian Bellevue BOVARD Mattie B. 12 Oct 1872 Presbyterian Bellevue aged 22 BOVARD Olive K. 1826 12 May 1912 Presbyterian Bellevue BOVARD Susie M. 1858 22 Mar 1881 Presbyterian Bellevue BOVARD Wm. 1825 27 Jan 1883 Presbyterian Bellevue killed at Vicksburg in Civil War; Co. K 31st Ia Inf. BOVEE Helen 1851 1937 St Alowisious So. Garry Owen BOWEN Asa Bosworth (Dr.) 1842 16 Apr 1925 Mt Hope Maquoketa Asst. surgeon U.S. Civil War. BOWEN Catherine 26 Feb 1901 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen BOWEN Jesse C. (Dr.) 1883 18 Nov 1928 Mt Hope Maquoketa Private in World War. BOWEN John 30 Jan 1900 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen aged 80 BOWEN John 01 Jul 1884 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen aged 28 BOWEN Maud Ellen 1871 1907 Evergreen Sabula BOWERS Wilder P. 27 Jan 1858 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 34 BOWLING an adult Green Iron Hill 2 graves unmarked BOWLING A.L. 1857 1923 East Iron Hill Iron Hill BOWLING E.E. Green Iron Hill no dates BOWLING F. Green Iron Hill no dates BOWLING Franklin 1814 1876 Green Iron Hill BOWLING H.M. 20 Mar 1890 Green Iron Hill aged 64 BOWLING Horace 1851 23 Jan 1931 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BOWLING Jennie 1857 1935 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BOWLING Sarah J. 1824 1907 Green Iron Hill BOWLING Sydnia (Mrs. Horace) 1853 13 Jan 1926 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BOWMAN Ben F. 1847 1938 born VA; wife Kaite Pool. Chr.-Walter, Bert, Howard & Percy BOWMAN Beulah 1908 1931 Mt. Hope Maquoketa wife of E.C. Schank BOWMAN Forrest 1884 31 Aug 1922 Mt Hope d. Williamsburg IA; aged 38 Bellevue Leader 9-7-1922 BOWMAN George Mt Hope Maquoketa an adult; lot 87 BOWMAN Joseph same lot with Josephine BOWMAN John J. 1858 1931 Presbyterian Bellevue lot 87 BOWMAN Josephine Mt Hope Maquoketa an adult; on lot with Geo. BOWMAN Katherine (Mrs. Stephen H.) 1852 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa BOWMAN Katherine P. (Haylock) 1904 1933 no localities given BOWMAN Katie 1860 1926 no localities given BOWMAN Lucy 20 Apr 1867 Mt Hope M. aged 18; dau. G.W. & M. BOWMAN Margaret Mt Hope Wife of G.W.; lot 87; no dates BOWMAN Maude 1886 1913 Presbyterian Bellevue BOWMAN Mildred 1900 1929 Presbyterian Bellevue BOWMAN Sarah 1852 1933 Mt Hope Maquoketa lot 87 BOWMAN Stephen Hamilton 1849 10 Oct 1928 Mt Hope Maquoketa 1849 VA; Wife Katherina Edleman. Democrat, Davenport 10-12-1928 BOYD Eli 1817 1896 Ozark Cem Ozark BOYD John 1814 1879 Ozark Cem Ozark BOYD John N. 1839 10 Aug 1885 Andrew Andrew Co. M 2d Ia. Cav. BOYD John Z. 1846 1868 Ozark Cem Ozark BOYER Sam Born near Sand Springs; Died in accident aged 54; Bellevue Leader 9-7-1922 BOYLE 25 Feb 188- St Patrick's N. Garry Owen aged 68 BOYLE Grama St Lawrence Otter Creek no dates BOYLE Uncle St Lawrence Otter Creek no dates BOYLE Annora 27 Apr 1827 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen aged 71 BOYLE Daniel 26 Dec 1874 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen born Ireland; died aged 55 BOYLE Ellen 11 Oct 1890 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen aged 54 BOYLE James 18 Jun 1872 St Lawrence Otter Creek aged 48 BOYLE Johanna (Mrs. James) 12 Jan 1873 St Lawrence Otter Creek aged 75 BOYLE Michael 17 Feb 1805 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen aged 47 BOYLES Cora Northrop Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates BOYNTON John W. Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates BOYSEN Heinrich F.M. 1881 04 Aug 1906 Miles Miles BOYSEN John B. 1851 23 Aug 1900 Evergreen Sabula BRACE P.A. 11 Feb 1849 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 28; buried on Allen lot. BRACKETT Anna E. (Mrs. T.J.) 13 Mar 1872 Rathbun Maquoketa aged 38 BRADEN Mary 1858 1918 Holy Rosary LaMotte BRADLEY Abe 22 Dec 1881 22 Jun 1937 Preston Preston BRADLEY Alfred 01 Feb 1894 Esgate Maquoketa aged 82 BRADLEY Alice 1842 04 Sep 1928 Waterford Buckhorn BRADLEY Chancey J. 1846 1901 Goddard Maquoketa Co. G 6th Ia. Cav. BRADLEY Charity (Mrs. Richard) 1844 1929 Esgate Maquoketa BRADLEY Clinton Howard 1859 1890 Andrew Andrew BRADLEY Edwary (male) 1796 18 Sep 1882 Catholic Sabula BRADLEY Elisha S. 1831 16 Nov 1912 Waterford Buckhorn BRADLEY Elizabeth (Mrs. A.) 25 Apr 1897 Esgate Maquoketa BRADLEY Elma M. (Mrs. Chancey) 1854 1917 Goddard Maquoketa BRADLEY Jessie Skinner (Mrs. S.G.) 19 Apr 1905 Pence Monmouth twp BRADLEY Frances Carpenter 1839 1911 Andrew Andrew BRADLEY Hiram E. 06 Oct 1892 Waterford Buckhorn aged 35 BRADLEY L.M. 1862 1910 Waterford Buckhorn wife of Hiram BRADLEY Lucy Carpenter 1822 1906 Andrew Andrew BRADLEY Margaret (Hubbard) 1840 1927 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRADLEY Margaret 1860 14 Jun 1927 Harmony Church Zwingle wife of Wm. BRADLEY Oscar 1879 1929 Presbyterian Bellevue BRADLEY Phillip Burr 1809 1890 Andrew Andrew BRADLEY Richard 1841 08 Dec 1928 Esgate Maquoketa husband of Charity; Co. B 26th Ia. inf BRADLEY Robert 1846 02 May 1920 Esgate Maquoketa BRADLEY Robert C. 1881 1938 Harmony Church Zwingle BRADLEY Russel 1802 29 Aug 1886 Esgate Maquoketa BRADLEY Ruth 1846 12 Feb 1923 Esgate Maquoketa BRADLEY Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm) 1856 23 Jan 1916 Esgate M. BRADLEY Walter Scott 1862 1889 Andrew Andrew BRADLEY William 1852 08 Feb 1916 Esgate BRADLEY William 1855 08 Jan 1917 Harmony Church Zwingle BRADLEY William G. 23 Dec 1908 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 39 BRADWAY Chas. 1854 19 Apr 1902 Esgate Maquoketa (father) BRADWAY Clara 1861 1922 Esgate Maquoketa BRADWAY Edwin 1844 21 Mar 1905 Esgate Maquoketa Co. B 26th Ia. inf. BRADWAY Emeline 1814 09 Jan 1911 Esgate Maquoketa BRADWAY Emily R. 1851 18 Apr 1899 Esgate Maquoketa BRADWAY George C. 1843 20 Oct 1920 Esgate Maquoketa Co F 44th Ia. inf. BRADWAY Eukakia McCarnon 1851 1888 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRADWAY Lucinda (Mrs. C.) 1828 12 May 1898 Esgate Maquoketa BRADWAY Mark D. 1813 22 Jan 1895 Esgate Maquoketa BRADY Adaline (Scholl) 1856 1934 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRADY Agnes (Mrs. Pat) 1861 09 May 1930 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen BRADY Caroline Gearhart 1848 16 Feb 1938 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRADY Ellen 21 Jun 1909 Catholic Sabula BRADY Henrietta (Mrs. Wm) 1853 1905 Hickory Grove Emeline BRADY John 1832 27 Apr 1892 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRADY Jos 1838 12 Apr 1925 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co. M 7th Ia. Cav; wife Caroline Gearhart (brother Robert) BRADY L.E. 1883 1935 Mt Hope Maquoketa buried on Scholl lot BRADY LeRoy 1929 Hickory Grove son of Luke & Edna BRADY Maggie 30 Jan 1893 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 56; sister of John BRADY Michael 27 Jan 1882 Catholic Bellevue aged 75 BRADY Robert 1828 1900 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRADY Robt. Dick 1875 12 Jun 1938 no localities given BRADY Roxana (Mrs. Robt.) 1830 1900 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRADY William 1841 08 Jan 1927 Hickory Grove Emeline Co. M 7th Ia. Cav BRADY William B. 1876 22 Apr 1897 Hickory Grove Emeline BRADY Wm Scott 1856 1934 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRAGG Lucy M. 1846 04 Mar 1868 Republic Bellevue dau. Wm. & M.M. BRAIG Anton 15 Sep 1892 Catholic Bellevue aged 46 BRAIG Catharine R. 31 Mar 1898 aged 62; no localities given BRAIG Elizabeth Rocer 1863 1922 Catholic Bellevue BRAIG Katherine R. 31 Mar 1898 aged 62; no localities given BRAIN Eliza (Mrs. J.B.) 11 Apr 1888 Miles Miles aged 56 BRAIN John Bell 1827 06 Apr 1881 Miles Miles BRAKE John C. 1838 18 Feb 1920 Miles Miles BRAKE Martha L. 1837 24 Oct 1920 Miles Miles BRAMMERLS Henry 1846 24 Sep 1914 Buckeye Miles BRAMMERLS Louie A. 1870 1931 Lutheran Sraguesville BRAMMERLS Wm. W. 1838 17 Dec 1894 Mt Hope Maquoketa husband of Melissa; Co. M 2nd Ia. Cav BRANDFAS F.A. 1863 1930 Buckeye Miles BRANDFAS Fred'k. C. 1832 22 Feb 1903 Buckeye Miles BRANDFAS Louise (Mrs. F.A.) 01 Apr 1904 Buckeye Miles BRANDFAS Pauline F. 1838 27 Feb 1922 Buckeye Miles wife of Fred'k. BRANSON Roland 02 Jun 1866 Bridgeport Maquoketa aged 77 BRANDT Agnes 1817 15 Oct 1872 Evergreen Sabula BRANDT Anthony 1844 15 Apr 1921 Presbyterian Bellevue 1844 Millerstwon, PA; Wife mary D. Fisher (Cecelia see under HEIN) BRANDT Fredericka (Mrs. John A.) 1854 06 Dec 1922 Evergreen Sabula BRANDT John A. 1850 23 Feb 1912 Evergreen Sabula BRANDT W. Evergreen Sabula no dates; no others on lot BRANSCOMB Melissa 03 Jan 1913 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 71 BRATTAUR Mrs. Ed Miles Miles no dates BRAUM Peter 1865 02 May 1890 Lutheran Bellevue BRAUN Gottfried 1837 21 Jul 1854 Catholic Tete des M. twp BRAWN Edwin Boyd 1869 11 Nov 1936 Mt Hope Maquoketa 1869 Staunton VA; wife Core M. Rice BREDALL Caroline 1864 1935 Miles Miles BREEDE Henry 1847 05 May 1909 Waterford Buckhorn BREEDE Magdalene 1846 17 Feb 1914 Waterford Buckhorn BREEDEN Adelia (Mrs. Capr. C.) 22 Mar 1896 Sutton Fulton BREEDEN Calvin 1830 31 Oct 1899 Sutton Fulton Co. B 26th Ia. inf.; wife Adelia BREEDEN Ballard B. 1819 07 Jun 1906 Sutton Fulton BREEDEN DeSota 1857 1933 Sutton Fulton BREEDEN J.M. B. Sutton Fulton no dates; no others on this lot BREEDEN Mary A. (Mrs. B.B.) 1839 09 Jul 1916 Sutton Fulton BREEDEN Mary J. (Mrs. B.B.) 1833 12 Feb 1861 Sutton Fulton 1 BREEDEN Minnie A. (Mrs. DeSota) 1863 1937 Sutton Fulton BREEDEN Richard 1789 08 Sep 1972 Sutton Fulton had wife Lucretia (1790-Feb 2, 1873, Sutton Cem.) BREEN Joseph 1877 08 Nov 1938 Catholic Maquoketa 1877 Garry Owen, IA BRES John 1863 20 Jun 1938 Catholic St Donatus BREWER Juliet 1868 28 May 1909 Presbyterian Bellevue BREWER Z.L. 1863 15 Jan 1912 Presbyterian Bellevue BREWSTER Cassius 1870 20 Feb 1935 1870 Maquoketa; son of Alonzo burial record Maquoketa Democrat, Davenport, IA 2-21-35 BRICKER Chas. F. 1853 08 Mar 1908 Mt Hope Maquoketa buried on Maudsley lot BRICKER Clark 1835 17 May 1928 Mt Hope Maquoketa Davenport Democrat 5-20-1938 BRICKER Fred Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates; on lot with Jacob BRICKER Jacob V. 1841 1938 Mt Hope Maquoketa Co. L 2nd Ia. Cav. BRIGGS Gov. Ansel 1806 1881 Andrew Andrew BRIGGS Archie B. Aug 1809 Oct 1904 Evergreen Sabula BRIGGS Benj. I. 25 Mar 1851 Andrew Andrew aged 26 BRIGGS Charles 1796 07 Mar 1876 Evergreen Sabula BRIGGS Charles 1831 30 Jun 1905 Evergreen Sabula BRIGGS Chas. 03 Oct 1866 Andrew Andrew aged 17; son of B. & L.I. Briggs BRIGGS Elizabeth 1839 24 Nov 1895 Evergreen Sabula BRIMER J.P. 12 Dec 1873 Old Potters Field aged 67 BRIMMER John H. 1812 03 May 1876 Spruce Creek Bellevue twp BRIMMER Mary S. (Mrs. P.J.) 1853 16 Sep 1909 no localities given BRIMMER Aaron Potter's Field no dates; Co. B 75th Ill. inf. BRINCKEN Eliza (Mrs. Wm.) 1838 15 Mar 1915 Evergreen Sabula BRINCKEN William 1832 22 Feb 1913 Evergreen Sabula BRINCKER Christopher 1831 29 Jun 1888 Buckeye Miles BRINCKER Anna Marie 18 Dec 1896 13 Apr 1937 Miles Army nurse BRINCKER Christian J. 1869 11 Dec 1934 Buckeye Miles BRINCKER Christina 17 Mar 1912 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 66 BRINCKER Ernest 1863 21 Oct 1930 Mt Hope Maquoketa 1863, Germany BRINCKER Fred'k. 10 may 1865 Buckeye Miles aged 32 BRINCKER John J. 19 Dec 1888 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 62 BRISTOL Agnes 1889 1931 Monmouth Monmouth BRISTOL Burt J. 1867 1908 Monmouth Monmouth BRISTOL Duane A. 1843 16 Jun 1919 Monmouth Monmouth Co. % N.Y. heavy art. Corporal BRISTOL Hattie 1938 Monmouth Monmouth BRISTOL Martha J. 1845 04 Feb 1935 Monmouth Monmouth on lot with Duane A. BRISTOL Samuel 1882 05 Feb 1932 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRITTELL Caroline Stow 20 Feb 1927 24 Feb 1880 Mt Hope Maquoketa Born Weybridge VT; lot 34-49 BRITTELL Edis C. 14 Oct 1885 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 26 lot 34-49 BRITTELL Franklin 1824 16 Nov 1903 Mt Hope Maquoketa lot 34-49; his 2d wife Mary Beggs Brittell BRITTELL Mary Beggs 1853 1937 Mt Hope Maquoketa lot 34-49 BRITTELL L. 1853 1935 Mt Hope Maquoketa lot 34-49 BROCKHAM Willis 1855 1917 Hickory Grove Emeline BROCKHAM Father 1821 1903 Hickory Grove Emeline BRODERSON Christy 1837 28 Dec 1911 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRODERSON Elise M. (Mrs. K.N.) 1844 11 Jun 1896 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRODERSON Karsten N. 1837 01 Aug 1902 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRODERSON Paul 1876 19-- Mt Hope Maquoketa buried on Harrison lot; Spanish-Amer. War Vet. BRODERSON Vina (Mrs.) 1864 1935 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRODERSON Wm. H. 1893 1927 Waterford Buckhorn BRONSON Electa J. 1838 1912 Preston Preston BRONSON Henretta (Mrs. Jos) 25 Nov 1851 Mt Hope Maquoketa BRONSON John 1846 21 Feb 1930 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BRONSON Samantha 1846 1929 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BROOKS Carl 1866 13 Mar 1920 Welton, IA. wife Carrie Banks Davenport Democrate 3-14-1930 BROOKS Esther 09 Jul 1871 Sterling Sterling aged 57 BROOKS Lydia 05 May 1873 Fairfield twp aged 84 BROOKS Wm. 19 May 1857 Sterling Sterling aged 68 BROTHERS Andrew 31 mar 1872 Catholic Bellevue aged 25 BROTHERS Plasure 17 Feb 1879 Catholic Bellevue aged 79 BROUILLETTE Catherine 1853 09 Jun 1912 St Theresa St Theresa BROUILLETTE Joseph 1834 21 Nov 1912 St Theresa St Theresa BROUILLETTE Victoria Maud 1812 10 Sep 1899 St Theresa St Theresa BROUILLARD Alice S. 1862 1934 Harmony Church Zwingle BROUILLARD Clara M. (Mrs. Eugene) 1858 1934 Harmony Church Zwingle BROUILLARD Eugene L. 1852 1928 Harmony Church Zwingle BROUILLARD George D. 1821 15 Jan 1923 Harmony Church Zwingle BROUILLARD Hy F. 1854 1933 Harmony Church Zwingle BROUILLARD Susan M. (Mrs. Geo. D.) 1831 04 Oct 1897 Harmony Church Zwingle BROWN Father" Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates; lot 45 415; on same lot nos are Benj. b.1807; Elizabeth called wife who d. 1864 aged 17; Mary T. BROWN Adam 1800 28 Feb 1877 Catholic Bellevue BROWN Albert A. 16 Oct 1896 15 Oct 1918 Lutheran Bellevue died at Camp Dodge, World War BROWN Andrew 1823 30 Apr 1852 Mt Hope Maquoketa murdered BROWN Anna Elizabeth 1828 11 Sep 1881 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN Annie 1854 14 Dec 1925 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN Araminta 29 Oct 1873 Sutton Sutton Aged 17 BROWN Benjamin 1807 25 Jul 1874 Mt Hope Maquoketa probably husband of Mary T. BROWN Betsy J. (Mrs. Andrew) 1828 26 Dec 1921 Mt Hope Maquoketa BROWN Bettie 1844 1925 Presbyterian Bellevue BROWN Caroline 1876 1904 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN Deidrick 1858 1925 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN Enda B. 1936 Mt Hope Maquoketa BROWN Eliza 13 Feb 1891 Green Iron Hill aged 80 BROWN Elizabeth (Mrs. A.H.) 16 Aug 1872 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 35 BROWN Elizabeth 1863 22 Feb 1904 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN Elizabeth L. 1857 1936 Pence East Baldwin wife of Rufus BROWN Emily 1870 Green Iron Hill dau. of Eliza Brown; aged 32 BROWN Frances (Mrs. S.F.) 1835 02 Jul 1906 Mt Hope Maquoketa BROWN Francis J. 1849 18 Apr 1902 Catholic Sabula BROWN Franklin P. 1850 1926 Hickory Grove near Emeline BROWN Geo. Wilbur 1883 1933 Mt Hope Maquoketa BROWN Grace G. 1870 1936 Pence East Baldwin BROWN Harry 06 Aug 1882 24 Apr 1937 Presbyterian Bellevue Wife Hilda Marburger (Tel-Herald 4-25-1937 pg 13, Davenport BROWN Herman 1859 25 Feb 1933 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN Hortense 1851 1921 Preston Preston BROWN Ira 1890 1918 Pence East Baldwin son of R. & E. BROWN J. E. 06 Nov 1893 Evergreen Sabula aged 75 BROWN Johanna St Thersa St Thersa no dates BROWN Johann C. 1824 26 Jan 1895 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN J.D. Sutton Sutton no dates BROWN John 30 May 1862 Catholic Sabula BROWN John 03 Oct 1865 Buckeye Miles BROWN John St. Theresa St Theresa no dates BROWN John 1884 13 Dec 1938 Mt Hope Maquoketa BROWN John F. 1870 1932 Lutheran Bellevue BROWN Joseph M. 1790 28 Mar 1861 Esgate Maquoketa BROWN Joshua 1785 02 Mar 1866 Waterford Buckhorn BROWN Loring 1811 1871 Preston Preston BROWN Leroy J. 1849 1929 Presbyterian Bellevue BROWN Marandy 05 Jun 1881 Green Iron Hill aged 30 BROWN Margaret 1797 03 Apr 1884 Catholic Bellevue BROWN Marion Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates; dau. G.D. & L.S. Simpson BROWN Mary (Mrs. J.E.) Jun 1868 Evergreen Sabula aged 42 BROWN Mary E. 1812 1887 Preston Preston BROWN Mary Jane 01 Nov 1864 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 17; dau. B. & M.T. Brown BROWN Mary T. 11 Mar 1883 Mt Hope Maquoketa wife of B. Brown BROWN May Sutton Sutton no dates BROWN Matt J. 1892 1931 Catholic Sabula BROWN Michael 1831 11 Aug 1881 Catholic Bellevue BROWN Michael St Thersa St Tjersa no dates BROWN Nora (Mrs. E.F.) 1875 Mt Hope Maquoketa stone sunken BROWN Oscar 06 Feb 1936 Mt Hope Maquoketa World war BROWN Patrick 08 Sep 1868 Catholic Sabula aged 31 BROWN Phoebe 15 Jan 1938 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 76 BROWN Robert 13 Jul 1878 Evergreen Sabula aged 34 BROWN Robert 02 Jun 1871 Evergreen Sabula aged 50 BROWN Rufus S. 1844 1891 Pence East Baldwin BROWN S.F. 1827 18 Sep 1895 Mt Hope Maquoketa BROWN William 1841 1925 Preston Preston BROWN Wm. J. 16 oct 1854 Catholic Sabula son of J.& M.; aged 20 BROWN Wm James 17 Nov 1883 27 Feb 1934 Lutheran Bellevue World War Vet BRUCE (Mrs.) Albert McMeans Andrew Andrew no dates BRUCE Woolweener Evergreen Sabula aged 71 BRUENING Anna 1865 1913 Preston Preston BRUENING Zada (Mrs. G.C.) 1858 1894 Preston Preston BRUGMANN Anna M. 1816 04 Dec 1882 Reeseville Green Island BRUGMANN Max F. 1822 08 Jun 1895 Reeseville Green Island BRUNING Hans H. 1824 1892 Salem's Lutheran west of Spragusville BRUNING John 1818 11 Feb 1894 Reesville Green Island BRUNNING Christina D.M. 1873 1929 Reesville Green Island BRUNNING Edward 1858 1931 Reesville Green Island BRUNNING Henry H. 1853 23 Jan 1903 Reesville Green Island BRUNNING Maria 1823 04 Jul 1892 Reesville Green Island BRUNS Adelheit 1828 22 Dec 1909 Lutheran Bellevue BRUNS Alta E. 1888 1938 Andrew Andrew BRUNS Anna S. 1872 21 May 1873 Lutheran Bellevue BRUNS C.H. 1853 20 Jul 1900 Andrew Andrew BRUNS Herman 1819 31 Dec 1901 Lutheran Bellevue BRUNS Margaret 1855 28 Jan 1927 Andrew Andrew BRUNS Marie E. 1885 1928 Andrew Andrew BRUNSON John 27 Oct 1892 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 71 BRUNSON Levi 1820 1892 East Iron Hills Iron Hill BRUNSON Susan 1821 1888 East Iron Hills Iron Hill BRUSE Jerry F. 1839 26 Aug 1913 Miles Miles BRUSE Marie (Mrs. Jerry) 1841 22 Aug 1910 Miles Miles BRYAN Charlie Andrew Andrew no dates BRYAN William 1837 17 Jun 1864 Reel Monmouth twp Co. I 24th Ia. inf. BRYANS Catharine E. 09 May 1857 Reel Monmouth twp wife of J.; aged 38 BRYANT Father & Mother Sterling Sterling no dates BRYANT Albert 1893 1910 Evergreen Sabula BRYANT Benj. Fairview Sterling aged 38 BRYANT Edw. Addy 1834 07 Jan 1916 Sterling Sterling BRYANT Elizabeth (Mrs. Geo) 1810 07 Jan 1889 Fairview Sterling BRYANT Elmer 1872 1938 Fairview Sterling BRYANT Frank Miles Miles Lot 6; no dates BRYANT George 03 Oct 1895 Sterling Sterling aged 28 BRYANT George 1822 12 Aug 1906 Fairview Sterling BRYANT Geo. L. 1884 1901 Evergreen Sabula BRYANT Harriett (Mrs. Henry) 31 Mar 1884 Miles Miles aged 29 BRYANT Herbert Catholic Van Buren twp no dates BRYANT Herbert B. 1853 1920 Miles Miles lot 6 BRYANT Jehu 1847 1916 Fairview Sterling BRYANT Joseph 1853 1902 Evergreen Sabula BRYANT Maria A. (Mrs. H.B.) 1860 1915 Miles Miles BRYANT Matilda 1844 1928 Fairview Sterling BRYANT Minnie (Mrs. H.B.) 1855 1887 Miles Miles BRYANT Phillis 14 Nov 1884 Fairview Sterling aged 87 BRYANT Roxalana 1859 1925 Evergreen Sabula BRYANT Wm. G. 1875 1910 Sterling Sterling BUCHANAN Charles Mt Hope Maquoketa no dates; owner of cemetery lot BUCHANAN Hannah 1790 15 Aug 1864 Andrew Andrew wife of John BUCHANAN James 1823 1893 Andrew Andrew husband of Rachel BUCHANAN James Y. 1843 30 13? 1919 Andrew Andrew 1843 Mercer co PA; Co. G 8th Ia. Cav. Wife Mary Van Meter Bellevue Leader 1-6-1921 BUCHANAN J. (Mrs.) 1847 1931 Andrew Andrew BUCHANAN John 1790 06 Feb 1861 Andrew Andrew BUCHANAN Rachel (Mrs. James) 1823 1903 Andrew Andrew BUCHNER Allen H. 1821 14 Feb 1894 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUCHNER Anna E. 1816 1921 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUCHNER Emily E. 1829 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUCHNER Geo. 1888 18 Jun 1910 Mt Hope Maquoketa son of J.A. L.G. BUCHNER Grace (Mrs. John) 13 Apr 1877 Sutton Sutton aged 81 BUCHNER James C. 1856 19 Jun 1922 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUCHNER John 18 Aug 1868 Sutton Sutton aged 79 BUCHNER Owen 1869 05 Oct 1924 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUCHNER R. Harmon 1852 1925 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUCHNER C.H. Adolph 1856 06 Dec 1937 Waterford Buckhorn BUCHNER Dorothea C. (Mrs. Hans H.C.) 1833 02 Apr 1898 Waterford BUCHNER Emma M. 1874 29 Sep 1916 Waterford wife of Adolph Buck BUCHNER Hans H.C. 1826 11 May 1904 Waterford Buckhorn BUCHNER Lillian 1877 03 Dec 1904 Lutheran Bellevue BUCKHORN Mary 1795 1881 Mt Hope Maquoketa 1795 Durham England BUCKLEY Mary C. 14 Aug 1898 St Patrick's N. Garry Owen BUCKMAN Anna E. 03 May 1880 Harmony Church Zwingle BUCKMAN Fred'k. L. 1881 21 Mar 1937 Lutheran Spraguesville BUCKMAN Sarah A. 1835 15 Sep 1814 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUDD Eunice (Mrs. John) 25 Feb 1853 Hazen Wash. twp aged 67 BUDDE Anna E. 1824 13 Mar 1895 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BUDDE Anton St Peter & Paul Springbrook no dates BUDDE Bertha 1898 1934 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BUDDE Edward F. 15 Jul 1888 St Peter & Paul Springbrook aged 24 BUDDE Frank 1841 05 Aug 1918 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BUDDE Henry 1834 26 Apr 1907 Catholic Bellevue Co. I 5 Ia. inf. BUDDE Herman 1800 22 Nov 1879 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BUDDE John C. 1888 1934 Catholic Bellevue BUDDE Josephine (Mrs. Frank 1846 28 Nov 1927 St Peter & Paul Springbrook BUDDE Julia 1845 1926 Catholic Bellevue BUDDE Margaretha St Peter & Paul Springbrook aged 72 BUDDE Marvin L. 1933 Catholic Bellevue BUDDY Elmer F. 1884 1916 Catholic Bellevue BUGHMAN Alfred L. 1873 16 Jan 1874 Harmony Church Zwingle BUGHMAN Elizabeth (Mrs. Jacob) 1826 20 Sep 1877 Harmony Church Zwingle BUGHMAN Jacob 1827 06 Mar 1874 Harmony Church Zwingle BUGHMAN Mary J. 1885 1925 St Lawrence Otter Creek BULGREN Monmouth Monmouth no dates or sex given BULGREN Wm. L. 1895 1933 Monmouth Monmouth World war vet BULL Catherine 12 Jan 1917 St Patricks N. Garrytown aged 89 BULL M. 29 Apr 1830 St Patricks N. Garrytown aged 36 (wonder if 1830 is correct) BULL Michael 31 May 1888 St Patricks N. Garrytown aged 72 BULLENDICK Geo. W. 28 Jun 1890 Lutheran Bellevue aged 24 BULLENDICK J. H. 1836 1921 Lutheran Bellevue born in Germany; wife Mary Jane Efferding BULLENDICK Mary 1843 1918 Lutheran Bellevue BULLOCK Gertrude (Mrs. Minor) 1935 East Iron Hill Iron Hill BULLOCK Minor 13 Apr 1926 East Iron Hill Iron Hill BUMER Naomio 20 Oct 1871 Preston Preston aged 64 BURCH Clora 1862 1934 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURCHEDING John 1848 1919 Presbyterian Bellevue 1st wife Elizabeth Daughetry; 2d wife Lena Wick BURCHEDING Elizabeth 1856 07 Feb 1902 Catholic Bellevue BIRDICK Charlie 08 Feb 1898 Waterford Buckhorn BIRDICK Jael Wilcox 27 Mar 1892 Waterford Buckhorn aged 44 BURGOYNE Emma J. 02 Mar 1913 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURGOYNE Mary W. 21 Mar 1899 Mt Hope Maquoketa aged 67 BURKE no sex given 1880 1933 St Patricks N. Garry Owen BURKE Bridget 19 Dec 1900 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 25 BURKE Catherine 28 Jun 1915 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 80 BURKE David 1836 1907 St Patricks N. Garry Owen BURKE James 23 Dec 1919 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 69; wife see "Mother" BURKE John 19 Feb 1861 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 35 BURKE John 1852 17 Apr 1938 Catholic Maquoketa born Ireland son of Michael & Bridget; wife Mary Welch BURKE John 1798 03 Feb 1881 St Patricks N. Garry Owen son of David Burk Pioneer, Cascade, IA 2-11-881 BURKE Joseph 1848 27 Jun 1930 St Patricks N. Garry Owen 1848 Garry Owen, IA; wife Ellen Williams BURKE Mother" (Mrs. James) 03 Aug 1895 St Patricks aged 35 BURKE Lawrence 24 Mar 1864 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 19 BURKE Letitia 1847 1911 St Patricks N. Garry Owen BURKE Louisa 08 Mar 1865 Catholic Bellevue aged 60 BURKE Mary 1845 Catholic Bellevue BURKE Mary (Mrs. Thos.) 29 Apr 1889 St Patricks aged 35 BURKE Mary (Mrs. J.) 10 Oct 1865 St Patricks BURKE Mary 16 Apr 1902 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 52 BURKE Mary A. 1841 1930 St Patricks N. Garry Owen BURKE Mother" (Mrs. James) 03 Aug 1895 St Patricks aged 35 BURKE Patrick 1823 30 May 1913 St Patricks Mexican war vet BURKETT Enoch 1827 1911 Andrew Andrew Father of Wm. K. BURKETT Mary A. (Mrs. Wm. K) 1857 1936 Andrew Andrew BURKETT Nettie M. 1886 1936 Andrew Andrew BURKETT Wm. K. 1852 1933 Andrew Andrew son of Enoch BURKEY Kisiah (Mother) 1822 01 Feb 1899 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BURKEY Jessiy 1820 01 Mar 1899 E. Iron Hill Iron Hill BURLESON Chas. H. 1831 09 Jun 1906 Waterford Buckhorn Sergt Co. F 31st Ia. Inf. BURLESON Mrs. Chas. H. 20 Dec 1918 Waterford BURLESON Delphine 1862 1920 Catholic Maquoketa BURLESON Ellen J. (Mrs. Frank V.) 1845 1924 Waterford Buckhorn BURLESON Eunice J. (Mrs. S.) 26 Apr 1879 Waterford aged 74 BURLESON Frank 1836 1924 Waterford Buckhorn BURLESON Ida M. (Mrs. C.H.) 24 Mar 1886 Waterford aged 19 BURLESON Lynn L. 1894 1918 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURLESON Mary 1857 15 Aug 1925 Waterford Buckhorn BURLESON Ruth (Seelye) (Mrs. F.D.) 1858 1901 Waterford Buckhorn BURLESON S.E. 1857 1922 Waterford Buckhorn BURLESON Wm. T. 19 May 1887 Waterford Buckhorn BURMAHL Dorethy 1839 04 Oct 1909 Lutheran Spraguesville BURMAHL Ludwig 1832 10 nov 1900 Lutheran Spraguesville BURMEISTER Christia 1840 26 Jun 1890 Preston Preston BURMEISTER Dora 19 Sep 1881 Sumner Hill School Fairfield twp aged 82 BURMEISTER John F. 1829 08 Apr 1899 Lutheran Spraguesville BURMEISTER Mary (Mrs. J.R.) 1840 28 Sep 1930 Lutheran Spraguesville wonder if should be J.F. BURNAP Ellen A. (Mrs. C.) 21 Jul 1874 Waterford Buckhorn aged 20 BURNAP Lenette E. 31 Mar 1890 Waterford Buckhorn aged 32 BURNAP Mary J. 22 May 1879 Waterford Buckhorn aged 33 BURNETT Alson W. 1857 1928 Presbyterian Bellevue BURNETT Chas J. 21 Nov 1890 21 Oct 1918 Mt Hope Maquoketa World War BURNETT Fleming T. 1828 14 Jun 1902 Andrew Andrew BURNETT Isaac 15 May 1874 Hazen Washington twp aged 52 BURNETT Patience 1828 26 Jan 1916 Andrew Andrew BURNETT Samuel C. 10 Oct 1881 Sutton Sutton aged 24; son of F.T. & P.H. BURNETT Sarah (Mrs. Isaac) 23 Oct 1908 Hazen Wash. twp. aged 80 BURNING Ana C. 1867 06 Aug 1894 Lutheran Sprqguesville BURNING Elsaba (Mrs. Hans) 1829 30 Dec 1915 Lutheran Sprqguesville BURNING Hans S. 1824 15 Aug 1892 Lutheran Sprqguesville BURNS Adah C. 1881 9125 Catholic Sabula BURNS Amy 1854 1931 no localities given; probably Preston BURNS Frank 1886 1910 no localities given; probably Preston BURNS Geo. C. 1881 1928 Preston Preston BURNS Hannah M. 1856 1925 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURNS Hattie 1852 1883 Preston Preston BURNS James 1837 1915 Preston Preston BURNS Robt. 1845 1919 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURNS Susie 1872 1923 Mt Hope Maquoketa on Kerser lot. BURRIS Alfred J. 21 Apr 1928 Catholic Maquoketa Corp. 166 inf. 42 Div. World War BURRIS Lydia 1828 1914 no localities given BURROWS Alice 18?5 1914 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURROWS John 1855 1925 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURT Arthur L. 1845 28 Jul 1896 Esgate Maquoketa Co. G 8th Ia. Cav. BURT Dora H. 1889 23 Sep 1907 no locality given; wife of S.R. BURT R.S. 1808 08 Sep 1882 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURT Rebecca E. (Mrs. R.S.) 22 Jan 1866 Mt Hope Maquoketa BURT S.R. 1883 06 Jul 1914 no localities given BURTON Ann 1831 16 Feb 1870 Canada Hollow Iowa twp BURTON C. 1905 1931 Catholic Van Buren twp BURTON H. (Mrs.) Sutton Sutton no dates BURTON Hester Oct 1863 Canada Hollow Iowa twp BURTON Mathew Mar 1869 Canada Hollow Iowa twp BUSCH Bertha E. 1884 1935 Waterford Buckhorn dau. Chris Tamm BUSCH Elizabeth 1865 25 Aug 1926 Lutheran Tete des Morts twp BUSCH Henry 17 Apr 1929 Waterford Buckhorn aged 71 BUSCH Henry 1862 15 Feb 1925 Lutheran St Dinatus wife Elizabeth BUSCH Henry 1885 25 Dec 1914 Waterford Buckhorn BUSCH Marie C. 1890 1920 Waterford Buckhorn BUSCH Theo 17 Jan 1932 Waterford Buckhorn aged 88 BUSCHMANN John 1831 19 Jan 1905 Lutheran Spragiesville BUSCHMANN John D. 1831 1905 Salem's Lutheran Spragiesville BUSCHMANN Wilhelmine (Mrs. J.D.) 1842 07 Dec 1921 Lutheran Spragiesville BUSH Anna 1857 1928 Waterford Buckhorn BUSH Anna C. 1866 1923 Evergreen Sabula BUSH Henry 1857 1923 Waterford Buckhorn BUSSARD Wm. R. 1843 03 Nov 1869 Harmony Church Zwingle son of Daniel & Margaret BUTKA Francis 1823 30 May 1902 Catholic Monmouth twp BUTKA Frank Catholic Monmouth twp died age 54 BUTKA Joseph Catholic Monmouth twp died aged 22 BUTLER Edw. R. 1876 26 Jun 1912 Presbyterian Bellevue BUTLER J. Evergreen Sabula no dates or sex BUTLER Mary Catholic Bellevue no dates BUTLER Nancy 1812 01 Mar 1877 Andrew Andrew BUTLER Peter 1850 01 Feb 1903 Catholic Bellevue BUTT Harry Lee 23 Oct 1900 07 Apr 1929 Monmouth Monmouth BUTT Katherine (Mrs. Morgan) 1850 07 Mar 1907 Monmouth Monmouth BUTT Morgan G. 1842 08 May 1909 Monmouth Monmouth BUTT Squire G. 1880 1924 Monmouth Monmouth BUTTER Robert 25 May 1849 Evergreen Sabula aged 27 BUTTERS Commodor P. 1842 13 Nov 1862 Goddard Maquoketa son of J.S. & E; also a stone in Andrew Cem. BUTTERS Eunice H. (Mrs. J.S.) 02 Feb 1892 Goddard M. aged 77 BUTTERS Euria A. 08 Mar 1884 Goddard Maquoketa aged 20 BUTTERS Florence 17 Nov 1897 05 Feb 1919 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUTTERS John S. 1814 18 May 1879 Goddard Maquoketa BUTTERS Philetus S. 1844 14 Jul 1864 Goddard Maquoketa killed in battle of Tupelo; Co. L 12th Ia. inf.; son of J.S. & E.; brother of Commodore P. BUTTERS Susan S. 1867 08 Mar 1931 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUTTERWORTH Addie L. Reid 1870 1929 Mt Hope Maquoketa BUTTERWORTH Bridget F. (Mrs. Wales C.) 1836 22 Dec 1907 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH Grace B. 1879 1931 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH Margaret S. (Mrs. N.B.) 1834 1928 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH N. Elliott 1856 1920 Mt Hope Maquoketa son of Nathaniel BUTTERWORTH Nancy E. 26 Oct 1880 29 May 1913 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH Nathaniel 1800 15 Oct 1881 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH Nathaniel B. 1830 1915 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH O.P. 13 Feb 1882 aged 43; res. Maquoketa Excelsior, Maquoketa Feb. 18, 1882 BUTTERWORTH Sarah (Mrs. N. 24 Aug 1876 Andrew Andrew Aged 75 BUTTERWORTH Wales 1918 1930 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH Wales C. 1834 16 Mar 1914 Andrew Andrew BUTTERWORTH Wilmot 1876 03 Oct 1912 Andrew Andrew BUTTOLPH John D. 29 Jul 1875 Waterford Buckhorn BUTTOLPH N.D. 04 May 1881 Waterford Buckhorn aged 83 BUTZLOFF Marie 1832 13 Oct 1900 Fairfield twp BUZZARD Ira A. 1865 05 Feb 1873 Harmony Church Zwingle BUZZARD Sarah Ann 08 Feb 1876 Harmony Church Zwingle aged 36 BUXLER Conrad 1845 20 Jul 1895 Mt Hope Maquoketa BYRNE Ellen (Mrs. Hugh) 28 Aug 1864 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 46 BYRNE Hugh 05 Dec 1873 St Patricks N. Garry Owen aged 55 BYRNE Joe 1867 09 Jul 1936 St Patricks N. Garry Owen wife Eluzabeth Welsh BYRNE Nicholas Joseph 1868 1936St Patricks N. Garry Owen BYRNE Thomas 1813 28 Sep 1887 St Patricks N. Garry Owen BYRNE William 18 Aug 1929 St Lawrence Otter Creek BYTHER Catharine (Mrs. E.) 07 Dec 1871 Sterling Sterling aged 96