HISTORY: Inwood Herald Newspaper, Lyon Co., IA This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Roseanna Zehner August 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ______________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Lyon County, Iowa Please visit the Lyon County, IAGenWeb page at http://iagenweb.org/lyon/ ______________________________________________________ Our Grain Merchants All our grain houses opened their doors Monday and are preparing for the heavy inpour of grain which will soon be upon the market. Inwood has always had a splendid grain market, having four houses, and sends out more grain than any other point along the line, taking the size of the place into consideration. In order to understand this, one has only to take a drive through the surrounding country and look over the thrifty farms laden with the different cereals and they will readily see why so much grain is shipped from Inwood. Following are the names of the buyers who will have charge of houses this season, all of whom are men well qualified for the positions and we trust that they will deal honorably with the people. B.B. Anderson can be found at the old stand--W.B. Waite's, A.B. Coutts, for Bender Bros; Bart Foster, for the Hunting Elevator Co., while J.E. Carlon, of Lawler, Iowa takes the place of F.E. DeCelle for McMichael & Son. As has been stated before Mr. DeCelle has been appointed to the charge of a number of McMicheal & Son's houses along the line, but intended, with the assistance of a second man, to buy on the market here. More houses have recently been added to his list which now numbers twenty four, and the supertendency of these will keep him much of the time away from home. August 20, 1891 Inwood Herald Transcribed by Roseanna Zehner