OBITUARY: E. James Ham, Mitchell County, Iowa E. James Ham [1873-1925] SUPERVISOR HAM DIED AS RESULT OF RIFLE BULLET ACCIDENT OCCURED SUNDAY WHILE HE AND SONS WERE ON WAY TO FARM PASSES AWAY TUESDAY NIGHT WAS NATIVE OF ENGLAND CAME TO OSAGE FROM THAT COUNTRY WHEN EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD FUNERAL SERVICES AT HOME TOMORROW AFTER NOON- WIDOW AND FOUR SONS SURVIVE. Supervisor E. James Ham of this city was the victim of a fatal accident last Sunday afternoon, resulting in his death on Tuesday evening. He and his three sons, Birchard, Mason and Wesley, decided to drive out to his farm near Brownville after dinner and were on their way when the accident occurred. They drove north of the M. J. Loftus corner, just west of New Haven, and were perhaps three of four miles north of that place when the car struck a bump. The rifle, a 22 caliber with a special bullet therein, was across Mr. Ham's lap, though on safety, and the trigger must have caught on something as the gun was discharged, the bullet entering his abdomen just a little to the left, penetrating his bowels four times, traveling in an upward direction and coming out the right side. His son Mason was driving the car and they drove back home as soon as possible. Dr. Glenn Sheldon of Kansas City, who had been called here for other operations, was secured as soon as possible and operated on Mr. Ham. He got through Sunday night in apparently excellent shape, but the following night took a decided turn for the worse and during the day Tuesday, it was apparent he was making a losing fight for life, death coming between 11 and 12 o'clock that night. Ernest James Ham was born Feb. 16, 1873, at Chedder, Somersetshire, England, and received his education in that country. When 18 years of age he came direct from that place to Osage, borrowing the money with which to make the journey. He was an example of what thrift and industry will accomplish for a "four square" young man, as he accumulated considerable property in this county. He was serving his first term as a member of the board of supervisors and had gained a reputation for square dealing in that office. He worked on a farm until his marriage to Miss Mary Slawson on Jan. 19, 1897. They then purchasing a farm. Five years ago he retired from active farm duties and purchased a home in this city. He is survived by his devoted wife and four sons--Roland of San Diego, Calif., and the three named above. One young son, Wayne passed away about four years ago. Two brothers and two sisters survive him in his native land across the sea. The passing of a good citizen such as Mr. Ham is indeed regrettable and many friends will sympathize with his family in their irreparable loss. Funeral service will be conducted at the home at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon by Rev. Walker, after which the mortal remains will be laid to rest in Osage cemetery, the Odd Fellows, of which order he was a member, having charge at the grave. He was also a member of the Modern Woodmen. His son Roland was notified of the accident soon after it occurred and started for Osage as soon as possible and will no doubt be here for the last sad rites. (April 23, 1925 Mitchell Co. Press.) Copyright (c) 2001 by Marilyn Oconnor (Note: I am not necessarily related to the subject of the obituary.) This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. **************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material,must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ****************************************************************************