OBITUARY: Oscar Potter, 1861-1931, Mitchell Co., Iowa Oscar Potter Oscar Potter was born at Edenborough, Erie County, Pennsylvania, on July 18, 1861, and died at Osage, Iowa, on Tuesday, January 27, 1931. At the age of 7 months his parents came to Mitchell County. He grew to manhood on a farm, four and a half miles east of Stacyville. When only a young man his father died, leaving the mother with several small children, the youngest (now Mrs. Bertha Shipman of McIntire) being only a few months of age. After the death of his father, he remained at home with his mother, on the farm, and helped her care for the smaller children. On May 24, 1888, he was united in marriage to Myrtie McKenna. To them was born one son, Ray, now livng on their farm near David. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Potter remained on the old homestead for fourteen and a half years. They then purchashed a farm near David, where they resided until moving to Osage in 1915. Shortly after coming to Osage he and his wife united with the Methodist Episcopal church of this city. As long as his health permitted, he was a faithful attendant at the church services. A little over a year ago, Mr. Potter was stricken with a fatal illness, notwithstanding he was up and about most of the time until within two weeks of his death. Of a family of ten children only two are left to mourn his passing: Eugene Potter of St. Paul, and Mrs. Bertha Shipman of McIntire. Both of these, with the wife and son, were at his bedside during the last two weeks of his illness, and did all that loving hands could do for his care and comfort. Mr. Potter was a good husband, a kind father, and a faithful friend. He leaves to mourn his passing - his wife, one son and a daughter-in-law, three grandchildren, a brother and sister, many nephews and nieces, and a host of friends. Copyright 2004 - Merri Cross Note: I am not a relative. I found this in a scrapbook, dated 1931.