OBITUARY: Mrs. Christi Ingebretsen, c1802-1902, Mitchell County, Iowa KILLED BY THE CARS. Old Mrs. C. Ingebretsen Run Over by Central Train A Backing Gravel Train Struck the Old Lady Just as She Reached the Track at the Foot of Seventh Street Last Wednesday was the fatal day for old Mrs. Christi Ingebretson who met her death by being run over by an Illinois Central gravel train at the foot of Seventh Street. The train was backing at the time and as it neared the crossing the trainmen noticed the old lady walk onto the track. They shouted in a loud voice but she did not seem to hear them, and an instant later she was being dragged to her death. She was struck at a point just east of the center of the road and dragged up the track and dropped inside the side-walk a distance of four or five rods from where she went unto the track. The body was terribly mangled and death must have been instantaneous. It has been Mrs. Ingebretson's custom to appear before the board of supervisors at their regular sessions to receive her allowance as a dependent and it was no doubt for this purpose that she started uptown yesterday morning. She has a son, Simon, in the insane hospital at Independence and a daughter supposed to be living in one of the western states. Another son returned to Norway several years ago, but has not been heard of for many years, and it is not known that he lives. The old lady was reported to be about one hundred years old. She lived alone in a little house next to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Simon Ingebretson south of town. The body was taken to O. E. Gallup's undertaking rooms where the inquest will be held to-day in order to allow the train crew to be present. It is altogether likely that no blame will be attached to the railroad co., as the trainmen did all they could to avoid the accident, but as the old lady was quite deaf she failed to hear the warning and met her death as above related. (Sept. 3, 1902) Copyright 2005 - Marilyn Oconnor