OBITUARY: Emma Helen Lee, 1840-1899, Mitchell County, Iowa [ Osage News May 4, 1899 ] Mrs. Emma Helen Lee Mrs. Emma Helen Lee died at her home in Orchard on Monday morning, April 24, 1899. She was born in Richland, New York, Feb. 16, 1840. When a girl she removed with her parents to Kindsman, Ohio, and subsequently to Jefferson, of the same state, where on Oct. 3, 1858 she was united in marriage to Mr. J. C. Lee of that place. Ten years later found her a joyful mother of five children traveling in a covered wagon with her husband to their western home. They located at Spring Grove, Osage, thence Dec. 1874, they removed to Orchard. For years the deceased was in ill health. This was due in part to the fact that several years ago she was thrown on the floor of a passenger car at Orchard sustaining injuries from which she never fully recovered. But she was always remarkably patient in suffering. Several months ago it became evident to relatives and friends that her stay on earth was very limited. Notwithstanding, the best of medical skill was obtained. She was nursed with the tenderest of care by loving hearts and devoted hands. Every nourishment possible was supplied. But with all at 1:30 a.m. April 24, she was absent from the body to be present with the lord. In her youth she accepted Christ as her Savior and united with the M. E. Church in Ohio. When the Congregational Church of Orchard was organized in 1877, she with others joined that church, and remained a member of the same until "she departed to be with Christ which is far better". She was a faithful wife and devoted mother. Her funeral took place on Wednesday April 26th and was attended by a large crowd of sympathizing friends. There was a brief service at the home at 1 p.m. then a service at the church. Rev. F. A. Slyfield, her pastor, preached from Numbers 20:1. "And Miriam died there", Mrs. Slyfield sang. "He Giveth His beloved sleep." The choir rendered "Asleep in Jesus, Blessed Sleep". The church which was kindly and beautifully decorated with flowers,was full of friends who came to pay their tribute of respect to one for whom they had great regard. At the close of the service the remains were conveyed to and interred in the Osage cemetery. The deceased leaves a husband, three sons and three daughters to mourn her loss. Submitted to IaGenWeb by M. O'Connor 1/8/2006