Palo Alto, IA 1860 Federal Census - Index This Census was transcribed by Cathy Labath and proofread by Vickie Kesler for the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright 1999 by Cathy Labath ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Census_Year 1860 Microfilm # 653-336 State IA County Palo Alto ************************************************************************ PAGE# LINE# LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME AGE BIRTH_PL FILE_NAME 25 34 Brothly Thomas 58 Ireland pg00023.txt 26 22 Campbell Mary E 1 Iowa pg00023.txt 26 20 Campbell Mary J 24 Ohio pg00023.txt 26 21 Campbell Nancy C 3 Iowa pg00023.txt 26 19 Campbell Thomas 27 Penn pg00023.txt 26 26 Carter Allen B 20 Ohio pg00023.txt 26 29 Carter Elizabeth J 21 Illinois pg00023.txt 26 25 Carter Nancy 59 Virginia pg00023.txt 26 28 Carter Richard F 35 Ohio pg00023.txt 26 30 Carter Sarah E 3 Iowa pg00023.txt 26 24 Carter William 61 Ohio pg00023.txt 26 31 Carter William L 2 Iowa pg00023.txt 24 33 Coonan Catherine 35 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 35 Coonan Daniel 9 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 36 Coonan John M 4 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 32 Coonan Martin 40 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 34 Coonan Martin J 10 Mass pg00023.txt 24 37 Coonan Thomas 2 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 5 Crowly Catherine 9 Virginia pg00023.txt 24 7 Crowly Ellen 5 Missouri pg00023.txt 24 3 Crowly Jeemiah 15 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 1 Crowly Jeremiah 44 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 6 Crowly John 7 Virginia pg00023.txt 24 2 Crowly Julia L 44 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 4 Crowly Michael 13 St Johns, N Brpg00023.txt 25 32 Dawson Johanna 3 Illinois pg00023.txt 25 33 Dawson Margaret 8/12 Iowa pg00023.txt 25 30 Dawson Mary 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 31 Dawson May 5 Wisconsin pg00023.txt 25 29 Dawson Thomas 35 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 6 Graham Michael 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 5 Hickey James 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 9 Hickey John W 2/12 Iowa pg00023.txt 25 6 Hickey Margaret 22 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 7 Hickey Margaret 3 Iowa pg00023.txt 25 8 Hickey Michael 2 Iowa pg00023.txt 25 10 Hickey Michael 72 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 33 Jackman Catherine 2 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 32 Jackman Margaret 26 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 31 Jackman Michael 26 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 3 Laughlin Joanna 45 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 21 Laughlin John 12 Mass pg00023.txt 23 19 Laughlin Lot 23 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 17 Laughlin Martin 47 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 18 Laughlin Mary 55 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 20 Laughlin Paterick 15 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 2 Laughlin Thomas 35 Ireland pg00023.txt 27 4 Linn Elizabeth 17 Ohio pg00023.txt 27 3 Linn James 30 Penn pg00023.txt 27 5 Linn Nancy J 2 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 35 Lowery Bridget 25 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 37 Lowery Catherine 55 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 36 Lowery Marcella 1 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 34 Lowery Thomas 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 20 Lynch Paterick 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 9 Mahan Ann 8 Mass pg00023.txt 23 7 Mahan Edward 34 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 12 Mahan Ellen 4 Illinois pg00023.txt 23 13 Mahan James 3 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 4 Mahan James B 2 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 5 Mahan John 9/12 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 11 Mahan John 6 Illinois pg00023.txt 23 8 Mahan Margaret 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 14 Mahan Mary 1 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 2 Mahan Mary A 29 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 1 Mahan Miles 39 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 10 Mahan Miles 7 Illinois pg00023.txt 23 3 Mahan Miles B 5 Illinois pg00023.txt 26 13 McClelland Asenett 7 Indiana pg00023.txt 26 11 McClelland Delia A 30 Ohio pg00023.txt 26 15 McClelland Isaac 1 Iowa pg00023.txt 26 14 McClelland Nancy J 5 Indiana pg00023.txt 26 10 McClelland Samuel 37 Ohio pg00023.txt 26 12 McClelland William 10 Indiana pg00023.txt 26 5 McCormick Isabella 50 Ireland pg00023.txt 26 7 McCormick Isabella 14 Ireland pg00023.txt 26 2 McCormick John 33 Ireland pg00023.txt 26 4 McCormick John 70 Ireland pg00023.txt 26 6 McCormick Joseph 17 Ireland pg00023.txt 26 1 McCormick Thomas 37 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 35 Mulroney Alice 59 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 21 Mulroney John M 28 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 36 Mulroney Joseph 22 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 25 Mulroney Margaret 13 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 22 Mulroney Sarah J 17 Ohio pg00023.txt 25 23 Mulroney William 7/12 Iowa pg00023.txt 25 24 Mulroney William K 18 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 21 Murphy Catherine 2 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 18 Murphy Daniel 31 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 19 Murphy Elizabeth 26 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 20 Murphy Lawerence 5 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 23 Murphy Paterick 7/12 Iowa pg00023.txt 24 22 Murphy Rosanna 2 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 27 Naire Ellen 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 26 Naire John 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 28 Naire John 6 Michigan pg00023.txt 24 29 Naire Mary Ann 4 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 30 Naire Paterick 8/12 Iowa pg00023.txt 24 9 Nolan Annastatia 35 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 27 Nolan Bridget 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 14 Nolan Bridget 1 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 28 Nolan Charles 4 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 8 Nolan James 35 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 12 Nolan James 6 Illinois pg00023.txt 23 24 Nolan Joanna 25 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 26 Nolan John 30 Ireland pg00023.txt 24 11 Nolan John 8 Illinois pg00023.txt 24 10 Nolan Mina 9 Illinois pg00023.txt 23 23 Nolan Paterick 25 Ireland pg00023.txt 23 25 Nolan Paterick 1 Iowa pg00023.txt 23 29 Nolan Paterick 2 Iowa pg00023.txt 24 13 Nolan Paterick 3 Iowa pg00023.txt 24 38 Pendergast John 50 Ireland pg00023.txt 26 34 Powers Cristina 22 Ohio pg00023.txt 26 36 Powers Mary J 7/12 Iowa pg00023.txt 26 35 Powers Sarah E 3 Iowa pg00023.txt 26 33 Powers William 25 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 15 Reed Madison 19 Indiana pg00023.txt 25 13 Reed Margaret 43 Ohio pg00023.txt 25 17 Reed Mary 4 Iowa pg00023.txt 25 14 Reed Thomas 24 Ohio pg00023.txt 25 12 Reed Washington 48 Ohio pg00023.txt 25 16 Reed William 11 Indiana pg00023.txt 26 40 Schleichhardt Charles 13 Prussia pg00023.txt 26 37 Schleichhardt Christian 66 Prussia pg00023.txt 26 39 Schleichhardt Christian 24 Prussia pg00023.txt 26 38 Schleichhardt Sophia 52 Prussia pg00023.txt 26 16 Shigly Elvica L 4 Iowa pg00023.txt 25 28 Toben Ellen 18 Ireland pg00023.txt 25 27 Toben Thomas 48 New York pg00023.txt 26 27 Wallace Sarah 11 Indiana pg00023.txt 25 18 Weightman Ward B 36 New York pg00023.txt