BIOGRAPHY: McNabb, H. W. From the A.T. Andreas Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa, 1875 ************************************************* Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************* Honorable H. W. McNABB. -- The subject of this sketch is one of the self-made men of the times. Starting for himself early, with the intent of making his an active business life, has held true to his course and succeeded; not by any stroke of good fortune, but by steady, practical, personal effort, honest dealing and fair and honorable deportment, economy and industry. Although starting for himself with little, by strict business integrity and as strict punctuality in all cases involving promise, appointment or obligation, has built up a high standard of credit, and lives to the possession of a competency well earned, which will be well used and the possessor can retire to private life with the assurance that his life has been judiciously led. Mr. McNabb is of Scottish ancestry, but was born in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1829. His early life was spent on a farm, but at the age of fourteen was indentured as an apprentice in the tailoring trade, and served five years. At the termination of his apprenticeship he went to Trumball County, Ohio, and opened a farm which he conducted for a few years, t hen embarked in the jewelry business for a time, but in 1957 came to Iowa, and settled at Charles City, in the general dry goods trade, and continued there until 1855. During this time he had been dealing, more or less in real estate, but gave his particular attention to his store. In 1866, however, he came to the conclusion that Osage was the better place to live, disposed of his interests at Charles City, came to Osage and settled, where he has ever been a most respected and enterprising citizen. Mr. McNabb has been a Republican since the organization of that party, yet has not aspired to political distinction, but has held various minor civil offices, and is the present Mayor of Osage. He was married March 12, 1851, to Miss Wealthy A. Wright, of Vernon, Trumball County, Ohio. He is quite largely interested in real estate in both Mitchell and Floyd in addition to his large mercantile establishment in Osage.