Statewide County IA Archives Military Records.....Iowa Cavalry Men Living In Iowa - Part 2 1886 Other War ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher April 26, 2005, 12:31 am Iowa Cavalry Men Living In Iowa - Part 2 Name Rank Co. Present Postoffice Address Third Cavalry Able R P Sergeant L Humeston Ackley, Thomas Private C Keokuk Acton, Wm Private M Pleasanton Addington, Amos Private B Pilot Grove Aldrich, W H Private K Knoxville Alexander, Albert Sergeant G Troy Alexander, J S Corporal B Promise City Allen E L Private L Westerville Alverson, Joseph Private F Batavia Anderson Jonathan Private H Wilsonville Anderson, Israel Captain C Keokuk Anshyn, Louis Bugler C Keokuk Armitage, P P Private C Keokuk Armstrong, Chas S Private G Osceola Arnett Wm L Private M Ingart Asbury, W H H Sergeant E Ottumwa Atteberry John E Private E Savannah Augur, C D Private F Maynard Backus A J Private D Boone Baker, J J Private A Indianola Baker, M L Captain A Keosauqua Baker Solomon Private G Keosauqua Balbach Andrew Private H Keokuk Barnes Hiram First Lieutenant H Birmingham Barrow Henry Private F Fairfield Barber O A Private L Albia Barker, James H Private G Lebanon Bathe, G R Sergeant M Tuskeego Battin Milton Corporal E Bloomfield Battin, N Second Lieutenant E Bloomfield Beacroft, F E Wagon Master A Ft Madison Bell Daniel S Private D Troy Belvel, E R Corporal M Lineville Belvel, B M Corporal M Lineville Benge, Samuel Private I Kirkwood Benge, Alfred Private D Floris Benton, R G Private M Davis City Berger Fritz Private I Blue Grass Berry, W G Private K Eddyville Berryhill, Lewis A Sergeant C Keokuk Bingamon, Wm H Private G Lebanon Birch Wm Sergeant H Birmingham Bishop, S M Private B Charleston Blades S E Private M Mapleton Blades W J Corporal M Leon Blakesley, Abraham Corporal M Living Springs Boldt John Private E Irwin Bonar, Wm Private L Osceola Bowen, W W Private G Leon Bowman, J W Private M Leon Bowman Geo S Private M Leon Bracher, Jacob Private I Davenport Bradfield, George Private F Brookville Bradfield Wesley Private F Ioka Bradberry, Daniel Lieutenant A Fairfield Breeding, Alexander Sergeant A Bloomfield Britenstein, Wm Private B Farmington Brooks, W 0 Private A Cantril Brooks, E C Private G Elliott Brooks, Erastus M Private G Wiota Brooks, John Private G Wiota Broshar, Edward Sergeant M Walnut City Brown, Israel L Corporal C Keokuk Brown, J L Sergeant G Fairfield Brown, J D Captain L Crown Brown, W A Sergeant L Leon Brown, W E Private E Drakeville Brown, J M First Lieutenant A Bloomfield Brown, Erastus Private M Iconium Bryan, George A Musician I Centerville Buckles, Z D Private D Lebanon Buckmaster, E A Sergeant I Unionville Burns, M J Private G Ottumwa Burns, John W Color Sergeant G Bonaparte Burkhalter, D A Private K Walnut Bush, F M Musician D Chillicothe Button, Abraham Private I Dennis Button, Henry Private I Dennis Calhoun, Newton L Sergeant H Winchester Calvert, I G Private I College Springs Cannady, Hugh Private F Creston Carpenter, John Private E Floris Carter William A Private F Birmingham Carter, O B Private K Murray Cauffman, H A Private H Webster City Cavin, Wm Sergeant M Mt Ayr Cayler William R Private I Dayton Cecil, A J Sergeant D Lee Chase, J H Private L Garden Grove Cherrie, N Captain K Knoxville Christy, Hugh Private D Floris Clark, Marshall Private E Troy Clark, G P Sergeant D Humeston Clark, S A Private F Ottumwa Clapp, W D Private F Fairfield Clyman, A G Sergeant D Drakeville Cochrell Alpheus Private G Keosauqua Coleman James Private F Libertvville Collins, Fuel Private L De Kalb Collins Frank Private K Des Moines Conner, John Private E Troy Connett, Andrew Private A Peiro Cook, William E Private I Davenport Cowles, Henry Private M Pleasanton Cox, Wm Private F West Union Cox, Lisbon A Corporal C Keokuk Cox, James W Corporal C Keokuk Crail, B F Captain F Fairfield Craine, J H Sergeant F Jewell Crumrine, E G Private E Redfield Cruse, Wm Private K Given Cubberly, Jesse Private G Keosauqua Cummings, J E Private F Ottumwa Curry, E W Private L Leon Daley, Charles D Private F Keokuk Davis, J W Private D Council Bluffs Davis, Chillian H Private F Batavia Deford, Wm Private D Pacific Junction DeHuff, J Q A Captain B Keokuk Detrick, A J Private L Leon Deupree, Joseph W T Private E Bloomfield Dixon, Theodore Private F Woolson Dodds, William Private F Cherokee Dodd, William Quartermaster Sergeant A Bloomfield Donelson, J L Private I Magnolia Duffy, David Private D Fredric Duffield, George C Private G Pittsburg Duffield, George Lt Colonel Bloomfield Dunlavey, James Private D Stiles Dunlap, Robert E Private G Keosauqua Durfey, William E Private C Farragut Dyke, Nathaniel Private I Walnut City Dysart,H M Sergeant D Milton Earheart, George Corporal D Ackley Eddy, Samuel Private I Exline Edwards, A Private B Glenwood Edwards, William Private E Dow City Ellis Edward Private C Milton Elliott, John Private A Centerville Emery, C Private L Clearfield Epley, George W Private E Batavia Evans, D J Sergeant F Mount Sterling Faler, Samuel Private H Afton Famuelener, Jonathan Private H Libertyville Farnsworth, G H Private M Warsaw Ferrall, Isaac L Private A Fort Madison Fisher, Henry Private F Garden Grove Fletcher J M Private D Ash Grove Flowers, C L Private F Grand River Forman, Charles H Private C Keokuk Forman, W H Private C Keokuk Foresyth, Allen Private K Lynnville Foster, L Private L Monticello Fouts, Alex Private E Drakeville Freshwater, Campbell Private H Leando Freshwater, Archie Private H Fairfield Fry, George R Private F County Line Fuller, E E Hospital Steward Keokuk Gaines Richard Lieutenant F Fairfield Gale, James Private M Kellerton Gamble, Harvey Private C Cantril Gantz, Andrew Private F Brookville Gantz, John T Private F Fairfield Gardner, R E Private K Knoxville Garber, D W Private F Libertyville Gillett, I C Private H Sigourney Gilpin, T C Major Winterset Gnash Thomas Private G Pulaski Goesbeck, David Private H Lacelle Goodale C C Private C Winterset Goodwin, T H Captain C Davenport Goughnour, David Private F Altoona Graes, Henry Private I Keosauqua Gray, Wm A Sergeant L Albia Gray J H Sergeant D Grand River Graham, W W Private E Ottumwa Greenfield, Levi Corporal F Doud's Station Griffith, E B Private E Fairfield Grinstead, John Sergeant A Bloomfield Gudgell, J D Private F Fairfield Gudgell, B F Corporal F Fairfield Gudgell, R J Sergeant F Fairfield Gunter, Marion Private M Seymour Gunter, J F Private AT Leon Guthrie, Geo W Private D Troy Habbernicht, C F Private E Winterset Hall, M J Private H Milo Hall, Charles D Bugler L Garden Grove Hall, I N Sergeant L Mediapolis Hamilton, Francis Private M Pleasanton Hamilton, J D Private B Bloomfield Hamilton, James S Private I Centerville Hamilton, Jesse Private C New Boston Hanan, S T Private B Pilot Grove Haney, S J Private H Hall Haney, James Private H Doud's Station Hanlin, George H Private A Grinnell Hanlin, James Captain B Grinnell Hannah, D L Private D Ash Grove Hardia A J Private C Keokuk Harvey, O D Bugler C Keokuk Harris, Isaiah Sergeant D Milton Harlan, J B Private D Selma Harman, Granville Private G Mt Sterling Harmon, W H Private F Libertyville Hart S L Private K Pleasantville Hart Isaac Private D Floris Harbour, R J Sergeant E Belknap Hardwick, John Private C Montrose Hartrick, Conrad Corporal B Keokuk Hassell, John Private M Corydon Hayden, John W Hospital Steward Libertyville Hazlewood G, Jr Bugler A Bloomfield Headley, B I Private D Moulton Helm, Wm Bugler I Numa Henry, Volney Private G Vernon Herbert, L Private L Des Moines Herbert, J B Private L Allerton Hesse, Fred Private F Bloomfield Hesse, Louis Private C Keokuk Hewitt, J S Private H Lacona Hicks, Alfred Private F Slagle Hill, A H Private A Bloomfield Hill, George Private I Corydon Hissong, W O Sergeant E Richland Hitchcock, John Private L High Point Hockman, H P Private C Cincinnati Hodson, D Private K Dallas Hoffman, Isaac Bugler F Fairfield Holland, E V Sergeant B Pilot Grove Hollingshead, George Private G Knoxville Hollowell, A E Private B Keokuk Holt, George W Private K Avery Honnald, J W Corporal L Leon Hope, W H Private H Birmingham Houser, John P Private M Plano Houseman, D G Private L Woodland Howie, John Private A Bloomfield Hugus, S W Private H Ottumwa Hughes, Jesse Captain H Birmingham Hull, A P Private I Iconium Humphreys, J H Private D Quarry Hurlburt, E C Private H Keokuk Imus, Seth Private M Redding James, Joseph Private I Wirt James, Wm Private E Fairfield Jennings, George C Private L Woodland Jewett, Orin Private G Le Roy Johnston, Robert Private L Walkerville Johnston, David Private H Mt Zion Johnson Richard H Bugler L Cromwell Johnson, W A Private L Westerville Johnson, Perry Private C Keokuk Jones, Isaac Private G Keosauqua Jones, Solomon V Private E Floris Jordan, J P Private L Garden Grove Judd, Oscar Private L Weldon Keller, B Private M Goshen Kelley, W A Sergeant K Knoxville Kent, Erastus Private G Coatsville, Mo Ketchum, B D Private I Centerville Kimes, J B Private F Carlisle Kinney, J B Private A Plano King, Cornelius Quartermaster Sergeant Garden Grove King, Henry Private E Kellerton King, Silas Private K Knoxville Kirk, J F Private M Harvard Kirkhart, John L Private H Milton Kirkhart, S D Corporal H Lacona Knapp, Frank B Musician L Ireton Knight, Samuel G Private L Randolph Lambert, A S Corporal L Guthrie Center Lane, John M Sergeant A Bloomfield Laughlin, Stewart Private F Libertyville Laughlin, J R Private F Libertyville Lawson, Joseph Corporal M Batavia Leazer, Robert Private B Corydon Leech, Erie J Lieutenant C Keokuk Leech, John C Private D Troy Leisure, W S Private E Grinnell Lent, James Private L Hopeville Lieke, L Private K Maryville Lister, Emmett Private A Stiles Logan, W T Private K Churdan Long, George Private G Keosauqua Loughery, J C Sergeant F Fairfield Louhery, John S Private F Packwood Love, A H Private G Keosauqua Lowe, John E Private G Pittsburg Lowry, Wm Private C Keokuk Lynch, James Lieutenant C Keokuk Lyon, N S Private K Sac City Mackie, W O Private C Keokuk Maddix, John Sergeant H Birmingham Maddix, Joseph Private H Libertyville Mapes, Abraham Sergeant D Monroe Martin, W H Private C Keokuk Mason, J B Hospital Steward Davenport Mathews, P M Private B Warren Maneely, James Sergeant F Fairfield Maxwell, T J Surgeon Keokuk Mayer, J F Sergeant F Hillsboro McChord, C C Lieutenant B Houghton McChrystal, Daniel Lieutenant L Winfield McCulley, J D Private B Grand View McCormick, J W Private F Libertyville McCauley, Joseph Corporal E Sheridan McCrary, John C Major Keosauqua McCrary, Miner Private G Vernon McCoy, Anderson Private B Bonaparte McFerson, Orlow H Private B Belfast McNulty, W H Private I Seymour Mikesell, J R Private F Fairfield Millard, Aaron Private K Avery Millar, Nathan Private C Mt Sterling Miller, Jackson J Private G Leando Miller, Peter Private I Centerville Miner, John Farrier F Fairfield Miner, James Private K Pleasantville Minor, J A Private F Bedford Mitchell, M W Corporal H Ft Madison Moneymaker, Wm J Private C Montrose Monroe, Wm H Private F Keosauqua Montgomery Alex Private K Van Meter Moon, J W Private A Indianola Moore, R P Private F Clearfield Moore, R E Private I Shellsburg Moore Nathan J Sergeant H Birmingham Moore, Edward Private A Bloomfield Morrison, W P Private M Corydon Morrison, J A Private F Fairfield Moss, Martin Private H Clarinda Murphy, Wm Private M Iconium Murray, John Private L Derby Myers, Louis Private H Keokuk Myrick, S G Commissary Sergeant D Chillicothe Neff, R H Private F Eldon Neidigh, William H Sergeant E Eugene Nelson, J M Private A Drakeville Newton, J J Corporal L Wirt Niblack, William C First Lieutenant D Coatsville, Mo Nicholson, John A Private I Bloomfield Northup, A C Private L Garden Grove Noskil, Gustave Private B Farmington Nowels, John Private I Iconium O'Connor, Moses Private I Albia Offill, John Private A Prairie City Ornduff, Samuel Private F Batavia Orr, W L Assistant Surgeon Ottumwa Owens, L H Private H Birmingham Pace, William P Private L Crown Pack,D J Private K Hamilton Packard, M A Quartermaster Sergeant K Alta Pagett, W H H Private A Corning Parr, Williams Sergeant F Burlington Parrett, Joseph Private F Batavia Parris, M N Private I Drakeville Parker, W N Private B Keokuk Patrick, William Private I Unionville Patterson, Robert A Private A Ottumwa Patterson, Frank A Corporal E Drakeville Patterson, W E Private C Ainsworth Pearson, Silas Corporal K Libertwille Perry H W Private H Humboldt Petit D C Private H Birmingham Peterson, F M Private M McPaul Phelps, A H Private E Hall Philips J H Private I Knoxville Piper, William Private A Drakeville Pool, Joseph Private B Primrose Pottorff James E Private D Floris Power Al Sergeant A Pulaski Prall C C Private C Kellerton Proctor, W R Private D Oak Springs Pruss, Ernest Private I Fort Dodge Pugh, J M Private K Des Moines Quick, C Private K Marysville Quicksell, J W Private C Keokuk Quinlan, J C Private F Ottumwa Railsback, D Corporal E Ottumwa Ramsey, W B Private I Chariton Randolph J W Colonel A Indianola Rankin, Johnson Private C Keokuk Read J M Saddler C Corydon Reed, Andrew Corporal G Bonaparte Reeby, S G Corporal G Winterset Reisner, Charles Private B Farmington Reno Norman Quartermaster Sergeant E Batavia Reynolds, E M Private I Centerville Rigby, Ralph Corporal B Houghton Rigsby, Benjamin Private G Keosauqua Riley, J H Private L Seymour Ristine, B E Saddler F Fairfield Roby, T A Private L Van Wert Rockwell, S M Private C Keokuk Ross, Henry H Sergeant M Mt Ayr Rouch, Lewis Private G Floris Rullman, H H W Private E Bloomfield Runnels Wm C Private E Ames Russell Thomas B Private C Warren Ryan T G Private L Leon Rye Thomas Private B Primrose Salters, Wm Private D Leando Salyards, Joseph Private K Newbern Samuels, Joseph A Private C Keokuk Sankey, E J Private L Leon Sarver, S D Private M Bussey Sax, A C Private B Bloomfield Sayles Wm Sergeant E Drakeville Sayles Steve Private E Bloomfield Scott Solomon Private D Vernon Shadle John Private E Pleasantville Shang B S Private B Eldon Shane, John W Sergeant G Keosauqua Shay, Perry Private C Montrose Shepherd, Charles W Private G Lebanon Shook, John Private A Stiles Sigler, M V Corporal H Carrollton Simmons, T A Private H Eldon Sinclair, J W Private F Fairfield Skinner, Chas A Com Sergeant H Birmingham Slack, W R Private M Harvard Smith Sampson Private D Unionville Smith, James Private E Bloomfield Smith, I N Private M Allerton Smith, A F Private A Dallas Center Smith, John E Private G Lacona Smith Henry H Private G Cantril Snider, James F Private G Lebanon Snodgrass, W H Corporal M Davis City Spence, Thomas Private E Floris Spencer, A J Private D Bloomfield Sprague, E H Private I Orient Stamm, George W First Lieutenant K Albia Stanton, C A Major Centerville Staley Alvah Private I Centerville Steele, A D Sergeant K Knoxville Stewart, J W Private L Leon Stillwell, Thomas Private E Maxwell Strange, Wm Private D Dudley Stull, Francis Corporal G Keosauqua Stump, James W Private H Libertyville Sullivan, W H Private F Libertyville Sullivan W J Private G Leando Sutton Jeremiah Corporal H Birmingham Swander, H Corporal M Gravity Sylvester, John M Private G Leon Talley, I A Private M Goshen Tatlock, E W Second Lieutenant A Wapello Terry, Francis M Sergeant K Hillsdale Terwilleger, Levi S Private M Mt Ayr Tharp, Jacob Private E Troy Thomas, Lewis D Private L Sanborn Thompson James G Private G Keosauqua Thompson W L Private G Keokuk Thompson J M Private L Van Wert Thompson, T M Private L Van Wert Thompson, C W Private L Lenox Tidrick, M R Private E Winterset Timmons, Squire Private H Warsaw Tompkins, B N Sergeant A Stiles Toombs, J W Private E Bloomfield Townsend Barzilla Private C Keokuk Trimble, H H Colonel Keokuk Truitt,Eli Private A Drakeville Tulk, Benjamin Private E Unionville Van Benthusen, Wm Captain A Bloomfield Vaught, Solomon Private F Libertyville Wagner, Joseph Private G Franklin Wall John Sergeant K Mt Ayr Walker Peter Major Birmingham Ward, S L First Lieutenant K Adel Waste Francis H Private C Belfast Watkins, John F Second Lieutenant G Keosauqua Water, Henry F Private M Mt Ayr Weber, Jacob Private H Charleston Wedge, Austin Private G Keosauqua Weeks, Nathan Private B Salem Weiny, George Sergeant E Milton West, Wm Private B Keokuk West, R L Private K Pella Wheeler, Samuel Private C Keokuk White, U D Private G Fairfield White, 0 J Private G Selma White James H Private H Winchester Whitmore, M Private F Eldon Whitney, H O Private C Keokuk Willis, Shelby Private L Afton Wilson J A Private G Willianisburg Wilson, Wm G Captain A Keokuk Wilson Robert Private B Mt Sterling Wilson Omer Private G Milton Wilson J C Private E Coatsville, Mo Wilson J S Private L Upper Grove Williams Joseph C Private L Cromwell Williams George Private K Rockwell City Winn, Francis Private F Libertyville Wishard Abram Private A Bloomfield Wolf John Private D Troy Workman John F Private F Burlington Worley, W J Private C Keokuk Worster, H J Private C Keokuk Worster Thomas Private C Keokuk Wright, R S Private E Unionville Wright, W A Second Lieutenant K Allerton Wright, C R Private M Lineville Wright, Thomas S First Lieut and Adjutant Des Moines Yates, Andrew E Corporal A Floris Yoden, John Private D Eldon York, George E Corporal A Savannah Young, J W Sergeant A Bloomfield Young, M Private E Allerton Zimmerman Joseph Private M Corydon Fourth Cavalry Abbey, Villroy Private M Kensett Abraham Lot Captain D Mt Pleasant Adams, J Q Private L Mapleton Agnew, George Sergeant C Lone Tree Albertson James Second Lieutenant D New Hampton Allen, E W Corporal C Grinnell Allison, C R Private B Kirkville Andrews, A E Private D Mt Pleasant Anderson, D M Private K Mt Pleasant Anderson, John B Private I Earlham Anthony, John Corporal F Chillicothe Applegate, Allen Private I Winterset Applegate, Andrew Private I Winterset Armor, Thomas Private G West Point Arrowhood, T J Private K Mt Pleasant Atwater, Royal Private I Marion Ayers Lycurgus E Private G Des Moines Babbitt, B C Private A Sidney Bagley, Orlando Private G Rudd Bakerstraw, Benton Private E Sherman Baker, L P First Lieutenant C Brookville Baldwin, Charles A Private L Chapin Bartlett, Wm Corporal F Oskaloosa Barton, John Private D New Market Barnes G F Private B Ida Grove Batchelder Geo H Private D Mt Pleasant Bates, H G Private M Bedford Bean, B L Private G West Pilot Bebb John Private D New Sharon Bebb, S E Private D Peoria Beckwith, Warren Captain C Mt Pleasant Beeks, Samuel Private D Cascade Behern, David Private B Tower Hill Benson, John Private D Eldon Billings, Timothy Private H Niles Black, J B Private K Mt Pleasant Black, Charles M Bugler E Grinnell Blasier, H S Private H Marengo Blasier, Ed Lieutenant H Marengo Bowen, William L Private B Sanborn Bowman, Thomas First Lieutenant B Boonesboro Bray, A J Private H Chickasaw Bristol, M B Private F Oskaloosa Bright James Private K Shenandoah Bright, Lebbens Private K Shenandoah Brown, J J Lieutenant G Fort Madison Brown, Joseph Private C Wirt Brown, Frank B Private M Letts Browning, W D Private F Northwood Bruce, F M Private I Winterset Burns, Alex Private A Pulaski Burt, Nathaniel F Private D Anita Burrows, Wm Corporal K Gravity Busby, Elijah Captain F Rose Hill Campbell, Robert Private I Mount Ayr Campbell, T F Private K Mount Pleasant Carson, John Private M Nevinville Carson, J L Private D Fort Dodge Carney, John First Lieut and Com'y Gilman Carter, George W Surgeon Marshalltown Chandler, W H Sergeant C Perry Chandler, Jonathan Private M Keokuk Chandler, J W Private M Keokuk Chapman, David Private I Fontanelle Chester, O F Private M Allerton Chester, V H Private M Garden Grove Clark Michael Corporal D Mount Pleasant Clancy, David Private L Council Bluffs Cline, W R Corporal F Winterset Cook, James H Private K Russell Cooper, D F Captain F Winterset Cornwell, A Private A Pilot Mound Corey, John N Sergeant C Germanville Cormick, Hamilton Private H Rock Falls Counsell, Edward M Private B Farley Courtney, Allen Private K Mount Pleasant Crane, H F Private F Moingona Crane S R Private A Sidney Craft Michael Private M Germanville Crawford, Moses Private K Greenfield Craver Charles F Sergeant E Grinnell Craver, George W Private E Searsboro Craven, Atwood Private E Searsboro Creath, George W Quartermaster Sergeant F Agency Crossley Laurence Private G Viele Croll, H J Private L Council Bluffs Cronin, Timothy Private B Fonda Croy, M Private M Fairfield Cummings, Stephens Assistant Surgeon Sand Springs Cumming, Michael S Private E Brooklyn Curran, John Private I Edgwood Cutter, B F Private L Castalia Cutshall S L Private B Spencer Dabney J W Private I Winterset Dalby, J W Sergeant E Hamburg Daniels, Frank M Private E LeMars Dannwood, F A Private A Clarinda Danielson, John Private C Spaulding Davis, Wm Private M Dunlap Davis Hiram Private C Afton Davis, John D Private A Cromwell Davis, T H Private L Monroe Davis, W J Sergeant L Harlan Davis, G W Farrier K Emerson Dederick, George Private A Oto Delap, Wm G Private C Independence Delaney, Wesley Private B Hazel Green Dodge, J Private H Floyd Dodge, Henry Private H Nashua Dotson, John Private I Unionville Drake, Henry Private A Jefferson Drake, Donald Private E Brooklyn Dunconson, Ed Private M Rome Dutton, D W Private K Mt Union Dutton, Jerry Private I Unionville Eagan, M W Private B Independence Eldridge, Caleb Sergeant G Chariton Endsbey, Wycoff Private G Sioux City Erb, Andrew J Private L Morehead Evans, James Private B Dyersville Everett, J F Private F Oskaloosa Ewing, Thomas Private I Fisk Fairbanks, John Private H Williamstown Fairman, John Private L Dakota Ferree, W E Private G Hillsboro Finney, Lorenzo Private I Winterset Finney, A Private I Patterson Fisk Theodore Private H Osage Fisher, Charles Private B Fairbank Fisher, Rufus F Private A Oakland * Fitch, Charles Assistant Surgeon Chariton Fitch, James Private A Eldora Florence, Henry Private H Mason City Folley, Dennis Private M Kellerton Foster, Charles Private K Reasnor Fox, D K Private K Manchester Fuller, S K Lieutenant E Early Gaffney, Thomas Private B Independence Gallop, John C Private A Plum Hollow Gantz, J S Corporal F Fairfield Gates, W H Private B Sibley Gentry, Jules Private C Corning George, W B Private L Little Sioux Gillrt, A A Private L Hampton Glasgow, C A Private A New Market Glasgow, Jospeh Sergeant F Winterset Good, Wm Private F Colfax Good Jacob Private F Lacy Gosling, John Private B Le Mars Graham, W Corporal B Odebolt Gregg James B Private K Red Oak Green, Alonzo Private M Fairfield Green, M B Sergeant M Ainsworth Grettenberg, S E Private H Osage Griffith, J H Private E What Cheer Griswold, Edward Private E Carnforth Guilliams, B C Private F Winterset Haines, J A Private D Taylor Haines, Jonathan Corporal D Tabor Hammer, S Private H Charles City Hanks Peter Private F Humeston Hanson, Henry W Private K Mt Pleasant Hart, M H Sergeant I Winterset Hart, A M Sergeant I Winterset Hart, George W Corporal I Afton Barker, G M Private H Plainfield Harris, A B Private H New Hampton Harrison, L B Private L Montrose Harington, C 0 Corporal E Vinton Hathaway, M Private D New London Hayes, B L Private M Malvern Hays, Daniel F Private E Chester Hays, Wm M Sergeant E Chester Hazen, J S Private F Ainsworth Heater, H S Private G Boyleston Heatington, Edward D Private K Mt Pleasant Herrington, John W Private C Graceville Hiatt, J W Private A Red Oak Higgins, Levi Sergeant C Oakland Hilton, Jesse K Corporal F Agency Hinkson, G W Private D Mt Pleasant Hite, J N Corporal L Whiting Hobson, Calvin Private G Clarinda Holt,G W Private K Red Oak Hood, James Private F Winterset Hookson, J B Private C Spaulding Houghton, E F Sergeant Major Sioux City Hoyt Jacob Sergeant E Marengo Huff, E Captain A Sibley Inns, Stephen Private I Cantril Irwin J C Private A Sibley Jackson T S Private G Hawleyville James, Paul N Private L Ft Atkinson James, N J Corporal L Ft Atkinson James, Samuel Private L Lacy Jarvis Charles Private B Bradgate Johntson A J Private G Ft Atkinson Johnson Daniel Private L Manson Johnson J 0 Private I Mandale Johnson Abraham Private L Homer Johnson G G Private E Montezuma Joliff, Wm Private D Chariton Jones, G H Private G Audubon Jones John W Sergeant E Brooklyn Junkin, Joseph Private M Red Oak Kays, F S Private B Harlan Keck, J S First Lieutenant G Bentonsport Keck, Peter R Second Lieutenant G Bentonsport Kelley John Private L Lacy Kelley S P Second Lieutenant A Villisca Kime, N F Corporal E Ladora Kline, Joseph Sergeant F Reasnor Laird, Levi Private G Bedford Laird, H R Corporal A Sidney Laird, H B Private H Nashua Lambert, J R Private C Homer Lane, James A Private I Chariton Lease, James W Private K New London Leddick Jacob Private B Lester Legge, Thomas Private B Waterloo Linn, S J Private D Sidney Litzenberg, C S Private G Indianola Livermore, A I Private L Correctionville Lochie, Charles L Private I Pomeroy Loomis, Wm Private D Mt Pleasant Lyman, George E Private L Sheffield Macumber, Andrew Private I Winterset Madden, Frank Private A Keokuk Manfull, A Private E Traer Mann, John Sergeant A Sidney Mann, Ashel, Jr First Lieutenant A Hamburg Marshall, J E Private G Houghton Martin, Wm Private K Mt Pleasant Martin, Seth First Lieut. and Com Jacksonville Marvin, Oscar H Sergeant D Algona Maris, J Private D Bonaparte Mason, Andrew J Private C Albia Mathews, W R Private E Sully May, James A Sergeant B Audubon McCallister Eli Private ?] Albia McClure A W Surgeon Mt Pleasant McCollow, P J Private H Cresco McConder, A Private I Wiota McConaway, T H Sergeant M Ft Madison McConnellee, Wm J Lieutenant I Winterset McCorkle, W J Private B Winterset McCormick, S P Captain A Tabor McCracken, W W Private M Fairfield McCully, P Corporal C Dudley McFall, Wm J Private B Beacon McHugh, Patrick Private B Ottumwa McLaughlin, Michael Sergeant B Castle Grove McMurry, Thomas Private M Lockridge McNair, James M Private F Kirkville Mercer, Wm G D Private L Corning Mills Aaron Private G Oakland Miller, D B Private M Red Oak Miller, Joseph H Private A Muscatine Mitts James M Private K Mt Pleasant Montgomery John Private E Newton Moorman, Enoch Private H Perry Moore, John Private F Cedar Falls Moore, Wm Private G Lamoille Moor James Private M Gravity Morgan, R H Corporal A New Market Morgan, A L Private E Eldora Morse, George Private H Bradford Murry, W B Private A Fairfield Myers, George M B Private F Eldon Myers, Samuel Private I Winterset Needles, A H Private I Audubon Newkirk, G C Private G Bedford Nixon, W F Private K Mt Pleasant Noble, John S Blacksmith I New Market Norris, John N Private E Brooklyn Palmer, S D Private E Marshalltown Palmer, E T Farrier E Grinnell Pangburn Charles Sergeant M Wayland Park, J H Commissary Sergeant E Grinnell Parker, Amos Private M Lee Patterson, J H Lieutenant C Winfield Patrick, George Private H Chickasaw Paul, W R Sergeant A Plum Hollow Payne, E M Private K Mt Pleasant Pearson, James M Private I Creston Pearson, J B Private F Tracy Peck, S W Private H Perry Pelton, Milo S Private H Riceville Pelham, Ashbury Private F Union Penfield, Charles G Corporal E Grinnell Peters J H Colonel Delhi Peterson, Alfred A Private C Salina Philby, Enoch Private I Sheldon Philby, James J Private I Sheldon Philips, J H Private I Knoxville Phipps, Henry C Private A Hillsdale Pickens, Alphens Private F Waterloo Pickell, H M First Lieutenant D Des Moines Pingree, D F Private C Kier Pittman, Wm G Private E West Point Porter, W B Captain C Mt Pleasant Price, J D Private B Rowley Price, Wm H Private E Brooklyn Purington, Lewis Private I Prairie Hill Putnam, F S Private H Fort Dodge Quinn, John Private C Holbrook Raffety, John W Private E Sully Read Thomas Corporal I Winterset Ready Charles Private H Mt Auburn Reddington Daniel Private B Cherokee Reed, Evans Sergeant I Truro Reed, Jesse P Private D New London Reel, H F Corporal A Plum Hollow Reeder, J S Corporal B Earlville Refsnider John H Private H Greene Rickman J W Private K Magnolia Rickman, Wm H Private L Dunlap Richards S T Private B Edgewood Richards John A Private B Edgewood Riddle Alexander Corporal G Viele Rinard, J W Private I De Soto Ripley, M E Private M Sibley Roberts R P Private D Bedford Roberts Rial Private L Moingona Robinson C M First Lieutenant C Montezuma Robinson Wm Surgeon Cedar Falls Root, Abner Private I Fontanelle Rother, Frank M Corporal B Sac City Rukgabber, D Private C Mt Pleasant Rukgabber, C B Sergeant C Mt Pleasant Rumble, J P Sergeant D Conway Rust, Franklin Private B Jesup Ruthroff John Private L Southland Ryan John M Private F Eddyville Sage Philo G Private I Davenport Sandbloom, John Private M Salina Scheiler, Henry Sergeant M Four Corners Schlirfer, Henry Private C Mt Pleasant Schofield, Geo W Private K Wapello Schoonover, Samuel Private M Peoria Schuler Joseph Private B Lester Schuber, Bernard Private C Mt Pleasant Schweers John Private I Hebron Scoville George Private G Libertyville Sekander John Private H Charles City Shafer, Joseph Private E Mason City Shawe, John Private C Mt Pleasant Sheffield, H C Private M Silver City Sherman P W Private A Fort Dodge Skeers Charles Private M Glasgow Smith, Charles H Lieutenant C Mt Pleasant Smith Simon Private K Mt Pleasant Smith, Mathias Private C Mt Pleasant Smith, Wm C Private M Caledonia Smith Wm H Private A Marshalltown Smith, Wm Private B Grundy Center Smith Isaac Private G Leon Smith George D Private B Delhi Smith John R Sergeant D Tabor Smith Levi M Private H New Hampton Smithers Wm T Sergeant B Anita Smithburg, G A Private M Four Corners Snooks, Peter Private L Fort Dodge Sparks, H M Private F Eddyville Sparks, J J Private E Lynnville Spear, Robert Private B Oxford Spearman, C F Major Mt Pleasant Spencer, R D Private H New Hampton Stamm, A N First Lieutenant H Harlan Starr, James D Corporal E Kilduff Stevenson, Robert Corporal M Fairfield Stewart, Amos Private F Washington Stewart John G Private D Corning Stinson, A Private A Jewell Stocks, J H Sergeant H Bedford Stone, George A Private H Mt Pleasant Stone, George A Major Mt Pleasant Stoner, Cyrus Sergeant B Earlville Stout, Jacob Private B Redfield Stowe, 0 V Musician C Mt Pleasant Sutliff, Levi Private H Charles City Swan, S D Colonel Creston Tagne, Joseph Private A Winfield Taylor Wm Private M Mt Pleasant Taylor S W Surgeon Glasgow Taylor Elliott P Private H Glasgow Taylor J H Private M Red Oak Teeman, Fred Private K Mt Pleasant Thomas, J M Private L Dakota Thomas, George W Private D Carson Thompson, George M Quartermaster Oskaloosa Thompson, A Y Private F Beacon Thoroman, N B Private H Waterloo Tibbetts Polk E Sergeant G Ft Madison Toma, C D Private C Fairfield Toothaker, G W Private M Sheldon Troy, S S Captain H Nashua Trump, W D Private D Mt Pleasant Tulk, Abraham Private E Perry Turck, Andres Private E Newton Turner, Edmond Private B Earlville Turner S B Farrier M Glasgow Updegraff, J Private M Knoxville Vanderpoole, G D Private G Leon Van Voltenberg, O W Private D Millersburg Vaneman, G H Private C Littleton Vaught Lewis Private L Livermore Virgin, William T Private C Burlington Wagle, Christopher Private A Eldorado Walgreen, August Private M Salina Walker James A Corporal B Des Moines Walker, Mel Private B Des Moines Wallace, N P Private E Grinnell Wallace, Worthy S Private B Independence Walters, H Private H Sibley Ward, Peter Farrier B Nugent Warner, G D Private H Chickasaw Warren, George B Private K Comvay Washburn, S M Private D New London Waters, Oscar D Private L Chapin Weaver Solomon Private F Earlham Webb Alonzo G Private M Mt Ayr Webb, James Private I Redfield Wendell, D S Private L Oto Westfall, J E Private D Morning Sun Westenhaver, M H Private M Perlee Whiting, F S Captain M Des Moines Wicks C A Private C Lamoni Wilkins, John Private A Dudley Wilson John M Corporal D Mt Pleasant Wilson J M Private I Macksburg Wilson, T K Private I Spaulding Williamson, W C Private K Wapello Witter William L Private G, B Des Moines Wolf, Abraham Private K Mt Pleasant Wood Silas F Corporal F White Oak Woodruff, E B First Lieutenant F Knoxville Work, William G Quartermaster Sergeant E Des Moines Wright Jacob Sergeant M Oakland Yount, Isaac N Private K Keota Young, Robert Private M Fairfield Young, William P Sergeant K Mt Pleasant Zollars Thomas J Captain F Ottumwa *Not Mustered Fifth Cavalry Abbey, Aaron L Private H Pattersonville Abby, A C Private H Cottonville Allen Thomas Private E Dubuque Allison, L S Private H Correctionville Altfilisch, M Private H Bellevue Andrews, G W Private E Dubuque Bankson, Matt Private H Waterloo Bankson, A T Private H Farley Bevington, P A Private B Winterset Beyer, A Private E Dubuque Bicklin, Louis Private F Burlington Billings, M E Private L Waverly Bischoff, F Private E Dubuque Boatwright, D W Private C Risin Sun Bolsmyer, J K P Private E Colesburg Brainerd, James Private G Cedar Rapids Brendes, Henry Private L Bellevue Brown, Aaron Sergeant I Blairstown Brown, S G Private B Greenfield Buehlmeyer, John Private E Sageville Burlingame, P M Private D Anamosa Calom Thomas J Private L Kirkville Calhoun, Junius Sergeant G Iowa Falls Canfield, A N Private G Marshalltown Chambers, J M Private H Le Claire Chapman, I C Private L Douglass Christmath, Mat Private L Springbrook Claver, James W Private C Albia Coen, W S Private A Ottumwa Cole, C N Private C Waterloo Collins, Jacob Private E Dubuque Couzett, Josiah Second Lieutenant E Dubuque Corpstein, Henry Private E Rockdale Cross, William Private G Keswick Crosthwaite, H W Private A Essex Curley, L H H Private E Dubuque Davis, J H Private B Webster City Davis, W L Private A Woodbine Davis, Henry Private M Dubuque Deetor, A Corporal D Winterset Desmond, James Private E Dubuque Dickinson, E H Private E Dubuque Dilts, E Private M Star Dolph, H J Private B Hastings Donald, A 0 Private A Council Bluffs Donahoe, James Private E Dubuque Donner, A R Private C Malvern Doolittle, Addison Private K Sibley Edson, H S Private B Rock Falls Ellwanger, Herman Private E Dubuque Eltz, Peter Private L St Donatus Eude, Carl Lieutnant F Burlington Fahr, G F Private F Burlington Fifield, Wm Private A Council Bluffs Flemming, Peter Private F Spirit Lake Foley, W B Private H Anamosa Fosterling, Henry Private F Wever Foys, J N Private D Dubuque Franke, Henry Saddler F Parkersburg Garvin, John Private C Henderson Geiger, Henry Private F Dubuque German, Peter Corporal B Iowa Falls Gillam, O E Commissary Sergeant Anamosa Gilliam, Chas A Sergeant E Independence Glasgow, W D Corporal E Washington Goeffert, Conrad Private L St Donatus Graff, Hypolite Private G Bellevue Grandon, Ezekiel Private D Humboldt Hall,W F Musician C Colfax Hammel, Augustus Private E Rockdale Hansel, David Private B Fredric Hanson, Peter Private E Dubuque Hatfield, Marshall Private E Monona Hein, George Private L Dubuque Hemmelder, A Private E Dubuque Hoeschle, Fritz Private F Burlington Hoffman, Conrad Corporal L Davenport Holdoegel, Hugo Private A Woodbine Hopkins, S H Private B Macedonia Howe, George W Private H Runnells Hubbard, E S Private E Belmond Hukes, Henry Private E Bellevue Hunt,E W Private C Polk City Husse, Nicholas Private I Dumont Husted, George Private B Marengo Imhof, A Private F Dubuque Jonas, Hiram T Private D Danbury Keefe, Dennis Private C Hayes Kephart, John Private F Clarksville Knee, James Private E Colesburg Knight, D L Private C Colfax Koob, Antoin Private F Anita Kormann, Jacob Private M Dubuque Kountz, Wm Sergeant H Soldier Kummer, H C Corporal B Keokuk Lang, Philip Private F Keokuk Lentz, Philip Private E King Lias, Joseph O Private H Sheldon Lynch, Wm Private L Monterey Malvin, Wm Private E Maynard Martin, Theodore Private G Bellevue Mathews, J C Private I Tama City Matter, Henry Private I Marshalltown McDonough, James Private E Dubuque McElrea, W G Captain I Star McEvers, Chester Private B River Sioux McHendre, A G Private H Bellevue Middaugh, Daniel Corporal C Clarinda Miller, Lawrence Surgeon Bellevue Misor, Andrew Private E Watson Moeller, Conrad Private C Boyden Morgan, Wm Private E Dubuque Muller, Earnest Private F Lake City Murphy, John Private L Dubuque Murray, James Private L Scotch Grove Needham, Frank Private C Newton Niblock, J S Private F Maynard Norton, Luman L Private E Iowa Falls Ostert, Henry Private H Springbrook Pals, John Private E Dubuque Palmer, Adam Private F Algona Patterson, Alma Private B Modale Perrin, Frank Private A Albia Pettinger, M Private E Dubuque Pfotzer, Edward Private E Dubuque Pfotzer, Henry Private E Dubuque Phelps, A T Private G Denison Pregler, John Private E Dubuque Pule, Wm Private M Dubuque Purinton, C B Private I LaPorte City Rath, Wm Private F Dubuque Rea, A W Private B Colesburg Redman, W H Private E Dubuque Rees, H C Musician H Ottumwa Richards, John Private G Lester Riese, Christopher Private E Dubuque Ritzman, J B Private F Burlington Robinson, M H Corporal G Waverly Salisbury, Henry C Private E Cresco Salmon, C Private D Centerville Sanders, Louis Private F Dubuque Sauer, Henry Private E Dubuque Sayers, J Private F Vinton Schlapp, August Lieutenant F Burlington Schlapp, Henry Sergeant F Fort Madison Schleicher, J M Sergeant E Livermore Schleight, Joseph Sergeant H Green Island Schnell, August Private G Fort Madison Schnering, John Private E Sageville Schnering, Stephen Private E Dubuque Schofield, August F Sergeant A Logan Schubert, August F Private F Wever Schultz, Henry Private B Tiffin Seiler, John Private B Springbrook Selleck, Uriah Private A Council Bluffs Sencebaugh, F W Private L Rockwell Silkett, Jacob Private I Red Oak Specht, Werner Private E Sherrill's Mount Staten, Wm Private G Redding Stenat, James Private C Albia Stevens, E H Private F Olin Straub, Stephen Private E Sageville Sutton, G W Private B Hawthorn Tienan, A F Private L Nevada Thompson, George W Private E Dubuque Toner, John Corporal C Clarinda Travis, George R Sergeant B Dunlap Tuting, Wm Private E Dubuque Wagner, Frank Corporal F Franklin Westphalen, Wm Private F Fort Madison Whaite, H J Private G Jefferson Wheeler, George O Corporal I Des Moines Wheelock, Charles Sergeant B Logan White, Clay Corporal B Malvern Whitehill, Thomas Sergeant C Clarinda Whitcomb, C P Private L Guss Wiedemer, Charles Private F Sioux City Williams, Mahlon Corporal G La Porte City Wolf, John Private I Alton Woods, James Private E Dubuque Woodhouse, Joseph Private B Dubuque Wortman, Joseph Sergeant B Strahan Wright, L R Corporal H Vail