OBITUARIES: Melvina Tyrell; Wapello County, Iowa Copyright. All rights reserved. Extractions from the Blakesburg Excelsior Wapello County, IA Feb 1925 Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Martha Richards Microfilm from State Historical Society of Iowa Blakesburg (Wapello co, IA) Excelsior Newspaper, Jan 1, 1925 (missing issues Aug 6, 13;) Oct 8, 1925-Dec 25, 1930 Microfilm from State Historical Society of Iowa ====================================================================================== Feb 19, 1925 GRANDMA TYRELL The death of Mrs. Melvina TYRELL occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. MILLER on Miller Ridge Wednesday, February 4th at the ripe age of 96 years, 3 months and 7 days. The funeral was held at the Miller Ridge church Friday conducted byRev. Chas. ELLIS of the Methodist church. Interment in the Smith cemetery.