OBITS: Febuary 1926 Obutuaries, Blakesburg Excelsior, Wapello County, Iowa Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Martha Richards Microfilm from State Historical Society of Iowa Blakesburg (Wapello co, IA) Excelsior Newspaper, Jan 1, 1925 (missing issues Aug 6, 13;) Oct 8, 1925-Dec 25, 1930 Microfilm from State Historical Society of Iowa ===================================================================================== NOTE: For more information on Wapello County, Iowa Please visit the Wapello County, IAGenWeb page at ____________________________________________________________________________ Thurs Feb 4, 1925 Obituary Ellen Alfreda PIERSON, daughter of Gust and Nettie PIERSON was born January 23, 1887, at Ottumwa, Iowa and died January 20, 1926 at March Hospital, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, aged 38 years 11 months and 27 days. She was united in marriage to Carl W. HALL of Ottumwa in 1909. Three children were born to this union, Wilford, Eleanor and Richard. She was confirmed in the Lutheran church at Ottumwa early in life and later transferred her membership to the Christian church at Cedar Rapids. She leaves to mourn her death her husband and three children at home, mother, Mrs. Jacob SWENSON of Ottumwa and one brother, Earl PIERSON of Blakesburg and many other relatives and friends. Her father, one sister and one brother having preceded her in death. She was a faithful wife, a kind and affectionate mother, loving her home and family. Funeral services were held at Cedar Rapids, conducted by her pastor and her body was laid to rest in the Oak Hill cemetery. Thurs, Feb 11, 1926 Obituary Ellis JOHN son of James and Rosa JOHN was born on a farm southeast of Blakesburg, March 22, 1900, died at St. Joseph’s hospital in Ottumwa February 6, 1926, age 25 years, 10 months and 14 days. He was married to Clara MOFFETT June 21, 1920, and to this union were born two children, Wilbur Franklin and Marjorie. Besides his wife and two children he is survived by his aged father, two brothers, Lee and Roy of this place, three sisters, Louise of Unionville, Nellie of St. Joseph, Mo. and Maggie of Homedale, Idaho, and one uncle, Gilbert JOHN of Blakesburg. The remains were taken to the JAY Cemetery for burial Sunday afternoon. A brief funeral service was held at the grave, conducted by Rev. Chas. ELLIS. Thurs Feb 18, 1926 Obituary John Wesley PROCTOR died at his home in Ash Grove Saturday morning at the ripe age of 81 years. Mr. PROCTOR had been ill for some time and death was no surprise to his immediate family. He was a civil war (sic) veteran and served in the Forty-fifth Iowa Infantry. He is survived by his wife and five children: C. H. PROCTOR of Fullerton, Calif; Fred PROCTOR of Drakeville, Earl PROCTOR and Mrs. Emma HOWK of Ottumwa and Mrs. Gertie HARRISON of Ash Grove. Also four brothers, Joseph of Ash Grove and Thomas, James and Jasper of Unionville. His sisters are Mrs. George REINHARD of Pollock, Mo., Mrs. Mary TOMLIN of Drakeville and Mrs. Clara REINHARD of near Blakesburg. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. J. C. WARD at the Ash Grove M.E. church and interment in the Wesley Chapel cemetery Sunday. Thurs Feb 25, 1926 Obituary Clarence WARNER, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. WARNER was born November 14, 1895, and died at the United States Veterans Hospital at Kansas City, Mo., at 4:30 o’clock February 13, 1926, aged 30 years, 2 months and 29 days. On July 22, 1918, during the late World war he was called into the service of the United States army and was stationed at Camp Pike, Arkansas, for about six months. He had his overseas equipment when the Armistice was signed. He received an honorable discharge from the army for faithful service rendered. He suffered intensely during his long illness and while his friends and loved ones grieve because of his departure we feel it is his gain. He leaves to mourn his death, one son, Cleill of Albia, Iowa, his father and mother, living two miles west of Blakesburg, Iowa, two brothers, Orville of Ottumwa, Iowa, and Lawrence at home, three sisters, Mrs. Ralph TURNER of Marshall town, Iowa, Mrs. Effie JOHNSTON of Bidwell, Iowa, and Pearl at home and a number of other relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the Christian church at Blakesburg at 1 o’clock Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1926, conducted by Rev. Chas. ELLIS. The remains were taken to the Blakesburg cemetery where they were buried with military honors, the members of the American Legion Post at Blakesburg having charge of the service at the cemetery.