Warren County IA Archives Biographies.....Blake, Joseph 1833 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/iafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 November 29, 2011, 8:04 pm Source: See below Author: Lewis Publishing Co. (1896) JOSEPH BLAKE, of Palmyra township, Warren county, Iowa, is recognized as one of the leading farmers and stock-raisers and best informed men of his vicinity. He is a descendant of one of the oldest Colonial families of New England, the Blakes of Maine, which family was established there long before the trying times of the Revolution. His father, Israel Blake, was a native of the Buckeye State, born in the year 1800. There he lived and died, raising a family of twenty children amidst the rough scenes and privations of pioneer life. His wife, Alvira (Clark) Blake, was a native of Ohio, daughter of Aurelius Clark, one of Ohio's pioneers, the family tracing back in New England to the early days of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Clarks are of English origin. Grandfather Simeon Blake was born in the State of Maine and early in life emigrated to the wilds of Ohio, he being one of the "Block House" party at Marietta, the recognized earliest settlers of that great State. He was one of the foremost men of his time. The ancestry traces back in England to Commodore Blake of the British navy, who made the family name famous the world over by his deeds of bravery many generations ago. Joseph Blake, whose name honors the introduction of this article, is a native of Morgan county (afterward Noble), Ohio, born January 20, 1833, and in his native State spent the first twenty-two years of his life. In May, 1855, he went down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to Memphis, thence up the Mississippi to Keokuk, and from that point walked across the country, a distance of 160 miles, to Warren county, and first made settlement in Greenfield township, where he made his home until the spring of 1863. At that time he came to Palmyra township and settled on the farm he has since owned and occupied. Here he has over 200 acres of land, nearly all in one tract, upon which he has during all these years been engaged in general farming and stock-raising. An intelligent, well-informed man, he has always favored the raising of thoroughbred stock. His hogs are of the Poland-China breed and are registered, his cattle are Shorthorns, and his horses, which now number about twenty-two, are roadsters of fine quality, and Mr. Blake is well situated for the development of his ideas regarding improved stock, Palmyra township being the banner township of this region and noted far and near for its fine stock. Mr. Blake was married first in 1854, to Miss Lucinda Wheeler, a native of Ohio and a daughter of Europe Wheeler, of that State. She died March 7, 1873, leaving the following named children: George W., a resident of Nebraska; Eli V., of Oklahoma; Joseph A., Palmyra township, Warren county, Iowa; Lydia A., at home; Elmer O., Oklahoma; Rosalie E., wife of Thomas Sever, Warren county, Iowa; Ulysses Grant* at home; Lucretia J., at home; Gentileska M., wife of Lewis Goldizer, Palmyra, Iowa; and Mary Ida, at home. December 19, 1877, Mr. Blake wedded for his second wife Miss Nancy Ellen Adkins, a native of Indiana and a daughter of Malachi Adkins, the Adkins family being one long resident of Indiana. This union has resulted in the birth of eight children, William H., James Weaver, John Perry, Francis E., Nellie Viola, Richard J., Horace Boies, and Oliver Leonard, —all at home. Mr. Blake is a man of progressive views, is well posted on current topics, and keeps well abreast with the advanced thought of the day in many directions. Politically, he may be classed with the People's party, he having lost faith in the old parties. Additional Comments: Extracted from: A MEMORIAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF IOWA ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO: THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1896 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ia/warren/bios/blake247nbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/iafiles/ File size: 4.3 Kb