OBITUARY: Anthony Carter, c1847-1927, Worth Co., Iowa Source: NORTHWOOD ANCHOR AND WORTH COUNTY INDEX, 27 Jan 1927, Vol 42, No. 3, p. 1 A. Carter Funeral Held Yesterday P.M. The funeral of Anthony Carter, who died at his home in Gordonsville Sunday, was held yesterday afternoon at two o'clock at the Methodist church in Northwood. Rev. Thomas P. Shaffer, the pastor, officiating. He was assisted in the service by Rev. E. W. Gebhard, the Methodist pastor at Gordonsville. Mr. Carter was well known in Northwood where he lived for many years in his home on north 8th street. A few years ago, after the death of his aged wife, he moved to Gordonsville and lived with his son Edward. At the time of his death he was aged 81 years, two months and fifteen days. He had been in poor health for several years. Of late he had been gradually failing and a recent illness found him too weak to overcome the attack. Mr. Carter was a kindly old gentleman who was known to practically everybody in Northwood. He lived here for thirty-four years after moving from the Carter farm north of town. Burial was in the Northwood Cemetery. Anthony Carter was born in England. At the age of six years he came with his parents to the United States. They resided in Stoughton, Wisconsin, for several years. It was there that he was married, on July 14, 1867, to Miss Rebecca Tibbitt, who was also a native of England. The young man and his bride made their home in Grant county, Wisconsin, until 1871, when they removed to Worth county, Iowa. Here they resided on a farm north of Northwood, and later moved into this city, where they continued to live for thirty-four years. Mrs. Carter died on February 4, 1923. A short time after her decease, Mr. Carter went to Gordonsville, where he and his son Edward lived in a little home together until the father was taken to join the mother last Sunday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were the parents of four children, two sons and two daughters. All have departed this life except Edward. Three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren are among those who survive the aged couple. Mr. Carter had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church since his youth, and for the past forty-eight years he had been a member of that congregation in Northwood. He and his wife were both received into the church by certificate transfer in February 1879, under the pastorate of the Rev. T. M. Nichols. During his brief sojourn in Gordonsville, Mr. Carter had frequently spoken in most appreciative terms of the kindness of his good neighbors there, who have all been friends indeed to him and his son in their time of distress. --------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Anthony Carter's farm is located on the border of the state line of Minnesota. I do have copies of the following deeds (from Worth County Courthouse in Northwood, IA.: - 22 May 1873 Nicholson I. Sowthian and wife to Anthony Carter (40 Acres for $700.00) - 23 Oct 1873 Abraham McPherson and wife to Anthony Carter ($1,000. NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 8 in Township 100 North of Range 20 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian Iowa) - 17 Mar 1885 Anthony Carter and Rebecca Carter sold to Warren Gilbert of Columbia County, Wisconsin (40 acres for $450.00) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Above researched by Millie Andorfer at Northwood Library, Worth County, Iowa, on 20 Feb 2001. Submitted by Kathy Pike - August 22, 2003 Copyright 2003, Kathy McAlister Pike