OBITUARY: Louise (Dahl) Halvorson, 1870-1955, Worth County, Iowa Louise (Dahl) Halvorson Louise (Dahl) Halvorson died October 26, 1955 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Halvorson, southeast of Emmons. She had suffered a stroke and been ill for some time. The funeral was held at Somber Church, with the Rev. Richard Newgard officiating. She was born August 29, 1870 to John and Randi Dahl. She married Hans Halvorson in 1891 at Silver Lake Church. She was a member of Somber Church. Her husband died in 1942. She and Hans were parents of fourteen children. By 192l they had six children, with three dying in infancy, John in 1921, Marvel in 1936 and Alfred in 1954. She is survived by eight children: Lawrence, Palma, Mrs. Herbert (Dena) Peterson and Mrs. Laurence (Viola) Dahl, Emmons;Mrs. Oliver (Mabel) Sveen; Mrs. Leonard (Hazel) Burgett, LeRoy and Mrs. Lloyd (Ella) Fahler, Seguin, WA; 26 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and one brother, John Dahl, Neilsville. (Graphic 8-29-1870) Copyright (c) 2003 by Elaine Bergan (Note: Not necessarily related to the subject of this obituary.) This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. **************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES(tm) NOTICE: This document is the property of the contributor(s), who retains all publication rights, and while this document may be used by anyone for their personal research, it may not be used commercially or for profit. Other uses, including copying to other sites, requires permission from the contributor(s) PRIOR to uploading; and, this notice and submitter information must be included. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file, for free access, in perpetuity. ****************************************************************************