OBITUARY: Hans S. Hanson, 1856-, Worth County, Iowa Hans S. Hanson Hans S. Hanson was born February 14, 1856 in Telemarken, Norway to Mr.and Mrs. Svennung Hanson. He came to America in 1862 to Muskego,WI. In 1865 the family moved to Winneshiek Co. and when Hans was twelve years old, his mother died. He was confirmed by the Rev. V. Koren in Washington Prairie Church. His father came to Worth Co., Silver Lake Twp. where he married Katherine Sanden on December 31, l878. They had four children: Ida, Svennung, Erick and Katherine. Ida died in 1906. Hans purchased a farm in Silver Lake Twp. on July 4, 1883 where he lived until his death, except for four years spent at Mayville, ND. He sold part of the farm in 1915 and continued farming the remainder of the farm. In February of 1921 he sustained a serious injury from which he never fully recovered, but continued to farm until his death, with the aid of his sons. He died suddenly in Erick's car when the two of them were traveling to town for business. He leaves his family: a brother, E.S. Stensrud of Lake Mills, trwo sisters, Mrs. I.J. Dahl, Albert Lea and Mrs. J.T. Johnson, Dent, MN. The funeral was held at Somber Church, with the Rev. A.J. Torgerson in charge. Copyright (c) 2003 by Elaine Bergan (Note: Not necessarily related to the subject of this obituary.) This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. **************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES(tm) NOTICE: This document is the property of the contributor(s), who retains all publication rights, and while this document may be used by anyone for their personal research, it may not be used commercially or for profit. Other uses, including copying to other sites, requires permission from the contributor(s) PRIOR to uploading; and, this notice and submitter information must be included. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file, for free access, in perpetuity. ****************************************************************************