Wright County IA Archives Obituaries.....Howell, Frances 1960 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/iafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Karen E. Dau selway@localnet.com June 11, 2005, 3:31 pm Eagle Grove Times 1960 Services For Mrs. Howell Here Wednesday Final rites for Mrs. Frances Howell, 86, were held Wednesday morning in Sacred Heart Church at ten o’clock. Mrs. Howell died Sunday evening at her home, 502 East Broadway, following a long illness. She is survived by one [step]daughter, Mrs. Fred [Catharine] Weaverling of Mission, Kans., one [step]grand-daughter , Mrs. John Harvey of New York, N. Y., and one [step]great-grand-daughter. Among other survivors are two nieces, Mrs. Fred [Fannie Bandy] Cotton and Mrs. Frank [Vina Bandy] Hall of this city. The Rev. Maurice Mullan was celebrant at the requiem mass, and other clergymen in the sanctuary were Archbishop Leo Binz of Dubuque; Rev. Erwin H. Matte of Dubuque; Msgr. James Slowey, Clarion; Msgr. A. A. Halbach, Webster City; Rev. Thos. O’Toole, Corwith; Rev. Henry Nobish, Williams; Rev. Robert Ormsby, Belmond and Rev. Albert Manternach of Loras College, Dubuque. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. Mrs. Howell’s husband J. H. [John Henry] Howell was a pioneer Eagle Grove businessman and banker, and at the time of his death was president of the Security Savings Bank of this city. Her maiden name was Frances Ray, and she was born in Livermore, Nov. 4th, 1874. She came to Eagle Grove about 1900 to make her home with her sister the late Mrs. Wm. [Maggie] Boylson and daughters. She is the last surviving member of her family of four brothers and three sisters. Mrs. Howell was associated with many civic activities, and for many years was a member of the Public Library board. After her husband’s death she was named a member of the board of directors of the Security Savings bank, which office she resigned about two years ago. She had been a member of the Woman’s Club for more than 50 years, and had held all the offices of the club. At the time of her death she was an honorary member. During World War One she was an officer in the Eagle Grove Chapter of the Red Cross. The chapter maintained sewing and knitting rooms at that time and Mrs. Howell worked daily with the production and also in the canteen which served coffee to the troops going through the city on trains. She had a great interest in the progress of the Eagle Grove Country Club, and until some years ago was considered one of the top women golfers on the course. A long time member of Sacred Heart Guild and the Catholic Daughters of America, she took an active part with these groups until her health failed a few years ago. She was preceded in death by her husband [on Jan. 28, 1942], two [step]sons, Msgr. John W. Howell of Loras College, Dubuque and Carlisle Howell, also her parents [Daniel and Nancy Malvina (Franklin) Ray], four sisters [Lettie M. Vannatta, Cora A. Tucker, Maggie E. Boylson and Susie I. Dillon] and three brothers [Fred M., Charles D. and Allen B. Ray]. Out-of-town relatives here to attend the funeral services were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred [Catharine] Weaverling of Mission, Kan.; Mrs. John Harvey of New York, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Don Stedman of Fort Dodge; Mrs. Blake [Lurene Dillon] King of Iowa Falls and Charles Ray, Jr. of Moline, Ill. From the Eagle Grove Times, Eagle Grove, Wright Co. Iowa, Nov. 2, 1960 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/iafiles/ File size: 3.6 Kb